Going out make up tutorial S.A.T xx

  • last year
00:00 Hey guys, it's SOT and it's still me, just me, because Tammy's still not here.
00:06 She might come again, I'm not sure, but I'm just going to be doing a makeup tutorial, like, for a night out or something.
00:14 So, carry on watching!
00:17 Okay, so first of all, you just take your foundation.
00:21 Mine is the Bobbi Brown Skin Foundation.
00:24 And I'm going to use a MAC 139 brush, and dab a little bit of my foundation on there, squirt it out onto the back of my hand, just one pump.
00:37 And I'm just going to dab that all over my face.
00:41 Like so.
00:49 And carry on until you've used all of it up on the back of your hand and covered your whole face.
00:55 Okay, so I've used it all up, and now I'm going to use my MAC 159 brush, just to buff it all in.
01:03 Like so.
01:06 Okay, so that's all buffed in now and all blended.
01:10 And I'm going to take my concealer.
01:15 My mascara.
01:19 Here we go. I'm using the Me Pure Wonder Concealer, which is really good.
01:30 And I'm going to... it's one of those ones with the clicky thing on the end, so I'm going to click it quite a lot and put it onto the back of my hand.
01:40 You don't need much.
01:43 And then I'm going to take the same brush that I used to apply my foundation.
01:49 I'm going to take a bit of my concealer and go under my eyes.
01:55 Like so, and then apply the rest onto blemishes and where you've got any discolouration or redness.
02:07 Okay, and then buff that in with the same brush, or a smaller brush if you want, that you used for your foundation.
02:17 And just buff that all in, make sure it's all blended.
02:20 Okay, so I'm going to take my Topshop Smoky Eye Palette, and I've got some really nice colours in here.
02:27 So I'm going to use this, the lightest colour in here, this shimmery, kind of pinky kind of colour, silvery.
02:34 It's really nice.
02:37 And you don't want too much.
02:40 I'm just going to apply this all over my lid.
02:43 Like that.
02:52 Now I'm going to apply this purply colour to my outer corner.
02:58 Oops.
03:02 Never mind.
03:04 So I'm just going to get a little bit.
03:08 You don't want it to be too noticeable.
03:11 Just apply this to your outer corner.
03:15 Okay, so my eye's done, except from...
03:20 I'm not going to use mascara with this look.
03:23 You can add mascara, but I like to keep it quite simple.
03:27 So I'm going to use the MAC Eye Pencil in Coffee.
03:32 Just go along my top lash line.
03:35 And this doesn't have to be neat, because then you're going to take your finger and blend it.
03:44 Also with this, you want to do the tiniest flick.
03:54 Just a small flick though, and then blend that as well.
03:58 Like that.
04:00 Okay, and then we'll keep that on the other eye.
04:06 Now moving on to the lip.
04:08 I'm going to take my Jekyll's Lip Crayon, and this is just the red one.
04:16 I'm going to apply this to my lips.
04:20 (I'm not sure what I'm doing here)
04:22 Okay, so that's all on my lips now.
04:30 All we're going to do now is contour.
04:32 I'm going to use the Rimmel London Natural Bronzer in 021 Sunlight.
04:40 And I'm going to take...
04:42 What brush?
04:47 I'm going to take my MAC 159.
04:50 Just get a little bit on here.
04:52 Tap off the excess because you don't want much with this look.
04:56 Suck in your cheeks and contour.
05:15 Okay, so now you've contoured.
05:18 Actually, I might add a little bit of blush, but not much.
05:21 So I'm going to use the Rimmel London Lasting Finish Soft Colour Blush in 010 Santa Rose.
05:31 I'm just going to use...
05:34 Just a Jack Will brush that I've got in a set.
05:38 It's quite big. I think it's a powder brush.
05:41 I'm just going to use this on the apples of my cheeks just to liven...
05:46 Liven... I don't know.
05:49 Just make it look more alive.
05:51 [Taps brush against palette]
05:54 [Taps brush against palette]
06:10 [Taps brush against palette]
06:19 [Taps brush against palette]
06:22 Okay, and that's pretty much the look done.
06:26 Lipstick's not perfect, but I love this look for going out or parties or anything.
06:39 It's really nice, and obviously it would still look as nice if you had a nude lip and a slightly smoky eye.
06:46 So I hope you enjoyed this video. Bye! See you soon!
