Rimmel Provocalips VS MUA Velvet Lip Lacquer Review First Impression

  • last year
00:00 Hey guys, welcome back on my channel. Today's video is going to be a half and half lip product video.
00:04 So I will be comparing. This is the MUA Velvet Lip Lacquer and these are the new Rimmel, the Provokalypse.
00:12 I will be wearing these two products on my lips all day long to
00:15 see if they are long-lasting because I do want to do a video comparing all the liquid lipstick
00:21 I've ever tried and these two I haven't tried yet.
00:23 So I wanted to do it on camera so you can see. I'm going to start by applying the Makeup Academy one on my right side.
00:29 So your left side. This is the color Reckless.
00:32 First impression, it doesn't smell good.
00:35 Kind of smells a little bit like paint.
00:38 But usually liquid lipstick, the scent goes away after a little while anyways. Apply it on my right side.
00:45 Also going to swatch it in my hand so I can test it in an hour to see how it works when I apply it.
00:56 I feel like it's really different from any formula I've tried because it goes on so pigmented, but like it's not thick.
01:02 Usually so many other ones are like moussey. Not this one. It's really like liquid paint.
01:07 And on the other side, I'm going to apply the Rimmel one. This one I'm really excited about it because it's called Kiss Me Fool,
01:14 which kind of reminds me of
01:16 Lord of the Rings and Not Gonna Lie. Kind of a fan. So let's try this.
01:21 Again, smells a little bit like paint.
01:24 So...
01:26 So they're not dupe color-wise, I look a little funny, but it's alright.
01:34 I also swatched it in my hand and I tried to... I'm going to zoom you in so you might be able to see.
01:39 But the formula of this one is much more thinner. That's why I applied a little bit here.
01:44 So you can see it's almost like see-through. So you do have to apply a good amount to make it opaque.
01:49 Plus, I feel like it's more liquidy. It's super shiny.
01:53 So it's probably gonna go down to... dry down to a matte finish.
01:56 But so far, it's really shiny. If I press my lips together, I feel like this side is still really sticky.
02:00 Did you see that? That was gross.
02:04 So yeah. So far, I will have to apply the second step just to be able to say that I tested it out the way
02:12 it's supposed to be used. But I do like the finish of both of them on my lips.
02:16 But again, the MUA one is more opaque. This one isn't a hundred percent and it still has a little bit of a shine to it.
02:22 I kind of don't feel like wearing this, but
02:25 I'm gonna wait and try it because it's supposed to be
02:29 lock and shine, so to make it lock in place, but
02:33 it looks so weird. I'm not sure I want to apply that.
02:37 I think I'm gonna test it just on my upper lip just to see if it
02:44 does it different than the bottom one because I really don't think I would use that on daily basis.
02:50 I have to admit, I'm impressed that there's no color transfer on the applicator on this side.
02:55 Yeah, I'm just gonna apply on this
02:58 upper lip. It is really shiny and like I said, didn't transfer. So that's impressive.
03:03 So I will update you throughout the day and do all the rest of the little tests as soon as this is more dry and
03:08 I will let you know how it goes. Just FYI, the lock step 2,
03:13 whatever, it kind of leaves a taste in my mouth. Like
03:16 it's not disgusting, but I can smell it.
03:19 So if you're sensitive to scent, I wouldn't use this part. When it dries down to the matte finish,
03:24 neither of them smell like anything, but the step 2 does. So it's been around two hours.
03:28 I wanted to update you on the swatch there. So I have a dry baby wipe and I'm gonna try to
03:33 see if it gets wiped off.
03:41 Okay, so as you can see the Rimmel one tends to move a little bit. If I try really really hard, it's probably gonna
03:48 disappear, but
03:50 okay, there's like a stain that stays there. The other one, the Amoeba one, doesn't move at all. So that's good.
03:58 Now the little test of kissing my hand.
04:00 There might be a tiny little bit of transfer on the outside of the Rimmel one.
04:09 So we both qualify them as kiss proof as they didn't transfer. This test, I'm not sure what's gonna happen.
04:15 I guess it means that eating should survive on the Rimmel side. On the lips,
04:20 the driest side would have to be the MUA, but it's nothing that is like really uncomfortable.
04:25 Like I don't mind it at all. The Rimmel side kept is like shininess a little bit, which
04:29 yeah, and the only thing that bothers me is the fact that it is still sticky.
04:34 Like
04:36 it still feels a little sticky. It doesn't transfer at all, but
04:39 it kind of feels like it's not drying completely.
04:43 But it could also be why this side doesn't feel as dry. So I guess it kept the moisture, but it's a little sticky.
04:51 So it really is up to you if it bothers you.
04:53 I'll have to try more and see if it bothers me throughout the day when I'm wearing it. Obviously full lips,
04:58 not half my lips, but yeah.
05:00 I kind of don't feel the MUA side is just a little bit drier and this one I kind of feel the stickiness.
05:05 So it bothers me a little bit, but I'll have to try them more.
05:08 So I just wanted to update you after eating. By the way, the USPS guys saw me like this, so
05:14 what I wouldn't do for YouTube. I thought I was safe on a Friday, but nope.
05:19 At least he was really nice about it. Anyway, so I just had food and I wanted to show you what happened.
05:26 So I'm gonna zoom you in quickly.
05:32 So as you can see on this side, there was a little bit of bleeding on the side. This is the MUA one.
05:37 The Rimmel one still looks pretty good. There's still a bit of shininess from the
05:41 Step 2. Both did fade a little bit on the inside, a little bit more on the MUA side than the Rimmel side.
05:47 I will just reapply a little bit of the Step 2 on the Rimmel side and then I'll update you one last time later on
05:53 today. Both sides are starting to feel a bit dry, but I'm hoping that this is gonna help a little bit.
05:58 I wouldn't really feel the need to reapply. Like it's really not that bad.
06:03 So if I was like out and about and wouldn't be worried about this, I would just have to be careful on this side.
06:08 I'm just gonna wipe it off because I'm not gonna walk around like this. But
06:11 yeah, as you can see
06:13 looking a little...
06:15 So if I do this, you can see it's a little bit more gone on this side than the other one.
06:20 But again, nothing dramatic. So I've been wearing these two lipsticks for the past eight hours and they still look pretty good.
06:27 I feel like the Rimmel side looks better. This one did lose a little bit more color as I was eating a little bit more.
06:33 But they still feel comfortable. They don't feel sticky anymore, which well a tiny little bit, but not as bad as it was this morning.
06:41 I don't know if it's because the Step 2 disappeared or... Overall, I would say that the Rimmel one lasts the longest,
06:46 but you will have to get used to the feeling. It's not like extremely sticky, but a little bit tacky, but it doesn't transfer.
06:52 So it's really... It's only about if it bothers you or not. The MUA one will resist a meal,
06:57 but if you have a second one, you will have to reply and you have to be careful as it will feather a little bit if you eat.
07:02 But for the price, both of these are actually a great option. By the way, earlier
07:06 I completely forgot to test with a wet baby wipe to see if it changed thing or not.
07:11 I've been really careful about washing my hand to not touch this part of my head. So I'm gonna apply the wet baby wipe.
07:21 Okay.
07:23 So if I do it quite a bit, the Rimmel one goes away a little bit,
07:28 but there's still a stain and the MUA one doesn't budge at all. So...
07:32 If I go really crazy,
07:36 then you can see a little bit... I'll zoom you in actually.
07:40 So as you can see, there's a little bit of chunks that disappears on the MUA side and the Rimmel one, again,
07:46 it's just a stain that is left. I'm actually gonna try to remove it just because I'm done for today.
07:51 So might as well do it on camera.
07:53 Okay, it works. What about the other side?
08:00 This one is more like tacky. It's harder to take off than the MUA one.
08:08 Yeah.
08:10 The MUA one is really easy to remove. I would suggest using
08:15 a more like oily makeup remover, but you can take it off with just the
08:19 makeup remover wipe.
08:22 Making a mess.
08:24 I'm gonna try again this side.
08:26 Okay, the Rimmel one takes a lot more work.
08:41 If you remember correctly, I only put the second step on top part and it won't go away.
08:45 Like...
08:48 So if you apply it, it's gonna be a little harder to take it off,
08:52 but it's also gonna use if you're gonna eat. So it is doable for both of them with just a makeup wipe.
08:57 So that's it guys. I hope you enjoyed this video.
09:00 I hope it helped you decide which one would work better for you or if you are interested in any of those.
09:05 Don't forget to give it a big thumbs up if you like this kind of half-and-half video.
09:08 don't forget to subscribe if it's not already done and I will see you in my next video bye
