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00:00:00 I'm going to read one verse out of Acts chapter 2.
00:00:24 It's the one that speaks to me today.
00:00:30 Chapter 2 verse 1 says, "And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, not partially,
00:00:39 but when it was fully come, they were all in with one accord and they were in one place.
00:00:49 In with one accord and in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as a rushing
00:00:59 mighty wind and it filled all the house."
00:01:05 I'm telling you it filled all the house.
00:01:09 All the house.
00:01:10 Everybody that was in the house was filled by the sound.
00:01:17 Now go with me to John chapter 14.
00:01:26 John chapter 14 and we're going to read at verse 16 and if you have it, say amen.
00:01:36 The Bible says in John 4, 16.
00:01:43 And no, I'm sorry.
00:01:46 I said that wrong, John 14.
00:01:48 All right, 16 through 20 is where we're going.
00:01:52 And he said, this is Jesus speaking.
00:01:55 He said, "And I will pray."
00:01:59 That's encouraging to me right there to know that he's praying.
00:02:03 He said, "I will pray to the father and he shall give you another comforter that he may
00:02:13 abide with you forever.
00:02:17 Even the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because it seeth him not.
00:02:24 The world can't see him so they don't believe him.
00:02:28 Neither do they know him.
00:02:31 But you," tell somebody around you, I know him, I know him.
00:02:36 I know him.
00:02:39 You know him.
00:02:40 Why?
00:02:41 Because he dwelleth with you and shall be in you.
00:02:51 I will not leave you comfortless.
00:02:52 I will come to you yet a little while and the world seeth me no more, but you see me
00:02:59 because I live.
00:03:02 Because I live, you shall live also.
00:03:07 I'm going to go back up to the 17th verse where it says, "Even the spirit of truth whom
00:03:11 the world cannot receive because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him, but you, you
00:03:16 know him.
00:03:17 For he dwelleth with you and shall dwell, shall be in you."
00:03:29 He's with you, but he's going to be in you.
00:03:35 He's telling them, "I've been with you, but I'm about to move into a place that I'm in
00:03:44 you.
00:03:45 You won't see me where you used to see me because I'm slipping in."
00:03:51 Something happened right here between the words with you and in you.
00:03:58 Something happened in that space of time.
00:04:03 And I believe it was God saying, "I'm going under wraps now.
00:04:11 I've been with you, but now I'm moving in.
00:04:14 I'm going to fly under the radar a little bit, but don't worry because I'm right there
00:04:21 in you."
00:04:22 Tell somebody, "Don't worry.
00:04:24 He's right there in you."
00:04:34 The shift always happens when God is under wraps.
00:04:48 You'll get it later.
00:04:49 Spirit of God, I love you and I honor you.
00:04:52 I'm so hungry today.
00:04:54 I feel like I want to eat this food all up.
00:04:58 And if they don't get it and they don't say amen, rest assured it will not go to waste
00:05:04 because my soul cries out, "Yes."
00:05:09 I'm believing you for great and mighty things.
00:05:13 This is the day if there's ever been a day, this is that day.
00:05:17 And I am believing you for it.
00:05:19 Father, take my thoughts.
00:05:25 Help me to articulate them as I see it so that your people can see it and they can feast
00:05:30 on your word and they can walk out of here with yokes being broken.
00:05:37 Expectation at an all time high, believing you for miracles, signs and wonders.
00:05:46 Help us today, God, and we will be helped.
00:05:49 We pray all of this in the name of Jesus.
00:05:53 Somebody shout amen and amen.
00:05:56 On your way down, touch somebody and say, "God has gone under wraps."
00:06:03 He's gone under wraps.
00:06:12 We've said a lot about Pentecost Sunday.
00:06:14 I want to just make sure in case there's any among us that don't fully understand it, I'm
00:06:21 going to tell you a couple of things.
00:06:24 Pentecost Sunday is when we celebrate the coming of God's spirit into the lives of men
00:06:32 and women.
00:06:33 It is when we celebrate, Pentecost Sunday is when we celebrate the birthday of the church.
00:06:40 So you can look at somebody technically today and say, "Happy birthday."
00:06:45 This is the birthday of the church.
00:06:48 It's the commemoration that happens between Passover and Pentecost.
00:06:57 So there is a space between Passover and Pentecost.
00:07:02 And it is this, when we come into Pentecost, it is the coronation between what happened
00:07:08 between those two spaces.
00:07:10 Passover is where, if you go back in your mind, if you go back in your scripture, you'll
00:07:16 see Passover is where he said, "When I see the blood," he said, "I will pass over you."
00:07:26 Whenever I see the shed blood over the doorposts, he said, "I will pass over you."
00:07:34 Now the reason that the death angel passed over the children of Israel in Egypt, it was
00:07:41 because when he saw the blood on the doorposts, on the linens and on the doorposts of the
00:07:47 house, it was a sign to the death angel that death had already been there and visited that
00:07:56 house.
00:07:57 It wasn't because one house was better than the other house.
00:08:02 It wasn't because one house was more perfect than the other house.
00:08:07 It wasn't because one house had higher standards than the other house or one house was more
00:08:12 righteous or religious than another house.
00:08:17 The death angel was definitely coming over Egypt and any place that he did not see blood,
00:08:26 he was going in for the kill.
00:08:30 When he saw blood, he knew death had already been there.
00:08:37 Rather than stop, he passed over.
00:08:42 So now the Passover of the death angel in the Old Testament for the children of Israel,
00:08:52 it becomes the cross for the New Testament for the church.
00:08:58 Are you following me?
00:09:00 Jesus becomes the sacrificial lamb.
00:09:03 They would have to take a lamb, slay a lamb and put his blood on the doorposts of the
00:09:08 house, but that would only bring temporary relief.
00:09:11 But now because of the cross and Jesus becoming the sacrificial lamb, the lamb who shed his
00:09:18 blood, now it is a permanent fixture.
00:09:24 The shedding of his blood, listen, the very fact that he shed his blood acknowledges that
00:09:30 we are all in need of his blood.
00:09:34 It acknowledges that none of us are inexcusable.
00:09:39 It acknowledges that none of us are blameless.
00:09:42 None of us, no, not one under the sound of my voice is innocent.
00:09:49 And does not need the blood because the Bible said for the wages of sin is death.
00:09:57 And if we really got what we deserved, we would get death because that is sins wages.
00:10:05 And it is also the word of God and the word of God says the wages of sin is death.
00:10:11 So when we sin, God being a man that cannot lie, he does not just wink at our sin because
00:10:20 his word is true.
00:10:22 Somebody say true.
00:10:24 And so he doesn't sweep our sin up under the rug.
00:10:27 He doesn't just wink at our mess that we have in our life.
00:10:32 And instead what he does, he says, well, this is my word.
00:10:36 My word cannot return void.
00:10:38 What I've said has been said.
00:10:40 So I will go and I will shed my blood to pay the price for their sin.
00:10:47 And I'll do it on the cross.
00:10:49 They are, by the way, speaking of us, they are worthy to die.
00:10:55 They should die.
00:10:57 They have sinned.
00:11:00 They are in debt for the things that they have done.
00:11:04 Justice has declared that they are guilty.
00:11:09 But I will die in their stead so that all the things that they should get because of
00:11:16 their guilt, they won't get.
00:11:20 Okay.
00:11:22 I got to just kind of stop right there because I want you to think about that for just a
00:11:27 moment.
00:11:28 I want you to think about that.
00:11:30 All of the things that you did that you should get back in reap back in your life.
00:11:39 You won't get it because he let it pass over you.
00:11:47 You ain't got to tell me what you did, but I bet you, you better stop right now and say,
00:11:53 Lord, I thank you for letting it pass over me.
00:12:01 Lord, I thank you for letting it pass.
00:12:04 Everything, everything that you should have gotten, everything that you should be held
00:12:09 accountable for, everything that we deserve, everything that was coming our way rightfully.
00:12:17 So now we won't get it because Jesus shed his blood because he covered us and he covered
00:12:26 our house with his blood and his mercy pardoned our sin.
00:12:31 Oh, hear me.
00:12:33 And justice did not have its way in our life.
00:12:38 Look at somebody around you and tell your neighbor, I'm praising him for what passed
00:12:44 over me.
00:12:45 Oh God.
00:12:46 I'm, I'm praising him for what skipped right.
00:12:53 Because when I think about what could have hit me, when I think about what should have,
00:12:59 when I think about what should have happened to me, when I think about what happened to
00:13:04 my best friend, when I think about what happened to my cousin, when I think about what happened
00:13:09 to my brother, Oh God, help me.
00:13:12 When I think about what took my neighbor out, but it passed over my house, it was meant
00:13:20 for me.
00:13:21 It was aimed at me.
00:13:23 It was coming to me.
00:13:25 It was what was meant for me.
00:13:27 It was, it was after me.
00:13:30 Oh, but what the enemy meant for evil, God worked it all together for my, that's why
00:13:38 I got to praise him this morning because of the things he let pass.
00:13:50 Things he let pass over me.
00:13:53 The Passover lamb let it pass over me.
00:14:00 When the Passover lamb went to the cross and when he died, when he cried out, it is finished.
00:14:11 It caused such a disruption in the earth that the Bible tells us that the ground began to
00:14:18 tremble.
00:14:20 Tells us that the graves began to open up in Jerusalem and people, people that had been
00:14:26 dead were seen walking in the streets of Jerusalem.
00:14:31 It was such a huge disruption that the sun said, I have never seen anything like this
00:14:38 in my life.
00:14:39 I cannot look at it anymore.
00:14:42 And the Bible said that the sun refused to shine and darkness was upon the face of the
00:14:48 earth.
00:14:49 It was so disruptive that the veil in the temple was rent from the top to the bottom.
00:14:55 It was such a disruption that the centurion who had never believed all of a sudden he
00:15:01 says this must be the son of God.
00:15:06 There had never been a day like that day for that day.
00:15:12 God had done something in the heavens that caused death to pass over.
00:15:21 We must never underestimate the Passover because Pentecost sets its watch by the Passover.
00:15:30 So the, the, the Pentecost doesn't fall the same on every, every, uh, Pentecost holiday.
00:15:37 It doesn't fall the same every year because it is precisely 50 days past the Passover.
00:15:47 Now what is that?
00:15:49 That is seven weeks and seven weeks with seven days equals 49 days.
00:16:00 Are you following me?
00:16:01 So 49 days had to pass by before we could enter into the eighth week.
00:16:11 Are y'all following me?
00:16:13 And a is the number of new beginnings.
00:16:18 So in order for us to have a new beginning in our life on the 50th day, which is the
00:16:26 first day of the eighth week, the day of Pentecost had fully come and death had passed over and
00:16:38 it passed over on purpose.
00:16:42 Look at somebody and tell him if death passed over you, there has to be a purpose.
00:16:55 I'm telling your church, Bishop Ford, the reason that you did not die when that car,
00:17:02 that vehicle flipped over, you could have been dead.
00:17:05 You should have been dead.
00:17:06 But the reason you were not dead was because God said there's purpose in that man's life.
00:17:12 I don't care how they throw him around.
00:17:15 I'm all sitting in the jaws of life and they're going to get him out of there and he will
00:17:19 live and not die.
00:17:21 That's his story.
00:17:22 I've got a story.
00:17:23 You got a story somewhere along the way you could have given up.
00:17:27 You could have thrown in the towel.
00:17:28 You could have quit, but I am here to tell you that if you are alive today, if you are
00:17:34 living, if you are under the sound of my voice, you are alive because there is purpose that
00:17:40 is yet to be done in your life.
00:17:44 In other words, what God is saying is I passed over all of that old mess so that you could
00:17:51 come into a new beginning.
00:17:54 Look at your neighbor and say, neighbor, you're about to see a new me because I'm walking
00:18:02 in a new beginning and I'm about to discover some things in my life.
00:18:09 I am about to discover why I went through what I went through.
00:18:14 I am about to discover why I had to face the things that I had to face.
00:18:19 Everybody didn't have to face it, but I had to face it.
00:18:22 I'm about to discover why I was betrayed.
00:18:25 I'm about to discover why I was left alone.
00:18:29 I'm about to discover why I had to endure what I had to endure.
00:18:34 I'm about to discover my purpose.
00:18:38 It is a new season.
00:18:40 It is a new day.
00:18:43 Something new is supposed to happen today because today is the day of new beginnings.
00:18:52 This is Pentecost Sunday.
00:18:56 Something new is supposed to happen.
00:19:03 Touch your neighbor and tell them I'm walking into my discovery season.
00:19:10 I feel excited about it.
00:19:12 I feel enthused about it.
00:19:14 I feel a refreshing from the Lord.
00:19:17 I have a sense of anticipation.
00:19:20 I have a sense of expectation because this is my discovery season.
00:19:26 I'm about to discover something.
00:19:29 I'm about to discover some hidden riches that are in secret places.
00:19:34 I am about to discover some ancient wells.
00:19:38 I am about to discover some boundless potential, some unprecedented provision.
00:19:46 I am about to discover gifts and skills and abilities that I did not even know that I
00:19:53 had.
00:19:54 It's all because of purpose.
00:19:59 That is why I pressed my way out here this morning on a holiday weekend.
00:20:06 That's why I pressed my way in here today.
00:20:09 That's why I am here.
00:20:12 That's why I was determined.
00:20:14 I was determined to enter the gates with thanksgiving and come before his courts with praise.
00:20:21 I was determined to not stay home because this is Pentecost Sunday and it is significant
00:20:29 to those who believe and anything can happen on this day.
00:20:38 There's a breakthrough that's breaking through.
00:20:41 I said there's a breakthrough that is breaking through.
00:20:46 There's a fresh anointing that is falling on those that say, "God, I need it."
00:20:52 There's a new you that's coming out of the old you.
00:20:56 You've been the old you for too long and you thought you was just going to die being the
00:21:02 old you, but God said, "Absolutely not.
00:21:05 I brought you in here to this day so that that new you would wake up and realize people
00:21:14 thought you were finished.
00:21:15 They thought you were the down for the count, but God said, "Absolutely not.
00:21:21 Behold, I will do a new thing in you."
00:21:27 I don't know who I'm talking to, but God is stirring up a blessing with your name on it.
00:21:46 Now in order for us to move from Passover to Pentecost, we have to follow Jesus down
00:21:57 a life shifting path.
00:22:01 For he told his disciples, he said, "I'm getting ready to shift some things."
00:22:05 You all know the story.
00:22:06 He was buried.
00:22:07 They crucified him.
00:22:08 They buried him.
00:22:09 Three days he rose again and after he rose, he was talking with those that his disciples,
00:22:19 his day of just preaching to the world at large was over, but he was still talking to
00:22:23 his disciples.
00:22:24 But he kept telling them, "I am going to go.
00:22:27 I'm getting ready to shift.
00:22:29 I'm getting ready to shift some things.
00:22:31 And when I do, you will no longer be able to recognize me like you recognize me now."
00:22:39 Now that ought to talk to all of us in this room because there are seasons in our lives
00:22:46 that you and I walk through where we don't recognize God like we have always recognized
00:22:54 God.
00:22:55 You will be like, "I don't know God.
00:22:56 I can't hear you.
00:22:57 I can't.
00:22:58 I don't know what you're saying, God.
00:22:59 I feel like I'm in the dark."
00:23:01 And God is like, "I was just with you.
00:23:03 I was just with you.
00:23:04 And now guess what?
00:23:05 I am in you.
00:23:06 So I'm still with you.
00:23:08 I am with you and I am in you."
00:23:10 It might look different.
00:23:11 You're in a different season, but it's okay because you are as you grow in God, you will
00:23:18 go through different seasons and you will get to a point where you won't just break
00:23:24 down and have a meltdown over here because you can't see God like you saw him over there.
00:23:30 You're just going to look over there and say, "Okay, well, this is a sign that I'm growing
00:23:35 and I'm going to stand right here and be still until God reveals to me who he is to me on
00:23:42 this level."
00:23:43 Okay?
00:23:46 So look at somebody telling me they're not always be the same.
00:23:50 It is not going to always be the same.
00:23:53 So they are having to follow Jesus down this life shifting path.
00:23:59 And he told his disciples, he said, "I am getting ready to shift some things.
00:24:03 And when I do, you will not be able to recognize me like you recognize me now."
00:24:10 Up until now, he said, "Everything that I've done, I've done with you."
00:24:18 Okay?
00:24:19 "I gave you a front seat row in my life and I turned the water into wine with you.
00:24:31 You watched me do that.
00:24:33 I healed the lepers with you.
00:24:36 I opened the eyes of untold countless numbers of blind people, but I did it with you.
00:24:45 I cast out evil spirits and I did it with you.
00:24:51 I raised the dead and I did it with you.
00:24:56 And I did it like that so that you would be able to recognize me so that you would know
00:25:03 me so that you would know my patterns, you would know how I execute, you would know my
00:25:10 movements, you would have insight into my oversight.
00:25:15 And I wouldn't have to stop and explain everything that I do to you because you know me now.
00:25:23 You know how I move, when I move, where I move, like I move.
00:25:29 And I did that so you could know that what it felt like to be an actual functioning part
00:25:36 of a miracle.
00:25:38 I walked with you.
00:25:41 I ate with you.
00:25:43 I sat where you sat.
00:25:46 I laughed with you.
00:25:48 I spoke with you on countless occasions so that you would recognize my voice in spite
00:25:57 of all of the other voices that speak in your life.
00:26:00 Now I want you to be able to recognize my voice.
00:26:04 He said, I did all of that with you, but now I am getting ready to move in you.
00:26:12 Okay.
00:26:13 He said, I'm moving in you.
00:26:16 The world will see me no more because I have gone to my father.
00:26:22 He said, you won't see me because I will no longer just be with you, but rest assured
00:26:30 that it's not that I'm not just with you, but I am also in side of you.
00:26:36 That means I'm going to be working for your life in disguise.
00:26:43 I'm going to be working incognito.
00:26:46 I'm going to be working under the radar.
00:26:49 I'm going to be working in your life under wraps.
00:26:53 You won't see me, but I'm going to be there.
00:26:57 I was thinking this morning, the Bible said in first Corinthians two and eight, if the
00:27:03 princes of this world would have known that they, they would have never crucified the
00:27:13 Lord of glory because as they crucified him, they thought they were getting rid of the
00:27:21 body.
00:27:22 But what they didn't know is you can't get rid of the body.
00:27:29 Putting that man on the cross did not get rid of his body.
00:27:37 In other words, it released his body.
00:27:41 So he said, you're not going to see me like you always see me, but listen, you'll see
00:27:47 me on Sunday morning in pastor Cheryl Brady.
00:27:51 You'll see me in Bishop.
00:27:54 You'll see me.
00:27:56 It's me, but I'm coming in disguise of a pastor.
00:28:00 Jeremy, when your heart is broken, it's not pastor Jeremy.
00:28:05 It is God in him.
00:28:07 Oh, look out the audience.
00:28:09 It's not you, Tim.
00:28:10 It is God in you.
00:28:11 And when you walk into a room, they're going to think it's you, but it's really not you.
00:28:20 It's Jesus.
00:28:21 And he's moving under the radar.
00:28:26 That's why I've always said there's more to me than meets the eye.
00:28:32 Look at somebody and tell them there's more to me than meets the eye.
00:28:42 Have you ever watched the show?
00:28:45 Bishop, and I was looking at one of them this week called the undercover boss.
00:28:53 That's what I'm talking about.
00:28:56 It's a show about high level executives who are going undercover as entry level employees
00:29:05 to see how their businesses are really operating.
00:29:12 And you can't just come out of your executive office and jump down in and be at the cashier.
00:29:18 Okay.
00:29:19 There, there takes some preparation.
00:29:21 You have to be prepared to be an undercover boss.
00:29:25 You have got to be prepared to get in the nitty gritty of the business.
00:29:31 You might have to clean up the ice machine.
00:29:34 You might have to learn a procedures and protocols.
00:29:39 You might have to be prepared to do some research.
00:29:42 You might have to be prepared to talk their language.
00:29:47 And since it's not people that you talk to on a daily basis, then you might have to find
00:29:52 yourself learning the lingo so that, that you don't give yourself away with all of your
00:29:58 high in answers, but you're talking amongst the employees.
00:30:02 Like you are one of them.
00:30:04 In other words, you can't be an undercover boss without being trained.
00:30:09 Right?
00:30:10 So well for 40 and two generations, God was studying and he was strategizing how to be
00:30:20 the undercover boss.
00:30:22 Let me tell you, Hollywood did not invent the undercover boss.
00:30:26 Okay.
00:30:27 God is the one who started the undercover boss.
00:30:32 He is the one that started all of that.
00:30:35 And when he finally got it figured out, he found him a virgin by the name of Mary.
00:30:43 And he said, Mary, I got to come into the earth, but I got to come in legally.
00:30:49 So here is what I got to have.
00:30:50 I got to have a body.
00:30:53 Do you mind if I climb into your womb and turn your womb into a dressing room?
00:31:02 And Mary said, well, be it under me, according to that wheel.
00:31:08 Oh God.
00:31:09 And so he climbed into her womb through immaculate conception, but he climbed out of her womb.
00:31:18 Emmanuel, he is God with us in her womb.
00:31:24 He took off his divinity and he changed his clothes and he put on his humanity.
00:31:31 And when he came out, he came out talking about, oh, I come in the volume of the book
00:31:38 to do thy will.
00:31:41 Oh God.
00:31:45 Now that was in the new Testament, but there were many ways that God moved incognito in
00:31:53 the old Testament.
00:31:56 It was God who held back the waters.
00:32:00 So the red sea, so that the children of Israel could walk through and get to the other side.
00:32:08 It was God who liberated his people.
00:32:12 It was God who preserved them as they came through the wilderness.
00:32:18 He was a cloud by day and he was a fire by night.
00:32:24 It was God.
00:32:25 He was the burning bush that stood there talking to Moses.
00:32:30 He was the brazen serpent.
00:32:33 And when they lifted up the brazen serpent, everybody that looked at the brazen serpent
00:32:38 got healing in their body, not because it was a serpent and not because it was on a
00:32:44 stick, but God was God.
00:32:48 God was in it all.
00:32:49 He was the tree trunk that they put into the bitter waters of Mara and the bitter waters
00:32:56 of Mara.
00:32:57 Y'all don't know your Bible because you'd be helping me a whole lot more.
00:33:02 He was God.
00:33:03 He was, he was that tree trunk.
00:33:05 And then when they put the tree trunk in the bitter waters of Mara, the bitter waters of
00:33:10 Mara turned into sweet water.
00:33:12 He was the rock that became the water fountain.
00:33:17 Oh, when Moses hit it with his, with his stick, he turned that rock into a water fountain
00:33:25 and millions of people came and got a drink out of a rock.
00:33:31 He was the one that caused the manna to show up at the front of their tent door.
00:33:38 That's just a few things in the old Testament.
00:33:42 But then, then there's this man whose name was Joseph.
00:33:46 You know, Joseph, Joseph, Joseph was, he was a rehearsal of the life of Jesus.
00:33:57 God said, I got to use, I got to use, I got to, I got to send my son, but let me, let
00:34:02 me do a rehearsal run with the man named Joseph, Joseph and Jesus.
00:34:08 Have you ever, have you ever saw how many similarities are in their life?
00:34:13 They have.
00:34:14 So Joseph was, he was a type of Christ.
00:34:17 All right.
00:34:18 Thyssen students, where y'all at?
00:34:20 He was a type of Christ.
00:34:24 His birth was a miracle birth.
00:34:27 Jesus's birth was a miracle birth.
00:34:31 Joseph's mama was Rachel and she had been barren.
00:34:35 Jesus's mother was Mary and Mary had never been with a man.
00:34:41 So both of their births was an absolute miracle.
00:34:45 He was also, Joseph was also the beloved son of his father and he was also rejected by
00:34:54 his brethren.
00:34:56 That's all that stuff happened to Jesus.
00:34:58 He, Joseph was thrown into a pit by the very brothers that rejected him.
00:35:05 They took his coat and they took Jesus's coat too.
00:35:10 They lie, his robe, they lied on him.
00:35:14 They betrayed him and they sold him for 20 pieces of silver.
00:35:22 And God is like, yep, because they're getting ready to sell my son for 30 pieces of silver.
00:35:28 So I took him from the pit and I put him in Potiphar's house.
00:35:34 Potiphar's house, he ended up landing in the prison and then I took him from the prison
00:35:40 and I put him in the palace.
00:35:42 Why did he put him in the palace?
00:35:45 I put him in the palace because I knew about the famine that was coming.
00:35:51 And I did it because I knew that his brothers and his father, I knew what they were getting
00:35:58 ready to face down in Egypt.
00:36:00 I knew that they would be in a famine and I knew that in order for them to have something
00:36:07 to eat, they were going to need a man on the inside.
00:36:14 He said, I am going to plant a man on the inside in Egypt so that when they run out
00:36:22 of food over here and they come over here looking for food, they will find out that
00:36:29 they got a man on the inside that's kin to them, that is connected to them, that is related
00:36:39 to them because I can't be delivered without a kinsman redeemer.
00:36:51 So God said, I got to pull some strings and I got to get this boy out of the prison and
00:36:56 I've got to position him in the palace.
00:36:59 I got to move him into a place of power because he's going to have to move and maneuver some
00:37:05 things.
00:37:06 And when they came in there in their time of need, when they needed something to eat,
00:37:14 when they needed bread, God had already moved Joseph in there so that when Joseph recognized
00:37:21 who it was, he gave them everything that they had need of.
00:37:28 God will give you everything that you have.
00:37:34 Do you recognize what is happening right here?
00:37:38 Joseph has become a test run for Jesus.
00:37:42 He said, I'm going to send my son into the earth, but I'm going to fly him under the
00:37:47 radar.
00:37:48 I'm not going to, here's what he said.
00:37:50 I'm going to let him be born just like any other man.
00:37:53 I'm going to let him grow up as the carpenter's son.
00:37:57 He's going to get hungry.
00:37:59 I'm going to let him get thirsty.
00:38:01 I'm going to let him get tired.
00:38:03 He's going to fall and hurt his knees.
00:38:05 He's going to sneeze.
00:38:07 His nose is going to run.
00:38:09 Mary's going to have to wipe the snot off the face of Jesus.
00:38:13 I am going to do it like that because I want him undercover.
00:38:18 I'm going to do it so good that people will never know that he is God moving under the
00:38:26 radar.
00:38:27 They will never know that he is God in disguise.
00:38:31 And when he dies, I'm going to let him die like a man would die too.
00:38:37 But then I'm going to let him slip out of the earth realm and I'm going to let him be
00:38:43 come into the heavens because you and I are going to need somebody that is kind to us
00:38:53 in the heavens.
00:38:56 God, help me, Jesus.
00:38:59 You are going to need a priest that is moved by the feelings of your infirmities so that
00:39:09 when you are in trouble, so that when diseases are breaking out all in the land, so that
00:39:16 when people start killing people left and right with guns shooting at people, so that
00:39:23 when people start lying and robbing and breaking into your home, when death is everywhere in
00:39:33 the land, when the famine finds its way to your house, you now can open up your mouth
00:39:42 and cry into the heavens.
00:39:46 And you can do that because you have a man representing you on the inside.
00:39:55 Tell your neighbor, I got me a man representing me on the inside.
00:40:02 He is my advocate.
00:40:04 He is my mediator.
00:40:07 He is my judge.
00:40:09 He is my lawyer.
00:40:12 It's between God and man.
00:40:15 Somebody, he is somebody that will pray for you when you don't have the ability to pray
00:40:23 for you.
00:40:24 Have you ever been in something that you could not even think about praying about?
00:40:31 But at that moment, he stood up and he began to intercede on your...
00:40:38 Am I the only one?
00:40:46 Tell your neighbor, neighbor, it might not look like he's with me, but you better believe
00:40:55 that he is in me.
00:40:58 Let me tell you something.
00:41:00 I know this for a fact.
00:41:03 I know this for a fact.
00:41:06 I've told this story several times.
00:41:08 I'm just going to hit what it's a little bit of it today.
00:41:13 But when I was, had been preaching everywhere and I was exhausted and I didn't know how
00:41:18 exhausted I was, but I went back to my hotel room that night and I, I laid down on the
00:41:25 bed because I wasn't feeling very well and I must've fell off to sleep.
00:41:31 I got up at four o'clock in the morning and I felt like I was ringing wet with sweat and
00:41:36 I went into the bathroom and I, I looked in the mirror and I was going, I just, the last
00:41:42 thing I remembered is I had looked at the clock before I walked into the bathroom.
00:41:46 So it was four o'clock in the morning while I was in the bathroom, something hit me and
00:41:52 I fell into the floor.
00:41:54 My face had rammed into the counter and so I had a big, it was all swollen up and, and
00:42:03 I had 20 minutes and I'll explain this to you, but I had 20 minutes of my life that
00:42:09 I had no ability to account for because when I did wake up and look at the clock again,
00:42:16 it said 4.20 and the only way that I woke up is I woke up hearing myself saying, help
00:42:25 me, Jesus, help me.
00:42:31 See, sometimes you never know your children may get in a position and you had better tell
00:42:40 them whose name to call on in the time of trouble.
00:42:46 All I know is I was, I was conscious.
00:42:49 I was unconscious and now I was coming back and I woke myself up crawling on the floor
00:42:57 saying, help me, Jesus.
00:43:00 My mama had taught me the power of his name.
00:43:05 And when I wasn't even in my right mind, my spirit knew and my spirit was crying out saying,
00:43:14 help me, Jesus, help me.
00:43:19 See, nobody was there.
00:43:21 I was in that room by myself and I called out, help me, Jesus.
00:43:27 And, and, and for those, those 20, that 20 minute period of time, as I look back on it
00:43:33 now, obviously what was happening is that he wasn't just with me.
00:43:39 He was in, he was in me fighting for me, pushing back darkness, lighting up the kingdom.
00:43:56 He was fighting for my purpose.
00:44:00 He was fighting for my destiny.
00:44:03 He was fighting for my future.
00:44:06 And my life today is living proof that the God that was in me and with me began to fight
00:44:17 for me.
00:44:19 I need, I need all four of you come up here real quick.
00:44:28 Just come real quick.
00:44:30 Joseph helped me land and help me.
00:44:32 And, and, and cause this, this is what I'm going to show you what I saw.
00:44:36 Just, just get right here and yeah.
00:44:40 Yeah.
00:44:41 Come, come.
00:44:43 I need a few.
00:44:44 I need, I need a couple more, a couple more.
00:44:46 Yeah.
00:44:47 Come on, come on.
00:44:48 So, so Jesus said, I was, I was, I've been with y'all.
00:44:59 Okay.
00:45:01 And he said, but now I'm going in y'all.
00:45:05 So circle around me, face the front circle around me.
00:45:10 I don't want them to see me.
00:45:15 He said, I was with you, but now I'm in you.
00:45:27 So when you're out here and the enemy is coming in like a flood and you feel like it's about
00:45:36 to knock you out.
00:45:38 Rest assured that in the nick of time, he, which was in you has now stepped out and he's
00:45:49 fighting on your behalf.
00:45:54 Listen, when the, when the paramedics, the paramedics got into my room, they didn't see
00:46:03 him.
00:46:04 All they saw was me, but if he had not been in me, I wouldn't have even been in that room.
00:46:14 I would have been dead and gone because at that point I did not know how to pray.
00:46:21 I couldn't hear prayer.
00:46:23 I didn't understand anything at all because I was unconscious.
00:46:29 Lord have mercy.
00:46:31 And while I was unconscious, he was standing in the cat.
00:46:37 How do you know that pastor Brady?
00:46:40 Because the Bible says when the enemy comes in like a flood, the spirit of the Lord raises
00:46:52 up the standard against him.
00:46:56 Thank you.
00:46:58 When the enemy comes in like a flood, the spirit of the one true living God, the existing
00:47:15 one, the job, hold the God.
00:47:20 When that enemy comes in your God and that enemy means it means a tight place.
00:47:28 It means a distressed place.
00:47:31 It means that an oppressor has set out to get you.
00:47:36 It means an adversary.
00:47:39 When that adversary comes in like a flood, the spirit of the Lord, what is the spirit
00:47:48 of the Lord?
00:47:49 It's the power and it is the presence of God in the earth.
00:47:54 I'm in the earth.
00:47:56 God was in the earth.
00:47:58 And when the enemy came to oppress me and take me out, the spirit of the Lord, the power
00:48:06 and the presence of God lifted up a standard against him.
00:48:14 What is a standard?
00:48:16 A standard refers to a banner or a flag that was used in battle to rally the troops and
00:48:29 to give them a sense of direction and a sense of purpose.
00:48:37 They had been fighting for so long that now they've lost their sense of direction and
00:48:44 they don't know their head from a hole in the ground.
00:48:47 But when the Lord raises up the standard, all of a sudden they get their direction back.
00:48:58 They get their purpose back.
00:49:01 So this verse is saying that when God's people are up under attack from the forces of the
00:49:10 evil one, that the Holy Spirit will raise up a banner to rally and to defend them.
00:49:20 That's what he did in me.
00:49:22 He was in me and I thought I was going out, but he raised up a standard and started saying,
00:49:31 you've got to live.
00:49:33 You've got direction.
00:49:34 You've got purpose.
00:49:36 You're not confused.
00:49:38 I've got you.
00:49:39 I am in you.
00:49:40 I'm going to raise up this standard and I'm going to rally all your brothers and I'm going
00:49:46 to rally all your sisters and they're going to come in and they're going to fight with
00:49:51 you.
00:49:52 They're going to fight with you and they are going to fight for you.
00:49:56 So when I was laying on the floor, unconscious, sensing nothing, no direction, no purpose,
00:50:06 no nothing, God's spirit, which is his power and influence in the earth, spoke up and gave
00:50:14 me a sense of direction saying, you shall live and declare the works of the Lord.
00:50:28 You have grandchildren that you still have to meet.
00:50:33 You have prayers that you still have to pray.
00:50:37 You have answers that you still got to reach up in the heavens and pull down.
00:50:43 You have a church to build that's called the Potter's house of North Dallas.
00:50:50 You have messages that you have to preach and I will do it because I am in you and Christ
00:51:00 in you is the.
00:51:07 And when the day of Pentecost was fully calm, they were in one accord and in one place.
00:51:20 Come on, I want you to stand up and I want you to lock arms, lock arms with somebody.
00:51:27 Now, now that you're up and your arms are locked, I want you to the best of your ability.
00:51:32 I want you to move forward, back and forward, back and forward.
00:51:40 Can we do it together?
00:51:42 Back, forward, back in one place, in one accord, back and forward.
00:51:51 That's on the day of Pentecost.
00:51:53 They were in one place.
00:51:55 You locked arms, are you locked arms right there?
00:51:58 Okay, you were locked arms and you're moving back.
00:52:01 Some of y'all stopped already and I ain't had y'all for 30 seconds.
00:52:05 He is saying, I am in you.
00:52:08 He is saying they can't see me because I'm under wrath, but they can see you.
00:52:15 But Christ that is in you is the hope of glory.
00:52:19 They're going to hate you because they hated me.
00:52:24 But when the enemy, lock your arms, comes in like a flood, I will lift up a standard against him.
00:52:34 And now you are no longer fighting the battle.
00:52:38 I will fight the battle for you.
00:52:41 Just be still, be on guard and know that I am going to show you the salvation of the Lord your God.
00:52:53 And know this church, everywhere you go, everything you do, everywhere your feet trod,
00:53:03 I want you to know that you are not alone.
00:53:10 I am with you.
00:53:12 I am saying, I am.
00:53:18 Say, I am with you.
00:53:23 I'm under wrath.
00:53:25 The paramedics can't see me, but bless God, you better know that I am there.
00:53:33 I am.
00:53:36 And wherever you go, I am with you.
00:53:39 Whatever you do, I am with you.
00:53:43 And whatever you go after, I am going after it.
00:53:51 I am going after it with you.
00:53:54 I don't care if it's a house.
00:53:56 I don't care if it's a job.
00:53:58 I don't care if it's a ministry.
00:54:01 I don't care if it's a business.
00:54:03 He said, I will not leave you to have to access your promise by yourself.
00:54:13 I will send you a...
00:54:18 And he will be with you and...
00:54:24 The one that I send you, he's going to be on your side.
00:54:29 He's going to be in your corner.
00:54:31 He'll nudge you when you need to be quiet.
00:54:35 He'll nudge you when you need to speak up.
00:54:39 He'll nudge you and say, "Oh, let them talk. Let them talk. Let them talk."
00:54:43 He'll tell you what to do and when to do it.
00:54:48 He'll tell you when to sign and when not to sign.
00:54:53 He'll tell you, "Buy now."
00:54:55 He'll tell you, "Sell now."
00:54:59 He'll tell you when to go out.
00:55:03 He'll tell you when to come in.
00:55:05 For I will not leave you comfortless.
00:55:09 But I will send you another comforter that he may abide with you forever.
00:55:16 Hit somebody and tell him he'll be with me forever and always.
00:55:24 Your cup turned me up a little.
00:55:31 Your comfortness says, "I will be there for you."
00:55:36 I will navigate you through the storms of life.
00:55:40 Not just the storms on the outside, but the storminess that happens on the inside.
00:55:48 I will navigate your emotions.
00:55:51 I will navigate your mind.
00:55:54 I'll take your mind back to a healthy place.
00:55:58 Back to a safe place.
00:56:00 I will be with you.
00:56:02 I'll brace you when life hits you.
00:56:05 I'll talk you through everything.
00:56:08 I'll give you insider information.
00:56:11 Things that you're not supposed to know.
00:56:14 I'll connect you with heaven's central intelligence agency.
00:56:18 I'll give you divine intelligence.
00:56:21 I'll tell you what your spouse ain't telling you.
00:56:25 I'll tell you what your children ain't telling you.
00:56:29 I will not leave you comfortless.
00:56:32 But I will come to you when, Pastor Brady,
00:56:39 when you get in one place and in one accord,
00:56:44 then suddenly there came a sound from heaven as a mighty Russian Queen.
00:56:52 I dare you to tell seven people, "Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly."
00:57:00 That's how it's going to happen in your life.
00:57:03 Suddenly, you'll see a change.
00:57:07 Suddenly, you'll know it's turning.
00:57:10 Suddenly, it'll move in your favor.
00:57:13 Suddenly, the yoke will be broken.
00:57:16 Suddenly, the spirit of suicide will be lifted off of you.
00:57:22 Suddenly, the thing, the thing that you have been asking for,
00:57:28 you are suddenly going to find it in your lap.
00:57:40 Lord, I can't preach all of that.
00:57:43 Okay.
00:57:48 When Ruth was talking to her mother-in-law about Boaz,
00:57:56 Miss Naomi said, "Tonight, when he lays down in bed and he puts the cover over him,
00:58:07 go into his room and get under the cover at his feet.
00:58:16 Look at somebody and tell them, 'I'm going under cover.'"
00:58:22 And when she went in under cover,
00:58:27 she wasn't the same girl that came out.
00:58:32 She had lost her name.
00:58:34 She had lost her dignity.
00:58:37 She had lost her husband.
00:58:39 She had lost her inheritance.
00:58:42 But when she got under disguise,
00:58:46 when she came, look at somebody and tell them,
00:58:49 "You've got to get under.
00:58:51 You've got to humble yourself and get under the mighty hand of God."
00:59:00 And when she came out, she had the man.
00:59:04 She had the property.
00:59:06 She had the food.
00:59:08 She had the house.
00:59:10 She had everything that she would ever need because she was married to Boaz.
00:59:26 But I'm going to leave you with this.
00:59:28 In the meantime, somebody might say, "I don't know what to pray.
00:59:33 I don't know why I'm praying.
00:59:36 I don't know how to pray.
00:59:38 I know everything is out of my control."
00:59:41 How do you pray when things are out of your control?
00:59:45 Here's how you pray.
00:59:47 You just remember that when you don't know how to pray as you ought,
00:59:54 the Spirit of the Lord prays in you,
01:00:00 and He prays the will of the Father.
01:00:04 He is in you, and He prays.
01:00:06 When you don't have the language, He comes up.
01:00:09 [Praying in Tongues]
01:00:20 Somebody said, "Pastor Brady, I didn't understand a word you said."
01:00:26 Well, good, because I wasn't praying to you anyway.
01:00:30 It was the Spirit of God making intercession.
01:00:38 He was pleading my case.
01:00:41 He was praying the will of the Father.
01:00:46 Should your enemy have the audacity to surround you,
01:00:53 just never forget this.
01:00:57 Greater is He that is in the world.
01:01:07 Somebody shout, "Greater!"
01:01:10 Greater!
01:01:12 He's greater than all your anxieties.
01:01:15 Greater than all your fears.
01:01:17 Greater than all your regrets.
01:01:20 Greater than all your doubts.
01:01:22 Greater than all your questions.
01:01:24 Greater than all your tests.
01:01:26 Greater than all your trials.
01:01:29 Greater than all your past.
01:01:32 Greater than every battle you might have to fight.
01:01:36 Tell three people, "He's greater!"
01:01:40 He's greater!
01:01:50 And when you got Him, you have been endued with power from on high.
01:02:00 Power! Somebody shout, "Power!"
01:02:03 Tunamis power!
01:02:06 That means you've got a force to be reckoned with inside of you.
01:02:13 That means you've got help.
01:02:16 Somebody holler, "Help!"
01:02:20 Holler it like you need it.
01:02:23 Holler it like your family needs it.
01:02:28 Holler, "Help!" and put the blood over the doorpost.
01:02:36 Put it over the doorpost of your house.
01:02:40 Put your life under the blood.
01:02:43 Put your family under the blood.
01:02:46 Put your goals under the blood.
01:02:49 Put your dreams under the blood.
01:02:52 Put your aspirations under the blood.
01:02:56 And the Spirit of the Lord will lead you and guide you into all truth.
01:03:07 Help me thank Him for truth today.
01:03:12 Why? Because you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.
01:03:20 It will make you free.
01:03:23 Come on, somebody open your mouth.
01:03:27 Praise Him until the shackles fall off of your mind.
01:03:34 Praise Him until every limitation falls off of your mind.
01:03:41 Praise Him until what you've seen in the past no longer haunts your future.
01:03:49 I am a new creature in Christ Jesus.
01:03:54 All things have passed away.
01:03:58 I've got direction now.
01:04:01 I've got purpose now.
01:04:05 And I will live and not die.
01:04:12 I will live and not die.
01:04:25 Let me tell you what I feel.
01:04:28 There are people in this room that's been battling.
01:04:32 You've been battling with this.
01:04:35 You know that you are in Christ.
01:04:40 At least you think you are. You're hoping you are.
01:04:45 But when God starts to progress you forward,
01:04:49 the landscape of your relationship with God begins to change a little.
01:04:56 And in those moments we start charging God foolishly.
01:05:00 Like, "God, I can't believe you. Why did you let that happen?
01:05:04 I don't know where you are. What are you doing?"
01:05:08 I'll tell you something. As you grow in God,
01:05:12 you learn that in those moments when it seems like there's a "Do Not Disturb" sign on the doorknob of heaven,
01:05:21 you learn not to charge Him foolishly.
01:05:25 You learn not to fret yourself.
01:05:29 That means picket yourself.
01:05:32 You learn.
01:05:39 Learn to walk through those seasons.
01:05:42 For we walk by faith.
01:05:44 It's nice when we have sight, but sometimes,
01:05:50 sometimes you're just reaching, you're grouping.
01:05:56 And in those moments,
01:06:00 say, "I love you."
01:06:04 I love you.
01:06:07 I love you, Lord, today.
01:06:13 Because you care for me
01:06:20 in such a special way.
01:06:24 That's why I praise you.
01:06:28 Yeah.
01:06:32 And I magnify you.
01:06:36 Oh.
01:06:40 That's why my heart is full.
01:06:46 I don't know where you are, but that's why I praise you.
01:06:50 That's why I praise you.
01:06:54 I don't feel you like I want to feel you.
01:06:59 Lord, I magnify your name.
01:07:03 Oh.
01:07:06 That's why my heart is full.
01:07:10 Listen to me, church.
01:07:16 Joseph was a test run for the life of Jesus.
01:07:23 So make sure
01:07:27 that before you tell God,
01:07:30 "Lord, I want you to use my life.
01:07:35 Lord, I want you to use me.
01:07:38 I give myself to you. Have your way in me, Jesus."
01:07:45 Make sure you really want it.
01:07:48 Because you might end up in a pit.
01:07:52 And while you're in that pit,
01:07:56 don't be dogging God out.
01:07:59 Don't be calling him unfaithful.
01:08:02 Speak well of your God
01:08:06 in all things and at all times.
01:08:09 Somebody say, "Speak well."
01:08:13 Tell your neighbor, "Speak well of God."
01:08:17 Speak well of him in your pit.
01:08:20 Speak well of him in your debt.
01:08:23 Speak well of him in your prison.
01:08:26 When you feel like you're locked in and you can't get out.
01:08:30 When you feel like no doors are opening.
01:08:33 When you feel like no way is being made.
01:08:37 Don't charge him foolishly.
01:08:42 Just stand there and call him, "You're my way maker."
01:08:48 Joseph was used by God.
01:08:54 And I've always said, "When you've really been used by God,
01:09:00 you feel used."
01:09:05 You feel used.
01:09:10 Lord, raise my family up as a
01:09:13 bright light in a dark place.
01:09:19 Really?
01:09:24 The bright light is hot.
01:09:28 Just be careful.
01:09:30 But I'm going to tell you something, we're growing, church.
01:09:32 I just gave you a profound principle.
01:09:36 And I hope you didn't miss it.
01:09:38 This is my walk with God.
01:09:41 There's going to be some good days.
01:09:44 I've had some good days.
01:09:48 I've had some heals to climb.
01:09:53 Seen some clouded angels.
01:09:59 I've had some sleepless nights.
01:10:05 But when I look around,
01:10:13 and I think things are all right.
01:10:22 All of my,
01:10:26 I'll lay my,
01:10:31 ♪ I want that day ♪
01:10:35 ♪ That day is all I want ♪
01:10:40 ♪ 'Cause God has been good to me ♪
01:10:45 ♪ He's been so good to me ♪
01:10:52 ♪ More than this world could ever be ♪
01:11:01 ♪ He's been good ♪
01:11:05 ♪ I said he's been good ♪
01:11:08 ♪ He's been good to me ♪
01:11:13 ♪ A white soul man ♪
01:11:18 ♪ To me ♪
01:11:21 ♪ 'Cause I'm dark now in the day ♪
01:11:29 ♪ So I'll say thank you Lord ♪
01:11:33 Is there any thank you Lords in here?
01:11:35 ♪ So I'll say ♪
01:11:40 Let me hear you say it again.
01:11:42 ♪ So I'll say ♪
01:11:45 ♪ I'll say thank you Lord ♪
01:11:48 ♪ And I won't complain ♪
01:11:51 ♪ And I won't complain ♪
01:11:56 Hallelujah.
01:11:58 Right now, I want you to praise
01:12:01 until you flush every complaint out of your spirit.
01:12:06 Flush it out.
01:12:07 They didn't do you right, but flush it out.
01:12:11 You were left, but flush it out.
01:12:15 You were dropped, but flush it out.
01:12:19 You didn't understand, but I flush it out of me.
01:12:25 'Cause God kept you and God preserved you.
01:12:29 They could have killed you too.
01:12:34 I said they could have killed you too.
01:12:36 But if you got out, it's a sign
01:12:41 that he was in you, fighting for you.
01:12:47 So never, ever, ever,
01:12:49 let yourself complain.
01:12:55 ♪ He's been good ♪
01:12:57 Good.
01:12:58 Has been good to me.
01:13:00 Come on, ease it out.
01:13:05 ♪ He's been so good to me ♪
01:13:10 ♪ More than this world could ever be ♪
01:13:18 Tell your neighbor, he's been good.
01:13:23 ♪ He's been good to me ♪
01:13:28 ♪ He wiped all my tears ♪
01:13:33 ♪ Turned my midnight into day ♪
01:13:39 ♪ So I'll say ♪
01:13:44 ♪ Thank you Lord ♪
01:13:46 ♪ I've grown from pain ♪
01:13:49 ♪ I've grown ♪
01:13:52 (upbeat music)
01:13:54 (upbeat music)
01:13:57 (music fades)
01:13:59 [BLANK_AUDIO]
