Make a Smoking Volcano Cake Dinosaur Hawaiian Party A Cupcake Addiction How To Tutorial

  • last year
00:00 And welcome to Cupcake Addiction's Volcano Cake Tutorial where I'll be showing you how
00:08 to make this great smoking volcano cake using your giant cupcake mold.
00:13 If you follow my channel, My Cupcake Addiction, you'll know that I love to show you how to
00:16 make not only giant cupcakes but heaps of different things using your giant cupcake
00:21 mold.
00:22 I'm a big fan of many uses for the one pan.
00:25 So tools and equipment that we will be using today, mine's going to be for a dinosaur party
00:29 so I've actually made mine as part of a great big dinosaur volcano cupcake tower.
00:34 So I've got some little plastic dinosaurs.
00:36 Now I picked these up in a pack.
00:38 They came with all of these trees and it's a really common playset for children.
00:42 In Australia, I bought mine at Kmart for $15 and for $15, I got, I think, 200 pieces and
00:48 more than I could ever use.
00:50 So the birthday boy is going to get a lot of extras when we're finished with this cake.
00:54 I've got myself a square cake board.
00:57 I'll leave details of the size of this cake board.
01:00 And look, it's really going to depend on how many dinosaurs and how much of a setting you
01:03 want to put around it.
01:04 I've iced mine with a bit of green icing, so some green fondant.
01:08 And I do have a whole tutorial on my channel that shows you how to ice and fondant a board.
01:13 So I'll leave a link to that in the description box below.
01:15 And I've just got mine on a little cake decorating turntable today for ease.
01:18 I've got my giant cupcake which has been baked.
01:21 We do have a whole series on how to get your giant cupcake all baked and out of its little
01:26 cupcake liner.
01:27 I've used a mud cake today because I want a really heavy-duty cake for this volcano.
01:32 We're going to be coring out the center of it.
01:34 If you use something like a mud, it's quite a dense cake and it's going to hold its shape
01:38 a lot better than if you use, say, a sponge.
01:41 I've got those on a cooling rack.
01:42 And I've got a couple of trays.
01:44 Now this is just going to be to catch a bit of our mess today.
01:46 I've got a circular cookie cutter.
01:49 I've got some of our dark chocolate ganache.
01:50 And I've also got some white chocolate ganache.
01:53 I will leave all of the ingredients for these recipes in the description box below.
01:56 We have a whole tutorial for the dark chocolate ganache.
01:59 For the white chocolate ganache, I've made the recipe as per the instructions below.
02:03 Then I've halved it and I've colored half red and half orange.
02:07 You can use any food coloring you like.
02:09 It can be liquid, paste, gel, powder.
02:11 It really doesn't matter for ganache.
02:14 I've got a small serrated edge knife.
02:16 I've got a big serrated edge knife or a bread knife.
02:19 I've got just a smooth edge or butter knife.
02:21 I've got some scissors.
02:22 I've got a couple of zip lock bags.
02:25 And for a smoke effect, I've got just a little plastic shot glass.
02:28 You can also use a little candle votive or anything, glass, plastic, it doesn't matter.
02:33 And I've got just a little new medicine dropper.
02:36 These are only about a dollar for us down at the local pharmacy.
02:39 You're also going to need a little bit of dried ice.
02:42 Now initially I thought dried ice, "Oh, what a pain.
02:44 Where am I going to find it from?"
02:45 I got dried ice pellets for $8 a kilo which is so much more than I'm ever going to use.
02:51 It lasts for a few days so long as you keep it airtight.
02:54 Doesn't need to be stored in the freezer so long as it's in an airtight container.
02:58 And it gives us that brilliant smoky effect.
03:00 So let's get started.
03:01 Now the first thing that we want to do is we want to carve up our giant cupcake.
03:05 So you can see there's going to be quite a bit of mess.
03:08 We'll pull our rack out here and pop it off to the side.
03:11 I want to try and catch some of my mess so there's not as much cleaning up for me to
03:14 do as we get through this tutorial.
03:17 So you want to make sure that you've got a nice flat bottom on the base of your cupcake.
03:21 You can see there as it's risen, it's actually been drying on its base or cooling on its
03:25 head I guess.
03:26 So it's flattened down quite a bit.
03:28 But you really want to cut it along, sort of along this line with the ripples because
03:32 you want that to be the base.
03:33 So I might go just a touch underneath that.
03:35 We'll have a little bit of a ganache circle.
03:38 So as I cut that, I'm actually going to turn the cupcake around.
03:41 And that will give me a really nice even cut, fingers crossed.
03:46 And look, for your volcano, it doesn't matter if it's not 100% even or 100% level because
03:52 it's a volcano, it's a mountain.
03:54 So it's not technically supposed to be perfect.
03:57 I'm just going to do just a little bit there that I need to trim off.
04:01 And there's my nice flat base ready to go.
04:05 Turn that over.
04:06 So you're looking at the bottom half of your volcano.
04:09 We'll pop that just down there.
04:11 This is going to go with some of my leftover ganaches for dinosaur cake pops to go with
04:15 my extravagant dinosaur dessert table for my son's birthday.
04:20 So you want your top here.
04:21 Now you're going to take the top and I'm going to cut along.
04:24 So I'm holding it here but you'll notice I'm not actually at risk of cutting myself.
04:28 I'm just going to hold it because I'm holding underneath where the knife is going.
04:32 And once again, I'm turning.
04:33 You'll see how beautifully the mud cake cuts in comparison to, say, a sponge cake.
04:39 Alright, so now you want to just position that on top.
04:43 And what you can see there is a little bit of overhang.
04:46 So it's kind of looking a little bit like a mushroom now.
04:49 We want to trim that overhang off.
04:51 But be warned, this little bit of overhang can be a little bit crumbly because it's quite
04:56 firm because of the different cooking spray and the cooking oil that we've used.
05:01 So I like to get my smaller serrated edge knife.
05:05 The other thing we want to do is we want to cut off these little ridges that are common
05:08 with the giant cupcake cases.
05:09 So to begin with, I'm just going to run my knife around, being really careful not to
05:13 cut yourself there.
05:14 I'm just going to run my knife around and just smooth them out.
05:18 It's just going to look a little bit unusual if you've got a big volcano that's got kind
05:22 of these perfect circular ridges in the top.
05:24 So you don't have to be perfect about getting them out.
05:27 So once you've gone around your first layer, just position it on top.
05:31 So you've got there sort of nicely sized.
05:33 The only thing that I do want to do is just grade down that edge a little bit because
05:36 it's just looking a little bit like it kind of drops down a bit too neatly there.
05:40 So leaving that on top of that giant cupcake, I'll pop it back in my tray just so that I
05:45 can once again store the mess.
05:47 I'm just going to go around it like this, just by eye, and just shave it down.
05:57 Alright, now for our volcano, we want to take the top off.
06:05 So I'm just going to cut straight across the top.
06:07 Have a look at your circle cutter.
06:09 And once again, this might change depending on how big you want your volcano, I guess,
06:14 hole to be.
06:15 But I don't want to take too much off the top there because I do want to try and retain
06:19 a nice top to my volcano.
06:20 So that's about the same size as my circle cutter.
06:23 You want to go a little bit bigger because you need that flat ridge to come out about
06:27 a centimeter all the way around your circle cutter.
06:30 So I'm going to just go down another centimeter and cut again.
06:34 You can see how many cake pops we're going to get out of all this cut off.
06:39 That is perfect.
06:40 So this is going to be where our lava sits and it's all going to come over the top of
06:43 our volcano.
06:44 We'll just do a little bit of a tidy up and we'll come back and we're ready to get decorating.
06:49 Alright, so we've cleaned up a lot of that mess.
06:53 Now take your nice neat top and make sure that you sit it down.
06:56 I'm just going to sit it behind me exactly in the same direction because we've trimmed
07:00 it pretty well perfectly to size.
07:02 So you don't want to be turning it around here.
07:04 Take your circle cookie cutter and right in the middle there, push down.
07:11 Leave it sticking out just about a millimeter, so just a fraction, fraction of an inch, and
07:16 give it a twist.
07:17 Now this is the great thing again about mud cake.
07:19 As you twist it, you can actually see that cake is now twisting in that little core and
07:24 pull it out.
07:25 You don't want to go all the way to the bottom of the cake.
07:27 This is going to be where our hidden lava is.
07:30 So when they actually cut the cake, lava is going to flow out of the center of the cake
07:34 which is going to be visually spectacular.
07:36 But you don't want to cut all the way down to the bottom or your lava is going to seep
07:39 out underneath your giant cupcake.
07:40 So you really need that cake there to catch it.
07:44 So now for the top cake, once again in the middle, you just want to push that cookie
07:49 cutter through.
07:50 And I'm going to push that all the way down because that's quite a thin piece.
07:54 Lift it up and push all the way through.
07:57 So you can see there I'm actually pushing all the way through.
08:02 And then we'll push that cookie cutter out.
08:05 So take your knife.
08:07 We're going to take a little bit of that chocolate ganache and just moisten the top here with
08:13 a little bit of ganache.
08:14 It's just going to be a delicious glue.
08:20 And then we'll stick our volcano top back on.
08:25 Perfect.
08:27 Now we can see a volcano starting.
08:30 Now what you want to do here, and it does get a little bit messy, hence the tray and
08:33 the cooling rack underneath, is we're just going to scoop this ganache on and just cover
08:37 the outside of this volcano.
08:39 You could leave it raw like that.
08:41 It still does look very volcano-like.
08:43 But you don't want to expose your cake to the air.
08:45 It's going to dry out really quickly.
08:46 So this ganache is going to seal that cake and make sure that it's going to last a couple
08:50 of days so you don't have to be frantically making it on the morning of your child's party.
08:54 So you can see there I'm just going to use my knife and I'm just going to start at the
08:58 top and just almost just let it fall down or drizzle down.
09:03 Don't worry too much about the rim of the volcano because that's going to have a lava
09:08 ganache on it anyway.
09:09 And I'm just going to smooth it over until I've covered the whole thing.
09:13 Alright, so you've got your volcano there and that ganache is still really wet and quite
09:18 sticky.
09:19 So if you'd leave that for an hour or so, that ganache is going to start to firm up.
09:22 And when you do actually serve this cake, it's not going to be that wet and sticky.
09:26 It's going to be quite firm.
09:27 It will actually almost solidify a little bit around the outside of that cake.
09:31 So it's time now to apply our cake to our board.
09:35 So we want to take our cake board.
09:37 You want to take just a little bit of chocolate ganache.
09:40 And this is going to glue the cake to the board.
09:42 Pop it in the center.
09:45 And then using that knife, we're going to lift the cake off the tray using the knife.
09:51 You can also use a pallet knife or...
09:53 Actually I might even use my bread knife for this just because it's a little bit longer.
09:57 So I'm just going to slide it underneath the cake.
10:00 Once again, my cake, a lot more stable than if it was a sponge.
10:04 And don't worry if you're moving a little bit of that ganache around.
10:07 I'm actually going to stabilize it by just putting my fingers in the lava hole, transferring
10:15 it.
10:16 I'm going to take my other knife and I'm just going to push that up against the cake as
10:19 I pull this knife out.
10:21 Beautiful!
10:22 A seamless transfer.
10:26 So we're ready.
10:27 We're getting to the pointy end of our volcano tutorial now.
10:30 You can see it's really starting to take shape.
10:32 So what you want to do here is take your ziploc bags and we're going to put some of our red
10:36 and some of our orange ganache in each one.
10:38 So one's going to have red and one's going to have orange.
10:46 Make sure that you let any air out of that bag before you seal it up.
10:49 Alright, so from up here, you can probably guess what we're going to do.
10:53 We want to just cut the corner off your ziploc bag.
10:58 Just make sure that you're not doing it over the cake.
11:00 Just cut off a corner.
11:01 It doesn't have to be particularly fine.
11:02 I'm going to cut off quite a chunky corner there.
11:05 Make sure you know where your little piece of plastic has gone and pick it up as soon
11:08 as you can.
11:09 You do not want to risk that plastic going into one of the cakes that you're making or
11:13 any part of the cake you're making, especially not when it's a kid's cake.
11:18 Actually when it's anyone's cake.
11:20 Same again with the orange.
11:22 Alright, now for the lava, I like to hold them both together and spin as I'm going.
11:32 And then turn them around.
11:36 Beautiful.
11:38 Once you get to about that full, so about 2/3 of the way full, take your toothpick.
11:42 And remember, we want this to be visually spectacular when we cut it.
11:47 Take your toothpick and just give it a little, kind of a little stir.
11:50 Don't stir it so much that you combine the 2 colors.
11:52 You really just want to marble them.
11:55 Now, what I would suggest here is keeping some of that ganache and applying these last
12:01 little bits just before the party.
12:03 So if you're going to make the cake the day before, make it to this stage the day before.
12:07 And then you can add all of your little figurines and all the other bits and pieces and then
12:10 leave it.
12:12 Just before you're going to bring the cake out for the party, before your guests are
12:14 going to arrive, come in and finish filling and do your final effects so that it looks
12:18 like really nice fresh lava.
12:21 And that way, particularly if you're going to do the dried ice technique, that way your
12:24 ganache is going to be really really nice and easy for you to put your shot glass into.
12:29 So I'm going to serve this cake on the day and I'm not going to put my dried ice and
12:33 my shot glass in until we're ready to serve and sing Happy Birthday.
12:37 The cake's going to look absolutely gorgeous.
12:39 Then what I want to...
12:40 I guess it's going to look a little bit different once we put that shot glass in.
12:43 There's going to be, obviously, a shot glass sitting in the top of it.
12:46 So I'll take the cake away, put in the dried ice, bring it back, smoking, candles in it,
12:51 singing Happy Birthday, and everyone will be amazed.
12:55 To finish this cake off, I will finish it off for you today.
13:00 So what we're going to do is taking your...
13:03 Actually I might use the orange ganache first.
13:05 I always prefer to have more of the red than the orange.
13:08 I think that lava is typically more red than orange.
13:11 So I'm just going to take it and add over the side.
13:16 Nice big globs of lava going out over the side all the way around.
13:23 Now taking your red...
13:28 And this is...
13:29 It really does start to get messy.
13:30 Like I said, I like to have a little bit more of the red.
13:33 So taking your red over, sort of in those gaps.
13:38 And don't be afraid to kind of go over and then over a bit again so that you get that
13:42 really nice dribbly effect.
13:44 I will also mention with this, you don't want your ganache to come all the way up to the
13:48 top of that cake.
13:49 You don't want your ganache to come all the way up to the top of that crater.
13:53 You want it to be just below when it's all finished.
13:55 And if you can, you really...
13:56 You want it to be sort of pooling at the bottom of the volcano there.
14:00 It just adds a really nice effect to it.
14:02 So if you're finding that your ganache anywhere is not going all the way down, you need a
14:05 few more kind of bits of it around the bottom, just do a nice big thick blob on top and it
14:10 will just naturally kind of ooze down that way.
14:13 Now take your toothpick again and give it a little stir.
14:18 And then you just want to just push some out over the top.
14:22 So you kind of almost have to...
14:24 A spoon probably would have been a little bit better here.
14:27 But just push it out over the top and just give it a really nice big marbled glob over
14:35 the front there.
14:38 Stir it around.
14:39 Make sure that you've got that marbled effect happening.
14:41 So I think I need just a touch more orange in there.
14:43 Just put a little blob of orange on top and give it a little swirl.
14:49 Alright, so to stick down our dinosaurs, I'm going to use that ganache as just a glue.
14:55 You can also use melted chocolate depending on how far you want to transport that.
14:58 But this ganache is going to set quite nicely anyway.
15:01 So I'm going to take my trees first and I'm just going to put a little bit of any colored
15:06 ganache on them.
15:07 It doesn't really matter.
15:09 And I'm just going to place them around my volcano.
15:15 So at this stage, if you have perhaps spilled any little bits of crumbs or you've got any
15:19 mess on your board, this is a great, great way to cover it up.
15:23 Add in a few trees and add in a few dinosaurs.
15:26 And anywhere that's not perfect suddenly becomes perfect.
15:29 With your dinosaurs, just put a tiny little bit of ganache on each of their feet.
15:36 You really don't need much.
15:37 And they're going to come off the board really easily.
15:39 If you use ganache, you'll just be able to pick them up.
15:41 If you use chocolate, they will kind of require a little bit of prompting to get them up off
15:47 the board.
15:48 Stegosaurus.
15:49 Alright, so I'm happy that's all looking pretty dinosaur-y.
16:08 Now, it's time for our finale.
16:10 I've got here my dried ice.
16:13 So I'm going to take that dried ice and I'm going to submerge it into that nice melted
16:19 lava.
16:21 Just push it down.
16:23 So you want to push it down.
16:25 And you can see why here I decided not to do this, like at the very, very beginning when
16:30 the cake first goes out.
16:31 Because you can actually tell there's a bit of a shot glass in the middle with dried ice
16:34 in it.
16:35 So it's not ideal for the whole day but certainly for the main event.
16:39 So I've got some hot water.
16:40 Just tap hot water.
16:42 And I've also got my little medicine dropper.
16:44 And you just want to take 4 or 5, just depending on the size of your medicine dropper, 4 or
16:50 5 to that warm water and pop it in there.
16:56 And there goes your smoking volcano.
17:00 So there you've got your fantastic smoking volcano.
17:04 I hope that you've enjoyed watching this tutorial as much as I've enjoyed making it for you
17:08 today.
17:09 And make sure that you head on over to our channel for lots more great dinosaur tutorials.
17:13 Thanks very much for watching.
