IT Cosmetics CC Cream 1st Impressions + Review

  • last year
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - Coffee break with me.
00:05 Woo!
00:06 Hello to my lovely subscriber, Madia,
00:08 who sent me one of these cups.
00:10 It was actually a set of four.
00:11 I posted it on my Instagram and they are so cute.
00:13 They're called Sassy Mugs.
00:14 It says, "Being pretty is my only crime,
00:17 "so take that, pretty police."
00:19 (laughs)
00:19 - And--
00:20 - I'm back with a first impression on the It Cosmetics
00:23 Your Skin But Better CC+ Cream.
00:28 CC+? I think it's just called CC+.
00:31 I just like throwing my extra words in there.
00:33 You guys know how I am with my,
00:35 someone said, "You're long-winded."
00:37 Yes, I'm very long-winded.
00:39 So, I normally do not jump on the bandwagon
00:44 of CC creams, tinted moisturizers, BB creams.
00:48 I'm not a fan.
00:49 You guys know from all of my other videos
00:51 that I'm either a naked face with sunscreen
00:53 or full-on full coverage foundation.
00:55 It's just how I roll.
00:57 I don't like that in-between stage.
00:59 I'm either gonna go with a really naked face
01:01 because I love my skin,
01:03 or I'm gonna go all out with a full-on glam look.
01:07 Seamless, perfect face, you know?
01:09 So, when, I initially didn't have any interest
01:13 in trying this, but my really good friend,
01:15 Laura from Mrs. La La Lynn,
01:18 we have this thing where she'll tell me
01:21 when I actually need a product in my life.
01:24 She'll make a big ol' presentation about it.
01:27 I remember when she wanted me to try
01:29 the Volume de Chanel mascara,
01:32 she was like, "Listen, you said that you would trust me
01:36 "to watch Tater, you need to trust me.
01:38 "You need to get the Volume de Chanel mascara."
01:42 So, she basically made the same case for this,
01:45 and she basically said it was a CC cream
01:47 that has really, really, really, really great coverage.
01:50 Now, I do have kind of my preconceptions
01:54 about this product, or my idea,
01:57 or my mind already made up about certain things.
01:59 For example, this has physical SPF.
02:04 So, that means that usually when a product
02:06 has a physical SPF, it'll usually give you
02:09 that white plate around your face,
02:11 or wherever you apply it.
02:13 Have you guys ever been to a splash pad
02:15 or a water park, and you see someone walking around
02:17 with that white rim of sunscreen?
02:19 It kind of reminds me of that.
02:21 That's what physical sunscreen does,
02:22 unless you blend it out really, really well.
02:24 Or, sometimes it can even cause flashback with pictures.
02:28 So, the reason I was inclined to just go ahead
02:31 and purchase this is because it has an SPF of 50,
02:34 which is very hard to find in products
02:37 that are bases, or that cover your face.
02:41 And then the other reason is that it has
02:44 medium to full coverage, according to Laura.
02:46 I haven't tried it for myself,
02:47 which is why it's a first impression,
02:49 but I thought we would do it together.
02:50 So, I'm gonna bring you guys in closer,
02:53 and we'll go ahead and try this out.
02:56 I do think that because it does have sunscreen,
03:00 titanium dioxide and zinc oxide,
03:03 I probably don't wanna use my beauty blender
03:05 because of the oils.
03:06 It might make it funky.
03:08 So, I'm gonna try and use it with a buffing brush first.
03:11 So, this is what the packaging looks like.
03:13 It's really interesting because it's a plastic tube,
03:16 but it also has a pump attached,
03:18 which is really cool.
03:19 The color that you see here is the color of the product.
03:23 I think there's four colors in the range.
03:25 I am light, which is the second color.
03:29 And I don't think it runs light or dark,
03:33 but I don't think there's an extreme range.
03:36 There are probably gonna be some people that need to mix,
03:42 or that are gonna be stuck a little bit in the middle,
03:44 especially if it's a medium to full coverage.
03:47 Those are less forgiving.
03:48 If it was a light coverage,
03:49 you could probably fake the funk a little bit,
03:52 but not with these.
03:53 So, this says that it's to help prevent sunburn,
03:57 but it's also a CC cream,
03:58 which means that it's color correcting.
04:00 It states that it is full coverage,
04:03 and it has an anti-aging serum.
04:06 So, that's pretty cool.
04:07 So, let's go ahead and try this out.
04:09 The first thing I'm gonna do is
04:10 I'm just going to use a Real Techniques buffing brush.
04:14 You guys know I love my Real Techniques brushes
04:16 and my e.l.f. brushes.
04:18 I'm just going to pump one pump onto the top of the brush.
04:21 And that's a pretty decent amount for one pump.
04:25 It's not a lot, it's not a little.
04:27 But that's pretty cool that it has the,
04:29 that it has like a soft tube, but it's also a pump.
04:32 I hardly ever see that.
04:33 I don't think I've ever seen that.
04:34 And then I'm gonna do just half of my face
04:36 so that we can compare one side versus the other.
04:38 It does say that it's full coverage,
04:40 so, like it actually says it on the package.
04:43 So, let's see, fingers crossed.
04:46 So, I'm just going to start by
04:48 kind of patting it on my face.
04:50 Oh, it has a smell to it, that's weird.
04:55 It smells like, well, here we go with my descriptions.
05:00 I don't think I wanna tell you what it smells like.
05:07 It smells like pine sal and oranges,
05:10 or like orange pine sal.
05:12 You guys know?
05:13 If you use, do you guys use Pinol?
05:15 Pinol is like the Mexican pine sal.
05:17 It kind of smells like that,
05:18 except obviously not as strong.
05:22 But I personally like that smell.
05:24 I'm not sure I want it on my face.
05:27 But yeah, it smells like,
05:28 it smells like a little bit like oranges and pine.
05:31 I don't know, maybe my scent is off today.
05:36 I did just start having my coffee.
05:38 It hasn't fully awakened me yet.
05:42 I don't know about full coverage.
05:43 I don't know what this thing is talking about.
05:45 Maybe buildable to full coverage.
05:47 It's weird to see me using a brush, huh?
05:50 I never use a brush.
05:51 Okay, so there is one layer on the left side of my face,
06:00 and then my right side is naked.
06:05 I didn't apply a primer because
06:08 this product contains dimethicone, which is a primer,
06:11 so I thought it would be a little bit of overkill.
06:13 So what do you guys think?
06:14 How does it look?
06:15 I have it here, I don't have it here.
06:17 I did put it on my eye,
06:19 and that's what I think where you could tell
06:20 the biggest difference.
06:21 Look at my eyes.
06:22 This one looks like I'm like a hooker panda
06:24 that got dragged through the alley,
06:25 and then look at this one.
06:26 It looks all nice, seamless and perfect.
06:29 Hooker police, I know you're coming to get me.
06:32 So let me drag it down a little bit.
06:34 I do have to say, it does look kind of white, doesn't it?
06:37 It looks a little white.
06:39 I have a little color on my skin now
06:40 because Tater loves to be outside during the day.
06:42 First, first impression just off this initial application,
06:52 I really like it.
06:54 But I wouldn't say it's full coverage.
06:57 I'm gonna go ahead and do the other side.
07:00 (upbeat music)
07:02 (upbeat music)
07:05 (upbeat music)
07:08 (upbeat music)
07:10 (upbeat music)
07:13 (upbeat music)
07:15 (upbeat music)
07:18 (upbeat music)
07:20 (upbeat music)
07:23 So that is my full face.
07:26 Let's see, my initial first impressions are that
07:31 the coverage is really impressive for a CC cream
07:36 with so much sunscreen.
07:41 I do have to say that these four colors,
07:46 they have a really pink undertone.
07:50 Usually with products that have such a small color range,
07:55 the undertone tends to be a little bit neutral
07:57 so you can make it work.
07:58 But I think that the undertone of this product
08:01 is slightly pink and I have yellow to neutral undertones.
08:05 So if I don't take especially good care in blending it out
08:10 or setting it with a powder
08:12 that has a little bit of tint to it,
08:14 I am going to get that mask
08:18 that when someone is wearing the wrong undertone
08:20 and you could totally see the line
08:21 of where their foundation starts and ends.
08:24 The coverage is amazing.
08:26 It basically makes your skin look better.
08:31 It covers the stuff that it needs to cover
08:35 like redness or imperfections,
08:37 but things like my freckles or my moles,
08:42 they're still there.
08:44 It's almost like a, how can I describe it?
08:49 I don't know, it's a very interesting product.
08:55 It does feel a little bit sticky,
08:57 but it does feel like eventually it will set.
09:01 Eventually it'll dry.
09:03 But it is taking a little bit longer,
09:05 which tells me that it's going to have a dewy finish,
09:08 more of like a natural dewy finish, which is fine.
09:13 Again, this is a product probably I would say
09:16 for someone that spends a lot of time outdoors,
09:20 maybe like a soccer mom,
09:23 someone that is very active outside.
09:26 If you're just running errands
09:28 and you wanna just even out your face
09:30 and you want the anti-aging benefits
09:34 and the sun protection, it's a really fabulous product.
09:37 But because I'm going to continue filming,
09:40 what I'm going to do is I'm going to finish my face
09:44 and then I'll check in with you guys throughout the day.
09:47 So I have been wearing the CC cream for about an hour now.
09:52 That's how long it took me to finish the rest of my face
09:55 and be a mom.
09:57 And so far, I really, really like it.
09:59 I basically set it with the Neutrogena Shine Control Powder
10:03 that I'm always talking about.
10:04 It's really lightweight.
10:05 It has virtually no color.
10:07 I basically wanted to give the product a chance
10:10 to just work on my skin
10:12 so I could give you my raw first impression.
10:14 It's really amazing.
10:20 I could see this turning into a product
10:22 that I basically wear every single day.
10:26 Instead of the whole naked face and sunscreen,
10:28 which I normally do when I'm outside with my son,
10:31 I mean, why not take it that extra level
10:33 where you're getting a ton of sunscreen
10:35 or a ton of sun protection,
10:37 but it's also making your skin look flawless.
10:40 It doesn't feel heavy, but it feels like you're wearing it.
10:45 If you guys know the feeling of wearing sunscreen
10:48 that like a film almost,
10:51 not like a bad film, like a heavy texture, no,
10:54 but it feels like you're wearing something on your face.
10:56 That's what it feels like.
10:58 At the beginning, it was a little hard to get used to
11:00 'cause I felt like when you feel like
11:03 you're wearing something,
11:04 you feel like other people can see it.
11:06 But I've gotten used to the feeling now
11:08 and it really doesn't bother me.
11:12 So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go about my day
11:14 and I'll check in with you guys later in the day.
11:17 I don't know.
11:18 I'm gonna check in twice, maybe once, maybe before bed.
11:20 I honestly don't know,
11:21 but this product doesn't state
11:23 that it's going to be long wearing.
11:25 In fact, it says that if you're going to be out in the sun,
11:27 you have to reapply every two hours.
11:30 So I'm not doing a wear test like,
11:32 oh, is it going to hold up because that's what it said?
11:36 It's just going to be like,
11:37 how long will it hold up
11:39 before it starts breaking up on my face
11:41 or looking like a hot mess?
11:43 So I'll catch you guys later.
11:44 Hey guys, I am back for my final check-in.
11:47 This is what I look like at the end of the night.
11:49 I am exhausted.
11:51 My eyes are red.
11:52 My jewelry has come off.
11:54 It is around 6.30 or seven right now.
11:58 So I've been wearing this product
11:59 for I would say around maybe eight hours.
12:03 Typically I don't wear my makeup that long.
12:05 I usually put it on and we go run errands
12:07 or we do whatever we need to do.
12:09 And as soon as I get home,
12:10 I wash my face or I take a shower.
12:12 But I try to keep it on as long as possible
12:14 just to see how it wears.
12:16 Again, this is not a product that says
12:20 it's going to wear a certain amount of time.
12:22 In fact, if you read the box,
12:24 it says to reapply at least every two hours
12:27 because sun protection or SPF has a window,
12:32 like a period where it works.
12:36 After that certain amount of time,
12:37 it's either sweat off your face
12:39 or it no longer performs or protects the way it should.
12:43 So if you're gonna be out
12:45 and you wanna use it for like a golf tournament
12:47 or swimming or the beach or whatever,
12:50 you probably wanna reapply every two hours.
12:53 The cool thing about this product is
12:55 although it says it's full coverage,
12:58 I don't feel like it's full coverage,
13:01 but the coverage that it provides is so incredible.
13:04 It basically just gives you a flawless finish.
13:08 It makes you look like you have really good skin,
13:11 but not like you have good skin
13:13 because of a product that you're putting on.
13:16 It makes it look like you have good skin
13:18 because you just have good skin.
13:20 So it gives you a really natural look.
13:23 I did not, let me get a closer look here.
13:25 I don't have it like breaking up anywhere in my face.
13:32 There's no areas where it's like visibly melted off
13:37 or broken up.
13:38 I do have to say maybe around this area,
13:42 but that just probably has to do because of eating
13:44 and using napkins and stuff.
13:46 But you could see I'm still wearing blush and bronzer.
13:51 And that's kind of a way to know
13:53 if you're using a really good base product,
13:55 like a really good powder or foundation.
13:57 If you can still see your bronzer and your blush
14:01 at the end of the day, you know you have a good product
14:04 because it's holding onto that pigment
14:06 of those two products.
14:07 So all in all, I do have to say this is a fantastic product.
14:12 It's probably gonna be something that I use
14:16 this entire summer because I'm gonna feel
14:18 so much more confident in knowing that I'm providing
14:22 my skin a really, really high number of sun protection.
14:27 My only, only, only complaint is that
14:29 it is a little bit too pink for me.
14:31 If you guys can see, I'm very, very light complected.
14:37 But I am a yellow light complexion,
14:39 which is kind of tricky.
14:40 Usually, if you have light complexion,
14:43 you're usually a little bit more pink undertone
14:46 or cooler undertone, but I'm kind of yellow.
14:49 So these CC creams do have a little bit
14:51 of a pink undertone to them.
14:54 But it's not, I mean, it's not so significant
14:57 that it's going to stop me from purchasing it.
15:00 But I do have to say that I am exactly in the color light,
15:05 which is the second color out of four.
15:07 But if I get any darker, it's going to be way too light,
15:11 and I'm probably going to be in between shades,
15:13 and I'm going to have to mix them.
15:15 So that's another thing that you want to consider.
15:18 If you guys are interested in this CC cream,
15:19 they do sell it anywhere they sell It Cosmetics,
15:22 which is a little tricky.
15:23 You could probably find it at,
15:26 on QVC, or I think it's QVC, QVC or HSN.
15:31 I always get those mixed up, I'm sorry.
15:34 Or of course your local Ulta.
15:35 It Cosmetics is found at all Ultas now,
15:38 so if you want to try it, swatch it,
15:40 go to your local Ulta,
15:42 and they will definitely have it there.
15:43 If you guys want additional information on this product,
15:45 I'm going to list the name of the product,
15:48 the price of the product,
15:50 where you can find the product,
15:52 or a link to the product in the description box below,
15:54 along with this sexy cami.
15:56 No, I'm just kidding.
15:57 Along with all the other information
15:59 regarding the makeup on my face and all of that stuff
16:02 can always be found in the description box below.
16:05 And as always, if you guys found this video useful,
16:07 entertaining, or learned something,
16:08 please give me a thumbs up or subscribe
16:10 if you haven't already.
16:11 And until next time, this coffee break is over.
