• last year
00:00 (laughing)
00:02 ♪ I'm a gummy bear ♪
00:07 ♪ I'm a gummy bear ♪
00:08 ♪ And I'm a gummy bear ♪
00:10 Oh, hey kids, I didn't see you there, sorry.
00:13 Welcome to art class.
00:14 I'm your teacher, Sir William Epps Thaxton, Esquire.
00:19 And today we're gonna make a cake
00:20 for my very good friend, Miss Booksy.
00:22 But I'm making a really big cake,
00:24 so the mixing bowl's not big enough.
00:25 I need this kind of big yellow bucket.
00:28 The first thing you need to make a cake is some flour.
00:31 So we got some flour, right?
00:33 Okay, put it in the mixing bowl.
00:35 A little bit of salt.
00:36 Don't forget to throw some over your shoulder for good luck.
00:39 We're just gonna put the whole thing in there.
00:40 I went into my sister's bedroom
00:42 and I pulled out her Barbie
00:43 because Barbies are really crucial in making a cake.
00:46 She's got a blue leotard on.
00:48 She's ready to do some aerobics.
00:50 ♪ Take off the body bands ♪
00:51 ♪ Take off the body bands ♪
00:52 I'm gonna save most of 'em for the cake,
00:54 but I'm gonna eat like two.
00:56 (kids cheering)
00:57 That's the limit.
00:58 That's how you keep your body strong.
00:59 Might be a little bit chilly tonight, you know,
01:01 when I'm walking the cake over to her classroom.
01:04 So I thought I'd put a hat on
01:06 and I thought I'd put a scarf.
01:08 I'll be good, be nice and warm
01:09 when I'm bringing it over to present her cake to her
01:12 and let her know that we're such good friends
01:15 and I think she's really great.
01:16 I'm a big fan of candy.
01:17 I love Twizzlers.
01:18 And a vampire or a walrus.
01:22 Put the hat in there.
01:23 Get the scarf in there, too.
01:25 I want her to know that I'm a really good swimmer,
01:27 so, 'cause I am a really good swimmer.
01:29 Make sure I have my floaties.
01:32 It's all going into the cake pile.
01:34 She loves the ocean.
01:35 It's her favorite place to go.
01:36 I think she told me that one time.
01:37 So I have a shell, right, and you can listen to it.
01:40 And it sounds like you're right there,
01:43 like you're at the ocean.
01:44 It's telling me to put it in the cake.
01:48 You got it.
01:49 I'm just doing what the shell wants me to do.
01:50 This is chili pepper.
01:52 (gagging)
01:55 Oh, it got in my mouth.
01:56 Put some glasses on, make sure Miss Booksy knows
01:58 that I'm really smart.
02:00 I cleaned up really nicely and put a nice white shirt on
02:03 and look really professional like an adult.
02:05 But I'm also mature, so I got my beard.
02:08 I want her to know how intelligent I am.
02:11 E equals MC squared.
02:14 Glasses, beard, that's how I know that.
02:17 Shake 'em out.
02:18 Shake 'em out, shake 'em all over the place.
02:20 Make sure you get it all over the room.
02:22 Make some get in the thing, but they don't have to all.
02:24 And I want Miss Booksy to know that I'm there
02:26 to protect her, I'm really strong.
02:28 So I brought this monster mask.
02:30 I'll put the monster mask on.
02:32 See, if we see any sort of monsters,
02:33 the monsters will think I'm a monster
02:34 and they'll be like, oh, that guy's a monster.
02:36 We'll leave him alone.
02:37 I wanna make sure how I look.
02:38 (screaming)
02:40 Okay, okay, that monster mask worked.
02:43 Gotta have money, I'll be stingy with it.
02:45 Probably just wanted to throw the whole thing in,
02:46 so that's what I'm gonna do.
02:47 We need something to bake the cake batter in,
02:49 so I brought an oven.
02:52 (clattering)
02:53 Uh-oh, things fell out of it.
02:55 (sizzling)
02:56 Huh, I gotta make sure it's stirred up properly,
02:59 so I got my big old stirring mop.
03:02 You guys know how to stir.
03:03 I've showed you how to stir before.
03:04 You gotta stir, stir it, yeah, stir the bucket.
03:09 Spin it a little bit and mash it, whoa!
03:11 That was some mighty fine stirring on my part.
03:14 Okay, so now everything's prepared,
03:16 so now what you gotta do is you gotta wait.
03:18 Waitin', waitin', waitin' for my cake to be ready.
03:21 ♪ And I'm a gummy bear ♪
03:23 ♪ And I'm a gummy bear ♪
03:25 (clock ticking)
03:28 Time's up, cake's ready!
03:31 And ta-da!
03:34 Now the most important thing when making a cake
03:37 is doing a taste test.
03:39 (slurping)
03:42 Oh man, it's perfect.
03:45 Miss Booksy's gonna love it.
03:47 That's all for our class today, kids.
03:49 Bye!
03:50 - Bye!
03:51 (slurping)
03:56 (clapping)
04:02 (laughing)
