Heart 2 Heart Body Image

  • last year
00:00 Hey guys, this is Jen from From Head to Toe and guess what day it is?
00:06 It is Bloggers with No Makeup Day.
00:09 If you guys haven't seen my video from last year, you can click right there.
00:14 I'll make a little hyperlink thing in YouTube and you can see my video where I talk about my acne history.
00:23 And as you can see, I'm not wearing a stitch of makeup. I'm wearing nothing.
00:28 I washed my face and I put on moisturizer. It doesn't even have sunscreen.
00:34 So like, completely naked face.
00:37 So let me just kind of do a quick recap of some of the things I talked about last year.
00:45 I had really bad acne for about 10 years and as you can tell, I still struggle with acne every single day.
00:55 Going into my mid to upper 20s has not really changed that.
01:00 And I've kind of settled with that just being a fact of my skin.
01:06 I do do some things to try to combat it of course.
01:11 But it's just something that I accept in myself. Like, I do not have perfect skin.
01:16 I have never had perfect skin. I don't know if I ever will.
01:20 But that's just me and so I'm going to just live with that.
01:25 You know, like, my skin has given me a whole lot of trauma.
01:29 But I guess I already sort of talked about that in the last video so I guess this time I sort of want to segue that into other insecurities that I have sort of fought with in my life.
01:44 Specifically with YouTube, it's interesting because everything that you feel self-conscious of, people notice and people mention and people criticize about.
01:56 And I feel really blessed that I do have so much love and support that comes from the people that follow my blog and watch my videos.
02:04 And I know, you know, to be honest, I know other people do get the negativity more than I do at this point in my life.
02:12 And, you know, I thank God every day for that because I, you know, mentioned this in my last video, I'm a very sensitive person.
02:22 And I do deal fairly well with criticism. I don't take everything personally.
02:29 You know, I'm not a weakling when it comes to it. I know it's just a part of the job.
02:34 But, I mean, how can you expect people not to read their own comments?
02:40 It's hurtful. I'm not going to talk about the bullying concept, but what I actually want to talk about is body image.
02:47 I've just noticed in a lot of my videos, if I show more than, you know, this much of my face, people will comment on how skinny I am and how I need to eat a sandwich.
02:58 And, "Oh, you're so anorexic and you look disgusting and you just look so unhealthy."
03:04 And, you know, it's not something I go home and cry about or anything, but it's something that I think that it is a very insensitive thing to say.
03:15 If you come across somebody who's overweight, everybody knows it's unacceptable to say, "Get on a treadmill, fatty. You need to lose some weight."
03:25 But for some reason, people think it's okay to look at a thin person and say, "Eat a sandwich. You look anorexic. You look like you puke all the time."
03:35 Um, you know, I have never in my entire life made myself throw up. I eat more than most people, most girls my age, which I'm 26 right now.
03:47 I eat a lot and I don't weigh a lot and I cannot help that.
03:55 Um, I actually, right now in my life, I'm not really self-conscious about my body size because I've had so many years of learning to deal with it.
04:07 And I try to love myself as I am, as much as I can, but to be honest, my size is a daily struggle.
04:17 Anytime I want to buy a new pair of shoes, I can't just go to a shoe store and buy it.
04:22 I have to spend more money because I wear a size 4 and most places don't carry a size 4 women's shoe.
04:29 Even most size 4s are too big. I'm probably a 3.5, which pretty much doesn't exist.
04:34 I mean, try just finding a pair of size 3.5 high heels. It's not really, it's not really an easy thing to do.
04:43 And, uh, I'm not here just sitting and complaining like, "Oh, woe is me."
04:49 But I think people, when they say those kinds of snap judgment comments saying, "Oh, you're so anorexic, you're so skinny, and you're short and I hate you for that."
05:00 They don't understand. Like, first of all, I can't choose to not be skinny.
05:07 That's just how I'm built. And I did used to get made fun of for it pretty much my entire life.
05:18 When I was really young, I got made fun of it. I got called "shrimp" and, you know, people would say nasty things.
05:26 And when I was, especially in junior high, I used to get called anorexic all the time.
05:32 So people would just say, "Oh, you're so flat. Oh, you don't have any, you look like a boy. You're so, you just have no curves. You have no body.
05:41 You don't look like a girl. You don't look like a woman."
05:44 And those things are really hurtful to hear.
05:48 And so, hearing all of that again, it definitely, it definitely makes me think there's something wrong with that.
06:00 People shouldn't be saying that.
06:03 And I'm not, I'm not just here to like preach what you should or shouldn't do.
06:08 People are allowed to live however they want to live.
06:10 At the end of the day, we can really only control what we do.
06:13 But I guess I want to make my call out there to whoever might watch this video.
06:20 I guess just to consider your words before you say them.
06:24 Because you don't know the story of that person. You don't know the struggles they've been through.
06:28 You don't know what it is to live their life.
06:32 Reiterate what I said last time, you know, nobody's perfect.
06:37 And if you are struggling with some sort of weight thing, which isn't that, let's be real, isn't that most people?
06:46 Isn't everybody trying to make their body a little bit something different than what it currently is?
06:54 For me, like I do try to eat a lot. And I eat healthy.
06:57 And I can't gain weight. And I would like to, but I really can't.
