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00:00 (gunshots)
00:02 (grunting)
00:11 Man, that gun is so fun, guys.
00:18 You know what, I can't wait.
00:19 I can't wait to die to the drum shotgun a thousand times!
00:22 I will say what I want.
00:26 Don't, no, no, no, I'm not gonna edit myself.
00:28 I don't edit myself.
00:29 I'll say what I want.
00:31 But what I wanna say is not evil or controversial.
00:35 If you're gonna play like that,
00:38 you better have shockwaves to finish the job,
00:40 because if that guy had shockwaves
00:41 after he railed me like that from behind,
00:44 I'm gonna slurp, right?
00:44 I'm popping the slurp, and this dude misses.
00:47 (gunshots)
00:49 (dramatic music)
00:53 (dramatic music)
00:56 (gunshots)
00:58 (gunshots)
01:00 (gunshots)
01:03 (gunshots)
01:06 (gunshots)
01:08 (gunshots)
01:15 (gunshots)
01:24 (gunshots)
01:34 (gunshots)
01:36 - Gotcha.
01:37 (dog barks)
01:39 (gunshots)
01:40 - Ah, hello?
01:41 I think I won.
01:44 Oh, I did not.
01:45 (gunshots)
01:47 Nice shot.
01:58 I didn't think he'd know that.
01:59 Well played.
02:00 First of them two, and his shots were not bad at all.
02:03 (computer beeps)
02:06 (yells)
02:08 And then I gotta scroll up and see how many...
02:11 Oh my God.
02:15 (gunshots)
02:32 Is this attacking me?
02:33 Get off me.
02:34 Ow!
02:35 Is that a thermal fish?
02:48 It is.
02:49 (grunts)
03:02 (gunshots)
03:04 Man, that gun is so fun, guys.
03:08 You know what?
03:09 I can't wait.
03:10 I can't wait to die to the drum shotgun a thousand times!
03:13 The most talentless gun on the planet.
03:15 Yeah, man.
03:18 I hate...
03:19 I mean, I'm not gonna dread on it.
03:20 I'm not gonna try to keep the energy up.
03:23 - I'm trying to keep it positive.
03:25 - Dude.
03:26 Come on, man.
03:29 Be smart enough to add like shotguns or something.
03:31 Dude, even if I had impulses, I'm okay.
03:33 I'm not kidding.
03:34 If I have to carry like six impulses...
03:35 - Yeah, you can do a lot with an impulse into a slide.
03:38 - Now removed.
03:40 You know, we have soaring sprints.
03:41 But now, yeah, there's...
03:44 Look at that.
03:47 Imagine driving a car in this.
03:48 - Steering's a little loose!
03:54 - I'm about to take a shallow fall damage, but whatever.
03:59 - A hired insight.
04:00 - So much pain!
04:03 - I don't even know where I am.
04:04 There's just people everywhere.
04:06 I'm just dead.
04:07 I don't know what to say.
04:16 I don't know what to do.
04:17 (gunshots)
04:19 - Oh my God.
04:35 - He's got a drum.
04:45 - Hey, two drums, man!
04:47 (cheering)
04:49 - He's just taking the L and then dies.
04:51 - The games I watched, I don't think it was like that big.
04:59 - Hey, what you doing, motherfucker?
05:02 - This one?
05:03 - All the messages I get about people who are like,
05:11 "I know your brother is the weirdest one to get."
05:13 Or people who are like, "I've played Halo with your brother."
05:16 Probably that's a weird law.
05:17 - Eliminate enemy player.
05:25 - This guy's pretty close.
05:29 Oh, this guy's been stream sniping us.
05:31 - Where's that Road?
05:37 - Dude, I hit this guy's Raptor from that distance.
05:43 I almost got him.
05:44 - Oh, his team is AFK.
05:45 - Who is?
05:51 He was this way and I've been following the whole time.
05:54 Oh, one more.
05:55 Yep.
05:56 Love me.
05:57 - Don't go up the zip line.
06:06 He's down.
06:07 - I got you.
06:08 - I'm gonna see Ted.
06:15 - Let's make it weird for those of us who want to win.
06:18 - He's gotta be in this building, right?
06:20 I hear him, I hear him.
06:22 In underneath my building.
06:23 He's opening and looting chests.
06:25 Dude, this guy is such a rat.
06:35 - Hey, I got him, bro.
06:39 Hello?
06:40 - Want your money?
06:45 - He's all the way.
06:46 He's got a Med-Mist too.
06:49 I got him.
06:50 - I'm getting held from the hill.
06:57 - I hit one for 74.
06:58 I'm trying to get at you.
07:04 - Yeah, you got five seconds to make it.
07:13 - And they left completely.
07:15 - It's like the NFL.
07:18 - Hold true, I got a whole arc around me.
07:21 I'm good, I'm good.
07:22 I just drove away.
07:23 I can't see you.
07:25 - Come up, up.
07:26 I got two.
07:28 - Okay.
07:33 - Above you, above you.
07:34 35, 16.
07:36 - Stop right there, criminal scum.
07:38 - I just killed this whole team.
07:41 - Just one shot on the ground.
07:44 - I got him.
07:44 - He's got a drop on me.
07:48 Oh, and it's AI.
07:48 - They already held.
07:52 - They all fired AI?
07:53 - They're on us, man.
07:54 Why's this AI pissed?
07:57 - 'Cause I shot him, dude.
07:59 I don't know what's real or not, bro.
08:02 - I got a heal on.
08:03 - Watch out, watch out, watch out, watch out.
08:04 Absolute, absolute, absolute, absolute.
08:06 And I'm getting pushed by his other teammates.
08:09 - No shot, I just die here?
08:12 - He doesn't know where you are.
08:13 He thinks you're in his building.
08:14 He's trapped himself.
08:15 - No shot.
08:16 - Let's play your life, Cypher.
08:18 He's pushing you now?
08:19 - I already had two on me.
08:21 - Dude, what the (beep) is this?
08:21 - As soon as you get pushed,
08:22 like, you just can't do anything.
08:24 - You can't move.
08:26 - And I hate to say this,
08:28 because gassing up a season is only good for the streamer.
08:31 This (beep) sucks.
08:33 - Cypher, Cypher, this is my all-time
08:35 favorite scan of thoughts, turn.
08:36 - Hell yeah, dude.
08:39 - Yeah, especially my favorite icon scan, if I can pick one.
08:43 There's not really a lot of good ones out there
08:45 that I can think of.
08:46 - I take back what I said.
08:50 - There is no way we can play without mobility.
08:52 - I take back what I said.
08:53 Do you remember what I said?
08:54 You probably didn't.
08:54 I don't even think we were together.
08:55 I was just soloing.
08:57 I was just gassing up Fortnite.
08:58 I was like, dude, the last five seasons, four seasons, bro,
09:01 they've had shockwaves, they've had shockwave hammer,
09:03 then they've added a katana,
09:05 and they have all these air balloons.
09:08 The mobility is just out of this world.
09:10 They're going crazy with mobility.
09:11 They're absolutely killing it.
09:12 They get it, they figured it out.
09:13 They know that mobility needs to be in the game.
09:16 I'm like, Fortnite hasn't missed in a long time.
09:18 Brand new season comes out.
09:20 All there are is cars and Raptors.
09:23 - Oh, I ate him.
09:30 - Oh, leave me alone.
09:34 I can't sprint.
09:35 It's not letting me sprint.
09:37 I have a slap juice, why can't I sprint?
09:41 - He's getting so mad, bro.
09:43 - Why can't I sprint?
09:44 I have slap juice activated.
09:46 - I love you guys so much.
09:47 Like, seriously, thanks for the opportunity,
09:48 but this season sucks.
09:50 I'm going to do a barbecue shooting later.
09:51 All right, bye.
09:52 - Later, bro.
09:53 - Yeah, I don't know what their,
09:55 I'm quite sure what their thought process was.
09:57 - Yeah, man.
09:58 This is a rough, rough beginning.
10:01 Like a very rough beginning.
10:02 (upbeat music)
10:05 (upbeat music)
10:07 (upbeat music)