• 2 years ago
00:00 Hey everyone, today I'm going to show you how to do this look.
00:03 It is pretty much nice pretty girl got smashed up in a car and caught on fire and her face
00:10 burnt off.
00:12 Something along those lines.
00:13 I pretty much just did this for those of you who want to look gross for Halloween, like
00:17 Halloween's supposed to be perfect if you want to wear your cute little outfit, nurse
00:23 or cop outfit or whatever and still look creepy at the same time.
00:27 This side I just have a nice smokey eye, you can do any makeup you'd like.
00:31 Then on this side it looks completely disgusting, ripped up, burnt, wrinkled, disgusting, bruised,
00:38 everything.
00:39 If you want to learn how to do this then just stay tuned.
00:41 So I've already done one eye, you can really do it however you want.
00:44 You can wear as much or as little natural dramatic makeup as you'd like, but because
00:49 we're creating the burnt effect on this side we just want something on this side, you know
00:52 what I mean?
00:53 We're going for the pretty girl got burnt kind of look.
00:57 I'm going to start off with this e.l.f. cover stick and it is in the colour apricot beige.
01:02 I'm just going to apply this over my eyebrows to conceal them a bit.
01:10 Ideally you want to use a brush that you're never going to use again, like a paintbrush
01:13 or something like that, but I can't find mine so I'm sacrificing a foundation brush.
01:18 Just start making a rough pattern about where you want your scar tissue to be.
01:27 And then I'm ripping up little pieces of tissue paper and pushing it onto where I just put
01:31 that.
01:34 Then pretty much just keep repeating this pattern until you have a good layering effect.
01:43 Make sure you push down the edges too.
02:01 And
02:28 then around the edges just make sure you put some flat bits to blend the edges.
02:33 So just put some latex down and then just take small pieces and kind of just place them
02:42 flat.
02:48 Now you pretty much want to wait for this to dry and then you're going to cover it up.
