Chocolate-Berry Ice Cream Cake Everyday Food with Sarah Carey

  • last year
00:00 Hello, how are you today?
00:06 Want a great dessert recipe?
00:07 I know you do.
00:08 I'm going to show you one right now.
00:10 It is a chocolate berry ice cream cake.
00:13 It's really quite spectacular.
00:14 So here's how you make it.
00:16 Start by making your cake batter.
00:18 So half a cup of flour.
00:19 Scoop and level.
00:21 That's the proper way to measure.
00:22 I have an oven preheated at 350 degrees.
00:26 Half a cup of sugar.
00:28 That goes in there too.
00:30 The chocolate in the cake is cocoa powder.
00:32 Quarter cup.
00:33 It's not very much, right?
00:34 This is actually a pretty thin layer of cake.
00:36 So half a teaspoon of baking soda.
00:38 Quarter teaspoon of baking powder.
00:39 And a quarter teaspoon of salt.
00:41 Don't forget to put salt in your baked goods.
00:43 Whisk together.
00:44 The great thing about this is no mixer required.
00:47 And then wet ingredients.
00:48 First, I want to do buttermilk.
00:50 Quarter cup and a quarter cup of warm water.
00:52 I'm just going to add it right into my buttermilk.
00:54 Two tablespoons of vegetable oil.
00:56 I like a safflower oil.
00:58 Everything nice and neutral.
00:59 Half a teaspoon of vanilla.
01:01 One egg yolk.
01:02 Not a whole egg.
01:03 I'm going to do it in my hand.
01:05 Voila!
01:06 See that?
01:07 Egg white went right through my fingers.
01:09 Thunk.
01:10 You do have to wash your hands after that, but no biggie.
01:15 And then you just whisk it all together.
01:17 This is our go-to cake batter.
01:19 Pretty much every kind of cake that we want that's chocolate.
01:21 And I think it's going to be yours after you taste it.
01:23 So spray a springform pan.
01:25 Let's just say eight inches with nonstick spray.
01:28 Scrape the batter into the prepared pan and bake it for 15 minutes or until the top springs
01:35 back when you press it lightly with your finger.
01:37 If your cake isn't done, then the whole thing will fall.
01:40 So wait at least 12 minutes to check.
01:43 So the cake has been cooling for an hour and a half.
01:46 First what I need to do is take the cake, release the pan, and line the edges with parchment
01:50 papers.
01:51 Line the parchment so that it comes a couple inches over the top of your pan and then surround
01:57 the edges with parchment.
01:58 This is just going to allow the cake to release really easily once it's done.
02:03 I'm going to soften my ice cream.
02:04 This ice cream has been sitting out so it's nice and soft, but I still need to mush it
02:08 around a little bit.
02:09 I know.
02:10 Here's an idea.
02:11 Use your scissors.
02:12 Cut it right out of the thing.
02:13 Makes it so much easier than scooping.
02:16 Yay!
02:18 Scooping is for suckers.
02:19 It's almost soft enough.
02:22 Once it's softened to a spreadable consistency, then you can add your one cup of frozen or
02:27 fresh blackberries.
02:29 The great thing about the frozen berries is that they don't pop and bleed all over the
02:32 place, so you get nice little pieces of frozen berry in your cake.
02:36 One fell in there.
02:37 That's okay.
02:38 Mix it together.
02:39 Now that it's combined, you can spread it straight into and on top of your chocolate
02:44 cake.
02:45 I'm going to spread it in an even layer over the cake, making sure to cover the whole thing,
02:50 and then into the freezer for about an hour and a half, approximately.
02:53 This is nice and cold now.
02:56 I have softened raspberry sorbet.
02:58 This is my alternate method for getting ice cream out of a pint container.
03:02 Works almost as well.
03:04 It's very, very elastic and nice.
03:07 And if it's the right texture, it'll smoothly go on just like icing.
03:12 So scrape it right on.
03:13 And also, it really, really helps if your first layer is really, really cold and really,
03:18 really frozen.
03:19 So make sure you don't rush it.
03:20 And then you can keep it in the freezer for up to a couple of days.
03:23 If you do want to keep it in the freezer for more than a couple hours, cover it with plastic
03:28 so it doesn't get any weird flavors.
03:31 So a couple more hours in the freezer, or up to overnight, or up to a couple of days.
03:37 And then you can release it, unwrap it, and it's kind of magnificent, don't you think?
03:42 Look at that.
03:44 It's really pretty.
03:45 It's really fun, and it's really easy to cut it.
03:47 You want to make sure that you have a nice hot knife.
03:49 So run it under hot water, and then make sure you dry it.
03:53 And then just slice into it.
03:54 The hot knife obviously helps cut through the cold ice cream with nice, clean slices.
03:59 And you get something really, really spectacular for very, very little work.
04:04 That cake batter, while it had a lot of ingredients, took about five minutes to make.
04:08 And then there's a little bit of layering, a little bit of mushing up ice cream, and
04:11 you're good to go.
04:12 So why don't you take five minutes out of your day, all right, 15 minutes out of your
04:16 day, make this spectacular dessert, and watch everybody swoon.
