Kitchen life hack How to cook a frozen steak

  • last year


00:00 Hi everyone, today I'm going to show you how to cook a frozen steak without defrosting.
00:08 So first I'm going to start by heating up some olive oil on a medium heat.
00:14 Just going to give that a few minutes to heat up and then we will grab our steak.
00:19 And now I'm going to take my frozen steak and put it in the oil and season it with some
00:23 more olive oil and salt and pepper.
00:28 Meanwhile I'm going to turn on my oven to 200 degrees and leave that for a few minutes.
00:38 So now it's been a few minutes, I'm going to flip it over and let it defrost a little
00:42 bit on the other side.
00:43 And I'm going to put a little bit of seasoning on this side as well.
00:54 Okay so my steak is mostly defrosted, now I'm going to transfer it from the pan to my
01:03 baking sheet.
01:06 And now I'm going to place it in the oven at 200 degrees for 20 minutes.
01:13 Everybody likes their steak differently and I like to use a meat thermometer to make sure
01:16 I've got it right.
01:17 Usually 120 to 125 degrees is rare, 140 to 145 is medium and anything over 160 is well
01:26 done.
01:27 So definitely use a meat thermometer so you know you've got it right every time.
01:34 Alright let's see how our steak is doing.
01:36 It is done, it looks good, it smells good.
01:42 And now here is a critical step when you make steak.
01:45 A lot of times people finish cooking the steak and then they cut right into it.
01:49 You really need to retain the juices and the best way to do that is to simply take a piece
01:54 of tin foil and wrap the steak for about 10 minutes.
01:59 This is really great, it will help the steak stay nice and juicy and be perfect when it
02:06 comes time to eat it.
02:08 So just leave it here for 10 minutes and then we'll be good to go.
02:12 Okay so it's been 10 minutes and our steak is done and the juices are just as they should
02:18 be.
02:21 Looks so good and voila, perfect dinner from a frozen steak in no time.
02:29 Go to for the full recipe.
02:32 (whooshing)
