The King Cobra Hunting Animals Moments - Animal Fighting ATP Earth

  • last year


00:00 What can you do in one second?
00:13 A blink of an eye.
00:15 An exhalation.
00:16 But, in those few seconds, the cobras could have brought death to their prey.
00:23 Considering the world of all species, the cobra is not an animal that is honoured by
00:28 everyone as a king.
00:30 But the power in its attacks have never been underestimated.
00:35 Today let's find out about the dramatic hunts of the king cobra.
00:40 Especially those hunts that have the presence of snakes that possess weapons no less than
00:46 the king cobra.
00:48 Let's discover it together.
00:52 The King Cobra on the Hunt.
00:56 The king cobra is native to Asia and often hides in the forests of India.
01:01 Its habitat is under dense forests, moist tropical forests or ponds and lakes.
01:07 They have characteristics such as climbing trees and swimming very well.
01:12 Venom is the most feared weapon of the king cobra.
01:16 It contains a group of neurotoxins.
01:18 A type of neurotoxin, when the venom begins to attack the prey's body, the toxin will
01:23 paralyse the central nervous system, leading to blurred vision, drowsiness, eye pain, dizziness
01:31 and complete paralysis.
01:33 Thanks to that characteristic of the structure and the habitat, the king cobra has become
01:39 more famous than any other animal.
01:47 The King Cobra and the Cobra.
01:50 On a clear morning, the king cobra wake up in a very excited mood.
01:55 It wriggled through the trees.
01:58 Just then, a cobra was caught in its sights.
02:02 Also belonging to the snake family, the cobra has a much shorter body than the king cobra,
02:07 as the king cobra has a faster movement speed than the other cobra.
02:11 Therefore, when they collide, the cobra must also be afraid of its power.
02:17 Once the king cobra has observed its prey, it moves quickly to approach the prey.
02:22 And at this point, the king cobra will raise the front of its body, usually a third of
02:28 its own body at about 1.5 metres, in a stance and a defence, and look directly into the
02:35 opponent's face.
02:37 Moreover, they also puff up their gills and expose their fangs.
02:42 They appear to be agitated by the subject's close proximity or sudden movements.
02:48 When raising its body high, the king cobra can still move faster towards its prey.
02:53 And when facing a cobra, their throat ring expands and this place is home to a venom
02:59 sack.
03:00 It will contract to secrete the venom when attacking the prey.
03:05 Immediately after, it became more aggressive and struck a fatal blow to the neck of its
03:10 prey.
03:11 As the venom in the salivary glands of the king cobra gradually seeps into the cobra's
03:17 body, the prey now submits and just lies waiting for death.
03:22 As the king cobra gradually swallows its prey whole and pushes the food along the digestive
03:28 tracts, the stomach of the king cobra contains fluid and there it helps to break down the
03:35 tissue more easily.
03:40 The King Cobra vs The Black Mamba
03:44 The new day begins in a quiet forest.
03:46 As the black mamba wakes up with a hungry stomach, it rushes into the forest to look
03:52 for food.
03:53 And in the forest, if no venomous snakes appear, there will be the ruler of the kingdom here.
03:59 For no species wants to encounter a possessor of its venom.
04:05 Venom of the black mamba snake is highly toxic, capable of causing unconsciousness in a person
04:11 in 45 minutes or less.
04:13 The black mamba is an elegant looking but unruly snake, often unpredictable in behavior
04:20 and capable of moving quickly with great agility.
04:24 With the above characteristics, it can be seen that the black mamba is also a famous
04:29 animal in the species.
04:32 But no matter what, it is not a rival to the king cobra.
04:36 The king cobra's gills, with its ability to sniff and locate its prey, has determined
04:41 who the animal is and about to confront.
04:44 It quickly closes to the opponent and rushes out in front of it.
04:49 And the black mamba is very surprised.
04:52 But with its agility, it dodged the first blow of the king cobra.
04:57 However, it did not have a good second chance when the king cobra immediately after the
05:02 missed bite took a strong bite into its body and the poison of the king cobra slowly absorbed
05:09 into the black mamba's body, causing it to become numb and paralyzed.
05:15 There was no chance of escape for the black mamba when it was once again fatally bitten
05:20 on the neck.
05:22 And like that, the black mamba quickly became a lucrative meal for the king cobra.
05:30 The king cobra eats a python.
05:33 In a wild forest, there was a pair of pythons who seemed to have a happy moment together.
05:39 But pythons are quite common reptiles and are present in most of our country.
05:45 The python's habitat is in the open forest and low stony forest and regenerating in the
05:51 shrub lands.
05:52 They are actively mainly at night and during the day they often find hidden places to hide.
06:00 In particular, the position of catching prey is interesting in pythons.
06:05 Usually pythons just lie still in one place to stalk prey, rarely moving.
06:12 When mating is complete, each one returns to the place that he started looking for.
06:18 That moment of sublimation made the python pair forget everything and not to be wary
06:24 of the sharp eyes looking at them from afar, which is the silhouette of a king cobra, and
06:30 it has identified the meal of the snake.
06:33 It quickly closes in on the opponent.
06:36 As fast as the wind, it used its super hunting mouth to bite into the body of the python.
06:41 And the python was bitten by a fatal bite.
06:45 Already knowing how to writhe in pain, it tried its best to use its body to wrap tightly
06:50 around the king cobra, hoping that the force of the body would make the cobra painful to
06:56 let go of it.
06:58 But it was too late.
06:59 The poison had slowly penetrated into the body and it could only fight back in weakness to
07:05 despair.
07:06 And then, whatever happened has happened.
07:10 It had no chance to see the sun come in on tomorrow.
07:17 The King Cobra with the Rattlesnake
07:18 Apparently, not leaving any prey, the king cobra's meal also includes rattlesnakes.
07:25 As the rattlesnake is one of the most poisonous species, causing the death of many small animals
07:32 and even humans.
07:35 The rattlesnake is the dominant species in the desert, stretching from southern Canada
07:40 to central Argentina.
07:42 In order to feed, they also often go to moist forests to hunt mice and other smaller animals.
07:55 Wandering around looking for food for lunch, the rattlesnake clashed with the fearsome
08:10 king cobra.
08:11 As the rattlesnake seemed to have understood the power of the king cobra, it backs away
08:16 in fear.
08:17 And at this time, the king cobra approached, observing the prey for a long time and after
08:24 surveying the situation, it aggressively took a strong bite on the body of its prey.
08:41 With an innate hunting instinct and the ability to combine information about the prey provided
08:46 by the senses, the cobra has become an intelligent but dangerous hunting machine.
08:53 The diversity of hunting methods has also helped them develop the ability to adapt to
08:58 many different types of habitats, helping them to grow and develop and glide across
09:04 the planet, constantly leaving terror for their prey.
09:08 Hopefully with the information shared in this video, you will have more understanding about
09:13 the species and nature.
09:14 There are still many secrets and attractions still waiting for us to discover ahead.
09:20 So good day and see you in the next videos.
09:23 (bell dings)
09:25 (dramatic music)
