Haircare + Skincare + Bath Favorites September 2014

  • last year
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 Coffee break with me.
00:03 Oh, hi guys.
00:05 Welcome back to my channel.
00:06 Today I am here with my skincare,
00:10 haircare, and body favorites.
00:13 Remember last month I told you I wanted to start
00:15 doing this thing where I separate them?
00:18 At the end of the month, I'll do my makeup favorites,
00:20 like my cosmetics favorites,
00:23 lipsticks, foundation, things like that.
00:25 And then maybe mid-month or a little bit
00:28 towards mid to end of the month,
00:32 I will do my skincare, haircare, and body favorites.
00:37 I wanted to separate them because sometimes I feel
00:40 like I compromise sharing what I've really been loving
00:43 so that my video isn't so long.
00:45 So I think separating it this way,
00:46 I'm going to target those of you that prefer
00:48 skincare and haircare products,
00:50 and I'm also going to be able to freely discuss
00:53 in a more long-winded manner
00:56 which products I've been enjoying.
00:58 So this month, it was a little hard for me to find stuff
01:03 because it really wasn't a skincare month for me.
01:07 Last year was definitely, last year.
01:08 Last month was definitely a skincare month.
01:11 This month is definitely hands down, hands down,
01:16 a haircare month.
01:18 I had one of those, aha, heavens open up moments.
01:24 Moments.
01:25 Tater's is high.
01:33 So I had one of those moments where I just,
01:36 hair, care, just, I don't know if,
01:42 I don't know if I just put it out into the world so much
01:45 that I've been so unhappy with my hair
01:48 that God said, "Here you go, Dani.
01:50 "Here is your answer."
01:53 So I'm gonna go ahead and get started with haircare
01:58 because it's what I'm most excited about.
02:00 So Briogeo came into my life like a godsend.
02:05 I can't say it any other way.
02:06 And you guys know I have thin, curly/wavy hair.
02:11 It's limp.
02:15 I have no volume at the roots.
02:17 Even though my hair is wavy and curly,
02:18 I have no volume at the roots.
02:21 My root and my crown are extremely greasy,
02:25 but the ends are very, very dry and brittle and crispy.
02:30 And it just feels hard.
02:33 I've been trying this line for, I would say,
02:38 a month, three weeks, about three weeks.
02:41 And I have been so happy.
02:44 I've almost rediscovered and fallen in love
02:49 with my natural hair.
02:51 Of course, I don't have my natural hair today,
02:52 but if you check my Instagram,
02:55 you'll notice that I have had my curly hair
02:58 just loose and on the loose, wild.
03:00 And it's just been so relaxing.
03:03 And oh, I can't even describe it.
03:05 Anyway, so the first thing that I tried
03:07 was the Briogeo Curl Charisma.
03:10 This is a product that you put into your hair
03:12 when it's wet, and you can either use a diffuser,
03:17 you could air dry it.
03:19 However you're used to drying it.
03:22 But it will literally capture your curl,
03:24 and it won't leave it crispy.
03:25 I can't describe it anymore,
03:27 and I refuse to describe it anymore,
03:29 because I'm working on a tutorial
03:31 on how I let my curly hair be curly.
03:35 And I'm using this product, and I swear to you,
03:38 if you have been a lost woman in life
03:41 with your curly hair, where you have no idea
03:43 what to do with it without making it crispy,
03:45 you're going to be looking forward to this tutorial.
03:48 It is so easy.
03:50 Out of this line, I've also been trying to,
03:53 I wanna say shampoos, but they're not shampoos.
03:58 The first one is a cleansing shampoo,
04:01 or a clarifying shampoo.
04:02 I really like this one.
04:04 It's called the Be Gentle, Be Kind Cleansing Shampoo.
04:08 This one basically strips your hair completely.
04:11 It's almost like a clarifying shampoo
04:12 where it removes everything,
04:15 all the impurities off your hair,
04:17 but it doesn't feel like, you know,
04:19 like, er, er, er, er, er, er,
04:21 when you use the Neutrogena one
04:22 where it's just really hard and just,
04:25 you know? (laughs)
04:28 Oh, God, and these products smell so good.
04:31 And then the last one that I've been using is a co-wash.
04:36 Have you guys ever heard of co-wash?
04:38 I know if you're a curly-haired girl,
04:39 you're probably like, oh, girl, been there, done that.
04:42 A co-wash is a shampoo and conditioner in one,
04:46 but it's not a shampoo and conditioner.
04:48 It's basically a cream-type product
04:50 that you use to cleanse your hair.
04:53 So you could scrub your scalp with it.
04:57 You can, you know, wash the shafts of your hair.
05:00 Do whatever you need to do to wash your hair,
05:02 but it's a cream product.
05:04 So if you're like me,
05:06 where you get satisfaction from getting a ton of suds,
05:09 this doesn't give you suds.
05:11 So it's a super unique product that,
05:14 it's new to me,
05:15 but it's probably not new to curly-haired girls,
05:18 but it does such a good job.
05:20 I literally feel like I did the entire routine
05:23 of shampooing and conditioning at the same time.
05:26 Best part about these products,
05:28 this is kind of turning into a review, isn't it?
05:30 The best part of these products is
05:32 I've never been a huge proponent of
05:34 it has to be all natural and it has to be cruelty-free
05:36 or stuff like that,
05:37 because it's very difficult,
05:39 especially here in the US,
05:40 to find products that,
05:43 unless you really go out of your way to find them,
05:45 it's hard to find them.
05:46 And these products are like 95, 99% all natural.
05:51 They are cruelty-free.
05:54 All of the fragrance in the products is natural,
05:57 so it's part of the ingredients
05:58 that are already in the product.
06:00 So it's just, oh my God,
06:02 I can't tell you how great it smells.
06:04 It just smells clean.
06:05 It smells like lime and lime and coconut.
06:09 And oh, it just smells so good and fresh.
06:10 So anyway, these are three products that I have been loving.
06:14 You can find them,
06:16 I think they have a direct website
06:19 that I'm gonna link down below for you guys.
06:22 But you can also, I think, get them at Sephora now.
06:24 So we're moving up in the world with this little brand.
06:27 So I think you can find it at Sephora,
06:29 but either way, if I can find it,
06:31 I will list it in the description box below.
06:34 But those three products, you guys.
06:36 And of course, I got a little overzealous and eager
06:39 and I got a lot of other products from the same brand
06:43 that I'm also trying, but so far,
06:45 these are the ones that have knocked my panties off.
06:48 Let's move on.
06:48 Another product that I've really been liking,
06:50 and this is strictly only because it smells good,
06:55 it is a shower gel from a brand called Fruits and Passion.
07:00 And I think this is a Canadian brand.
07:02 One of my subscribers sent it to me.
07:04 And when I got her package,
07:06 the entire package smelled, smelt, smelt, smelt like heaven.
07:12 Like I am not even kidding.
07:13 The entire box was saturated
07:17 with this fragrant, floral, rich scent.
07:21 And I was like, what is that?
07:25 It's this body wash.
07:26 This body wash, if you're a person that's not,
07:30 if you're not a big fan of like perfume and body lotion
07:34 and things like that,
07:35 this is one of those body washes where you could use it,
07:37 cleanse yourself, and you're gonna smell good.
07:40 Like the scent is going to linger.
07:42 It might not be a fragrance that a lot of you enjoy.
07:46 It's one of those unisex scents.
07:50 It smells like really, really, really hot guy.
07:53 Like I'm not even gonna lie.
07:56 It smells like super, super hot guy.
07:57 But a woman could pull it off too.
08:01 Am I confusing you?
08:03 You're probably very confused.
08:04 Trust me when I say, Lord have mercy, it smells so good.
08:08 So this is again, the Gel Douche or the shower gel
08:12 from Fruits and Passion Gold.
08:14 I don't know if gold is like the type.
08:19 I don't know, but it's by Fruits and Passion.
08:22 Gold, I think gold is the scent.
08:23 Gold, ooh, I smell like gold.
08:26 The next product that is strictly aroma based
08:30 is my new perfume from Marc Jacobs.
08:33 I'm not gonna lie.
08:36 I got this mostly because of the packaging.
08:39 How cute is this?
08:40 It's like a little cloud of flowers.
08:42 No, but really?
08:44 Oh, it smells so good.
08:46 Well, after smelling this, it doesn't smell that good,
08:48 but it smells so good.
08:51 Just to kind of give you an idea
08:53 of the types of fragrances I like,
08:55 I do really like Viva La Juicy.
08:58 I really like Clean Skin.
09:03 Chanel Chance, the fresh version or the fresh.
09:07 Chanel Chance is one of my favorites.
09:10 True Religion.
09:11 It's discontinued.
09:14 That makes me so sad.
09:15 But really, fresh, floral, clean
09:19 with a tiny bit of sweetness are the ones that I really like.
09:22 That's kind of like my signature family of aroma or scents.
09:27 And this just nails it.
09:29 It's fresh, feminine, very clean smelling,
09:33 but with just that hint of sweetness,
09:36 just that little touch of warmth.
09:38 Oh my God, I really like this, you guys.
09:39 It's so expensive, but I really like it.
09:43 So again, this is Daisy Dream by Marc Jacobs.
09:46 And the last thing I wanna share with you guys,
09:48 you're probably gonna be like, "Dani, that's weird."
09:50 But it is a hair clip.
09:52 Have you guys ever seen this?
09:55 Have you ever seen this majestic little thing?
09:58 I actually discovered these years ago,
10:00 but now that my hair is getting a little bit longer,
10:04 I notice I'm reaching for these more often than not.
10:07 So I thought I would share it with you guys.
10:09 These are, I don't even know what they're called.
10:12 They're from the brand Goody.
10:13 I get mine at Target and Walmart.
10:15 It's basically a spiral bobby pin.
10:20 So if you are a person that likes to do loose buns
10:25 or just kind of put your hair up really easy or effortlessly,
10:30 or you like little hair to kind of hang out.
10:33 So if you guys see, I kind of just pulled my hair together.
10:37 And then you take this little guy with the two-- like,
10:42 the bobby pin entrance, I guess you can say,
10:45 and you just put it wherever your hair is and you twist.
10:49 Like, twist, twist, twist, twist, twist, twist, twist,
10:53 and it grabs onto your hair.
10:55 Like, probably the worst example I could have ever shown you.
10:58 But it gracefully, naturally, effortlessly does like an updo.
11:06 So it keeps it tight, where it keeps it all together,
11:10 but it also has it loose, where it
11:12 looks like natural and cutesy.
11:14 Does that make sense at all?
11:16 Especially if you don't like carrying around like 50 hair
11:18 ties and flat bobby pins and this and that,
11:21 this is really cool.
11:22 I think they come in a two pack.
11:23 And if you have short hair like me, they have two lengths.
11:28 They have, I think, this length and then
11:30 one that's a little bit longer for those of you
11:32 that have really thick, like, horse mane hair.
11:35 I'm so jealous of you guys.
11:37 So they have different lengths of it.
11:38 So if you have a lot more hair, a little hair.
11:41 And also, if you-- what is going on with my hair?
11:44 Also, if you like it tighter, you
11:47 could use two in the same look, or you could just use one.
11:50 I like to just carry one.
11:51 And I always find them in my jean pocket or in my purse.
11:55 And whenever it's just getting hot and gross and muggy,
11:57 I just twist it in my hair, and boom, it's done.
11:59 And it doesn't hurt.
12:00 That's the best part.
12:01 It doesn't hurt.
12:02 I think that's it, guys.
12:03 That's it for my hair care, skin care, and body care favorites.
12:07 I really hope you guys enjoyed it.
12:09 As always, all of the products that I mentioned
12:12 will be listed in the description box below.
12:14 So make sure you check there first.
12:16 If you guys are curious to try any of these products,
12:18 check the description box below.
12:20 Let me know which ones you are most interested in trying.
12:23 And as always, if you guys found this video useful, entertaining,
12:26 or learned something, please give me a thumbs up
12:28 or subscribe if you haven't already.
12:29 And until next time, this coffee break is over.
