• 2 years ago
00:00 Alright, so now that we've got our cakes baked, it's time to trim the top.
00:04 So what I'm going to do is I'm just going to go right through this cake, go easy.
00:10 It's important to level your cakes because you want it to be nice and even for when you
00:13 stack it up.
00:14 So I'm going to push this to the side.
00:16 So now that I've got my board, right, I'm going to put my cake on, start it here.
00:22 Now I'm going to fill it.
00:23 I'm going to put a nice thick filling in there.
00:27 Now that we have that, I'm going to take our knife and we're going to spread it out a little
00:32 bit.
00:33 When you're trying to spread the icing out, just try to push it with the tip nice and
00:38 easy back and forth.
00:40 Just use the tip.
00:41 Take that, we're going to flip that.
00:46 Now let me fill our top tier.
00:48 Bada bing, bada boom.
00:50 Alright, so now that we've got our cake filled, it's time to do the dirty ice, okay?
00:55 One of the important things to make a good cake decorator is a turntable.
01:00 And I love this one because at the end of the day, it's easy to use, it's durable.
01:05 It can be the turntable where you're using it to decorate your cake or you can lock it
01:08 and you can serve your cake right on it.
01:11 That's like having your cake and eating it too, huh?
01:14 Alright, now we're going to take our bag here and I'm just going to squeeze the icing around.
01:22 Squeezing the bag, it's a pressure control technique.
01:26 I wish I could tell you by watching this video, you're going to learn how to do it.
01:30 It takes time.
01:31 You have to do it a couple times.
01:33 But if you notice, I do not move my hand.
01:35 I just spin the turntable and put a little bit in the middle.
01:39 Now we're going to take our bow knife or spatula, you might call it at home, and we are going
01:43 to ice this baby up.
01:45 Turntable's going to do all the work.
01:47 Look, gently use the spatula.
01:50 Talk to it.
01:51 Caress it.
01:52 Say, "Hey, my friend."
01:53 Nice and easy.
01:55 Do the top first.
01:57 Come to the sides.
01:58 Again, slowly and gently.
02:01 Breathe deep.
02:02 It's like cake yoga, okay?
02:05 Well, let me tell you something.
02:06 It's harder to ice this cake perfectly smooth than it is to cover this cake in fondant.
02:12 That I can promise you.
02:13 We're going to get to that in a minute.
02:14 The other trick that I tell people all the time, people say, "This fondant tastes good."
02:19 Well, I have about a quarter of an inch thick of icing around it.
02:24 The icing is kind of like the glue, which is going to make the fondant stick.
02:28 We want to go with thick, thick icing, thin, thin fondant.
02:32 It does not affect the taste of the cake at all.
02:35 Right now, I have a little poster board.
02:38 Smooth it out.
02:39 I'm going to pull in the top.
02:41 What we're looking for now is to be nice and level.
02:45 We put fondant, we're not going to have a problem.
02:47 Now we're going to refrigerate this.
02:48 Then we're going to come back and do the fondant.
02:51 So now that I got my cakes in the fridge and my fondant ready, I am going to roll out my
02:56 fondant.
02:57 I like rolling it out with cornstarch.
02:59 Could you use powdered sugar?
03:00 Absolutely.
03:01 And what's great about what I'm going to do now is my fondant rolling pin.
03:05 This is a non-stick polyurethane rolling pin.
03:09 And it comes with different size little rubber rollers here.
03:14 And you stick this on.
03:15 You know that blue is always for cake coverage.
03:18 It's going to make the fondant an eighth of an inch thick.
03:21 This tool really, really helps you.
03:24 For those of you who don't know what fondant is, it's kind of like sugar play-doh.
03:27 And it really takes your cake decorating up to a whole other level.
03:32 See so I got this all nice and even.
03:34 You can even look down and see that the rollers are touching the table.
03:39 Just like that.
03:40 Perfect.
03:41 Just lift it off the table.
03:42 Make sure it's good.
03:43 So now that we got our cake ready, what we're going to do is we're going to take our fondant
03:47 and we're going to pour it right over the cake like that.
03:51 Take our smoother.
03:53 Always smooth out the top first.
03:55 Nice and nice.
03:56 And we're going to just kind of like pull and crease at the same time.
04:01 You don't want to pull down too much because then it'll rip.
04:04 The other trick is when you're first using fondant, fill your cake layers thinner.
04:09 The thinner the cake, the easier it is to cover.
04:12 The taller it is, the harder it is.
04:15 So for the beginners out there, you should definitely be trying to do a thin cake.
04:21 Probably like about three inches tall.
04:23 This here is about four and a half.
04:26 But hey, I'm the cake boss.
04:27 I can do that.
04:28 You know what I'm saying?
04:29 So now that we got this nice and smooth, I'm going to stack it up and I'm going to show
04:34 you my little salute to Canada because we love you.
