Sudan's government declares UN envoy, a mediator in the conflict, no longer welcome

  • last year

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00:00 Volker Pertes was a key player in Sudan, acting as a mediator between the warring parties.
00:04 He'd been appointed UN Special Envoy to the country back in 2021.
00:10 But on Thursday, Sudan's government declared him not welcome.
00:14 In a statement, Sudan's foreign ministry said that the government had notified the UN Secretary
00:18 General that it had declared Volker Pertes persona non grata.
00:23 The head of Sudan's military, General Abdel Fattah Burhan, had already asked him to step
00:27 down just weeks ago.
00:28 Volker Pertes had criticised both sides in the conflict for failing to respect ceasefire
00:33 agreements.
00:34 "I continue to urge the parties to honour this agreement which they signed two days
00:40 ago.
00:41 They must stop the fighting, they must allow access for humanitarian relief, protect humanitarian
00:49 workers and assets and allow safe passage for civilians to leave areas of hostilities."
00:57 Sudan's military has been locked in conflict with the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces
01:01 since April 15th.
01:02 Doctors say the fighting has killed more than 860 civilians, but the real toll is likely
01:07 to be far higher.
01:09 Violent clashes have reduced the capital Khartoum to an urban battlefield.
01:13 For months, large parts of the city are without running water or electricity, with widespread
01:18 reports of looting and sexual violence against women.
