• 2 years ago
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00:00 [applause]
00:03 [speaking in Serbian]
00:06 [speaking in Serbian]
00:09 [indistinct chatter]
00:12 >> Last instructions by the referee,
00:14 Antonio Grigorov, 10-rounder,
00:16 super middleweight division
00:17 for the Bulgarian National Professional Boxing Championships.
00:21 [crowd chanting]
00:23 With the white gloves, Vladimir Georgiev.
00:26 With the black gloves, Zdravko Popov.
00:29 [indistinct chatter]
00:32 >> It's time for action.
00:37 As usual, Zdravko Popov is starting
00:39 with his outpost stance.
00:41 [indistinct chatter]
00:42 Both guys know pretty well each other.
00:47 They have a lot of sparring together.
00:49 Right straight to the head of Zdravko Popov.
00:52 [indistinct chatter]
00:54 It's pretty interesting that both fighters
00:56 are trained with the opponents
01:00 from the main event fight tonight.
01:02 Zdravko Popov went in a camp with Grigor Sarukhanyan
01:05 while Vladimir Georgiev made some exciting
01:09 10-round sparrings with Borislav Velev.
01:13 [indistinct chatter]
01:16 They know each other pretty well.
01:23 [crowd chanting]
01:25 >> Pretty awesome atmosphere in the hall.
01:30 The fans are split between Zdravko Popov
01:32 and Vladimir Georgiev.
01:36 [indistinct chatter]
01:38 Jab by Vladimir Georgiev.
01:40 Another nice shot by Georgiev.
01:43 [crowd chanting]
01:45 Right straight to the head of Zdravko Popov,
01:47 who is missing with the body shot.
01:51 [indistinct chatter]
01:53 With the body shot.
01:55 [crowd chanting]
01:57 Oh, right to the body of Zdravko Popov.
02:00 [crowd chanting]
02:02 Pretty good start by Vladimir Georgiev.
02:18 He's scoring his punches while Zdravko Popov is missing.
02:22 One of the problems that Zdravko Popov could have
02:26 is his inexperience in long matches.
02:30 Vladimir Georgiev already fought two 8-rounders.
02:34 Oh, right hook that missed the target.
02:37 [indistinct chatter]
02:39 Good movement by Vladimir Georgiev.
02:47 On the back foot.
02:49 [indistinct chatter]
02:52 45 seconds until the end of the first round.
02:57 [indistinct chatter]
02:59 Dangerous right hook.
03:01 [crowd chanting]
03:03 Left hook by Vladimir Georgiev.
03:08 [crowd chanting]
03:10 Zdravko Popov needs to rise the volume of his punches
03:15 because so far he's outboxed by Vladimir Georgiev.
03:19 [crowd chanting]
03:21 Once again, weight of the jab.
03:34 Vladimir Georgiev managed to keep the distance.
03:37 [crowd cheering]
03:45 Evgeny Genov needs to fix a bit the game of Zdravko Popov.
03:50 The most important thing is the distance
03:53 and, of course, the punches that Zdravko Popov is trying to land
04:00 on the head or the body of Vladimir Georgiev.
04:04 [crowd cheering]
04:06 There is always some pressure in such fights
04:14 and Vladimir Georgiev is having a small advantage
04:19 because of his experience in small rounds.
04:24 He was in foreign territory not once, not twice,
04:28 but three times in his career.
04:31 You may see the fans who came mainly for the fight
04:35 between Grigor Sarukhanyan and Boris Ravvalev,
04:38 but this fight for the Bulgarian national title
04:41 is also bringing a lot of attention.
04:44 Kaloyan Dimov, one of the best Bulgarian fighters
04:47 who is now turned coach of a former Bulgarian national team member
04:52 and many times national champion,
04:55 is in the corner of Vladimir Georgiev.
04:58 Zdravko Popov is going to work a bit more in this fight
05:09 if he wants the title right to the body of Vladimir Georgiev.
05:16 A lot of words have been thrown between them
05:28 and the gloves are off-program.
05:37 Right straight that landed on the guard
05:40 and the jab of Georgiev is doing a great job.
05:43 This right hook could be the key punch of Zdravko Popov.
05:47 The right jab to the head and to the body.
05:58 Zdravko Popov is looking a little bit better
06:01 compared to the first round.
06:03 Oh, right hook behind the head.
06:07 This is the best shot from Zdravko Popov
06:10 since the start of the fight.
06:13 We are going to see the difference between those two fighters.
06:26 Who is better prepared for the later rounds?
06:34 Who is going to bring a bit of advantage from the early rounds?
06:39 Those are questions that Vladimir Georgiev and Zdravko Popov are going to answer.
06:44 Good movement by Vladimir Georgiev.
06:54 Good right uppercut but the punch went to the elbow of Zdravko Popov.
07:01 Oh, good left straight and another one in the body.
07:06 Georgiev is returning a shot to the body.
07:09 He is trying to keep the center of the ring.
07:13 Big misses by both guys.
07:15 And 30 seconds on the clock before the end of the round number two.
07:20 Another miss by Zdravko Popov but with the right hand
07:29 he managed to score.
07:32 Vladimir Georgiev is trying to mix the body and the head work.
07:43 Oh, right hook then a left uppercut to the body.
07:47 Nice combo by Zdravko Popov.
07:49 And the second round will be for Zdravko Popov.
07:54 Now it's time for Georgiev's corner to work a bit more,
07:59 to motivate the fighter and to correct the mistakes that he made several times.
08:05 In that second round Zdravko Popov managed to score with his backhand.
08:11 The left straight to the head or to the body.
08:14 And the second round will be for Zdravko Popov.
08:17 Zdravko Popov managed to score with his backhand.
08:23 And also a very painful uppercut to the body.
08:27 Here comes the right hook by Zdravko Popov.
08:30 Very unusual situation for both fighters.
08:37 They were thinking that the fight is going to start later.
08:41 So they were called to rush up with their warm up
08:45 and the preparation, the wrap up of the hands.
08:48 It's time for the third round.
08:55 We are still at the beginning of this fight.
08:58 And we saw the tempo rise up mainly by Zdravko Popov in the second round.
09:11 Let's see what will bring the third one.
09:15 Nice jab by Zdravko Popov.
09:17 In the first round Vladimir Georgiev was feeling pretty well from the long stance.
09:29 But right now Zdravko Popov is starting to take advantage.
09:37 Long range perfect body shot by Georgiev.
09:43 Oh, pretty nice exchange.
09:53 Right hook by Georgiev first and then powerful right hook by Zdravko Popov.
09:59 A little breeze on the right part of the head of Vladimir Georgiev.
10:09 Zdravko Popov is feeling comfortable standing on one place but the right hand is caught into the head.
10:27 Good shot by Vladimir Georgiev. Perfect jab by Zdravko Popov.
10:36 Right hook. Super power by Zdravko Popov.
10:42 For third or fourth time Popov managed to catch Vladimir Georgiev.
10:48 Georgiev should pay attention attacking with his jab because he is quite open for the right hook.
10:59 Now right to the body of Vladimir Georgiev and Zdravko Popov is starting
11:05 to show how diverse he could be with his shot selection.
11:11 Left hook and right to the body.
11:17 A good double shot combo by Vladimir Georgiev.
11:20 40 seconds until the end of the round.
11:24 This is a tactical warfare. Who is going to make the bigger mistake?
11:30 This round is going for Zdravko Popov.
11:37 He managed to score some good shots.
11:40 He is going to make a mistake.
11:43 This round is going for Zdravko Popov.
11:50 He managed to score some good shots.
11:53 Started well and now finishing well with left to the body.
11:58 Right hook to the head of Zdravko Popov.
12:01 The best shot of Vladimir Georgiev so far.
12:04 A lot of power.
12:06 But if that shot will be enough.
12:11 Very very close fight. All the three rounds are...
12:15 Well...
12:18 Rounds that could be cut right into the middle of the scale for the fighters.
12:25 Only Evgenia Petrova, the supervisor of that fight, knows how the bout is going.
12:41 From round to round we see improvement from both fighters.
12:46 And of the fight.
12:49 The pace is not so high so far.
12:56 Both guys know that this is a long fight.
13:03 And they are ready to fight.
13:06 Both guys know that this is a long journey until they are reaching the final tenth round.
13:16 Now round number four.
13:18 With the guy who fought on Boxer Tournament versus Zdravko Popov.
13:26 The dude who beat Italian legend Giuseppe Uari a few years ago.
13:30 And now he's trying to restart his career after long recovery from an arm injury.
13:39 Both guys are trying to use their jabs.
13:57 To establish their comfort zone for a secondary attack with a powerful backhand.
14:04 Left to the head and right hook to the head.
14:09 Good job by Zdravko Popov.
14:12 Perfect defense by Popov.
14:19 He's trying to bring the action close to Zdravko Popov.
14:24 But it's not easy.
14:26 Right hook. Good job by Vladimir Georgiev.
14:30 Left-right combo missed by Georgiev.
14:41 But then with the right uppercut to the body landed.
14:45 Oh, left hook to the head of Vladimir Georgiev.
14:48 Something happens. Awful. Something happens I think with the knee, the right knee of Vladimir Georgiev.
14:56 I hope he's okay.
14:58 But now this is a chance for Zdravko Popov.
15:01 Yeah, the right leg of Vladimir Georgiev is not stable.
15:09 Still one minute to go.
15:11 Left to the head of Vladimir Georgiev.
15:17 This is a caution to Vladimir Georgiev.
15:22 To raise his head.
15:25 Right hook to the head of Georgiev.
15:31 Right straight was the answer of Georgiev but not so precise shot.
15:36 Oh, to land something powerful.
15:39 This is the best round so far.
15:46 Let's enter the heavy artillery.
15:49 Zdravko Popov missed those shots but Vladimir Georgiev wasn't ready for a counterattack.
16:01 Right hook to the head of Zdravko Popov.
16:06 And this is the end of the round.
16:08 Yeah, Vladimir Georgiev is not moving very well.
16:15 I hope that everything will be okay with Vladimir Georgiev.
16:23 Very nice clear shots by Zdravko Popov in the fourth round.
16:33 A round that is probably going for him.
16:36 Vladimir Georgiev also managed to catch with some shot his opponent.
16:41 Yeah, here is the problem.
16:47 Something happened with the knee of Vladimir Georgiev.
16:51 But he managed to recover.
16:55 Look at that hook.
17:04 Ladies and gentlemen, the result of the fourth round.
17:07 The score is 38-40.
17:11 Zdravko Popov, the score is 39-39.
17:16 The score is 38-39.
17:19 Zdravko Popov.
17:21 We've got an open scoring for this fight.
17:24 One of the judges gave it a draw 38-38.
17:28 The second judge 40-38 for Zdravko Popov.
17:31 And the third one 39-38 for Zdravko Popov.
17:34 So Popov is leading and he is opening the fifth round with a power shot.
17:49 Vladimir Georgiev once again is trying to push the tempo.
17:54 But Zdravko Popov is moving smartly.
17:58 Good backhand to the body.
18:01 And now a light hook.
18:04 Nice shot by Vladimir Georgiev who is trying a right overhand.
18:07 Something different from the shots that we saw so far from him.
18:12 Everything is ok.
18:15 Nice body movement by Zdravko Popov.
18:23 A few moments ago.
18:26 Vladimir Georgiev once again is trying to stand at the center of the ring.
18:30 A left hook to the head of Zdravko Popov.
18:33 And he is trying to get a right overhand.
18:36 Vladimir Georgiev once again is trying to stand at the center of the ring.
18:41 A left hook to the head of Zdravko Popov.
18:44 Awesome exchange.
18:51 Right hook that landed on the head of Zdravko Popov.
18:54 Left to the body.
18:56 Oh right hook that went behind the head.
18:59 Awesome fight so far.
19:04 Both guys are trying to prove who is the best Bulgarian boxer at super middleweight.
19:08 And the prize will be the championship belt.
19:12 Left straight versus right hook.
19:15 Zdravko Popov is keeping his hands down which is pretty dangerous.
19:19 Against a fighter like Vladimir Georgiev.
19:24 One minute to go. Left hook and right hook to the head of Zdravko Popov.
19:31 Oh right hook. Perfect shot by Zdravko Popov.
19:34 But once again Vladimir Georgiev is trying to find another shot after the storm of combinations by...
19:43 Two proud fighters ready for the fight of their life.
19:57 Right hook and right straight by Vladimir Georgiev.
20:01 Good round by Georgiev who was more consistent.
20:06 Some heavy breathing by Zdravko Popov.
20:09 Left to the body and left to the head.
20:12 Last seconds.
20:20 Left hook to the head of Zdravko Popov.
20:23 He is starting to struggle with the breathing.
20:27 Good round for Vladimir Georgiev and in my thought he is back in the game.
20:32 3-2 round for Zdravko Popov.
20:35 And probably he is going to impress the judges.
20:38 Very very interesting fight so far.
20:41 It's pretty equal one.
20:45 And we are entering to the second part of the fight.
20:52 Who is having better stamina.
20:55 Look at those exchanges.
20:59 The guys are ready.
21:03 For the most important part of this fight.
21:08 Look at those misses. So much power.
21:21 Well...
21:23 It's time for action. 16 seconds are gone.
21:27 Very fast.
21:30 Huge respect between both fighters.
21:34 In the ring we've got some problem.
21:37 With the timekeeper.
21:43 Round number 6.
21:48 Few more seconds added to the rest period.
21:52 Perfect jab by Zdravko Popov.
22:06 He count several times with his leading hand of Vladimir Georgiev.
22:10 Right hook.
22:12 Oh... I think a part of the glove.
22:18 Caused some problems with the eye of Zdravko Popov.
22:21 The punch didn't land with the punching area.
22:27 It wasn't intentional.
22:34 So an apology from Vladimir Georgiev.
22:38 Right left by Zdravko Popov.
22:40 Right hook.
22:43 Good shot by Georgiev.
22:46 Amazing left hook scored by Zdravko Popov.
22:49 But he received a right straight to the head.
22:52 Good work by Vladimir Georgiev.
22:55 A headbutt. Zdravko Popov isn't happy by that.
23:01 But Popov knows that the style of Vladimir Georgiev is very sleek.
23:07 Left straight to the head. Left hook.
23:10 And then a right hook.
23:13 And then a right hook.
23:15 Uppercut to the body of Popov but that missed. Left hook.
23:22 Good job by Georgiev.
23:24 So many close rounds and this one is the same.
23:30 Vladimir Georgiev is more aggressive.
23:33 Left hook that missed. Zdravko Popov once again with hands down.
23:36 Which is a bit risky. Right straight versus a left hook.
23:41 Perfect body shot. And left hook to the head. Another left hook.
23:45 Great moments by Zdravko Popov who scored a right hook to the head.
23:49 Uppercut versus right hook.
23:53 This is an awesome round.
23:56 Left hook before that. A right straight by Vladimir Georgiev.
24:00 Such a close round.
24:02 Perfect shot by Zdravko Popov. He caught Vladimir Georgiev now.
24:10 Zdravko Popov received a warning.
24:13 Also one for Vladimir Georgiev.
24:16 Their heads are pretty low.
24:18 Perfect left jab by Georgiev.
24:37 Will the judges award a more aggressive fighter?
24:41 Right hook to the head.
24:53 Very important last seconds of the round.
25:01 Everything is so close.
25:04 The head of Zdravko Popov went down.
25:06 And he receives another warning.
25:09 Final 10 seconds. Right to the body.
25:12 And once again Georgiev is finishing strong.
25:16 And this could help him to get this round.
25:20 And he is part of the scoreboard.
25:27 We've got 4 more rounds to go.
25:33 Zdravko Popov seems fresher in the first minute.
25:45 Minute and a half of each round.
25:48 But after that Georgiev continues to push the tempo.
25:54 An exchange. Good job by Zdravko Popov.
26:03 And we are starting round number 7.
26:07 Another right-left combo by Zdravko Popov.
26:31 Both guys are trying to force the opponent to come to him.
26:36 Left hook, then a right hook.
26:38 Great shot by Georgiev.
26:41 Then a right to the body.
26:43 Right hook.
26:58 Zdravko Popov is pacing.
27:01 His shots are not so active.
27:04 And this could cause him a problem in the long term.
27:07 He needs to start using more of his combos, his shots.
27:14 Because otherwise Vladimir Georgiev is going to look better
27:19 in those pretty important moments of that fight.
27:22 Here comes the jab of Zdravko Popov.
27:26 Nice one. Scored.
27:28 The second one missed.
27:30 Right hook and left which went behind the head of Zdravko Popov.
27:35 Perfect right by Georgiev.
27:40 But Zdravko Popov right away returned a good shot.
27:43 The movement could be a key in this fight.
27:51 Two perfect shots.
27:53 Blood from the nose and mouth of Zdravko Popov.
27:56 Very good left to the body.
27:59 And then left to the head.
28:03 Georgiev is forcing his powerful right hook.
28:06 This one landed.
28:09 A punch behind the head.
28:11 Uppercut which is not correct.
28:20 Those guys are giving everything that they have.
28:23 Left hook and what levels.
28:26 Oh right hook then a left hook.
28:28 Once again the hands are down.
28:30 And again and again of the coach Zdravko Popov taught him
28:33 to not put down his guard by Vladimir Georgiev.
28:39 Left hook. Problems by...
28:42 Problems for Vladimir Georgiev.
28:46 Oh this was a low shot.
28:50 Landed in the nuts. Awful.
28:54 Awful shot for the first time in that fight.
29:06 A low blow.
29:08 We don't have a lot of time until the end of this round but
29:14 Zdravko Popov is having all the time in the world to recover.
29:18 Heel jumps. The perfect match scene for that problem.
29:28 It's time for the last seconds.
29:35 Another apology by Vladimir Georgiev and Zdravko Popov
29:38 was having time to recover.
29:41 Great reaction by the audience who appreciate the quality of the fight.
29:46 Oh exchange of left hooks.
29:49 This is the end of the 7th round.
29:56 So close.
29:58 Once again Zdravko Popov started strongly but
30:01 in the second part of the round Vladimir Georgiev made...
30:07 The fight looks like going his way.
30:11 Ladies and gentlemen.
30:16 Nothing is still decided. We've got 3 more rounds to go.
30:21 How much energy both guys saved for the decisive part of this fight.
30:33 9 competitive minutes that are going to decide who will be
30:38 the Bulgarian champion at Super Middleweight division.
30:41 A win in this fight is going to open a lot of doors for
30:46 international fights for both guys.
30:49 8th round.
30:52 Left hook without much power then followed by a right hook
30:59 from Vladimir Georgiev.
31:03 Once again Zdravko Popov is waiting a lot.
31:07 Now Zdravko Popov is in new waters.
31:22 He never been in this round.
31:25 Antoniuk Grigorov the best Bulgarian professional boxing referee
31:31 warns both fighters to keep it clean.
31:34 Good shot by Zdravko Popov. Left straight.
31:37 Right to the body of Zdravko Popov. Left hook.
31:49 Good answer then a right hook.
31:51 Nice. Left straight. Another one.
31:57 Good shot by Zdravko Popov.
31:59 Vladimir Georgiev is trying to answer and he did it.
32:02 With 3 punches to land it in the head and in the body of Zdravko Popov.
32:08 Left hook. Good shot by Zdravko Popov.
32:16 This one went to the elbow of Popov.
32:19 Vladimir Georgiev is missing twice.
32:22 So much energy is burnt with those attacks but Zdravko Popov
32:26 is unable to answer.
32:29 Right to the head of Zdravko Popov.
32:35 And once again like the previous 2 or 3 rounds
32:41 Vladimir Georgiev is continuing to push the pace.
32:45 A warning for Zdravko Popov for lowering his head
32:49 up to the body of Zdravko Popov.
32:53 Left hook. And uppercut. Another left hook.
32:56 Zdravko Popov answered with a body shot.
32:59 Right hook to the head of Zdravko Popov.
33:02 Right straight. Good job by Vladimir Georgiev.
33:05 Another 2 shots. Left hook.
33:08 Problems for Zdravko Popov.
33:11 The most critical moment in the fight for Zdravko Popov so far.
33:15 30 seconds. Oh. A head clash.
33:19 Popov needs to max something special
33:22 in those last seconds for this round
33:25 in order to win a 10th in the Jiu-Jitsu scorecard.
33:28 Another left hook by Vladimir Georgiev.
33:31 Vladimir Georgiev seems way better prepared
33:40 with his conditioning.
33:43 Left hook. And the gumshoot went down.
33:47 The gumshoot of Zdravko Popov.
33:53 Some precious moments for Popov to catch some breath.
33:57 But this will be another round for Vladimir Georgiev.
34:02 Maybe the best round so far in the match for Georgiev.
34:05 And the head shot.
34:11 The head shot for Georgiev.
34:14 Eye wink from Georgiev. He knows that Popov is in
34:20 problem zone and he's having big troubles.
34:26 5 rounds to 3 in my card for Vladimir Georgiev.
34:36 But once again we've got at least
34:40 two rounds which were amazingly close.
34:43 So nothing is still decided.
34:46 You see brutal body exchange by both guys.
34:52 In the last 90 seconds Zdravko Popov received a lot of punches
34:59 and he was unable to answer back.
35:02 Let's see if he will manage to return.
35:06 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
35:09 In the judges score cards.
35:15 One point for Vladimir Georgiev.
35:18 And one point for Zdravko Popov.
35:21 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
35:24 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
35:27 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
35:30 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
35:33 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
35:36 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
35:39 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
35:42 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
35:45 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
35:48 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
35:51 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
35:54 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
35:57 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
36:00 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
36:03 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
36:06 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
36:09 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
36:12 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
36:15 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
36:18 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
36:21 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
36:24 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
36:27 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
36:30 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
36:33 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
36:36 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
36:39 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
36:42 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
36:45 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
36:48 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
36:51 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
36:54 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
36:57 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
37:00 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
37:03 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
37:06 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
37:09 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
37:12 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
37:15 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
37:18 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
37:21 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
37:24 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
37:27 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
37:30 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
37:33 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
37:36 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
37:39 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
37:42 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
37:45 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
37:48 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
37:51 And now we may see a little advantage for Vladimir Georgiev.
37:54 Shows that he once again is having problems with the energy.
37:58 Another bad shot for Vladimir Georgiev behind the head.
38:02 Good combo by Zhabkov.
38:13 But Georgiev shot him right hook against left hook.
38:17 For the second time.
38:23 The match is over.
38:25 Zhabkov went down.
38:28 Applause for both fighters.
38:30 They deserve that.
38:31 Superb match.
38:32 One of the best matches in Bulgaria in the last 10 years.
38:36 If not the best one, oh...
38:39 The round is not over, darling.
38:42 Please come back a few seconds later.
38:45 Zhabkov jumps for an exchange.
38:49 And this round once again should be for Vladimir Georgiev.
38:54 Who leads, I think, in the judges' scorecards and in my cards as well.
39:00 This is a world devotion.
39:13 Maringer wanted to be in time.
39:17 Not to miss a single second to show that it's time for the last 10th round.
39:22 Zhabkov is paying the price for jumping directly to a 10-rounder.
39:42 Missing 8-round fights.
39:45 And in fact, he never hit a lot of 6-rounders as well.
39:51 The last one was against Giuseppe Bauri.
39:55 Final 3 minutes.
39:56 The fans appreciated what they saw so far.
40:03 Zhabkov is having a chance to turn this fight right to the head.
40:08 Oh... Power shots by both guys.
40:12 No stopped action since the 3rd or maybe 4th round.
40:20 Right straight by Vladimir Georgiev.
40:27 The fighter who had an amazing story.
40:31 He started his pro career in UK, but returned in his homeland, Bulgaria.
40:36 The jab of Vladimir Georgiev is working well now.
40:39 Zhabkov with left straight.
40:41 Oh, right hook to the head of Vladimir Georgiev, who is missing.
40:45 First 2 shots, but the 3rd one landed on the head.
40:48 Another nice exchange.
40:54 And the judges are saying that it's time for the last 10th round.
41:00 And the judges are saying that it's time for the last 10th round.
41:03 Another nice exchange.
41:06 And this time there could be an official warning.
41:10 No, this is the last warning.
41:13 There won't be an official one.
41:18 Usually a fighter who is tired is trying to win some time.
41:22 With the gum shield.
41:27 But will that help Zhabkov to put off 1.5 minutes
41:31 until the end of this amazing Bulgarian Championship title fight?
41:36 Right to the head of Zhabkov to put off Vladimir Georgiev.
41:41 What an energy is having the veteran, 32 years old,
41:45 former participant at Boxing Tournament,
41:47 former opponent of Zagchani.
41:49 Right hook and this should be a knockdown.
41:52 Yeah, this is a knockdown.
41:54 Right hook, the knockdown that could decide this fight.
41:57 Zhabkov needs to risk everything.
42:00 He seems ok.
42:02 And now it's time for him to give everything if he wants to win the fight.
42:09 Zhabkov put off.
42:16 Receives a left hook.
42:19 Vladimir Georgiev is trying to hurt additionally.
42:25 Zhabkov put off another right hook.
42:28 Oh, left straight to the head of Vladimir Georgiev.
42:31 Right hook.
42:32 Great job by Georgiev.
42:34 Uppercut attempt by Zhabkov who is a warrior and he won't stop.
42:40 Another warning for Vladimir Georgiev.
42:45 Who is going forward, forward and forward.
42:50 He wants that win so much.
42:56 Zhabkov put off.
42:58 He's having just a few seconds.
42:59 Left hook, another left hook.
43:01 Oh, double combo by Zhabkov put off.
43:04 Left hook and a right hook.
43:06 Amazing exchanges.
43:07 This is the fight of the year in Bulgarian martial arts.
43:11 Superb 10th round.
43:13 The round, maybe the best round of the history of Bulgarian boxing.
43:18 Listen to the crowd.
43:21 And this is the end of the fight.
43:23 Wow, standing ovation by everyone in the gym.
43:27 Two warriors who gave it all.
43:32 But with this knockdown, the fight shows.
43:35 Those guys, they were friends, they trained together.
43:39 And they decided to enter in the ring for an amazing fight.
43:48 Well, I'm sure everybody would like to see a rematch for this one.
43:54 This is the best fight of Vladimir Georgiev's career.
44:04 He was having some problems earlier in the fight when the pace wasn't so high.
44:10 When Zhabkov managed to score some nice powerful shots with his left hand.
44:15 But after the 5th round, Vladimir Georgiev started to dominate in this fight.
44:22 And the knockdown sealed the deal for him.
44:27 Zhabkov seems very disappointed.
44:31 But once again, he struggled in the last 2 or 3 years with the hand injury.
44:38 He was even close to retire because of that injury.
44:44 The surgery didn't help too much.
44:46 Huge respect by the coaches.
44:49 This is the spirit of big boxing.
44:54 Sportsmanship.
44:57 97-94 for Vladimir Georgiev, the first judge.
45:11 98-96 for Vladimir Georgiev, the second judge.
45:18 97-93 for Vladimir Georgiev, the winner.
45:23 And the champion of Bulgaria in the super middleweight division.
45:27 Vladimir Georgiev!
45:40 Here in the ring, the fighters are fighting with the president of Max.
