ColourPop Metamorphosis Hope + Purple Base

  • last year
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 Copyright, Quimby.
00:03 Woo!
00:04 Hi guys, welcome back to my channel.
00:06 How are you today?
00:07 Today I'm here with my
00:09 second or third ColorPop Metamorphosis Quad Tutorial.
00:16 If you're unfamiliar, which you probably aren't,
00:20 Metamorphosis is the quad that I came up with
00:22 in collaboration with ColorPop Cosmetics.
00:24 This quad is extra special to me
00:26 because the meaning behind it,
00:28 I mean it's not just four colors that I designed
00:30 and smacked them in a box.
00:32 It really means something to me
00:33 and I'm gonna link all of that information
00:36 in the description box below.
00:37 The story of Metamorphosis, how it was born,
00:40 what it represents.
00:41 But what I did wanna do is take advantage of the fact
00:44 that this quad has two transformer shadows
00:49 or two shadows that are with a new finish by ColorPop
00:54 and it's called a sheer opal finish.
00:56 So with the sheer opal finish,
00:58 your possibilities are endless.
01:00 And so you could take any eyeshadow, eyeshadow base,
01:03 eyeliner, any base type product
01:05 you have in your collection already,
01:07 top it with kindness or hope
01:10 and just create a whole other,
01:14 a whole other eye look altogether.
01:16 It's pretty incredible.
01:18 So it's kind of one of those products
01:20 that you could have on top of your vanity, ready to go.
01:23 And anytime that you complete an eye look
01:25 and you think, you know what?
01:26 I wanna see what this could actually turn into.
01:29 You take your ring finger into kindness or hope,
01:31 pat it on whatever area of your eye you want
01:34 and you're gonna be surprised
01:36 with whatever creation you come up with.
01:38 It's astonishing.
01:40 Because I know everyone is completely fascinated,
01:43 head over heels in love with kindness,
01:45 what I did is I did another tutorial using hope
01:48 which is the almost like pearly, don't judge me,
01:53 I explain in the video why it's dirty.
01:55 (laughs)
01:56 The pearly one or hope,
01:58 I decided to do another tutorial using this one
02:01 instead of going back to kindness
02:03 because I know everyone's excited about kindness
02:05 and everyone's gonna be using it in their tutorials.
02:07 So I'm like, you know what?
02:09 Hope, you're probably not gonna get enough love in
02:11 so I'm gonna take you, I'm gonna embrace you
02:13 and I'm gonna show my pandas what they can do with you.
02:16 So one of my favorite combinations
02:18 is taking a purple eyeshadow base
02:21 and putting hope on top
02:23 because the color that you come up with is a dream.
02:28 It looks like cotton candy.
02:30 It is such a, I almost went cross-eyed, did you see?
02:34 (laughs)
02:35 It's such a beautiful color.
02:36 So anyway, my inches are super hella long.
02:39 All the information you need to know
02:40 is always in the description box, you guys.
02:42 I can't stress that enough.
02:44 Check the description box.
02:45 I get a lot of questions that are easily answered
02:48 in the description box.
02:49 Everything is there.
02:50 So if you wanna see how I got this look,
02:52 then please keep watching.
02:53 So like all the previous tutorials that I've done,
02:56 I already primed my eye with a matte,
02:58 cream-colored base or primer
03:01 and then I applied my translucent powder over the top.
03:05 Because I have noticed that a lot of my vlogger friends
03:07 that got the Metamorphosis palette
03:09 have been using Kindness over and over,
03:12 I thought, you know what?
03:12 You need to embrace hope
03:14 and you need to use that poppy more often than Kindness
03:17 because everyone else is going bonkers over the beautiful,
03:21 I mean, you know what I'm talking about, right?
03:23 Like, yeah, right?
03:25 Right?
03:26 So I'm going to use hope.
03:29 You know, you know what, Kindness?
03:31 You're gonna go on the back burner for a while.
03:33 So again, taking a giant shader,
03:35 uh, blush, blush is on my mind.
03:39 Taking a giant, fluffy blending brush like this one.
03:42 This is from Sigma, actually.
03:45 This is the E40, but it's synthetic.
03:46 It's the remake that I don't like,
03:49 but for ColourPop, it's really good, actually.
03:51 And this is going to be our transition shade.
03:54 And even though I've used Strength for my transition
03:57 in all my previous tutorials,
03:59 I really like using it for that purpose.
04:01 But don't let it hold you back or, you know,
04:05 restrict your creativity
04:06 because you can use it as a lid shade as well.
04:09 It's not necessarily designed just to be a transition shade.
04:13 You do what you want with your makeup.
04:15 And then the next thing that we're going to do
04:17 is take a eyeshadow crayon.
04:20 And a lot of you said, "Oh my God,
04:21 "now I have to go out and buy those crayon sticks."
04:23 No, you can use any eyeliner you have,
04:26 any powder eyeshadow,
04:28 any base that you have can be used to,
04:33 you know, transform.
04:34 You can use any eyeliner, any powder eyeshadow,
04:37 any paint pot that you have, Maybelline Color Tattoos.
04:41 This is just my preference
04:43 because I don't have to get my finger dirty.
04:45 (laughs)
04:46 You know how I feel about dipping my finger in the pots.
04:48 I don't know why I don't like it.
04:50 The only time I enjoy it
04:51 is when I'm using my Rose Lip Balm from Terry
04:55 or from By Terry.
04:57 So I'm going to apply this to the lid.
04:59 And I know most of you are probably like,
05:02 "Oh, I would never do a purple eyeshadow look."
05:05 You should try it.
05:06 It looks really, really pretty, especially on brown eyes.
05:10 So don't judge it until you try it.
05:14 There's a lot of really pretty colors in the rainbow
05:16 that would look really pretty on all of us.
05:18 So just give it a try.
05:21 Now what I'm gonna do is fix this mistake that I made.
05:25 Getting a little crazy.
05:27 I got excited talking about that purple.
05:30 Then I'm going to take Bravery,
05:31 which is the beautiful chocolate brown,
05:33 and I'm going to take that on a Real Techniques
05:36 base shadow brush, which looks like this.
05:38 It's kind of like a tapered blending brush.
05:42 And I'm gonna go ham on Bravery.
05:44 I'm taking a ton.
05:45 And that's going to be used in the crease, liberally.
05:50 And it's also going to blend out the harsh lines
05:53 of the purple eyeshadow stick at the same time.
05:57 So take your time and blend out the purple
06:01 and blend it into your transition so there's no harsh line.
06:07 So we're doing the transition,
06:10 the crease, and then the purple.
06:13 And you may need to go back and forth into the pot
06:17 if you run out of eyeshadow.
06:19 Once you're done blending it out,
06:21 you want to go back in with strength
06:24 and kind of lighten up Bravery
06:27 so that it doesn't look too dark, too high up.
06:31 And I noticed that because of the brushes that I use,
06:34 the color moves up regardless of how I blend it.
06:37 It just, it crawls up my eyelid space.
06:40 All this retail space, it gets full of color.
06:42 So I want to kind of soften it out a little bit.
06:45 And that's kind of what I do with ColourPop shadows.
06:47 Because of the funny texture that they have,
06:49 you kind of have to go back and forth
06:51 and create the color that you want and the depth of color.
06:56 Because I lost a lot of the purple,
06:59 what I'm going to do now is take that same purple crayon,
07:03 run it on my eyelid,
07:08 and then take my eyeshadow brush,
07:12 the one that we used for the chocolate brown color
07:15 or Bravery, and just gently run it over
07:18 so that if you recreated any harshness,
07:21 you're just kind of softening it out.
07:24 Then what you're going to do is you're going to take
07:27 another synthetic brush like this one.
07:29 This is like a little flat paddle.
07:31 And you're going to take strength
07:34 and you're going to run that along the lower lash line.
07:39 Take your purple pencil once again,
07:45 and we are going to apply that to the tight line,
07:50 or actually the waterline.
07:52 But because it's a chubby pencil,
07:53 it's going to kind of overflow into the lash line.
07:57 And you want that because we're going to smudge it.
08:00 (smoothing)
08:03 Now take a little tiny brush like this one,
08:09 and these are from the Coastal Scents Elite Collection.
08:12 They have bamboo handles and they are synthetic.
08:15 And I actually bought these specifically to use
08:18 with my ColourPop shadows,
08:20 and they're really, really awesome.
08:21 I was thinking about doing perhaps like a video
08:25 where I just talk about products that you could use
08:29 to facilitate the use of ColourPop shadows,
08:32 because I know that,
08:33 I don't want ColourPop shadows to turn into a product
08:37 where you guys buy it because you get excited,
08:39 but then you get frustrated
08:41 because you're not getting the results
08:44 you thought you would get.
08:45 But tools have a lot to do with it.
08:48 They're kind of picky, they're kind of picky products.
08:52 This eyelash is really hurting.
08:55 So they're kind of picky products, you know,
08:58 if you have the right tools,
08:59 they're gonna be like, "Okay, I'll play with you."
09:02 If you try to use certain other products,
09:04 it'll still work, but it'll be a little bit harder,
09:07 and then you think that either the product sucks
09:10 or you don't know what you're doing,
09:11 and usually it's neither.
09:12 Now you're going to take a black eyeliner
09:15 and you're going to apply this to your tight line
09:19 and your waterline.
09:20 Now for the start of the show,
09:24 I'm gonna show you guys Hope.
09:26 And don't judge me.
09:28 The reason my Hope looks like this
09:30 is because I mix colors from my eyelid,
09:33 and a lot of times it'll pick up,
09:35 my finger will pick up whatever's on my eyelid
09:37 and then it looks like this.
09:38 So it's just dirty.
09:39 And I'm sorry.
09:41 I'm usually such a picky person
09:44 when it comes to dirty makeup.
09:45 I hate dirty makeup.
09:47 And a lot of you also said, "Oh my God, you hit pan.
09:49 "I'm so nervous.
09:50 "Like if I buy ColourPop,
09:51 "is it like I'm not gonna get enough product?"
09:53 You guys, I've had these for months.
09:55 Like for months, for months,
09:56 trying to create different looks, test them out.
10:00 Before we actually sold them or presented them to you guys,
10:04 we wanna make sure we have a great product.
10:05 So I've hit pan on almost all my colors.
10:08 And I have like three or four of each different color
10:11 laying around in my room.
10:13 Whenever I feel inspired or I wanna do swatches
10:15 or I have an idea of like what colors to mix,
10:19 I just have them laying around,
10:20 which is why I've hit pan on a lot of them.
10:22 And they are cream products.
10:23 So when you push your finger in too hard,
10:25 which I'm a beast, I'm an animal,
10:26 we've talked about this before,
10:28 I move the product out to the sides.
10:31 So I'm just applying Hope to,
10:34 I would say the first half of my eyelid.
10:37 And I'm using a small synthetic brush like this one.
10:40 It looks like a little tiny concealer brush
10:42 and it's from Bdellium Tools.
10:44 You see that?
10:44 Like, can we please talk about that?
10:46 The purple's right here and the purple's also here,
10:48 but it's underneath Hope.
10:49 Could you expect that from this shadow right here?
10:53 Probably not, right?
10:55 Isn't that amazing?
10:56 Also going to take a little bit of that same color Hope
10:59 and you're going to kind of curve
11:01 the inner corner of your eye.
11:03 So just follow this curve.
11:04 Apply it down here, inner corner.
11:09 And you don't wanna go too crazy.
11:10 You don't wanna drag it out too far.
11:12 Like when I dream about applying highlighter
11:15 all over my face.
11:16 I'm serious about that, you know?
11:21 So just keep packing on that color
11:23 until it's as shiny or as pink as you want it to be.
11:28 And then you just apply mascara and you're all done.
11:31 I mean, it's pretty easy, right?
11:33 Pretty easy, right?
11:34 Or is that my line?
11:35 No, it's super easy, right?
11:36 So I'm gonna apply mascara off camera
11:38 and I will be right back.
11:39 And that's the completed look.
11:41 What do you guys think?
11:42 Super easy, right?
11:43 Don't forget that all of the products on my face
11:45 are listed in the description box below
11:47 in case you're curious.
11:48 I tend to just do the eye portion
11:50 because otherwise my tutorial would be like 45 minutes long.
11:54 But everything will be listed in the description box below.
11:57 I really hope you guys liked it.
11:59 It's awesome, right?
12:00 Hope is such a versatile shadow.
12:02 And like I told you guys in the introduction,
12:04 I wanted to use Hope again,
12:05 or the Pearl Opalescent one, instead of Kindness
12:09 because I know everyone is gonna be going bonkers
12:12 over this one.
12:13 And Hope has,
12:15 Hope is a lighter base.
12:18 So if you guys notice, Kindness has like a maroon
12:21 or burgundy base to it.
12:23 So it's a little bit deeper.
12:25 It's going to darken any eye look.
12:27 Hope, on the other hand, is just bright.
12:31 You know, it's angelic.
12:32 It's a lighter base.
12:33 So you'd be surprised at how it converts colors.
12:38 So I wanted to use Hope.
12:39 I wanted to show my Hope some lovin'.
12:40 I really hope you guys liked it.
12:42 Like always, all of the products in this tutorial
12:45 or on my face will be listed in the description box below,
12:48 along with the love story of how I came up
12:51 with Metamorphosis and Be the Change.
12:53 I really hope you guys are enjoying
12:55 this series of tutorials.
12:58 You guys know I'm not a makeup artist,
12:59 but I put a lot of love into my tutorials,
13:01 and I want to make my tutorials doable
13:05 and easy to replicate.
13:07 So they're easy.
13:09 I hope you like easy 'cause I'm very easy.
13:12 Did I just say that?
13:13 Anyway, obviously I haven't finished my cup of coffee
13:16 for the morning, so I'm saying things
13:18 that are coming out completely wrong.
13:20 But you know what I'm saying, right?
13:23 I really hope you guys like this video.
13:24 And I think that's it, guys.
13:25 Please let me know your thoughts in the comment section below.
13:28 And as always, if you found this video useful,
13:29 entertaining, or learn something,
13:31 please give me a thumbs up or subscribe if you haven't
13:33 already.
13:34 And until next time, this coffee break is over.
13:36 Bye, guys.
13:38 (upbeat music)
