How to bake a blue velvet Super Bowl cake

  • last year
00:00 Hello there! I'm Michelle and today we are going to make a blue velvet cake in honor
00:08 of the upcoming Super Bowl, Super Bowl XLIX. And I'm a Pats fan so we're going blue. I'm
00:15 debating coloring the frosting red just to make it a little bit more obvious because
00:22 Seattle uses blue too so that's a little bit annoying. But I'll show you today how to make
00:27 the blue velvet cake. This recipe calls for cake flour. So cake flour is plain old all
00:33 purpose flour with cornstarch. So for every one cup of flour you take out two tablespoons
00:40 of the flour and then add two tablespoons of cornstarch. So I already have my two and
00:45 a half cups of cake flour ready. And so normally it asks you to sift the flour and dry ingredients
00:52 together in a separate bowl but I don't want to waste another container so I'll just do
00:56 it all in here.
00:57 [music]
00:58 (upbeat music)
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02:09 - I'm trying to get better at measuring out my vanilla
02:11 because normally I just wing it
02:12 and then I find myself running out of vanilla really quickly
02:15 because I love it so much.
02:16 So because this is blue velvet,
02:22 now we're gonna add in our blue dyes
02:25 before we add in the dry ingredients.
02:27 So the Patriots are a pretty dark blue for coloring.
02:30 So the Royal Blue may not be dark enough.
02:33 So I have a little bit of black
02:36 and a little bit of violet to add,
02:37 but I'm kind of winging it at first
02:39 and I'll see how I feel about the color.
02:41 So food coloring paste is the way to go.
02:47 To get bright, vibrant colors,
02:49 the paste is super concentrated.
02:51 When you're using the liquids, you have to add a lot more
02:55 and then it often can change the consistency
02:57 of what you're making
02:58 because you end up adding like a teaspoon of stuff.
03:00 With this, you'll see just kind of as a little dot
03:02 to bring a lot of color in.
03:05 (mixer whirring)
03:07 (upbeat music)
03:20 I like where this is right now
03:30 and I'm going to add the flour mixture
03:33 because it does have cocoa.
03:34 So that will help get it a little bit darker too.
03:37 And then of course we'll bake up darker.
03:40 (upbeat music)
03:43 I like to smack all the bubbles out
04:00 so we get a nice level cake.
04:04 Now we'll spend a little bit over a half an hour in the oven
04:07 and then we'll see how the color turns out.
04:10 (upbeat music)
04:12 Two moldy looking cakes that are quite blue on the inside.
04:32 (upbeat music)
04:34 So now I'm going to frost the cake.
04:36 The best thing about fondant is because
04:39 it doesn't need to look pretty
04:40 'cause it's going to get covered with that even sheet.
04:43 We can go sloppy with it.
04:45 So because I want this to be a reveal cake
04:48 so that when you cut it open,
04:50 you know that the Patriots are going to win a Super Bowl
04:53 just like at those baby showers
04:54 where you cut it open, it's pink, it's a girl.
04:56 That's what we're going for here.
04:57 So you cut the cake open
04:59 and then people at the party will know
05:01 who the winner's going to be.
05:03 So the cake's blue
05:04 and this middle frosting here will be red.
05:07 And so also because the fondant's going to cover it up nicely
05:13 I'm going to kind of cut a piece open
05:16 once I've added the red in the middle
05:18 just so you can see what the blue looks like with the red
05:21 and then I'll smooth it out with the frosting
05:23 and then the fondant will cover it at all.
05:25 So, can't even tell.
05:28 (upbeat music)
05:30 (upbeat music)
05:33 Come on top of it to make sure
05:38 you've centered the cakes to each other
05:41 and I'll just cut it a little bit
05:43 so you can see the blue and then it's not mold screen.
05:46 (upbeat music)
05:49 So, there we go.
05:55 So I'm just going to slide this back in
06:00 and then we'll frost right over it
06:02 and then the fondant will cover that.
06:04 So I like to come super sloppy on top
06:13 and then pull it down for the sides.
06:15 (upbeat music)
06:19 When you go too thick with the frosting
06:29 when you're using fondant
06:30 a lot of it just seeps out the sides anyways.
06:33 So some of our red's coming out and that's totally fine.
06:37 Again, the beauty of fondant.
06:40 (upbeat music)
06:42 And that should be great.
06:51 The fondant will cover it beautifully.
06:53 (upbeat music)
06:56 (upbeat music)
