PawPack October 2015 + A Special Request!

  • last year
00:00 Coffee break with us! Woo! Hi guys! Welcome back to our channel. How are you today? Today I'm here with a sort of impromptu video.
00:10 I was getting ready because we have somewhere to be in literally less than an hour.
00:17 And I was finished getting ready and I kept staring at my paw pack and staring at my paw pack.
00:21 Okay, before I change my clothes I'm just going to get down nitty gritty with my four pooches and share with you what we got in our paw pack this month.
00:30 And if you guys aren't familiar, I'm going to list everything in the description box below along with a couple of annotations throughout the video.
00:36 So if you guys are curious... Excuse me?
00:40 So if you guys are curious about the subscription, it'll kind of scroll through the video.
00:46 Because I was like, if I sit down and I try to remember all the stuff I want to tell you, I'm going to forget.
00:51 I'm totally going to forget because I have four dogs running around right now and apparently having an asthma attack.
00:58 And I don't want to forget anything. So I'm just going to kind of... Maybe I'll scroll through what this subscription is.
01:05 But anyway, you guys know I'm a... I don't know if it's safe to say a subscription addict.
01:11 Because everyone in my family has a subscription or multiple subscriptions.
01:16 We just really enjoy them. It gives us something to look forward to every month.
01:19 And my dogs included. And I told you guys in the previous video, my favorite subscription for my dogs is actually paw pack because their snacks are 100% grain free.
01:28 And this one right here started a commotion in my family where everything now has to be grain free for my dogs.
01:34 So if you guys are unfamiliar, this is my oldest dog Totopo, which means tortilla chip.
01:40 He is 10 years old. This is Ernesta, our baby, our little adoption rescue.
01:47 This is Ernesta. We rescued her two years ago. About a year and a half ago. It'll be two years in December actually.
01:53 And then I'm not sure if you guys... Bunker, come here, bunker. Bunker, come here, my Bunker.
02:00 This is Wesley. He is our Westie. And he was actually really shy in the previous video we did.
02:06 He didn't really come out much because he's my lazy boy, as you can tell by this rotundus figure.
02:12 This is Wesley, our Westie. And then Sophia is over there somewhere. She's our Schnoodle. She's a Schnauzer poodle mix.
02:19 And so two girls, two boys, and then my two real life boy boys. So it's a big family. It's a big family in this house.
02:28 So these are my four dogs. And I get the medium sized dog box because I feel like this one is good enough to share with all four.
02:38 She usually always takes the toys. And let me tell you guys this. If you guys are familiar with healers or cattle dogs,
02:44 there isn't a thing in your home that they will not destroy. They have a lot of energy.
02:49 So if you have trouble keeping up with their exercise needs or helping them release that energy, they will rip everything.
02:57 So with PawPak, the toys that have come in there are surprisingly sturdy and they last forever.
03:04 So that's a plus. I think we should just go ahead and get started before I get loved to death. Huh, Mart?
03:11 If you guys are a little confused, all of my dogs have like seven nicknames.
03:16 You want to see what's inside? You do? Oh, sure. Help yourself. You want to sit right there? Okay.
03:23 So when you get your box, it's a beautiful, you guys know I'm a sucker for color.
03:28 So it's a beautiful like turquoise teal box. You want to show them what's inside? You want to show them?
03:35 This is the Halloween box or the October box. So we're a little late on it. But there you go.
03:40 That's one of the things in the box. Hey, can we show it? Ernesta, can we show it to them? Let me see it.
03:45 Show me the toy. Show me the toy. Show me the toy. Oh, yeah, that's a nice toy.
03:51 What is this? Like a mummy or Frankenstein? Can I take off the tag so you can use it?
03:57 Let's see. Take off the tags. We don't want you to eat the paper because she will.
04:02 So that's a toy that we got. Oh, look at this. A little neck thing.
04:07 We've never gotten any of these. And I see, I don't know if you guys watch Julie G,
04:11 but she gets a different pet subscription box for her dog, Brady.
04:15 And she always gets cute little things like this for Brady. Let's see. I'm going to put it on Marcus.
04:21 My little Sophie girl. You can look so pretty for Halloween, even though it's November already.
04:27 Look at that. Oh, you look so pretty. Hey, be nice to her. Ernesta, or Sophia, come here.
04:34 Sophia, come here. Sophie, I'll take it off. Sophia. Anything, sweater, scarves, even a collar.
04:42 She like, she will throw a fit until you take it off. This one, on the other hand,
04:48 you could put on a full five piece tuxedo and he will leave it on. He loves clothes.
04:54 Come here, Wesley. Wesley, come here. Let's show him how handsome you look.
04:57 Oh yeah. Come here. Come here. Come here. Oh, you see, you look so handsome, my Flubber Nubber.
05:04 You do look so handsome, my Flubber Nubber. Okay, so we got the little neck thing.
05:09 We got the Frankenstein. It usually comes with a little thing. Oh, it tells you what's inside.
05:15 Five different things. So we got two of the five. Ooh, I know who's going to have a blast with this one.
05:23 Who's going to have a blast with this one? Are you serious right now? Are you serious?
05:30 Whoa, what's going on here? You know, they're here to see the unboxing, not the four of you.
05:35 What's going on? Give them some space. This is one of those toys that has little toys inside.
05:41 So it entertains your dog for like a long time trying to get the toys from the inside out.
05:47 Why do you think everything is for you? Oh my goodness. Let's take off the tongue first.
05:53 Relax, homegirl. Hey. This is literally the same thing. Even when I don't film my paw pad,
06:03 this is literally how it goes. They just crowd around and they're like, "Ooh, what's in there? What's in there, Mama?"
06:09 Mira, mamita. Mira, mamita. What's inside? What's inside? Are you going to play? Show us what's inside.
06:15 She'll get them out in like five seconds. So there's Frankenstein. Here is, it's like a little, um,
06:21 a tombstone and there's little bats inside, little candy corn bats.
06:27 You guys are making a mess. And we got two bags of treats.
06:34 We have freeze-dried beta boost Greek yogurt, pumpkin, raw apples, and carrots.
06:44 That actually sounds really good. And we have, look who's happy, Temptin' Tenders, chicken with pumpkin.
06:51 Ooh, that's so fancy. I feel like I went to Trader Joe's for you guys.
06:59 So I'm so, this is the main reason why I decided to try PawPak.
07:04 So thanks to Brody Hippo and Holly Marshmallow, I discovered PawPak.
07:11 And it's just been such a blessing because now my allergy-ridden doggies have really good snacks.
07:17 So they have something to look forward to that is actually quite good for them.
07:21 So let's go ahead and try out these snacks and then we'll call it a day because we got to get going.
07:26 This is a grain-free treat made with cage-free chicken. Oh, wow, that's pretty cool.
07:31 Let's try this one first because I know the chicken one's going to make them crazy.
07:34 This one has flaxseed in it. Let's see, no preservatives, no grains, no artificial anything, and no cut corners.
07:43 This has potato, yogurt, Greek yogurt, garbanzo beans, pumpkin, apples, carrots, olive oil, flaxseed, and sea salt.
07:52 Salt? You guys don't eat flavor? Look, did you see how long that took her?
07:56 Ernesto, show them. Ernie, come here. Show them. Look how cute.
08:01 That took her like a whole five seconds.
08:05 Oh, let's see what's in here.
08:10 Sientate. Ernie, sientate.
08:13 Ernie. Ernie. Good girl.
08:17 Ooh, that smells good, doesn't it?
08:20 You guys, would you judge me if I try it?
08:24 I have a cousin.
08:27 Oh, you guys are going to judge me if I tell you.
08:29 This is the picky one right here, you see?
08:33 Can you try it for me?
08:35 Is it too big? Do you want little pieces?
08:38 You guys, don't judge my hair either. I just curled it, but I haven't brushed it out.
08:44 Come on, give it a try. Can you give it a try?
08:48 A little bite? Are you making me nervous?
08:53 Here, try this little piece, see if you like it.
08:56 Oh, it was just too big for you because you have a little mouth, don't you?
09:01 Let me see.
09:03 Go over there. Give it some space, please.
09:05 Sofia, go over there.
09:09 Do you guys have a dog that does that? Oh, man. This one.
09:12 My mom's like, "Oh, he's getting old." I'm like, "No."
09:15 Ever since he was a baby, he's so high maintenance.
09:19 He wants to be spoon-fed in the mouth.
09:23 And now that he's 10, I'm like, "Okay, well, he's old, but he's my favorite."
09:28 All right, so now let's try this one.
09:30 This is Look Who's Happy Temptin' Tenders.
09:33 I think this one's going to be a hit because it's just chicken.
09:36 Let's see. Hey, hey, hey, siéntate.
09:40 Siéntate. Good girl.
09:43 Chicken, pumpkin, molasses, citric acid, and vitamin E.
09:48 Ooh, these are big. Ernie, space. Good girl.
09:53 Stay. Stay.
09:57 Correle, Sofia. Correle, correle, correle.
09:59 Ernie, you're the big one. You have to wait and give them room.
10:03 No, Ernesta. Come on, Ernie.
10:08 There you go. Go smooth back. Right there. Good girl.
10:12 You go bonker.
10:13 So that is it for this Paw Pack. I really hope you guys enjoyed it.
10:16 It's so hard to film this video, you guys, because all I want to do is just sit here,
10:20 hit record, and be like, "Oh, my Fluffernuffers."
10:24 You know how it is if you have dogs.
10:26 They just jump in your lap and they just stare at you with those big brown eyes,
10:30 and then you cannot resist them, and then you cannot resist their loving.
10:35 So all of the information for the subscription will be listed in the description box below.
10:39 Remember that I do have a discount code for you.
10:42 It is an affiliate link, which means I do make a small commission,
10:45 but if you guys have been following me from my previous Paw Pack or my Instagram,
10:49 you know that all of the proceeds that we make go to a random rescue
10:54 or my favorite rescue of the month.
10:56 So the previous month we unboxed and we raised $150,
11:01 and I actually donated $500 to Choose Dogs Life Rescue.
11:06 I think it's called Choose Dogs Life Rescue.
11:10 They're a pit bull rescue in Southern California.
11:12 So every time it's just somewhere random.
11:15 I find someone on Instagram that just pulls at my heartstrings, and we just decide to help.
11:22 So this subscription is actually just helping me raise even more money
11:26 that we can donate to a local dog or animal rescue.
11:29 Anyway, so I really hope you guys enjoyed this video.
11:31 Check the description box for any details or information on the subscription.
11:36 Please let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.
11:38 And as always, if you found this video useful, entertaining, or learned something,
11:41 please give us a thumbs up or subscribe if you haven't already.
11:44 And until next time, this copy break is over. Bye, guys!
11:47 Mert, Mert, say bye! Say bye! Say bye, everybody!
11:51 Say bye, everybody! Yay!
11:54 Poco, you say bye? Say bye, my love. Say bye-bye.
11:58 See you later! See you soon!
12:00 See you next time! Bye!
12:03 Oh, yeah, this is all about that life.
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