Color Club Poptastic Pastel Neons

  • last year
00:00 Coffee break with me.
00:03 Hi guys.
00:04 Welcome back to my channel.
00:05 How are you today?
00:06 Today, I am so excited because I am here.
00:13 Okay.
00:14 So, you guys know how in the beauty industry, there are certain products that make us more
00:20 excited than others.
00:21 And while makeup in general makes me excited, beauty products in general make me excited,
00:27 hair products, anything to do with the cosmetic industry gets me excited.
00:32 But you and I both know that we rank our level of excitement.
00:36 So there are some of you that are like blushaholics.
00:39 There are others of you that are like lip product junkies.
00:44 There are others of you that love complexion products like your foundation.
00:48 You have more foundations.
00:51 You could rotate foundations every day for a whole month.
00:53 You know what I mean?
00:54 So there are products that we rank and we play favorites against our beauty products.
01:00 Let's be honest.
01:01 And so when it comes to beauty products, I think for most of us, unless you're in the
01:06 nail blogging industry, for most of us, nail polish is like, eh, maybe last place, maybe
01:13 a step above like foot scrub, you know, which you don't even care about.
01:18 So when this nail polish collection came out, I was like, sweet baby Jesus almighty, I need
01:25 to get this collection in my life before my baby arrives because I'm probably going to
01:32 lose it.
01:33 Like I'm not, I just, I'm not going to be able to contain myself.
01:36 I'm not going to be able to sleep until I have that collection in my hands.
01:39 And I was able to snag the Poptastic neon pastels collection from Color Club.
01:49 Like do you understand?
01:52 Do you understand?
01:53 This is almost like, you know, you guys know how excited I get for candy.
01:58 This is like candy in a bottle for me.
02:00 It's like looking at all the delicious, okay, let's be honest.
02:04 You know, you and I both know that the springtime candy is the prettiest and most delicious
02:09 candy ever.
02:10 Like the Cadbury eggs and the Robins eggs and the jelly beans and the peeps.
02:14 Aren't they the cutest, most beautiful, beautiful candy of every season of the whole year?
02:20 Yes.
02:21 So these are like nail polish candy bottles, like, and the longest introduction I've ever
02:27 done.
02:28 Probably.
02:29 This is like a four minute introduction.
02:31 I should be ashamed.
02:32 It's going to be even longer because, do you notice anything?
02:36 I don't think I even addressed this, did I?
02:38 I think I just showed you guys on Instagram, "Hey, I cut my hair by the way."
02:41 And maybe I did some highlights in there through and through.
02:44 So I went and I changed my hair.
02:46 And you guys know that if you've been following me forever, that if something important is
02:50 about to happen in my life or something huge just happened or I'm having kind of a rut,
02:55 I go and I sit in the salon chair and I tell Ollie, "Do what you got to do."
03:01 And he does what he has to do.
03:02 And I always walk out looking different, but I always walk out happy.
03:05 This may not be something that most of you prefer because it's a little artificial looking,
03:11 but I really, really like it.
03:13 And I think it's great for spring and summer and it's nice.
03:17 I like to look back at pictures, like, of me and my family and I like to look different,
03:23 you know?
03:24 And I also feel as a beauty vlogger, I'm obligated to change my look.
03:29 You know, I have to try things, I have to try new haircuts and new hairstyles and I
03:33 have to keep it fresh.
03:34 I can't always look the same.
03:35 I think it's part of our duty and obligation.
03:39 So I like to look back at my pictures and family portraits and I like to look different.
03:43 All right, now let's get back.
03:45 I need to put a little disclaimer of when the Ashwin Review starts, huh?
03:49 So this collection has seven colors and again, it's called the Poptastic Neon Pastels or
03:55 Pastel Neons.
03:57 And it has seven colors.
03:58 The colors are all amazing and all beautiful.
04:01 And I posted this on my Instagram and I wasn't going to do a video, but I feel like a collection
04:06 like this that takes your breath away doesn't come around very often.
04:11 But whenever Color Club has neon in the title, whenever any of their collections have neon
04:17 in the title, they're pretty awesome polishes.
04:20 And I think that when it's a limited edition product, you're willing to work with the formula.
04:25 I'm not saying that the formula of these polishes is subpar because Color Club...
04:32 If I had to classify my favorite nail polish brands, I would say that besides RGB, which
04:39 is like $18 a bottle, I would say Color Club is probably my second favorite and it's an
04:45 $8 to $8.50 a bottle polish.
04:48 So it's kind of a mid-range polish.
04:50 It's just like OPI, but it's a really great, great, great brand.
04:54 I love the formula.
04:55 I just wish it was so much easier to find.
04:57 I'm going to bring you guys in closer to show you the colors on my nails and the bottles
05:01 and kind of give you an overview of which ones I think are better than others.
05:05 Welcome to my face.
05:06 So the very first color that I want to talk about is a color that I don't have swatched
05:10 on my fingers.
05:11 I have it on my toes and you guys are just going to have to believe me because I'm not
05:14 about to lift up my foot and show you.
05:17 This is the coral shade and it is called Hot, Hot, Hot Pants.
05:22 It looks on the nails exactly how it looks in the bottle.
05:25 It's a pastel neon coral.
05:27 It's beautiful.
05:28 It's not streaky.
05:29 Just so that I don't get repetitive, all of these colors that I'm going to show you do
05:33 not require a white base and they are two coats.
05:37 They're two coat requirements.
05:38 The first coat is atrocious, but with the second coat it levels out beautifully and
05:43 the color is fully opaque.
05:44 So again, this is Hot, Hot, Hot Pants.
05:48 Maybe I'll get brave and I'll show you guys on Instagram, but I hate feet, so we're not
05:52 going to go there.
05:53 But this color is really, really pretty.
05:54 The other color that I don't have swatched is this beautiful mint.
05:58 I didn't swatch it on purpose because I'm pretty sure you guys are sick of me talking
06:02 about mint anything.
06:03 This is the color Till the Record Stops and it's a beautiful, again, muted grasshopper
06:12 mint pastel green.
06:16 Are you imagining what I'm trying to say?
06:18 It's not like a Tiffany's minty turquoise, like a fainted turquoise.
06:24 No, it's a mint.
06:27 It's a mint, like a mint chocolate chip ice cream, a little bit whiter or paler or less
06:33 green.
06:34 But yeah, this is really pretty and both of these have great formulas.
06:39 Then, if you guys can see my hand, I couldn't really decide so I just kind of splashed whatever
06:44 color on whatever finger I wanted.
06:47 But the three best formulas are these three colors that I have in the middle finger, the
06:53 three middle fingers of my hands.
06:55 The first one is this, I guess it's like a beige or a yellow and it's called Disco's
07:01 Not Dead.
07:02 This is the color that's on my ring finger.
07:05 A lot of you asked me on Instagram if this was a difficult formula or if it was streaky
07:11 because historically, yellow polishes or beige-y type polishes have atrocious formulas.
07:18 This one is one of the best ones in this collection, believe it or not.
07:22 This is a two coat.
07:23 This was one of the easier ones to apply and it's fully solid.
07:28 You can see it's fully, fully, fully opaque.
07:30 There was no problem.
07:31 I've had this polish on for about four days already and I don't have any chipping.
07:37 It's a great formula.
07:38 It kind of reminds me of Poetic Hues from Color Club, but this one's a little bit more
07:43 yellow.
07:44 On my middle finger, it's a really beautiful lavender, lilac color.
07:49 This one is called Digging the Dancing Queen.
07:54 Digging the Dancing Queen.
07:55 The color's a little bit washed out of all of these on camera, but I'm going to link
07:59 my Instagram picture in the description box so you guys can click there and see the true
08:03 color of these polishes.
08:06 But this one probably has the best formula of all of the seven colors.
08:10 It is beautiful.
08:11 Again, fully opaque in two coats.
08:13 Doesn't chip.
08:14 It's so pretty.
08:15 This is the perfect combination of lilac and lavender.
08:23 It's not too blue and it's not too pink.
08:25 It's right in the middle, so it's a beautiful shade.
08:27 This color would look so beautiful on someone with medium to deep skin.
08:32 Then, this green.
08:34 This is probably my favorite from the collection.
08:37 This is a pastel neon green.
08:42 It kind of sounds like an oxymoron, but you can tell on my pointer finger.
08:49 It's a neon green, but it's a pastel version.
08:52 It looks more green in person.
08:54 It kind of reminds me of a slime color, but like a pastel slime color.
08:58 It's really pretty.
09:00 My next manicure for sure is going to be just this color on all my fingers.
09:06 What I'm going to do is by the time I edit and upload this video, I'll probably have
09:10 already done that manicure.
09:12 I'll also link that Instagram picture in the description, so check there.
09:16 The two that I was ... If you were like, "Gun to your head, Dani.
09:21 Pick which two were disappointing to you," because I'm happy with all seven polishes,
09:26 I would say, "Okay."
09:27 If I had to pick two that were my least favorites, I would say the pink and the blue.
09:31 The blue one is disappointing because my favorite baby blue of all time is "Take Me to Your
09:37 Chateau" from Color Club because it's the perfect baby blue, but the formula is perfection.
09:46 It's such a perfect formula, you could get away with doing one coat.
09:50 This one, the first coat is just awful.
09:54 It's absolutely awful.
09:56 When you do the second coat, you forget how awful it was because it levels out, it evens,
10:02 it looks beautiful, it's fully opaque.
10:04 You guys can see on my pinky and my thumb, I have the color.
10:08 It's a beautiful color.
10:09 You can't tell that there was a battle underneath the second layer.
10:15 There was no warhead here, but if you compare it to "Take Me to Your Chateau," I'm going
10:21 to link that color down below because you need it in your life.
10:23 I even talked about it in my yearly favorites.
10:26 This one, this one's just poo next to it.
10:29 This one doesn't even compare.
10:31 And then this one, I don't know if it was the formula or if it was the bottle itself.
10:37 The brush on this one is kind of, it's smaller than the brush on, let me show you, than the
10:47 brush on this one.
10:50 You see the difference?
10:51 The brush on this one is so much like, it's dense and fluffy.
10:58 And so, if you have giant fingernails like me, just go one, two, and you're done, and
11:02 it's perfect.
11:03 But with this one, it's so small that you have to do so many streak marks on your nails
11:11 to fully cover it.
11:12 I mean, if you have little fingernails, this one would probably be great because of the
11:15 little tiny brush.
11:16 But for me, I don't know if you guys can tell, but my thumb is so uneven and streaky.
11:22 And so, what was happening is, the formula on this one's like thicker and a little bit
11:26 drier.
11:27 So, the brush is so little that I would have to do one streak, two streaks, three streaks.
11:32 By the time I got to the middle of my nail, it was already drying out, and it would just
11:35 get even more streaky.
11:37 So it was just, this one was a nightmare to apply.
11:40 Not to mention, I mean, it's a pretty pink.
11:44 It's a pretty pink, but it's not, I mean, it's not worth the formula.
11:50 The best pastel pink that I've ever used would probably be, and Samantha's going to love
11:57 this, it would probably be Kittredge from Zoya, and you could still find it on their
12:01 website.
12:02 It was a limited edition color, but the formula's great, the color is beautiful, there are no
12:05 problems with the brush or application or anything.
12:08 So I would say this one's not even worth it.
12:11 I should probably tell you the name.
12:13 This one's called Feathered Hair Out to There, and the blue one was Meet Me at the Rink.
12:19 So these two are probably my least favorite.
12:21 But all in all, you guys, when have you seen a collection that's this beautiful?
12:25 One of my subscribers told me, "I feel so motivated to get this collection because I
12:32 regret having missed the Maybelline Pastel Neons so much."
12:36 I think it was called Pastel Neons, right?
12:39 Maybelline last year came out with a beautiful pastel collection, and I couldn't find it
12:45 anywhere.
12:46 It was one of my biggest regrets.
12:49 This one came out, and I'm like, "I am not regretting this one."
12:51 So I had to get every single color, and they're just really pretty.
12:54 I mean, look at my Manny.
12:55 Doesn't it just look like a bag of springtime M&Ms?
12:58 It's just so pretty.
12:59 I love it.
13:00 That is it for this nail polish review.
13:03 I know for a lot of you, you're not really big fans of nail polish videos, but I just
13:07 had to share this collection with you guys.
13:10 After missing out that other collection that I was telling you guys about, I couldn't pass
13:14 this up.
13:15 I love neon everything.
13:16 I love colorful anything, and then pastel, it's like the perfect hybrid of color perfection.
13:23 Just perfection.
13:24 Perfection.
13:25 You know what I'm saying?
13:29 You know what I'm saying.
13:30 Like always, all of these colors, everything that I mentioned, even the Take Me to Your
13:34 Chateau, the other colors that I mentioned, all of the colors that I mentioned, will be
13:38 listed in the description box below.
13:39 I'd really love to know your thoughts, so let me know your thoughts in the comment section
13:43 below.
13:44 And as always, if you guys found this video useful, entertaining, or anything, please
13:45 give me a thumbs up or subscribe if you haven't already.
13:46 And until next time, this coffee break is over.
13:47 Bye, guys.
13:47 [music]
