How to Make a Doll Shower

  • last year
00:00 I am going to make a shower for a doll using the box that came in, a plastic hanger, scrap
00:21 looking paper in different colors, buttons, and fabric, and ribbon.
00:26 For a smaller doll, I would probably use a shoe box or a decorative photo storage box.
00:34 I cut a piece of material that's a little longer than my box and twice as wide.
00:38 I fold the sides over twice, iron them flat, and run a straight stitch along the edge.
00:44 I'm going to do the same thing to the top, only this time I'm going to make the second
00:47 fold a little bit wider.
00:49 Sew on ribbon to decorate it if you like, and the shower curtain is done.
00:53 Cut a piece of a plastic hanger that's the same width as your box.
00:57 Carefully remove the top of your box.
01:00 I cut my scrapbook paper into squares.
01:03 Since the outside of my box is still clean, I'm just going to use the scrapbook paper
01:06 to tile the inside.
01:08 I begin gluing the squares to the inside.
01:10 I use ribbon as a border to clean up my top and bottom edge.
01:14 I cut off the rounded end of a hanger on an angle, glue it to a button.
01:19 I trim the top curve until I get the angle that I like, and then glue on a large round
01:24 button.
01:25 Glue it to the top to be your shower head.
01:27 Glue together buttons, beads, and crystal jewels to make the knob.
01:31 Glue a silver button to the bottom as a drain.
01:34 Slide the shower curtain onto the rod.
01:37 I glued buttons to the sides and glued the rod to the button.
01:41 I cut off the top of the hanger, cut it to the size I need, glue together a few buttons,
01:49 glue the hanger to the buttons, glue it to the side of my box.
01:53 I used a cut piece of fleece and some ribbons to make towels.
01:57 I cut a corner piece of cardboard with a rounded edge.
02:00 I glue scrapbook paper on top and a ribbon along the edge and glue it into the corner
02:05 of my box.
02:06 Use a cut piece of foam for soap to make a hook.
02:09 I cut off the hook from a hanger, glued it to a button, and added a jewel.
02:14 And you're done.
02:15 Happy crafting!
02:53 Shh.
03:19 Do you like to take photos of your doll crafts?
03:21 Well, yeah.
03:22 Who doesn't?
03:22 Did you know you can share them with us on Facebook for a chance
03:25 to be in one of our videos?
03:26 Just submit your photo in the same place that you would leave a comment.
03:30 You can even Photoshop your own website onto the picture.
03:33 It's like getting free advertising for you.
03:36 See you on the next video.
03:40 In this little bathroom, we're using a candle holder as a waste paper basket.
03:49 Then I made this toilet paper holder using
03:51 some more cut pieces of that hanger, and I glued it to a bottle cap.
03:55 Then I took a small piece of toilet paper roll, cut it down to size,
03:59 and then wrapped it with some fleece to make the toilet paper.
04:02 For the toilet, we're using a can-do container,
04:05 which is like a wipes container.
04:08 And then we just put a little cut piece of scrapbook paper
04:10 above it as a picture.
04:12 I made a small little fuzzy rug to go in front of the shower.
04:17 That fur was not fun.
04:19 It was like everywhere and all over the house.
04:22 So just warning you, that fur gets kind of messy.
04:27 And now that our shower's all done, you can take a look inside.
04:29 So I just pulled back the curtain, and you see the little soap dispenser--
04:33 or I mean the soap holder that we made over here, little soap shelf.
04:37 I don't know, whatever you call it.
04:38 Anyway, it's got the little piece of soap on there.
04:41 And then here is the little crystal knob, which I think is so adorable.
04:44 And then we have our shower head up at the top.
04:47 And I even thought about getting some--
04:49 you know, that cellophane-looking ribbon, and then
04:52 gluing the streamers to the top and letting it hang down
04:55 so that it would look like water when your doll is in there.
04:57 So I thought that might be a good idea to do in the future.
05:00 And when I turn it to the side, you can see the little hook that we made.
05:03 So if your doll has a robe, that would be a great place
05:06 to hang the robe when she's not using it.
05:08 And then I put a little picture at the top
05:10 because I thought that would just be extra fun.
05:12 So that is our little bathroom for now.
05:15 And until we add on more--
05:17 Shh.
05:18 I am so bored.
05:20 Wait a second.
05:21 I'll be right back.
05:22 Look what I found.
05:33 Is that-- is that the time machine?
05:35 Uh-huh.
05:36 We are not getting in that thing.
05:38 Do you not remember what it does?
05:40 You said you were bored.
05:42 But Chloe, I was turned into a horse.
05:45 I like horses.
05:46 Oh, come on.
05:48 Think of it as an adventure.
05:50 Well, fine.
05:52 Make some room.
05:53 But if I come back as a squirrel or something,
05:55 you're so going to get it.
05:56 Everything will be fine.
05:57 Now this is what I'm talking about.
06:07 Told you it wasn't so bad.
06:09 Now, time to go.
06:11 But-- but wait.
06:13 Come on, Sophie.
06:16 Shh.
06:18 Unfortunately, Sophie and Chloe's joints
06:20 are becoming a little too loose.
06:22 They can't hold up anything anymore,
06:24 and it's making filming a little difficult.
06:26 So they're about to go through a little operation
06:29 and get the body of a Liv doll.
06:31 So the operation was a success, and both dolls
06:34 are recovering nicely.
06:35 And I think they're a little bit more proportionate than they
06:37 were before.
06:38 The neck is a little shorter, but I
06:40 can live with that because it looks a little bit more
06:41 realistic.
06:42 And they've got all the pluses of a Liv doll,
06:45 where they can, you know, touch their head
06:47 and do all the wonderful things that Liv dolls can do.
06:49 So I am very, very happy with our little transformation.
06:54 Shh.
06:58 Whew.
06:59 Well, that was a bumpy ride.
07:01 Never again will I allow you to put me in this thing.
07:06 But it was fun.
07:08 But wait a minute, Chloe.
07:09 I think we're shorter.
07:11 Eh, just a couple of inches.
07:13 No big deal.
07:15 No big deal?
07:17 But I'm shorter.
07:18 Shh.
07:20 Chloe, this is so cool.
07:22 Look at what I can do.
07:23 Sophie, are you playing with your feet?
07:31 Yeah, but isn't it so cool?
07:34 Ugh.
07:36 Let's do the shout out.
07:37 OK.
07:39 We want to give a shout out to--
07:41 Hannah Ambrosino.
07:42 What's up?
07:46 All right, Chloe, look at my feet.
07:47 I'm not looking at your feet.
07:50 Oh, come on.
07:51 It's cool.
07:52 Disgusting.
