00:00 (hair dryer blowing)
00:03 All right, I'm back.
00:09 Oh my goodness, this blow dryer is amazing.
00:14 Okay.
00:14 Hello, Jasmine Rae here, co.
00:20 Coming at ya.
00:21 Find me on Instagram for more tips and tricks
00:23 on healthy hair.
00:25 Okay, so if you were with me
00:29 in the first part of this video just shortly ago,
00:31 shortly again,
00:32 I taught you guys how to wash your hair properly
00:37 to help promote healthy hair growth.
00:40 Now my hair is blonde, so it's naturally very dry,
00:43 but if you could feel it right now,
00:45 and I have a lot of texture to my hair too,
00:47 so if you can feel it,
00:51 you can feel how soft it is from my lovely Lawn Products.
00:56 Okay, so in this video,
00:57 we'll also be doing a giveaway of wands or straighteners,
01:01 so be sure to share this video and comment,
01:05 and when you comment, please follow the golden rule.
01:08 Okay, so I am Jasmine Rae.
01:11 I'm going to be, in this video,
01:14 going over five tips on how to grow your hair
01:19 and keep it long and healthy.
01:21 And in the meantime, I'm going to be showing you
01:24 how I curl my hair,
01:25 which this is part of those five pointers.
01:29 But I'm going to be showing you guys
01:32 how I curl my hair to get a lasting style
01:34 so that it will last all week,
01:35 so I'm just gonna get started.
01:37 Okay, so my hair's freshly washed and dried.
01:41 I bring everything forward,
01:43 and then I don't separate anything
01:45 'cause I'm all about time, productivity,
01:48 even though I'm late to everything I go to,
01:50 like infamously five minutes late to everything in life.
01:55 It's always five minutes, too.
01:56 I don't know why.
01:57 I just can't get to things on time, but anyway.
02:01 So I lightly put my end around the barrel,
02:05 but not for the whole time
02:06 'cause I like a looser end look, like so,
02:10 but I don't like that super long, straight look.
02:14 That look is cute
02:15 if you're wanting something really beachy.
02:17 So make sure you share this video.
02:22 You can share it.
02:23 This is a different video,
02:24 so I think you can share it to all the same pages
02:27 you shared the hair washing 101 video on.
02:31 So share and comment.
02:35 Be kind.
02:36 Ask questions.
02:38 Everyone in here is usually so, so kind,
02:42 so I appreciate that 'cause I am a real human being,
02:45 and I do see the comments.
02:47 If you have a pressing question
02:50 or a question about your hair
02:52 or what products you should use by launch,
02:55 you can DM me on Instagram @jasminerayhairco,
03:00 and I can get back to you within about 48 hours probably,
03:03 unless it's the weekend.
03:04 I'm with my babies and my hubby.
03:07 So once again, that end, I wrap in.
03:10 Real quick before I dive into the five pointers,
03:12 I'm using the 25 millimeter titanium wand,
03:16 which is great for my hair because it's thick,
03:19 and it gives it a really lasting curl
03:23 that will literally last me a week and a half
03:27 without having to touch up a single curl.
03:30 Now, if I use the 32 millimeter,
03:32 I do have to touch up a little bit,
03:34 but it does give me a looser curl.
03:37 Like if I have an event or like family pictures
03:39 and I want my hair to look kind of like
03:41 three or four days lived in,
03:43 I will curl it with the 32 millimeter.
03:44 So truthfully, it's good to have both sizes,
03:47 and you get 'em for half off,
03:48 so you should just buy both.
03:50 I think they have a set up deal where you can buy both,
03:54 and it discounts them heavily.
03:55 So one more thing I wanted to go over while I'm curling.
04:01 See those curls back there?
04:03 Also, I changed out of my swimsuit 'cause I was freezing.
04:08 So the twisted wrap is what I do.
04:16 There's two different kinds of wraps.
04:18 You can do with the wand.
04:20 I do the twisted wrap.
04:21 So it's super easy,
04:23 and it's actually the most natural motion.
04:26 So you just, like you're wrapping,
04:28 you just hang on to the hair tight
04:30 and let it very softly, like with tension, glide through,
04:35 and it creates like a rope-like twist
04:37 so that your actual hair is not flat to the barrel.
04:41 If it's flat to the barrel,
04:44 it's going to give you like a softer, looser,
04:48 more traditional curl,
04:50 and that curl actually falls out faster.
04:52 The twisted wrap curl,
04:55 it stays in so much longer.
05:00 Reason being is you are heating up the hair
05:03 while it's kind of in a rope pattern.
05:08 So it's heating it up and curling it
05:10 without like smoothing the entire surface of the hair.
05:14 So one thing you might experience off the get-go
05:18 by using the twisted wrap is a little poof and fuzz still
05:23 because it's like a textured curl,
05:27 but then after a couple days, it settles in,
05:30 and it just is the longest-lasting curl.
05:33 You guys gotta try it.
05:36 Okay, who's ready for some hair tips
05:40 on how to get your hair long and healthy?
05:43 Show me some hearts.
05:44 Show me some love.
05:45 Okay, so I'm gonna get started.
05:48 I'm gonna continue to curl,
05:49 and when I curl, I just drop that curl into my hand,
05:53 I press it to my head, and then I let it out, just like so.
05:57 If the bottom gets a little too curly,
06:00 I just pull on it ever so softly, okay?
06:03 All right, good, I see lots of hearts.
06:04 I'm delayed always when I do these lives.
06:09 Okay, number one, this is get your notepads or whatever
06:14 because you're not gonna wanna have to rewind
06:17 and remember everything that I said.
06:19 So for real, get a notepad and a pen
06:24 so that you can write these down
06:25 'cause they make a huge difference,
06:27 and my hair used to be broken off to about here,
06:31 and now it's super long and healthy and bleached,
06:36 so I feel like I figured out the secret recipe.
06:40 So follow along, write these down, okay?
06:44 So number one is lay off your hair.
06:48 Now, what I mean by that is try to keep a lot of heat
06:53 off of your hair, and what I mean by that is like curling,
06:58 straightening every single day.
07:00 That is going to cause damage,
07:03 and just too much heat on your hair is a bad thing, okay?
07:07 I put heat on my hair, as you can see,
07:09 but I only do it about once every seven to 10 days,
07:14 so I don't have to worry about overdoing it with the heat.
07:20 Heat is okay to put on your hair.
07:23 Like, it gives us good style,
07:25 makes us feel good about our hair.
07:26 It doesn't look all crazy,
07:28 but you just wanna use it sparingly, okay?
07:32 So, and use good tools.
07:35 So I'm using the Temp 450 on my Luster wand.
07:40 The nice thing about this one
07:41 that's different from the Ondolade
07:43 is it has a cooling tip, a heat gauge, and an auto shutoff.
07:47 So for my finer-haired sisters out there,
07:50 this one's cool because I would suggest
07:52 putting the heat somewhere between 390 and 420
07:57 for your hair, okay?
08:00 So, especially use moments that you can,
08:03 like if you're home all day,
08:04 to try to air dry your hair as much as possible.
08:08 I always blow dry my roots, though,
08:11 to give myself some volume.
08:12 Otherwise, if I let it air dry completely,
08:16 then it sits flattered in my head
08:17 and I don't get as much body.
08:20 Make sure you're sharing this video
08:22 and commenting in order to possibly win
08:26 a free wand or free straightener.
08:30 Okay, and less washing.
08:32 So we're talking about laying off our hair.
08:34 Less heat, less washing.
08:37 So I only wash my hair about every seven to 10 days,
08:40 which really helps.
08:41 Let your natural oils kind of do their own thing.
08:46 I do use dry shampoo on about day three, four,
08:48 and about every other day in between there.
08:51 And wand curls are the best kind of curls
08:58 because I just talked about the twisted wrap.
09:01 It actually doesn't put heat on the surface
09:04 of your entire hair, so it's the most healthy
09:07 type of curl with heat that you can do.
09:11 So wand curls are the best.
09:13 They last forever.
09:15 They don't put as much like flattened heat
09:19 on the surface of your hair.
09:20 And lastly, I'm a hairdresser,
09:26 so I kind of have a hard time saying this one,
09:28 but less coloring.
09:31 And not like, you can still go in every six to eight weeks,
09:34 but what I mean by that is,
09:37 which takes me into my next category,
09:40 my next pointer, which is number two, care for your hair.
09:44 Okay, so I have, the first one was lay off,
09:48 and I gave you a few pointers.
09:49 The second one is care for your hair.
09:51 So choose a color, like blonde or red or brunette
09:56 or sombre or bronde or whatever,
09:58 and commit to that color for a while.
10:03 Otherwise, if you keep trying to,
10:05 if you keep trying to, like, oh, in the winter,
10:10 I'm gonna go dark, in the summer,
10:11 I'm gonna go platinum blonde.
10:13 Girls, girls, girls, you are going to thrash your hair.
10:16 Okay, even if your hair is the type
10:18 that can easily be transitioned
10:20 or you have a good hairdresser who's just gonna put
10:22 Dam-I on you in the winter because you know
10:25 that client's gonna wanna be platinum blonde in the summer,
10:28 just commit to a color.
10:32 When I have someone come in that wants to be platinum blonde,
10:34 I say, okay, you gotta give me, like, a year
10:37 to healthily get your hair to a point
10:39 where it is platinum blonde, it's not melting off,
10:42 and it feels good and looks good.
10:46 So just commit to a hair color.
10:48 Don't keep changing it up 'cause that is a huge factor
10:51 in why your hair feels like crap, okay?
10:55 Also, so another pointer in this subject
10:58 of care for your hair is baby your ends.
11:02 Your ends grew out of your head years ago,
11:05 especially if your hair is long.
11:07 So the longer your hair gets,
11:08 the more elderly your ends become.
11:11 So this hair right here grew out of your scalp years ago.
11:16 So make sure that you baby those,
11:18 that you treat them with love and respect
11:22 like you would an elderly person.
11:23 Respect your elders, aka your ends of your hair,
11:28 and your actual elders.
11:30 Find yourself a good hairdresser
11:35 who's not going to overly push your hair,
11:37 and get it cut, okay?
11:43 I know a lot of you think if you don't get your hair cut
11:46 that it's magically gonna grow, but that's not the case.
11:49 When you don't get your hair cut,
11:51 what happens is it breaks off instead.
11:53 So the end splits, and then that split travels clear
11:57 up the hair shaft, and you have split ends
12:00 all over the place, and your hair plateaus.
12:02 That's when your hair plateaus,
12:04 is when all your ends are so split
12:07 that it's just a hot mess, and it's never gonna grow
12:11 past that certain length, okay?
12:13 So make sure you get a haircut.
12:18 I mean it. (laughs)
12:20 And if you are finally to the hair color of your wishes,
12:25 so like my hair is blonde, and my ends are very blonde,
12:28 so I don't have to mess with them so much.
12:30 Once you're at that magical hair color that you want,
12:34 you can start doing a trim every other time, okay?
12:38 So I would say, you know, that would be
12:44 about every 12-ish weeks, so quarterly.
12:49 But if you're in route, especially blonding the hair,
12:53 so there's my curls with the one inch.
12:56 I'm just gonna let 'em cool.
12:57 What's happening right here?
12:59 Yeah, that was a...
13:01 And also, talk to your hairdresser about a dusting,
13:06 a dusting trim.
13:08 I'm getting stabbed in the eye.
13:12 If you follow me on my Instagram,
13:15 I will show this week in my stories
13:18 how I do a dusting on a client.
13:21 And it helps eliminate all the flyaway split ends,
13:23 like up in the depth of your hair without losing length.
13:26 So that is an important thing for your hairdresser
13:29 to do to your hair.
13:30 It looks kinda scary, but it's really good for your hair.
13:34 Also, I take prenatals all the time.
13:37 Where are they?
13:37 Like, even when I'm pregnant, not pregnant, nursing,
13:44 whatever, I just, it's like a multivitamin,
13:46 but it has a lot of good stuff.
13:48 And I take this one.
13:49 It's from Costco, and it's a gel capsule.
13:52 And I've tried other ones,
13:53 and I feel like this one works better
13:54 because it is a gel capsule.
13:56 Actually, your body absorbs it a lot better.
13:59 So this is from Costco.
14:00 Okay, next thing is product.
14:06 So we've gone over lay off your hair and a lot of pointers,
14:09 care for your hair and a lot of pointers,
14:11 and now we're onto product.
14:13 So product is a little tricky to talk about
14:17 because everyone needs different products
14:18 for their hair type.
14:19 So if you're curious as to what products to shop for,
14:23 I mean, you could go on the L'Ange website
14:26 and read all of the, you know,
14:30 you can read the description.
14:31 They describe what they do really well.
14:34 But if you're still confused and you have questions,
14:36 just send me a DM on Instagram @jasminerayhairco,
14:39 like my shirt says, and give me about 24 to 48 hours,
14:43 and I will get back to you on a prescription,
14:45 L'Ange prescription for your hair.
14:47 So washing properly is huge.
14:52 And if you missed that video, go find it.
14:55 It should be the video right before this on the L'Ange page
14:59 on how to properly wash your hair,
15:01 to clean out your follicle,
15:03 to promote follicle health and healthy hair growth.
15:06 So that whole video was me in my swimsuit in the shower,
15:09 washing my hair.
15:10 So you need to check it out.
15:13 It's a very important factor to this part
15:16 of growing your hair healthy and strong.
15:18 And we talked about squeezing your hair with a towel
15:20 instead of wringing it out.
15:22 We talked about leave-in products,
15:24 my favorite go-tos, and the wet brush.
15:28 So make sure you check that video out
15:33 because that will tell you about number three,
15:38 the product one that I'm talking about.
15:42 So make sure you're sharing this and commenting
15:47 for the chance to win a free wand and free straightener.
15:49 And please only share once per page.
15:51 Okay, so number four is styling.
15:55 So that kind of dives into what we're doing right now.
15:59 Tools are a huge factor, okay?
16:03 So I have tried several tools in my lifetime.
16:11 I mean, I could just show you guys my,
16:15 I don't know, my husband gets so mad at me
16:17 'cause being a hairdresser, I just have to try everything,
16:20 like a little bit of everything.
16:22 I've tried really expensive products.
16:24 I've tried low-end products.
16:27 I've tried middle-of-the-road products.
16:28 I've tried their tools.
16:30 I mean, I just have a problem.
16:32 I like to try it all because I like to know what's good.
16:34 And I like to find something
16:36 that is a good bang for your buck too.
16:41 So the thing I love about Lounge
16:43 is they are always running some kind of deal
16:45 because they're awesome.
16:47 And you can always find a sale price on everything.
16:51 And I have got a lot of questions
16:54 about finding Lounge tools in like Marshalls or TJ Maxx.
16:59 I need to ask my Lounge girl about this,
17:04 but I'm not 100% sure if those are
17:08 a reliable place to buy them.
17:11 Just like anything else, like hair product,
17:13 you just don't know if they've been tampered with.
17:16 I don't know, guys.
17:17 I see people find stuff.
17:19 I don't know how they get 'em in there.
17:21 I don't know.
17:22 So I will do more research on that,
17:24 but it's always safe to buy it from the website for sure.
17:28 And they always have a deal going on.
17:30 So tools are huge.
17:33 Wands are the best heat tool to use on your hair
17:38 when it comes to preserving the health of your hair.
17:42 They have different sizes and different finishes.
17:44 So this is the titanium,
17:46 which is a little bit stronger of a heat,
17:48 but it's a smooth heat.
17:50 It will give you a lasting curl.
17:52 I can use both the ceramic or the titanium on my hair.
17:56 And it, they both work really well.
18:01 But ceramic is if your hair is finer,
18:02 it has a softer surface to it, a more airy surface.
18:06 They both feel hard, but.
18:08 So you can also DM me on what wand
18:12 would be best for you also,
18:13 and I'd be willing to help you pick out
18:15 the right one for your hair type.
18:17 So another thing too when it comes to styling
18:22 is you wanna put almost all your products
18:25 that your hair needs in your hair when it's wet.
18:27 Once your hair is dry, I do not suggest putting,
18:32 especially once your hair is fresh and clean,
18:34 I do not suggest putting very many products
18:36 in your hair once the hair is dry.
18:38 Except for the exception of like maybe
18:44 a little texture spray.
18:45 That one got a little too curly,
18:46 so I'm just gonna pull it straight
18:48 and I'll softly pet it with my wand.
18:51 If you put too much texture spray or hairspray in your hair
18:57 when your hair is like brand new clean,
18:59 it's going to get gunked up a lot faster
19:02 and you're not going to be able to have
19:04 the longevity of going in between washes
19:09 like you would if you didn't.
19:11 So I just always put maybe a little bit of texture spray
19:14 or a little bit of hairspray on day one,
19:18 and then I leave it alone.
19:20 And then I wait 'til day three,
19:21 and that's the first day I spray dry shampoo in my roots.
19:26 So you don't want to put too much product in your hair
19:30 on clean day one, okay?
19:32 This piece is bugging me, I'm gonna have to redo that.
19:34 Get it out of my face.
19:35 So that is important.
19:40 If you're trying to prolong your style,
19:43 don't put too much stuff in your hair at the very beginning.
19:46 Okay, and then pointer number five,
19:49 we're at the end of the road here
19:50 and I'm almost done styling,
19:54 is maintenance.
19:56 So maintenance of your style
19:58 and how you care for it in between washes
20:01 really has a lot to do with how it's going to
20:06 do during the week.
20:08 And the longer you can stretch between washes,
20:13 the better because it'll make your hair long and healthy.
20:17 Okay, so maintenance, I said dry shampoo on about day three.
20:20 And then day four, I don't need it.
20:23 Day five, I'll either hit it with dry shampoo in the morning
20:27 or at night before bed.
20:31 Oh, I am missing all the comments.
20:33 Holy smokes, sorry guys, I thought it was like frozen.
20:37 If I've missed your question,
20:39 which I'm sure I missed thousands, I am so sorry.
20:43 Okay, so I like to dry shampoo at night
20:50 because believe it or not,
20:51 your head produces oil when you're sleeping.
20:55 So when you're moving your head back and forth,
20:57 moving those follicles around,
20:58 your scalp is producing oil.
21:00 That's why when you wake up in the morning,
21:02 sometimes you feel like a grease bucket.
21:04 So I like to put, like be preventative about it
21:08 and put my Deja Vu dry shampoo from L'Ange,
21:12 which is my fave because it sprays clear
21:15 and it's lightweight.
21:17 It doesn't have like a really gunky, heavy residue.
21:20 So there we go.
21:24 Now I need to touch up some of these curls
21:27 because they are, this is doing something weird.
21:32 So throughout the week, if your hair tends to get really dry,
21:38 I don't like what my part is doing here.
21:42 If your hair tends to get really dry,
21:45 this is a fantastic product.
21:47 It's called the Menage Marula Oil Hydrating Mist.
21:52 It's really great for hair that gets dry,
21:58 your ends just feel like, you know,
22:00 or static, my static girls.
22:03 Use the Marula Oil Mist.
22:04 It's a mist, so hold it far away
22:07 and just let it kind of do its thing as you spray it.
22:10 So make sure you're not ever using too much.
22:14 The L'Ange products are awesome
22:15 'cause most of them are super concentrated,
22:17 so a little goes a long ways.
22:19 So they do come in smaller bottles than you would think,
22:24 but they're all concentrated.
22:25 So they last like the same time,
22:27 if not longer as a normal hair care product.
22:31 But because they're concentrated, they last a long time.
22:34 So don't be freaked out when you receive your products
22:37 and they're kind of small, they're concentrated.
22:39 So, or they come out, like all their sprayers are misters,
22:42 so they come out a lot finer.
22:45 Um,
22:45 and
22:48 they will last you a good while, so
22:52 don't be worried about that.
22:56 Um, another thing is I brush my scalp
22:59 every night before bed and every morning when I wake up.
23:03 I don't know what I did to this side,
23:04 but these layers just weren't, weren't happy.
23:08 Um, and I use a shine brush
23:13 by the wet brush.
23:15 Uh, it's got a lot of hair in it.
23:17 It's gross.
23:18 Um, and if you guys get like that buildup that,
23:23 I know you know what I'm talking about,
23:24 so I'm gonna teach you a little fun fact about this.
23:27 It looks like lint, kind of, in your brush.
23:30 That is actually,
23:31 don't mean to gross y'all out,
23:34 but that is actually like a buildup of oil and dead skin
23:39 and just stuff that your hair collects,
23:42 like from your sheets and your pillow,
23:44 um, throughout the week.
23:47 So it's actually really good to brush your hair
23:50 because it pulls all of that out of your hair.
23:53 And you see it in your brush,
23:56 but what you can do is use warm water
24:01 and like a soft shampoo, like your marula oil shampoo,
24:05 just a tiny bit of it, like, like half of a pea size,
24:10 and just softly wash it out of your brush
24:13 and it will go bye-bye.
24:14 So, that's a fun fact.
24:18 I know everyone always wonders like,
24:19 what is growing in my brush?
24:22 (laughs)
24:23 That's sketchy looking.
24:25 Um, so make sure you brush your hair.
24:27 That's huge, day and night.
24:29 You don't have to, I brush my scalp
24:32 and then I kind of pull out of the hair,
24:35 um, once I get like off the scalp,
24:40 and then I will only brush down through my ends
24:43 like a couple passes.
24:45 'Cause if you brush down through your ends
24:47 too hard or too much, then it will pull your curl a lot.
24:51 Um, so I'm going to use just my normal wet brush right now
24:56 because my shine brush has the boar bristle,
25:00 um, stuff on the bottom.
25:05 And so I kind of, like when I brush my hair at night,
25:07 I just brush the scalp and then I kind of let out.
25:10 If that makes sense.
25:12 So I brush the scalp really good and I let out.
25:16 I don't, I don't go down the entire thing.
25:20 And then at the end, I will bring everything forward
25:25 and I will start brushing from the bottom
25:27 to alleviate like snagging a tangle or something.
25:31 The nice thing about the wet brushes is they,
25:34 they have like these flexi, um,
25:38 it's really important to prevent breakage
25:40 to get a good brush.
25:41 Because you think a brush is a brush, no, that's not true.
25:45 Um, and I believe L'Ange is coming out with brushes soon,
25:47 which I'm super excited about.
25:49 Winner number eight is Kristen Paige, congratulations!
25:53 You get a free wand or straightener.
25:55 Okay, so this is what I'm talking about
25:57 when I say like poofy lion's mane situation.
26:02 Um, that's normal, but you guys,
26:05 this curl will last me 10 days.
26:09 It will loosen up, it will soften,
26:11 and it will look really good.
26:13 So in the beginning, it's a little bit of a tight curl,
26:15 which is not my favorite look personally.
26:19 Um, but it works, you know, like it gets, gets the job done.
26:23 Also, another way is to hold, like,
26:29 a lot of people are awkward with the wand.
26:30 They burn themselves a lot and they say,
26:32 oh, I don't like these wands,
26:34 I burn myself a thousand times.
26:35 That's not the wand's fault, that's a user error.
26:38 So I'm going to show you, this is like an easier way,
26:42 but don't let it, I put the cord over my thumb
26:46 and hand like this, um, to prevent like too much swingage.
26:51 So this is another way that you can hold your wand,
26:57 which is a little easier,
26:58 like if you're right-handed like me.
27:01 Um, so be, just be okay with a little frizziness
27:06 in the beginning if you want to rock out a 10-day style.
27:10 Or if the frizziness is killing you
27:13 or you have a little static,
27:14 just spritz a little bit of the marula oil mist on it
27:17 and it will calm your frizzy soul.
27:21 Um, Janie said, what to do to help prevent wind damage?
27:27 First of all, if you know you're going to be in the wind,
27:31 wear a hat or a braid,
27:34 because wind is basically like for your hair,
27:36 it's, if you imagine your hair
27:39 is just being like thrashed in the wind.
27:41 So I would highly suggest
27:44 trying to not wear your hair down when it's windy.
27:49 Trying to answer a few questions
27:50 'cause I've been teaching this whole time.
27:55 Um, so yeah, this is a good way to hold the wand
28:00 if you are burn-prone.
28:03 That way it just kind of makes you more aware
28:05 of where it's at.
28:05 It keeps it away from your face.
28:07 It looks weird, like who holds a curling iron like this?
28:12 But it definitely does help.
28:15 So I curl through my hair super fast,
28:17 so I'm just coming under.
28:18 The pieces around the face, I don't know about you guys,
28:20 but that's where like oil's distributed from your head
28:23 a little more.
28:24 Where the hair gets a little, like it's healthier almost.
28:31 So I lose the curl faster.
28:34 Jennica, I just saw your question.
28:38 Where did it go?
28:40 Do they have wands for short hair?
28:41 Yes, so I would suggest the 25 millimeter wand
28:45 for shorter hair.
28:46 Because if your hair is shorter,
28:48 the bigger wand is going to be harder
28:49 to wrap everything around.
28:51 So the smaller wand, I would just suggest,
28:54 if you have shorter hair, so short hair girls,
28:57 I would suggest putting the wand tight to your scalp
28:59 like this, and say my hair ended right there,
29:03 and then I would take it out,
29:04 and I'd have this cute loose curl like that.
29:07 And then you can brush it out too,
29:08 and use texture spray to get kind of that fun,
29:12 messy, beachy look.
29:13 Okay, always hold the wand down while curling.
29:21 This, I mean I've seen people,
29:24 like I've seen people hold the wand up like this,
29:29 which is fine.
29:31 I just point it down when I let it out.
29:37 So really just find what's comfortable for you,
29:39 but I always make sure I'm curling away from the face,
29:43 and 'cause that gives you more of like a beachy fun look.
29:48 If you're curling toward the face,
29:49 you're gonna get a little bit more of a retro kind of curl.
29:53 Okay, so my last pointer on maintenance,
29:58 sorry I got off on a rant with that one.
30:02 I'm gonna show you guys how I sleep at night.
30:05 So this is a big factor.
30:08 Ooh, almost lost my straightener there.
30:14 Okay, I'm struggling.
30:18 Okay, I'm gonna show you guys a couple different hair ties
30:22 that are great.
30:24 Okay, so who wears scrunchies?
30:32 I make fun of my assistant, Jessie, all the time.
30:35 Like all the time, because she's 19, and she's adorable,
30:40 and she comes to work with a scrunchie in her hair,
30:42 like for real, and she's like wearing it like a real thing.
30:47 Apparently they're cute now.
30:48 I don't know what's happening to the world.
30:51 I'm like, just 'cause you're born in the '90s
30:52 doesn't mean you should bring the '90s back,
30:56 but apparently that's happening,
30:57 so I guess you can rock the scrunchie during the day, too.
31:01 Okay, so this is my unmade bed.
31:04 I'm going to show you how I sleep at night.
31:07 So, oh goodness, I probably should've made my bed,
31:12 but this actually is better.
31:13 How do I flip my screen?
31:17 I don't know how to flip my screen,
31:18 so I'm just gonna show you here.
31:20 So I'm gonna move my pillow and bring my pillow down
31:24 about a foot from the headboard.
31:27 Can you guys see that?
31:28 I made like a little trench right here.
31:31 So I lay down, and I put all my hair behind me like this,
31:37 and really, usually I will just sleep
31:44 with my hair like this 'cause I sleep really hard.
31:47 I'm not a thrasher, but if you toss and turn,
31:51 I would suggest putting, hold on, these are,
31:56 I would suggest putting a scrunchie on your hair at night,
32:02 just scrunching it.
32:03 So I always put the scrunchie on after I lay down.
32:08 So I can't do it right now because I don't have two hands,
32:12 but I will just lay back, loosely put this all up behind me,
32:17 and then I grab my pony.
32:20 You can also use these.
32:23 These are supposed to not put a kink in your hair.
32:26 Sometimes when my hair's super clean,
32:28 they will still kink my hair a tiny bit,
32:30 so I always veer toward the scrunchie a little more,
32:33 but these are cool, kinda.
32:36 So I only wrap twice, super loosely, scrunchie my hair.
32:40 That way, if I turn my head this way or this way,
32:45 it's just going to be secure.
32:49 So sleep with your hair up because if you lay on your hair
32:53 and you move around, you're causing friction and damage,
32:55 and a silk pillowcase is also really great
32:58 for less friction on the hair.
33:03 So,
33:04 oh, let me show you the finishing product.
33:09 So last but not least, we're almost done here.
33:14 So I like the salt spray.
33:16 I just will spray a little bit in my hair,
33:19 excuse me, to add a little texture.
33:22 It's a mist, so hold it a little farther away,
33:25 and then I kinda just toss a little in my hair.
33:29 Smells amazing.
33:32 And then, let me tell you guys about this hairspray.
33:39 So the hairspray was out of stock forever,
33:42 and I've always been kind of a hairspray girl.
33:44 Don't overuse too much hairspray,
33:48 just 'cause all hairsprays have some form of alcohol in 'em.
33:52 I literally don't even know,
33:54 I know of one hairspray that doesn't have alcohol in it,
33:56 and it really doesn't work that great.
33:58 So,
33:59 this is the coolest concept, okay?
34:04 It's called Troist Chic, I don't know.
34:08 It's a three-way hairspray.
34:10 So, the cool thing about it is it has a light,
34:15 medium,
34:17 and hard.
34:20 So you can change the setting of the spray tip
34:24 to light, medium, or hard, which is super cool.
34:27 So you only need one hairspray for all of your needs, okay?
34:32 This is the coolest hairspray.
34:35 Some of these products I'm talking about might be out of stock.
34:38 I know the love of my life, the Sorbet Balm,
34:43 will be back in stock, let's see,
34:46 on the 15th, I believe.
34:50 Maybe they could do a pre-order on that, I don't know.
34:53 But it will be back, and you need to get that one, okay?
34:57 So I'm just gonna do a very light spray.
35:02 Smells so good.
35:05 And that's it.
35:06 So, my hair, I'll show it to you from the back.
35:10 Make sure you guys can actually see all of it.
35:17 I'm on my tippy toes again.
35:19 But yeah, that's what it looks like.
35:24 Ta-da!
35:27 Make sure you can see what the back of my head.
35:33 Let me do this.
35:35 Where's the phone?
35:36 There we go.
35:38 There, now I can see you guys, and you can see me.
35:43 So that's what it looks like first day
35:48 with the one inch wand, okay?
35:52 There you have it, folks.
35:57 So real quick, I hope you wrote this down,
36:01 but the five pointers, lay off your hair,
36:04 be kind to it, try to only use heat on it
36:06 like once or twice a week, care for your hair,
36:10 commit to a color, baby your ends,
36:13 cut it about quarterly once you are at that hair color
36:17 that you want, take your prenatals from Costco,
36:21 gel ones, use good products, all of Lounge products.
36:26 They are built well, they have like zero sulfates,
36:32 they are just rocking my world as a hairdresser.
36:36 So I love these products.
36:39 Styling is number four, using proper tools.
36:43 DM me about what products or tools
36:45 on my Instagram page @JasmineRayHairCo.
36:48 I hope to see you guys over there and connect with you.
36:51 It's been really rewarding to be able to help people out
36:53 with their hair needs and to help nurse their hair
36:55 back to health.
36:59 And when styling, don't use a lot of products on first day.
37:02 Okay, don't over product out your hair
37:04 because then you'll need to wash it a lot sooner.
37:07 And then maintenance, dry shampoo is huge.
37:11 You need to have a dry shampoo in your bathroom.
37:14 So make sure you dry shampoo about every other day,
37:20 day two or three on and then brush it into your hair.
37:27 I have certain stories on certain detailed things
37:30 on my Instagram that you can learn from.
37:32 And then with the maintenance, brush your hair,
37:36 get a good brush, Wet Brush is a good brand.
37:39 And then sleep with your hair up in a scrunchie.
37:43 Okay, we just had winner number 10, Ronica Gump.
37:48 Congratulations, my dear.
37:49 So I'm gonna take off, it's been so fun.
37:52 I hope you guys caught the shower version
37:54 where I taught everyone how to properly wash their hair.
37:58 That's a huge factor in hair care and health.
38:00 So make sure you go catch that
38:02 and share this video with your family and friends.
38:05 And I hope you guys learned a thing or two.
38:07 Give me a thumbs up if you did.
38:09 And you can also DM me ideas on what you would like to see
38:13 for my next video because I love being able to help
38:16 everyone out with their hair needs.
38:18 So bye from Idaho.
38:21 I hope everyone has a fantastic week.