Haircare + Skincare + Bath Favorites August 2014

  • last year
00:00 Coffee break with me.
00:02 Woo!
00:03 Hi guys!
00:04 Welcome back to my channel.
00:05 I don't know why, but I feel like I'm losing my voice.
00:06 So if I start to sound a little ratchet, like I had a long night, I don't know, I think
00:13 I'm losing my voice.
00:14 I even made tea instead of coffee, and I'm like, "Ugh, ugh, ugh."
00:18 See if it gets better, but it's not.
00:20 I guess not filming for like two weeks is causing damage to my body.
00:24 So if my voice starts to sound a little weird, you know why.
00:29 Today I thought I would do something a little bit different.
00:32 You guys know I usually do reviews and tutorials and things like that, but I thought today
00:35 I would do something a little different because every month I do my monthly favorites, and
00:41 I try to keep it short.
00:42 I kind of try to take little products here or there that I've been enjoying, but I thought
00:46 that this time I would kind of do a separate video where it's like skin care and body favorites.
00:53 Products that I've recently discovered and that I've really, really been liking.
00:59 So I thought, you know, those of you that are skin care or body junkies would really
01:04 enjoy, and if you're kind of like a more beauty, lipstick, foundation type girl, you're like,
01:09 "Oh, okay, that's not something that I would want to watch."
01:11 So keep it separate, and that way it's a little bit more efficient, more convenient for all
01:15 of us, you know what I mean?
01:16 So the first products that I want to talk to you guys about are these tiny little miniature
01:20 pods.
01:21 They look like little baby nuggets.
01:24 These are face masks from a brand called Noug or Noug Beauty.
01:29 I don't know how to pronounce it.
01:30 It's that U with the two dots at the top.
01:32 I know I have a lot of international watchers that are going to be able to help me, so let
01:36 me know in the comment section below.
01:38 So it's from a brand called Noug or Noug Beauty.
01:42 I'm pretty sure it's Noug, like nugget, I want to say, because doesn't that make sense?
01:46 Like it's a little nugget?
01:48 And they're individual face masks, and the reason that I like these is because sometimes
01:53 it can be a little bit difficult figuring out if a face mask is going to work for you,
01:59 if you're going to have a reaction to it, if you have sensitive skin, if you're even
02:03 going to like it.
02:04 Maybe you won't even like the scent, or you have trouble figuring out how much is an appropriate
02:08 amount for your face, and you either end up using too much and wasting some, or not using
02:15 enough and having to go back, squeeze the bottle, and then get the bottle all disgusting
02:19 and dirty, you know what I mean?
02:21 So the reason I like this product is because it comes in I think five or six different
02:26 varieties, and if you really kind of start to think about the possibilities of how you
02:32 could use this product, it's kind of exciting.
02:35 So I'm going to bring you guys in a little bit closer just to show you a close-up of
02:38 this product and kind of what I like to use them for.
02:41 Welcome to my face.
02:42 This is what the little pods look like, and this is the revitalizing one.
02:46 This one is to revitalize and plump your skin.
02:49 So if you have like an important date, a meeting, or something that you want to go to and you
02:54 kind of want to perk up your skin, this is a really good option.
02:57 The best way to use this one though is to put it in the refrigerator before you use
03:01 it, and kind of that shock of the cold helps bring the blood to your skin and plump out
03:07 and make your skin a little bit more juicy and supple.
03:11 So that's this one.
03:12 I also really like the exfoliating one, and these are all quick-use masks.
03:18 So you could use them, I mean it takes you like 5 or 10 minutes to use these successfully.
03:23 It's not something where you have to like put it on, let it dry, sit, 10, 20 minutes
03:28 later then you wash it off.
03:30 This is the exfoliating one.
03:33 So it has little beads.
03:34 You apply it and you kind of rub it into your face for 5 or 10 minutes.
03:39 Instead of just letting it sit there, you kind of massage it into your skin, and then
03:43 it helps exfoliate and peel off all those dead skin cells.
03:46 So I really like that one.
03:49 My favorite one at the moment is the anti-aging one, and this one has vitamin B3 I think.
03:55 Is it B3?
03:56 Yeah, B3 and white tea extract.
03:58 So it removes free radicals from your skin which cause fast anti-aging, and it also improves
04:05 the elasticity of your skin.
04:07 But I don't put this on my face.
04:10 I actually put this on my hand.
04:13 I come from a lineage of women that all get really dark spots on the surface of their
04:21 hands and really deep set wrinkles at a very young age.
04:25 So for me, maintaining my hands young is top priority.
04:30 They always say you can tell a woman's age by her hands, her neck, and her knees.
04:35 So this is an anti-aging mask.
04:37 It's the perfect amount to apply a thin layer on the top of your hands.
04:42 I kind of let it sit for 15-20 minutes.
04:45 Maybe if I'm typing or doing something on the computer, I let it sit and then I rinse
04:48 it off.
04:49 I moisturize really, really well with that 99-Cent Nivea hand cream that is the best
04:55 cream I've ever used, and then go to bed.
04:58 It is such a great product.
05:00 And then they have two others, the hydrating one and the soothing one.
05:05 And these are all ... These are the two that I would say are good for sensitive skin, people
05:10 that just kind of have dry skin, problematic skin, sensitive skin.
05:14 They're more like the friendlier ones.
05:16 They have chamomile and shea butter, so they're more like the friendlier ones.
05:20 The best thing about these face masks is they come with a $2.50 price tag.
05:25 I see them all the time at Target, so they're very affordable.
05:29 And I really like it.
05:30 Like I told you guys, it gives me that confidence that if I don't know if I'm going to like
05:35 a product, if I don't know if I'm going to be sold on it, if it's going to work, if it's
05:40 even going to improve, I'm just going to spend $2.50 instead of $19 at Origins or $40 at
05:48 Sephora.
05:49 So it's kind of like a one-time use.
05:51 Figure out if you use it, if you like it, hey, it's $2.50 a pop, but you can find it
05:55 at Target the next time you're going to buy milk.
05:57 And you and I both know you're not just going to buy milk, you're also going to go up and
06:00 down the beauty aisles.
06:02 Other products that I have been enjoying.
06:05 This one, I kind of followed the hype.
06:07 I didn't want to believe it.
06:09 I really didn't.
06:11 And it's really as amazing as people say it is.
06:14 I was always the kind of person that would buy the facial cotton that's on sale.
06:18 Whatever facial cotton is on sale, I'm going to use it.
06:21 It's just cotton, hey, after all, right?
06:23 You guys, the Shiseido, what is it called?
06:27 Shiseido facial cotton is amazing.
06:32 Like it's literally like you're taking a two-minute old baby's butt and rubbing it all over your
06:38 face.
06:42 I don't even want to say that's my favorite thing about it because when I see people talk
06:46 about this facial cotton, they say, "Oh, it's so soft.
06:49 It's so amazing."
06:50 Yeah, it is soft.
06:51 It is really amazing.
06:52 But the best part is the way that this cotton is designed, it doesn't waste product.
07:00 I've noticed that when I use the regular cotton rounds or the exfoliating rounds like the
07:05 Up and Up brand at Target, I'll squeeze in my toner and I'll squeeze it and by the time
07:10 it feels saturated, I put on enough toner for like a week.
07:14 This one, as soon as I go a little bit too much, it starts to drip out of the cotton
07:19 pad so it never lets me waste product.
07:23 It's an amazing product.
07:24 It's a little bit more expensive because it's Shiseido brand.
07:28 It's kind of fancy.
07:29 But it is definitely a skincare product that I would recommend.
07:34 I figure, okay, I think it's $8 for this bag.
07:37 I think it has 200.
07:40 How many does it have?
07:43 165.
07:46 And so I figure, okay, if I'm going to invest that much in cotton pads, I'm saving the money
07:54 somewhere else because I'm not wasting that much toner and I'm not wasting that much serum
07:58 or whatever else I'm putting on this cotton pad itself.
08:01 So I don't feel like I'm wasting too much of my money.
08:04 I'm getting it back in another sense.
08:06 That's how I justify it.
08:07 Don't judge me.
08:09 The next facial product that I've been enjoying, I even bought it in bulk, are the Dewytree
08:16 Ginseng Black Sheet Masks.
08:19 They come in a box of 10.
08:20 I ordered mine from Memebox.
08:22 If you guys saw my video on Wednesday, I actually included one of these sheet masks in my Memebox,
08:30 in my Coffee Break with Dani Memebox that I just told you guys about.
08:33 So if you are interested in trying it out and maybe you don't want to get the pack of
08:37 10, order my Memebox and it'll come in there.
08:41 But you guys, this sheet mask is so incredible.
08:44 It does have a strong herbal scent, but it's just invigorating, it's anti-aging, it's a
08:50 gentle exfoliating mask.
08:53 It's like a natural exfoliation.
08:54 You don't have to be abrasive with anything granule.
08:58 You know what I mean?
08:59 It's just a sheet mask.
09:00 It's a black sheet mask that makes you look like a hoodlum robbing a house, but it is
09:05 definitely a really cool sheet mask.
09:08 So I definitely recommend this one.
09:09 This is definitely the top of my list of things that I've been loving that's like skincare
09:13 and body related.
09:14 Products that I've actually been enjoying are from a brand called MeBath.
09:20 And MeBath I actually found on accident.
09:23 When I reviewed my Ipsy bag last month, I was super excited because I got a nail polish
09:30 by a brand called Wet.
09:31 I don't know if you guys remember.
09:32 It was like a really bright, beautiful cobalt blue.
09:36 And when they saw that, they actually contacted me and said, "Hey, can we send you some products
09:39 from our other line, our bath and skincare product line?"
09:44 And I was like, "Oh, I don't really like to take baths.
09:47 I'm not a bath person.
09:48 I really don't.
09:49 I don't do the bath thing."
09:52 They converted me.
09:53 They literally converted me.
09:55 I told you guys that I wasn't feeling very well.
09:57 I was a little burnt out.
09:58 That's why I hadn't filmed in like a week and a half.
10:01 And their bath products revitalized my life.
10:05 I swear to you.
10:06 So the first product that I want to share with you, I'm actually saving it.
10:10 I don't want to use it because it's the last one I have.
10:13 But it's basically like a bath bomb.
10:16 If you guys are lush product junkies, you guys know what a bath bomb is.
10:22 It's basically like a seltzer ball that you put in your bath and it kind of bubbles up
10:27 and releases essential oils and salts and spirits in there to kind of relax your muscles
10:33 and make you feel...
10:36 I don't care if there's acid and like nails and like razor blades in here.
10:41 Just getting into a bath that smells like this, when you get out of the bath, I don't
10:47 care if you scrub your body or not, the smell just stays on you.
10:53 It smells like...
10:54 I can't even describe it.
10:57 What does it smell like?
10:58 Let me cheat.
10:59 Frangipani and mulberry leaves.
11:03 I don't even know what mulberry smells like, but if that's what mulberry smells like, I
11:06 want like 700 mulberry bushes.
11:09 It smells so good.
11:12 It leaves your body feeling delicious and silky and soft.
11:15 And if this wasn't enough...
11:18 Are you ready for this?
11:20 I put everything back in the box because I like how beautiful it looks.
11:23 Isn't that beautiful?
11:24 If this wasn't enough, this is a sugar scrub.
11:30 I'm a salt scrub girl.
11:33 I like those giant, sharp salt granules that like rip at my skin and exfoliate it like
11:41 freaking raptor claws.
11:43 You know dinosaurs, like those raptors?
11:45 I want it to rip at my skin and feel like I'm exfoliating.
11:48 I was never a fan of sugar scrubs because they're so like soft and gentle or whatever.
11:54 But if you want to feel exfoliated, this scrub is incredible.
12:00 I've had really bad experience with sugar scrubs before because I feel like they're
12:03 too oily and not scrubby enough.
12:07 And this one is more scrubby than oily.
12:10 So it actually removes dead skin cells.
12:15 You feel it exfoliating, but it also hydrates.
12:20 It doesn't strip your skin because it has that perfect amount of essential oil in it.
12:27 Let me...
12:28 Oh God, do you guys see that?
12:32 I don't want to spill it.
12:34 It smells so good.
12:35 It smells like a lavender candle basically.
12:38 And so it's a really...
12:40 It's kind of like a gentle but aggressive exfoliator.
12:42 Does that make sense?
12:44 So usually I use Lush Ocean Salt to exfoliate and I use my exfoliating gloves.
12:51 But this one, amazing.
12:54 If you like gentle exfoliation but where you feel the results, you'll definitely like this
12:58 one.
12:59 I didn't even tell you what this was called, did I?
13:01 This is the Madagascar Vanilla with White Truffle Tri-Functional Sugar Scrub.
13:06 Did I even tell you what this other thing was called?
13:10 The Effervescent Bath Soak.
13:12 I was close.
13:13 I told you guys.
13:14 Well, now I told you.
13:15 Either way, you guys know that my description box is always on top of things and I always
13:21 list everything there, links and everything included.
13:23 When I use this scrub or the other scrub that I told you guys about, I always use my exfoliating
13:29 gloves.
13:31 These are another item that are in my Mimi box that I talked about this Wednesday.
13:35 If you guys have never used exfoliating gloves, you do not know what you're missing.
13:39 For me, when I grab a scrub and I put it in my hands, I feel like it just melts through
13:44 my hands and I just waste it and it runs out of the shower or the bath.
13:47 When I put on my exfoliating gloves, it stays on the texture of the exfoliating gloves and
13:53 I just grab a glop and I rip at my legs.
13:57 I'm so aggressive, you guys.
13:58 I don't know why you watch me.
14:00 So I just scrub at my legs.
14:02 Literally, let me show you.
14:04 I'll scrub this leg.
14:08 I'll scrub my shoulders, like everywhere.
14:10 I'll just scrub and in like 30 seconds, smooth body.
14:15 I feel like a jelly bean, like a smooth, shiny jelly bean.
14:19 I really hope you guys like that aggressive display of scrubbing my body.
14:25 So I'm going to leave a link down below for you guys to check out the NUG or Noug facial
14:31 masks that are my all-time new favorite for face masks, especially for my hands, you guys,
14:37 for my hands.
14:38 If you guys have the hand issue, like I'm telling you, I hope you know what I'm talking
14:42 about, like the moles or the freckles that come out with age, try the anti-aging one.
14:49 I'm pretty sure I'm going to have great results with that.
14:51 I just started using it, but I feel confident that I'm doing something to help prevent or
14:56 slow down the aging process.
14:58 It's genetic, so I'm not going to be able to stop it completely, but it makes me feel
15:01 confident.
15:02 So I'm going to leave a link down below for you guys to check out NUG, NUG, NUG, NUG,
15:06 NUG-IT Beauty.
15:07 Then I'm also going to list all the other products that I mentioned, the facial cotton
15:11 from Shiseido, all the Mi Bath products that I talked about, the two Mimi products, or
15:17 a link to my Mimi box if you guys want to buy that.
15:20 But let me know in the comment section below if you guys like this type of video.
15:24 I know my brain is very organized, so if I do favorites videos where it's like skincare
15:29 and body in one and then beauty in another, it's a little bit more organized for me, and
15:34 it'll kind of simplify it for you to see if it's something that you're interested in watching
15:37 or not.
15:38 So I really hope you guys enjoyed this video.
15:40 Let me know in the comment section below what I just told you.
15:43 And as always, if you guys found this video useful, entertaining, or learned something,
15:46 please give me a thumbs up or subscribe if you haven't already.
15:50 And until next time, this coffee break is over.
15:52 Bye, guys.
