Simple Sponge Cake Recipe - Detailed & EZ to follow !

  • last year
00:00 Today I'm making a super simple sponge cake and here are the ingredients that we need.
00:15 Six eggs, one cup of sugar, one cup of flour, a quarter teaspoon of salt and one teaspoon
00:22 of vanilla.
00:23 So those are the ingredients so let's get started.
00:26 Alright the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to start breaking up my eggs.
00:31 And for this recipe I have left my eggs out, they've been out for about three hours.
00:37 I want to make sure that they're at room temperature because this is going to ensure that we get
00:41 maximum volume out of the eggs when I start mixing them together in the blender.
00:47 So I'm going to continue breaking these and I'll be back.
01:02 And our last egg.
01:06 So there we have our six eggs and those are at room temperature.
01:11 Alright our next step is to get all of our eggs into our KitchenAid bowl here.
01:19 And what we're going to do is we're going to blend these up at high speed for about
01:23 five to six minutes.
01:25 Now my eggs are at room temperature which is going to help getting a really nice volume
01:31 out of these eggs.
01:32 So I'm going to get these going.
01:43 And at this point now I'm just going to add in my cup of sugar.
01:49 Alright.
01:50 And so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to get the machine going and I'm going to
01:57 go for a good five minutes.
01:59 I really want to get a lot of volume out of these eggs.
02:02 So now we've been going two minutes.
02:11 Alright so that's been about five minutes.
02:21 At this point right now I'm just going to toss in my salt and my vanilla.
02:40 Okay beautiful.
02:41 So we're ready to go.
02:45 I'd like you to have your oven already preheated to 350 degrees.
02:52 What I have here is a spring form pan.
02:55 This is a nine inch pan.
02:57 And I have a little piece of parchment paper in there.
03:00 Now what we're going to do is we're going to gently get our flour into this mixture.
03:06 So I'm going to grab a little sifter here.
03:09 I'm going to get the flour in there.
03:12 I'm just going to shake it gently on there.
03:17 And then what I'm going to do is I'm going to gently fold it and then we're going to
03:20 get this right into the oven.
03:23 We do not want this to deflate.
03:25 I'm just going to try to stay on camera here.
03:30 You do not want to over mix this because after you add in the flour, if you try mixing this,
03:37 you're actually going to deflate the whole volume here.
03:43 So I'm going to gently fold this.
03:45 And you can see how fluffy this is.
03:48 There are several different ways of doing this.
03:50 You can do the whole egg method like this or you can separate your whites and your yolks
03:57 and do it that way.
03:59 But this is why I like this recipe because it's just easy.
04:03 So I'm just going to continue doing this until it's all blended in nicely.
04:11 Alright that looks really good right now.
04:14 We can still see that there's a lot of volume in here.
04:18 So I'm going to grab my springform pan and I'm going to get the mixture in here.
04:29 So we've got our oven heated to 350 degrees and we're going to bake this.
04:36 It could take from 30 minutes, 35 minutes, around something around there.
04:45 I'll just get all of my mixture out.
04:56 There we go.
04:59 And then what you can do is you can just give it a little shake.
05:05 We don't want to deflate it but we just want to get the air bubbles out.
05:11 Just like that.
05:13 And that is ready for the oven.
05:15 So I'm going to pop that in the oven and I'll be back when it's baked.
05:24 Alright our sponge cake has completely cooled and what I'm going to do is I'm just going
05:28 to pop open the springform pan.
05:32 I'm going to grab a knife and I'm just going to try to break it away from the side here.
05:46 Don't worry about the edges because I'm going to be making another cake with this and I'm
05:53 going to be using, I'm going to be trimming the edges off.
05:56 I'm going to get all of this like this and just try to get around here and loosen it.
06:02 There we go.
06:05 Open that right up and we'll just slip this right off and there we go.
06:14 And now you can see the beauty of this cake.
06:17 Look at how well that has just risen right up with all of those eggs.
06:22 We'll gently flip it over, remove the bottom here and then you can just remove the parchment.
06:29 Just like that and there you go.
06:32 This is a very very light and fluffy cake.
06:35 There we go.
06:38 Beautiful.
06:39 So what I'm going to be doing, in another video I'm going to make something with this.
06:44 So for this video, this is it right now.
06:47 I'm going to trim this up and we're going to do something with nice strawberries and
06:52 cream in my next video.
06:54 So that's it.
06:55 That's my simple sponge cake.
06:57 Right after this you're going to see a link and we're going to jump right into making
07:00 a beautiful cake with strawberries and cream.
07:03 So I'll see you in a minute.
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07:08 Go to for all of your beading supply needs!
07:09 Go to for all of your beading supply needs!
07:10 Go to for all of your beading supply needs!
07:11 Go to for all of your beading supply needs!
07:11 Go to for all of your beading supply needs!
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07:13 Go to for all of your beading supply needs!
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07:14 Go to for all of your beading supply needs!
07:15 Go to for all of your beading supply needs!
07:16 Go to for all of your beading supply needs!
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07:18 Go to for all of your beading supply needs!
07:19 Go to for all of your beading supply needs!
07:19 Go to for all of your beading supply needs!
07:20 Go to for all of your beading supply needs!
07:21 Go to for all of your beading supply needs!
07:22 Go to for all of your beading supply needs!
07:22 Go to for all of your beading supply needs!
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07:24 Go to for all of your beading supply needs!
07:25 Go to for all of your beading supply needs!
07:25 Go to for all of your beading supply needs!
07:26 Go to for all of your beading supply needs!
07:27 Go to for all of your beading supply needs!
07:28 Go to for all of your beading supply needs!
07:28 Go to for all of your beading supply needs!
07:29 Go to for all of your beading supply needs!
07:30 Go to for all of your beading supply needs!
07:31 Go to for all of your beading supply needs!
