МК Основы Колористики ч2 Н.Найда

  • last year
00:00 Have you read about it?
00:02 A female does not have a color or a temperature.
00:04 Temperature is a physical characteristic.
00:08 What is this characteristic?
00:10 Light.
00:12 Light.
00:14 We will not get too confused.
00:16 We will leave this characteristic.
00:18 But when we will assess the appearance,
00:20 we will say that
00:22 depending on what color I will put and direct to the face,
00:28 I will see the colors of the skin in different ways.
00:32 Therefore, we leave the condition.
00:34 What is this characteristic?
00:36 Stable or variable?
00:38 Variable.
00:40 We say that the temperature is always determined
00:42 relative to those shades that you already see.
00:46 Next.
00:48 The next characteristic.
00:50 We will combine
00:52 the presence of achromatic color.
01:00 What does it mean?
01:02 This is very important for us.
01:04 Because we will analyze the shades
01:06 from which we ourselves consist.
01:08 The next characteristic.
01:10 When we talked,
01:12 I put it like this.
01:14 And asked, "What color is cleaner?"
01:16 What does it mean "cleaner"?
01:18 We will analyze.
01:20 Yes. In some there is gray,
01:22 and in some there is not.
01:24 We say that all shades can be divided into 4 main groups.
01:30 We sign in this characteristic.
01:32 And we will tell you right away what it is called.
01:36 Four main shades.
01:38 The first group.
01:40 The first group.
01:42 Clean colors.
01:44 What does it mean "clean"?
01:46 Neither white, nor black, nor gray.
01:50 Where do you see them, clean colors?
01:52 Not three.
01:54 Why?
01:56 Where do you see them?
01:58 In the color circle.
02:00 When only chromatic shades are considered separately.
02:04 Clean group.
02:06 The second group of colors.
02:08 To these clean colors
02:10 added white.
02:12 And added in large proportion.
02:14 That is, a lot of white, a drop of clean color.
02:18 In another way, very often these shades are called "pastel",
02:22 and we will call with you "divided group"
02:26 or "divided colors".
02:28 To clean colors added white.
02:32 The third group.
02:34 To clean colors added gray.
02:36 And you understand that it can be darker or lighter.
02:42 Added gray color.
02:44 Immediately goes away the purity of the shade in this group.
02:48 The most complex color.
02:50 The most complex shade.
02:52 Why?
02:54 Because always when you do not understand,
02:56 and you can not describe,
02:58 what is this color?
03:00 Be sure 100% that there is gray in the composition.
03:02 And the more it is,
03:04 the more difficult it is for you to name
03:06 what pigments were used
03:08 to make this shade.
03:10 We will also look.
03:12 "Dusty group" are called such colors.
03:16 Colors to which added gray color.
03:20 Dusty group.
03:22 How are we with the questions in Periscope?
03:26 All is well?
03:28 The next group.
03:30 - What is the name of the third group?
03:32 - Dusty group.
03:34 - Missed.
03:36 The last group of colors is added black.
03:44 Such a group is called "Darkened".
03:48 And so our last feature
03:52 answers the question
03:54 "What is this color?"
03:56 In what group does it relate?
03:58 Is it bright, diluted, dusty or darkened?
04:02 What is added there?
04:04 Is it left or is it left in its pure form?
04:06 We got 4 main characteristics of the shade.
04:12 Are there any questions about this piece?
04:16 - Can I ask?
04:18 - You can.
04:20 - Temperature is related to the lighting
04:22 that surrounds the model.
04:24 We divide the day makeup,
04:26 the evening makeup.
04:28 - Yes, that's what we'll take into account.
04:30 We will leave it, Lena,
04:32 the characteristics of the shade,
04:34 but only because we are used to it.
04:36 No more.
04:38 Although if you approach this question academically,
04:40 it is very illogical to say
04:42 that the color has a temperature.
04:44 But we will need the characteristics of the light
04:46 much further,
04:48 when we talk about the factors
04:50 by which we evaluate the appearance.
04:52 So,
04:54 we got acquainted with the characteristics of the shade.
04:56 Now let's ask the question
04:58 why we need to analyze the color?
05:00 Why not take the rules
05:02 that the artist had
05:04 and not make it up and work like this?
05:06 Because the canvas on which we work,
05:08 our skin, our appearance,
05:10 has a color in itself.
05:12 Moreover, this color is not very stable.
05:14 We did such a test,
05:16 I don't remember from which group,
05:18 it seems to me that it was your group.
05:20 Let's play.
05:22 - I'm going to play.
05:24 - You are going to play.
05:26 - Let's play.
05:28 - I give you a task.
05:30 You are make-up artists.
05:32 And you tell me what makeup
05:34 you would make for such a woman.
05:36 She is a brunette.
05:38 She has yellowish olive skin.
05:40 She has brown eyes.
05:42 And this is,
05:44 let's say,
05:46 evening makeup.
05:48 What would you do?
05:50 She is a brunette.
05:52 She has olive skin.
05:54 Well, medium olive color.
05:56 A brunette group.
05:58 Brown eyes. Evening makeup.
06:00 What would you do?
06:02 Wine color. Who else? What are the options?
06:04 Wake up. I think.
06:08 - Well, brown, blue.
06:10 - Blue, brunette.
06:12 - They say that gray-brown goes to everyone.
06:14 I heard such a big school.
06:16 - Yes.
06:18 Not that without a loss,
06:20 but it lies on everyone equally.
06:22 - This is a very difficult question.
06:24 - It may not work.
06:26 - Finally, the experienced masters woke up.
06:30 - Tell me, please.
06:32 - She was the best.
06:34 - Do you have enough of the description
06:36 that I gave you?
06:38 Why do you give me answers?
06:40 - She is honest.
06:42 - Taras, what else can I ask?
06:44 - She is young.
06:46 - How old is she?
06:48 - How did she sleep at all?
06:50 - She is young.
06:52 - What is her eyesight?
06:54 - Does she wear glasses?
06:56 - Does she have a cupid?
06:58 - What is her health?
07:00 - What is her orientation?
07:02 - I gave you an example of a template.
07:04 Or an example of why the classical theory
07:06 of color types does not work now.
07:08 However you want.
07:10 Very often,
07:12 one of my students came to me
07:14 for one day of improvement in the qualification.
07:16 It upset me a lot.
07:18 Because during this day
07:20 she wanted to find a solution
07:22 to all her problems.
07:24 It does not happen.
07:26 If we do not think about it,
07:28 and in every situation we will think,
07:30 there are no ready-made solutions.
07:32 The problem of masters is that
07:34 they often chase after
07:36 that they came to the master class,
07:38 listened, got a solution and that's it.
07:40 We do not just say that the less the make-up artist works,
07:42 the more he is God.
07:44 - Because the rules are in his head.
07:46 - Yes, the less I know,
07:48 the more I will be sure.
07:50 The more we work,
07:52 the more we begin to doubt ourselves,
07:54 because we see better.
07:56 But this is normal.
07:58 And it is absolutely normal when
08:00 I say that I have students
08:02 who come for the second, third,
08:04 fourth time to the basic qualification.
08:06 She says, "I do not know what will come to your head
08:08 in the hall, what you will see there."
08:10 - I...
08:12 - So.
08:14 We finished the video.
08:16 I gave you examples,
08:18 showed an example that
08:20 a template description is not enough
08:22 to immediately give a solution.
08:24 If I add to you that
08:26 I did not tell you anything
08:28 about her color,
08:30 then you will understand that
08:32 there is no way to solve the situation.
08:34 It was impossible,
08:36 without seeing or at least
08:38 without asking a number of additional questions.
08:40 Now we will talk about
08:42 the coloristics that, unfortunately,
08:44 are not taught anywhere.
08:46 I do not know if I will read it correctly.
08:48 I give it as it is,
08:50 first, how I feel it,
08:52 and secondly, in the form in which
08:54 I came to these conclusions due to practice.
08:56 I do not know if anyone else came to this conclusion
08:58 or not, but I am so comfortable.
09:00 We are talking about the fact
09:02 that the color in our appearance
09:04 surrounds...
09:06 Well, our model is all, yes,
09:08 our client, we ourselves,
09:10 we are all in the color.
09:12 The largest area on which I see the color,
09:14 what is it?
09:16 The largest area?
09:18 Skin. First, I see the color in the skin.
09:20 Yes, further.
09:24 Eyes, and how?
09:26 Separately.
09:28 A separate ray of protein.
09:30 Further.
09:32 Lips.
09:34 Lip pigment.
09:36 Well, and, accordingly, teeth,
09:38 teeth.
09:40 And therefore, always,
09:44 when we analyze the color,
09:46 we must start thinking from that area,
09:48 which is larger.
09:50 It is impossible to say, you know,
09:52 when they teach, yes,
09:54 and first of all they do,
09:56 well, the tone, only which one?
09:58 Only quickly, the same,
10:00 the same base for everyone, the same tone.
10:02 Everyone would get to the eye faster.
10:04 Well, when I got to the eye,
10:06 I began to show it in every way.
10:08 In fact, this is the very first utopia.
10:10 Why? Because the eye itself
10:12 does not jump on its own face.
10:14 It is on a certain platform.
10:16 This platform,
10:18 from the way you design it,
10:20 what kind of canvas it will be,
10:22 you will read it completely differently,
10:24 yes, the eye shade will be read differently,
10:26 the protein will be read differently,
10:28 it will be either dusty, sad,
10:30 yes, or clean, fresh,
10:32 young, and so on.
10:34 It depends on what background
10:36 you will continue to draw.
10:38 After all, not just like that,
10:40 an artist will never draw on a dirty sheet,
10:42 well, never.
10:44 That is, he first prepares the canvas,
10:46 we also prepare it, yes,
10:48 and therefore, let's say,
10:50 when I work with a client,
10:52 I never start thinking
10:54 how I will decorate it,
10:56 yes, I first read her face,
10:58 and therefore our first factor
11:00 of color analysis in appearance
11:02 is skin color.
11:04 Our next paragraph
11:06 is skin color analysis.
11:08 I will speak
11:14 in a very, very, very simple language,
11:16 yes, but nevertheless,
11:18 if it is not clear, please do not be shy,
11:20 immediately stop and ask,
11:22 yes, that is, we work together.
11:24 The color of the skin,
11:26 yes, imagine,
11:28 you took a skin skin,
11:30 not taking into account
11:32 what is under it, what is on it,
11:34 just look at the skin.
11:36 This is the first layer
11:38 in which we see the color.
11:40 Well, as if you took a skin and collected it,
11:42 let's say, yes,
11:44 what do you think,
11:46 what shade is just skin?
11:48 If you do not take into account not only ...
11:50 - Let's go first
11:52 to the support,
11:54 to those who have not heard.
11:56 Just skin, just skin,
11:58 not thinking.
12:00 - White.
12:02 - No, gray-olive.
12:04 Just a skin,
12:08 not what you see,
12:10 but just skin,
12:12 which you never see in its pure form.
12:14 Gray-olive, everyone has it.
12:16 But only gray there can be,
12:18 what?
12:20 Either very white,
12:22 yes, yes,
12:24 or very white, closer to white,
12:26 or very dark,
12:28 closer to almost black.
12:30 Everyone has gray-olive.
12:32 - We are talking today only about white-skinned children, right?
12:34 - We are not talking about Negroes,
12:36 not at all about Negroes, not about Asians,
12:38 only, well, as if white-skinned, right?
12:40 Look, gray-olive everyone has.
12:42 Here's how you easily believed.
12:44 No, well, it's actually so,
12:46 but tell me, do you all see the same skin?
12:48 - Children have it much closer to beige.
12:50 - Once, once,
12:52 again.
12:54 Everyone sees gray-olive.
12:56 Let's look at each other.
12:58 Everyone has the same skin.
13:00 - Someone has yellow, someone has beige.
13:02 - What do you think, why?
13:04 When we see clearly,
13:06 everyone has the same skin.
13:08 If it were stretched,
13:10 just on some flat surface,
13:12 flat surface, etc.
13:14 It does not happen.
13:16 Skin, in addition to the color characteristics,
13:18 has density.
13:20 It can be thinner or less thin.
13:22 We already see it, sometimes pink,
13:24 sometimes more red,
13:26 sometimes more yellow,
13:28 someone just gray, someone green,
13:30 someone with a blue tint.
13:32 Why do we see these colors
13:34 if everyone's skin is gray-olive?
13:36 - Maybe someone is warm,
13:38 someone is cold.
13:40 - Again, the temperature will be confused,
13:42 and you will confuse yourself.
13:44 Because there are additional colors
13:46 that affect
13:48 the perception of color.
13:50 Therefore, the second group of colors
13:52 that also have to do with skin
13:54 is the inner colors.
13:56 What is under the skin
13:58 is the inner colors,
14:00 or the inner color group.
14:02 What is there?
14:04 - Capillaries.
14:06 - Capillaries, vessels, veins,
14:08 blood vessels, etc.
14:10 I love this example very much.
14:12 Let's look at the example
14:14 of the skin.
14:16 - I have a very beautiful skin.
14:18 - I love this example very much.
14:20 Let's understand right away
14:22 that any capillary
14:24 that gives us a lot of problems later,
14:26 what is this problem?
14:28 Which was added to the skin
14:30 or came out from the inside?
14:32 - From the inside.
14:34 - This is an internal problem.
14:36 Imagine a capillary.
14:38 It only starts to bother you,
14:40 you have not seen it yet.
14:42 It itches or itches,
14:44 but you do not see it in color.
14:46 - Pinkish.
14:48 - Pinkish.
14:50 Then you do nothing,
14:52 do not dry it,
14:54 the capillary begins to lick
14:56 closer to the surface.
14:58 The color has broken through.
15:00 It appeared on the skin.
15:02 Red first.
15:04 Then you do nothing,
15:06 it continues to look.
15:08 The next color is red, blue.
15:10 Then again you do nothing.
15:12 The next color is blue, red.
15:14 And the last stage,
15:16 when the crust dries,
15:18 you see a dark blue color.
15:20 Dark blue.
15:22 The crust.
15:24 It can be blue-brown,
15:26 but you will not have red.
15:28 We saw the movement
15:30 from white,
15:32 red,
15:34 to dark blue.
15:36 Capillary vessels.
15:38 Sometimes it happens
15:40 that we do not even immediately understand
15:42 that these are future capillaries.
15:44 We see pink cheeks.
15:46 We see them separately.
15:48 This is not related to the blush.
15:50 And this pink is not present anywhere.
15:52 Only in a certain place.
15:54 This is how the future problem signals,
15:56 which will be associated
15:58 with the vessels,
16:00 with the capillary grid.
16:02 First, what color is pink?
16:04 Further.
16:06 Red. Further.
16:08 Red-blue.
16:10 Older women or men
16:12 just tell me "blue nose".
16:14 I see only blue.
16:16 I hardly see red.
16:18 See, the color movement too.
16:20 From light pink,
16:22 from white-red
16:24 to dark blue.
16:26 It will move like this.
16:28 Not just like that.
16:30 Children have more blue under the eye
16:32 than red pigment.
16:34 And an adult person
16:36 has more blue.
16:38 The older a person is,
16:40 the darker the blue color
16:42 under the eye you will see.
16:44 All internal problems
16:46 are associated with two pigments,
16:48 with red and blue.
16:50 Due to this,
16:52 all internal colors
16:54 in relation to the external
16:56 will have a colder temperature.
16:58 And they are very variable.
17:00 They can move
17:02 either closer to red
17:04 or closer to blue.
17:06 Do I make myself clear?
17:08 Any questions?
17:10 I have a question about the color of the skin.
17:12 Why do we say
17:14 that everyone has a gray olive?
17:16 Why not white?
17:18 If a girl is young and warm,
17:20 she has a gray skin.
17:22 The color of the paper does not belong to anyone.
17:24 Remember our white-snow?
17:26 White-gray.
17:28 We analyzed the chromatic axis.
17:30 Imagine black-white.
17:32 Take a dot
17:34 that is closer to white,
17:36 but not pure white.
17:38 White-gray.
17:40 Where there is a lot of white,
17:42 and gray is completely a drop.
17:44 I would even say that
17:46 even if there are internal problems
17:48 with pink.
17:50 You are already further.
17:52 The girls still do not understand what we are talking about.
17:54 And I was just talking about the skin.
17:56 You will never see this color
17:58 in pure white.
18:00 Just gray.
18:02 There will be little gray.
18:04 Olive will be a lot.
18:06 The percentage will be different.
18:08 Do you understand?
18:10 It is important to understand
18:12 that there is no pure white skin.
18:14 Yes, the skin is very light.
18:16 Lighter than others.
18:18 Without additional colors.
18:20 Yes, but the truth is
18:22 you never take a tonal base
18:24 white and do not apply it to the face
18:26 and say that it is beautiful.
18:28 The lightest tones are still
18:30 white-beige,
18:32 white-gray, white-olive.
18:34 They are white, but do not have
18:36 a pure white shade.
18:38 Therefore, pure white skin does not happen.
18:40 It is always with the influence of color.
18:42 I understand that it is with the influence of color.
18:44 I mean that all the time
18:46 gray and olive.
18:48 Yes, but it is present in different proportions.
18:50 In different proportions and different shades.
18:52 Let's say so.
18:54 So, look.
18:56 The inner group of colors is red-blue.
18:58 And we have this neutral skin.
19:00 If a person's skin is very thin,
19:04 very thin,
19:08 and the second condition is very light,
19:10 gray is very, very small.
19:12 It is closer to white.
19:14 What will I see right away?
19:16 This will not be a problem.
19:18 If I will see from birth that
19:20 vessels, veins, veins,
19:22 and sometimes I will just see
19:24 additional color.
19:26 What a wonderful color!
19:28 Pink for a start.
19:30 I will see the face,
19:32 and we say that she has pink skin.
19:34 I will see this shade in her face.
19:36 I will see the same shade in her neck.
19:38 She will turn her hand.
19:40 I will see the same shade
19:42 in the inner part of the hand.
19:44 This is not a skin, but the red itself.
19:46 It is the group of colors that is inside.
19:48 We will talk in detail
19:52 with you about the mechanism
19:54 how the color of each person changes
19:56 with age.
19:58 I will make a separate course.
20:00 But it is not difficult to assume
20:02 that if a girl was born
20:04 with thin skin and already in childhood
20:06 I see pink,
20:08 you can immediately
20:10 calculate what problems
20:12 exactly she has with the color
20:14 will be at the age.
20:16 What will be her skin?
20:18 The older she gets,
20:20 the redder
20:22 skin will be.
20:24 Why?
20:26 She will be even thinner.
20:28 Due to this,
20:30 her stage will be
20:32 bright red.
20:34 And then when wrinkles will go,
20:36 red will fade a little.
20:38 But in any case,
20:40 one of her problems
20:42 will be red.
20:44 Is it clear what I'm talking about?
20:46 Clear.
20:48 The third group of colors
20:50 that also has to do
20:52 with skin.
20:54 These are the colors
20:56 that are added to our skin
20:58 from the outside.
21:00 We will talk about it.
21:04 We just had a skin.
21:06 There were inner colors
21:08 associated with blood vessels,
21:10 with veins, and so on.
21:12 And the third group of colors
21:14 is what is added to us from the outside.
21:16 What do you think
21:18 what things will be discussed now?
21:20 What is added to us from the outside?
21:22 In connection with ecology,
21:24 with age, with care for yourself,
21:26 and so on. What is added?
21:28 Cigar, pigment.
21:30 Cigar, pigment spots.
21:32 Snow from the inside.
21:34 Snow from the inside.
21:36 Spring, if they are associated
21:38 with pigment spots.
21:40 Wrinkles.
21:42 Relief shadows.
21:44 Yes,
21:46 relief shadows.
21:48 The more problems
21:50 are added,
21:52 the more elements are added from the outside,
21:54 the more
21:56 gray color will be
21:58 present in the skin.
22:00 The more problems
22:04 are added from the outside,
22:06 the more gray
22:08 will be present in your skin shade.
22:10 And we will be with you
22:14 in different groups,
22:16 so we will be disassembling
22:18 what a person starts with,
22:20 what we see,
22:22 and what will happen next,
22:24 what will be the mechanism,
22:26 how different changes will appear.
22:28 Let's see
22:30 just observing the dynamics
22:32 of skin color change
22:34 from age.
22:36 A little bit of typography,
22:38 as you prefer.
22:40 We probably just have different information
22:42 for tomorrow, or I will give you
22:44 a generalized one at the end,
22:46 but it is convenient for color types.
22:48 Can you imagine, it is so hard
22:50 to have pictures.
22:52 I will just give you parameters.
22:54 The first option.
22:56 White-pink skin.
22:58 I mean not the skin,
23:00 but how I perceive it.
23:02 White-pink skin.
23:04 What characteristics will she have?
23:08 What is she like?
23:10 She is light.
23:12 Next.
23:14 She is thin, because I see the inner skin.
23:16 Young age.
23:18 She is already light and thin.
23:20 Because of this, I see
23:22 additional red color.
23:24 What should we understand next?
23:28 Approximately by the middle age,
23:30 when the skin
23:32 begins to become even thinner,
23:34 its shade changes
23:36 to a redder one.
23:38 Indeed,
23:40 women of 40, 45, 50 years
23:42 of this type,
23:44 and you can add that
23:46 they usually have
23:48 red or yellow hair.
23:50 It is a warm type.
23:52 Indeed,
23:54 in their 40-50 years,
23:56 the face may be red.
23:58 And the skin
24:00 is usually red.
24:02 And the skin
24:04 is usually red.
24:06 In their 40-50 years,
24:08 the face may be just red.
24:10 The body may remain white-pink,
24:12 and the face will be just bright red.
24:14 When wrinkles begin,
24:16 when the creases deepen,
24:18 another group of colors is added
24:20 to this shade.
24:22 What?
24:24 Gray.
24:26 The redness is dimmed,
24:28 and I will see such a red-gray shade.
24:30 There will never be
24:34 a shade of the skin,
24:36 as we say,
24:38 an earthy color.
24:40 What is earthy?
24:42 It is just a deep,
24:44 green-gray color.
24:46 This skin will always
24:48 continue to contain red.
24:50 It will go through some stages.
24:52 Look, it is diluted,
24:54 then bright,
24:56 and then dusty.
24:58 And at an advanced age,
25:00 it is darkened.
25:02 But this will always happen
25:04 against the background of red.
25:06 Let's look at another example.
25:08 Let's look at people
25:10 whose face is diametrically opposite.
25:12 At a young age,
25:14 you read her skin as light olive.
25:16 At a young age,
25:20 you read the shade of her skin
25:22 as light olive.
25:24 Look, everyone has a gray-olive shade
25:26 in the skin itself.
25:28 If I see
25:30 a gray-olive skin
25:32 at a young age,
25:34 what is its density?
25:36 It is dense, of course,
25:38 because I do not see
25:40 any red movements
25:42 from the inside.
25:44 It is a dense olive skin.
25:46 At an intermediate age,
25:50 when the first age changes begin,
25:54 what will happen
25:56 to the skin color?
25:58 It will turn gray.
26:00 You will stop seeing the purity of the color
26:02 and immediately perceive it
26:04 as gray.
26:06 The deeper the wrinkles,
26:10 the more gray it will be.
26:12 Now look at this interesting trick.
26:14 The dynamics of skin density
26:18 exist in all people,
26:20 regardless of the ethnic group,
26:22 nationality.
26:24 We always see
26:26 such a thinning of the skin.
26:28 I can tell you that
26:30 if the previous group
26:32 had the first problem
26:34 at an intermediate age,
26:36 it was an increase in red,
26:38 and then it was a little muted,
26:40 then people who have
26:42 a dense skin origin
26:44 have a different dynamic.
26:46 At first it turns gray.
26:48 The older she is, the more wrinkles,
26:50 the deeper the wrinkles,
26:52 the more gray she becomes.
26:54 The beauty is only in the way
26:56 that she is.
26:58 These people, as a rule,
27:00 will not have pink cheeks
27:02 because there is a cupyrus nearby.
27:04 The skin is dense,
27:06 everything is ok, everything is clearly visible.
27:08 And suddenly, at the age of 50,
27:10 you see that it is blue.
27:12 You see a nose with blue veins.
27:16 Sometimes blue vessels
27:18 immediately appear.
27:20 Although initially
27:22 there was no red face.
27:24 Why?
27:26 - Dark.
27:28 - Remember we said
27:30 what is the mechanics of red?
27:32 Pink, then bright red,
27:34 then red-blue, blue-red, blue.
27:36 This woman
27:38 had a dense skin initially.
27:40 Until she
27:42 became thinner,
27:44 it was somewhere around 60-70 years.
27:46 55, depending on the care
27:48 of how the person
27:50 takes care of himself.
27:52 And she will not have pink anymore.
27:54 This stage has passed.
27:56 This problem immediately appears
27:58 in the last
28:00 color solution.
28:02 Just observe. It is very interesting.
28:04 - And the first was autumn,
28:06 and the second winter?
28:08 - South.
28:10 We will tell you more about this tomorrow.
28:12 For now, I just want them to understand
28:14 that everything is very unstable.
28:16 Everything would be easy and clear
28:18 if we could just teach
28:20 these types.
28:22 Agree?
28:24 It would be very easy,
28:26 everyone would live easily.
28:28 But not just that, I showed you
28:30 how the feeling of color changes
28:32 when a different shade arises next to it.
28:34 And we have already seen it
28:36 on the example of our drugs.
28:38 Our skin,
28:40 due to the fact that it,
28:42 as a rule,
28:44 contains a chromatic color
28:46 either diluted gray,
28:48 or medium gray, or dark gray,
28:50 it is always in the composition of our skin.
28:52 Due to the fact that
28:54 there is not enough color,
28:56 and there is a lot of chromatic color,
28:58 do you understand what I'm talking about?
29:00 Look, imagine,
29:02 I tell you,
29:04 she has pink skin.
29:06 It may not be a problem.
29:08 She has pink skin.
29:10 Maybe. We just talked to you.
29:12 There are people who are born
29:14 with such a shade.
29:16 And if I tell you that her skin is bright red?
29:18 This is a problem.
29:20 In general, does anyone have any doubts
29:22 that this can be normal?
29:24 This is a problem right away.
29:26 Her skin is olive, is it normal?
29:28 Normal. And her skin is bright green?
29:30 What else is the problem?
29:32 Sad.
29:34 Her skin is blue, maybe?
29:36 Yes, her skin is bright blue.
29:38 No.
29:40 What planet did she come from?
29:42 Or in what department is she lying?
29:44 Where was she?
29:46 Look, our skin
29:48 is never bright.
29:50 The shade of our skin
29:52 is never in a bright group.
29:54 It is always either
29:56 faded, or darkened,
29:58 with different proportions,
30:00 with different purity.
30:02 Nevertheless, it is always a result.
30:04 And due to the fact that
30:06 there is not enough color,
30:08 there is not enough pigment,
30:10 and there is a lot of lightness or darkness,
30:12 because it is a shade,
30:14 our skin is always affected
30:16 by the influence of the colors
30:18 that are nearby.
30:20 And I'm not just like that.
30:22 I told you initially
30:24 that ...
30:26 How do we assess?
30:28 We assess the color of the skin,
30:30 the color in the eyes, the color in the lips.
30:32 But we did not touch, we did not call
30:34 hair,
30:36 clothes. Why?
30:38 Because we are educators.
30:40 And as a rule, we are number 8,
30:42 we are the last to work.
30:44 Before us, a person has already chosen
30:46 a dress, dyed his hair,
30:48 made a hairstyle,
30:50 picked up accessories,
30:52 and we have to deal with it later.
30:54 And therefore, it is very important
30:56 that you understand that everything
30:58 that surrounds our face is also a color.
31:00 She dyed her hair.
31:02 Yesterday she was blonde,
31:04 and today she is red.
31:06 Can I change it somehow?
31:08 - No. - And say not really, yes?
31:10 Education does not allow you to say
31:12 "Look at yourself."
31:14 I can't influence it,
31:16 I can't change it.
31:18 But how am I going to assess it?
31:20 I have to learn
31:24 to read her skin
31:26 initially
31:28 in the conditions of the colors
31:30 that she changed.
31:32 And we are now moving
31:34 to such a phenomenon
31:36 that in our profession is called
31:38 the phenomenon of color reflex.
31:40 Not only in our profession,
31:42 in fact, the phenomenon
31:44 of color reflex.
31:46 There are several factors
31:48 in which
31:50 the shade of our skin
31:52 can change.
31:54 The first factor
31:56 we just described is the hair color.
31:58 Girls, paradoxically,
32:02 how often,
32:04 unfortunately,
32:06 hairdressers do not think about it at all.
32:08 And if hairdressers
32:10 think about it,
32:12 then the person who came for the service
32:14 does not think at all.
32:16 Let's look at such an example.
32:18 The first reflex is the color of the hair.
32:20 I take, of course, it will not be
32:22 a straightforward shade of skin,
32:24 but I want you to learn
32:26 to observe the color dependence.
32:28 Imagine
32:30 it was skin.
32:32 Our woman has such skin.
32:34 How do we read the composition?
32:36 Just do not say the word beige,
32:38 because everything that is light
32:40 for some reason 90%
32:42 is called beige.
32:44 What colors are in the composition?
32:46 We do not know the shade,
32:48 we do not care, we start right away with the composition.
32:50 There is a gray composition, I agree.
32:52 What else is in the composition?
32:54 There is a little pink.
32:56 And there is a hundred percent yellow.
32:58 So, there is a yellow + gray.
33:00 Can a girl have such skin?
33:02 Maybe.
33:04 If her skin is thin,
33:06 we just talked to you,
33:08 and the girl is not quite fresh,
33:10 that is, a gray color has been added.
33:12 A little adult girl.
33:14 And what do you think?
33:16 Such a girl goes to a hairdresser
33:18 that she wants to get this color.
33:20 She wants to get a creative color.
33:22 A little not fresh girl,
33:24 probably,
33:26 will not want to make a bright, creative hair.
33:28 But there are exceptions,
33:30 there are everywhere.
33:32 Why would she come for coloring?
33:34 What will she want?
33:36 The goal.
33:38 Of course.
33:40 She does not put it in her head,
33:42 I want to become fresher.
33:44 Imagine, a person came to a hairdresser,
33:46 I came to you for freshness.
33:48 She says, I want to look younger.
33:50 Or I want to change.
33:52 We are now taking a break.
33:54 I want to look younger.
33:56 I want to change.
33:58 What do you think,
34:00 what color does coloring hair
34:02 speak of youth?
34:04 Something bright.
34:06 And therefore, as a rule,
34:08 such women are painted
34:10 blondes.
34:12 We take the blondes,
34:14 we put them next to the skin.
34:16 Freshened?
34:18 All see.
34:20 Remember, please.
34:22 We take another shade.
34:24 I'm just so that you can see.
34:26 Has it become fresher?
34:30 No.
34:32 Has not become fresher?
34:34 And now,
34:36 let it be primitive,
34:38 we will do like this.
34:40 Cool.
34:44 Please look now, carefully.
34:46 Something is changing?
34:48 Pink.
34:50 And if I choose the right shades,
34:52 I can do like this.
34:54 Look.
34:56 And gray left.
34:58 And pink is not so bright.
35:00 And the skin becomes lighter.
35:02 What you should understand,
35:04 how the hair is colored,
35:06 hair begins to interact
35:08 with the shade of the skin.
35:10 The lighter the skin,
35:12 the more
35:14 the dependence on the color of the hair.
35:16 In this case,
35:18 I showed you the first factor.
35:20 I took the same shade,
35:22 which was in her skin,
35:24 but added more gray there.
35:26 In contrast,
35:28 when two of these shades
35:30 were matched with each other,
35:32 gray left the skin.
35:34 100%
35:36 Blondes add youth.
35:38 But pay attention
35:40 how strange it looks in the picture.
35:42 It's like a child.
35:44 And the hair is not so bright.
35:46 But look how strange
35:48 adult women look.
35:50 They have a blonde in a pure form.
35:52 With the addition of yellow,
35:54 pure gold.
35:56 The purer the hair color,
35:58 we just saw,
36:00 the purer the hair color,
36:02 the more gray the skin is,
36:04 wrinkles are more noticeable,
36:06 and so on.
36:08 This is a color comparison.
36:10 Or the first influence
36:12 of hair on the skin.
36:14 Now we will take a break.
36:16 10 minutes.
36:18 I'll charge the battery.
36:20 Then we'll continue from the outlet.
36:22 Do you like it?
36:24 Yes?
36:26 Tell me honestly, is it difficult?
36:28 Why don't you ask?
36:30 Why don't you ask?
36:32 Because it must be tried.
36:34 No, it must be spoken out right away.
36:36 Otherwise it will be difficult to try.
36:38 So now, please,
