• 2 years ago
(Adnkronos) - “La digitalizzazione è fondamentale in questo settore perché consente un risparmio di tempi, un risparmio di costi e una fluidità di procedure. Ad un’attività complessa, come quella della catena logistica, concorrono molti attori, operatori, istituzioni e amministrazioni, quindi condividere dei dati per rendere più fluido lo spostamento delle merci è centrale”. Così Francesco Munari, partner, Deloitte legal head of practices, porti, trasporti e shipping durante il primo appuntamento dell’evento Forum Legal Next, che ha preso il via a Milano. 


00:00 Digitalization is fundamental in this sector because it allows saving time, saving costs,
00:06 a fluidity of procedures, a help to the integration of information that is always growing
00:14 and that must be selected in the best way.
00:17 It has a complex activity, like that of the logistics chain,
00:20 many actors, many operators, institutions, administrations, companies compete
00:25 and therefore share data to make the movement of goods more fluid.
00:31 In this perspective, the role of lawyers also changes,
00:35 to the extent that the lawyer no longer becomes the one who solves a problem that is solved in this chain,
00:42 but must become an actor that contributes to facilitating change,
00:48 identifying the rules and processes that are more virtuous and more effective
00:53 to guarantee a digital, ecological and fluidity of transport transformation
01:01 in line with the existing standards, legal standards, operational standards
01:07 and with all the rules that are impacted by this activity.
01:10 Let's think about privacy, let's think about cyber security,
01:13 let's think about a thousand other issues that today obviously cannot be ignored
01:19 in following a company or a cluster of companies in a complex activity like the one we are doing.
