• 2 years ago
Here We Meet Again ep 26 eng sub


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00:40 我的梦中总会有你的笑容 (Wǒ de mòng zhòng zǒng huì yǒu nǐ de xiǎo lóng) I see your smile in my dreams
00:45 烈烈的海风拥有暖阳风 (Liè liè de hǎi fǎng yǒu nǎo yǎng fóng) The warm sunshine embraces the scorching wind
00:50 平凡的风从你的眼中握在肩头 (Pínfàn de fēng zǒng nǐ de yǎn zhǒng wǒ de qián kǒu) The wind in my arms embraces your hands
00:56 有一道远行彩虹 (Yǒu yǐ dào yǐ xīng cǎihōng) There is a starry rainbow
01:02 守护梦中的心中有一颗会滴汤 (Shōuhú mèng zhòng de xīng zhōng yǒu yī diàn huì dì tāng) Protect the heart in my dream, there is a little willow candy
01:09 守护心中的梦给你前进的回答 (Shōuhú xīn zhòng de mèng gěi nǐ qiān jīng de huì tāng) Protect the dream in my heart, give you a forward answer
01:14 哦哦哦哦哦哦我们飞飞飞飞的极限 (Wǒ òo òo òo wǒ men fēi fēi fēi fēi de jìxiàn) Oh, we fly, fly, fly, fly to the limit
01:20 追 追 追 追那一道闪亮白白白 (Zhuì zhuì zhùi zhùi zhùi nà yī dào shānliàng bài bài bài) Chase, chase, chase that bright white white white
01:26 天空另一边 追永远 (Tiān kōng līn yī biàn zhǔ yǒng yuàn) To the other side of the sky, chase forever
01:38 李总 您再坚持一下 我已经帮您叫好车了 Mr. Li, please hold on. I've called a car for you.
01:42 陈总啊 我还知道有一家不错的店 能不能再去喝两杯 Mr. Chen, I know a good bar. I can go for another drink.
01:47 李总 您 你喝醉了 Mr. Li, you're drunk.
01:51 我醉了 我醉了 I'm drunk?
01:53 小陈 你今天酒喝得不尽兴啊 没意思 Chen, you're not enjoying yourself today. It's boring.
02:01 您再这样的话 我就报警了 If you keep doing this, I'll call the police.
02:03 小陈 你有点不上道啊 Chen, you're not being honest.
02:08 你知道你们李总跟我是什么关系吗 Do you know what kind of relationship Mr. Li has with me?
02:11 你要是这笔订单丢了 If you lose this order,
02:14 我看您怎么交代 how are you going to explain it to me?
02:19 还要跟谁交代啊 Who else should I explain it to?
02:23 陆总 您怎么在这 Mr. Lu, why are you here?
02:27 陈总是我的朋友 Mr. Chen is my friend.
02:29 等一下约了在这里谈事情 We're going to talk here later.
02:31 你怎么样 还有事吗 How are you? Is everything okay?
02:34 差不多 差不多 I'm fine.
02:36 我刚才跟他谈完了我们合同的事情 I just finished talking to him about our contract.
02:40 这个我就不打扰你了 I won't bother you anymore.
02:42 陈总 是这辆车吗 Mr. Chen, is this the car?
02:44 是的 Yes.
02:44 谢谢啊 走了 Thank you. I'm leaving.
02:47 怎么样 没事吧 How are you? Are you okay?
02:53 没事 I'm fine.
02:55 谢谢陆总 Thank you, Mr. Lu.
02:57 这 要不请您喝一杯 Why don't you drink with me?
03:01 你还可以喝 You can drink?
03:03 当然可以啊 Of course.
03:23 免去为林源 副总经理黎庆哲免去为林源副总经理黎庆哲 I'm fired from my position as the vice president of the Mianqu Weilin Garden.
03:28 我做副总 I'm the vice president?
03:30 咖啡来了 Here's your coffee.
03:39 哎 哇 谢谢副总 Wow, thank you, Mr. Lu.
03:42 谢谢副总 Thank you, Mr. Lu.
03:44 都升副总了就请我们喝这个 They're all vice presidents, yet they're treating us to this.
03:50 还有一扇狗屁 真是太小了 There's a dog on your head. It's so small.
03:53 这段时间忙完了以后 价格无上限随便选 After this period of time, you can choose whatever you want.
03:58 哇 谢谢副总 Wow, thank you, Mr. Lu.
04:01 谢谢 Thank you.
04:02 但是啊 这个 嫌贫爱富的人吃猫子不得好 But the people who like to eat cats are not good at eating cats.
04:07 对 对 吃的特别好 Yes, they're not bad.
04:08 我不是那样的人 I'm not that kind of person.
04:10 下次什么时间什么地点随时叫我啊 I'll call you anytime.
04:13 哎哎哎 不吃了 不吃了 我们帮他吃了 We'll help him eat.
04:16 行了 行了 干活 Let's get to work.
04:19 天天都在看你 天天都在看你 You're always watching me. You're always watching me.
04:26 天天都在看你 You're always watching me. You're always watching me.
04:53 这个公司最被人赠狗闲的就是关系户 This company is the most popular with people.
04:56 看看大家知道你身份之后谁还服你 Let's see who will support you after everyone knows your identity.
05:00 大八卦 大八卦 为邻关系户名单 Big gossip, big gossip, the list of neighbors.
05:16 我倒要看看 I'd like to see
05:17 有什么小侄女二姑妈在我们公司隐藏着呢 What kind of little niece and second aunt are hiding in our company?
05:21 巧了 可以了 It's a coincidence. It's okay.
05:24 漂亮 可以啊 Good. Let me see.
05:28 王艺 介绍人王婷婷 关系她大姑的二表姨 Wang Yi introduces Wang Tingting to her second aunt.
05:35 许新怡 介绍人杨天池关系情侣 Xu Xinyi introduces Yang Tianchi to his lover.
05:40 开玩笑吗 这不 天哪 Are you kidding me?
05:44 刘伟 刘丽丽 关系是姑姑侄子 Liu Wei and Liu Lili are cousins.
05:49 好家伙 和这些默不作声的人都是披着羊皮大灰狼呢 Good guy. You are a good guy with these people.
05:54 去看一眼 Go and have a look.
05:56 天哪 天哪 Oh, my God.
06:02 你们怎么在这儿啊 Why are you here?
06:04 看啥呢 What are you looking at?
06:05 石天佑 你这也是关系户 You are also a gossip.
06:15 石天佑 总部研发中心实验室 许主任是你爸爸呀 Xu Tianyou, Director Xu is your father in the headquarters of the R&D Center Lab.
06:24 你怎么不早说呢 Why didn't you tell us earlier?
06:26 别这么凶嘛 Don't be so fierce.
06:28 现在整个魏林峰公司救赎技术部的关系户最少 Now the whole company of Wei Lin is the least related to the Department of Rescue Technology.
06:32 我说了又有什么意义吗 What's the point of saying that?
06:33 况且我跟我爸的关系吧 其实也不是特别好 Besides, the relationship between me and my dad is not very good.
06:37 不是 你怎么不早告诉我们呢 Why didn't you tell us earlier?
06:39 你要早说 老大就不用走了 你没准都能调到总部去了 If you had told us earlier, my dad wouldn't have had to leave. He might have been transferred to the headquarters.
06:43 我问过他了 他拒绝我了 I asked him. He rejected me.
06:46 他说他不相信自己会这么倒霉 He said he didn't believe he would be so unlucky.
06:48 然后呢 And then?
06:49 然后就真的这么倒霉 And then it was really so unlucky.
06:50 我有点想他了 I miss him a little.
06:55 我也是 Me, too.
06:57 还有谁 Who else?
07:02 哎 向远 Hey, Xiangyuan.
07:04 向远 Xiangyuan.
07:08 介绍人司徒明天关系是爷孙 Introducing a person named Si Tu Ming Tian. The relationship is that of a grandson.
07:11 司徒明天是谁啊 Who is Si Tu Ming Tian?
07:13 不知道啊 I don't know.
07:14 没听说过 很厉害吗 Haven't heard of him. Is he good?
07:15 我怎么觉得这骂是熟呢 Why do I feel like I'm familiar with this?
07:17 白用一下 Let's try it.
07:19 哇 Wow
07:31 董事长 Chairman
07:37 所以向远才是最大的关系户 So Xiangyuan is the biggest relationship.
07:41 有句话是怎么说来着 What do you mean?
07:46 有些人从一出生就已经赢在了起跑线上 Some people have won the starting line since they were born.
07:50 而有些人一出生就在挪马呀 And some people are riding horses as soon as they are born.
07:54 不像我们 It's not like us.
07:55 又是挪又是马 It's a mule and a horse.
07:57 出生就是打工人 Born to be a worker.
08:06 滚 Get out of here.
08:07 这怎么那么多水啊 Why is there so much water?
08:21 保洁阿姨你这怎么干活的啊 保洁阿姨 How are you working, Auntie?
08:24 李总 Mr. Li
08:26 你什么你啊 这么多水怎么不擦呀 Why don't you clean up all the water?
08:30 你这是想摔死人呀 这是工作的地方 Are you trying to kill someone? This is a workplace.
08:33 我放警告牌了 I put a warning sign.
08:36 你是一边走路一边看手机没注意吧 You didn't notice when you were walking and looking at your phone, did you?
08:43 你怎么说话呢 你怎么跟领导说话的 How can you talk to your boss?
08:46 我看手机也是工作 I'm working on my phone.
08:49 你贵姓啊 你姓田 你什么 你贵姓田贵香 你外聘的吧 You're from Guixiang. You're from Guixiang.
08:57 不是不是 No, no.
08:59 小曹 这个月奖金都我扣了 告诉他怎么干活 赶紧擦干净 Xiao Cao, I'm taking the bonus this month. Tell him how to work. Clean up.
09:05 李 李 李医生 Mr. Li
09:08 啊 Ah.
09:09 这谁发的 关系户 Who sent this? The relationship department.
09:37 田贵香 Mr. Tian Guixiang
09:39 东河集团副总裁 Mr. Tian Zuo, the vice president of Donghe Group.
09:49 完了完了完了 这这这这 特自然了 这这 怎么办呢 这 What should I do?
09:58 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 This is a mess.
10:00 李阿姨 Aunt Lin
10:17 李总 Mr. Li
10:18 咖啡 还是茶 Coffee or tea?
10:23 不不不 No, no.
10:24 你是司徒向远对不对啊 You're Si Tu Xiang Yuan, right?
10:36 别装了 司徒明天是你爷爷 你肯定就叫司徒向远了 Don't pretend. Si Tu is your grandfather tomorrow. You'll definitely call him Si Tu Xiang Yuan.
10:40 好 好 好 好 好 Good, good.
10:42 你们三个 开会 You three, have a meeting.
10:44 开会 Oh, yeah.
10:45 最爱的色号 女王红 My favorite color is Queen Red.
10:57 爷爷 干什么啊大体小怪 What are you doing, little freak?
11:01 公司上上下下都在传公司的关系户名单 The whole company is sending the list of the company's contacts.
11:03 你猜最大的关系户是谁 Guess who the biggest contact is.
11:05 难道有谁 Who else?
11:10 向远 人家是董事长司徒明天的亲孙女 Xiang Yuan, she's the president's granddaughter of Si Tu Ming Tian.
11:16 看 看 Look, look.
11:18 这位关系比你大 要不要搞他 This guy is bigger than you. Do you want to mess with him?
11:26 搞 搞 搞 嘴都疼了 我不敢搞 你要搞你们自己去搞啊 I'm so hungry. I'm so hungry. I can't do it. You have to do it yourself.
11:30 谢谢 合作愉快 Thank you. Have a good cooperation.
11:36 合作愉快 Have a good cooperation.
11:38 我送你 走吧 I'll see you off. Let's go.
11:39 晚上吃点什么呀 What do you want to eat tonight?
11:44 不知道 没想法 I don't know. I have no idea.
11:46 你有什么想法 回家喽 What do you think? Let's go home.
11:49 向远 淑姐 你们要去吃饭 Xiang Yuan, you're going to have dinner.
11:54 我知道一家特别好吃的餐厅 I know a very delicious restaurant.
11:56 咱们一起去吃吧 Let's go eat together.
11:58 我们就打算回家随便点点外卖的 We're going to go home and order takeout.
12:02 这说到外卖 我可是点外卖小能手呀 Speaking of takeout, I'm a takeout expert.
12:06 我知道一家特别好吃的那个烧烤 I know a very delicious barbecue.
12:09 他还送那个免费的那个烤架呢 He also gave me that free grill.
12:12 怎么样 How about it?
12:15 行 那晚上就一起去呗 OK, let's go together tonight.
12:19 好 好 好 好 好 好 好 好 好 好 好 好 好 OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK.
12:20 说好啊 你烤 You grill.
12:22 我烤 我烤 我烤 我烤出来很厉害的 I'll grill. I'll grill. I'll grill. I'll grill it well.
12:24 还有一件事 There's one more thing.
12:26 口擦了再去 Wipe your mouth.
12:30 烤得太香了 It's too salty for me.
12:43 再吃两口 再吃两口就要喝水了 I'll have to drink water after two bites.
12:49 撒点 撒点辣椒 这边 Sprinkle some chili on it.
12:52 大小姐 行了行了 大小姐 行了行了 Miss, it's okay.
13:01 我来吧 我来吧 我来吧 Let me do it. Let me do it.
13:02 这个不是 它这个 这个特别烫 It's not. It's very hot.
13:04 好 好 好 我知道 我知道 OK, OK, I know. I know.
13:05 怎么弄成这个样子 Why did it turn out like this?
13:08 那个 那个 That one.
13:12 真的是司徒老爷子的孙女 It's really the granddaughter of Master Situ.
13:17 表上不是写得很清楚吗 It's written very clearly on the form, isn't it?
13:19 对对对 Yes, yes.
13:21 以前的事是我做的不对 I was wrong about the past.
13:28 别说了 Don't say it.
13:29 你在我家吃我的喝我的还跟我道歉 You ate and drank at my house and apologized to me.
13:34 行不行 太没创意了 OK? That's not very creative.
13:36 那这样 我请你吃好吃的吧 How about this? I'll treat you to a nice meal.
13:41 陈叔说你喜欢吃日料 Uncle Chen said you like Japanese food.
13:43 我知道一家特别正宗特别好吃的 I know a very authentic and delicious restaurant.
13:45 我请客 I'll treat you.
13:46 行了吧 敬两杯就完事了 OK, I'll drink two glasses.
13:49 早说吧 这个钱呢 早说吧 Let's talk about it. Where's the money?
13:51 我干了 你们随意啊 I'll drink it. You can do whatever you want.
13:54 董事大孙女请我吃饭了 The chairman's granddaughter treated me to dinner.
14:07 吃饭了 Let's eat.
14:08 向总 明天我要喝奶茶 Mr. Xiang, I want to drink milk tea tomorrow.
14:20 司徒向远 明天也得请我们吃饭 Mr. Si Tu Xiang Yuan, you have to treat us to dinner tomorrow.
14:22 向总 看火 Mr. Xiang, look at the fire.
14:24 向总照着我 Mr. Xiang, look at me.
14:26 我也要 向总 I want it, too. Mr. Xiang.
14:27 向总 我也想吃 Mr. Xiang, I want it, too.
14:28 向总 明天我也想吃烧烤 Mr. Xiang, I want to eat barbecue tomorrow.
14:30 想喝啤酒 I want to drink beer.
14:31 对对对 对 一个一个来 Yes, yes, one by one.
14:32 向总 干杯 Mr. Xiang, cheers.
14:33 向总 照我 Mr. Xiang, look at me.
14:35 北林现在只知母西山 The north is now only familiar with the mother mountain.
14:42 北林 北林 The north is now only familiar with the mother mountain.
14:43 北林 北林 The north is now only familiar with the mother mountain.
14:45 北林 The north is now only familiar with the mother mountain.
15:13 饿得谁啊 这地方也太豪华了哇 Who's hungry? This place is too luxurious.
15:15 为了今天这顿 I didn't have dinner last night
15:19 我昨天晚上都没有吃晚饭 for today's meal.
15:21 没出息 Mr. Xiang is always Mr. Xiang.
15:24 又不是只请这一顿 是吧 It's not just for this meal, is it?
15:26 什么向部长呀 现在是向总 What Mr. Xiang? Now it's Mr. Xiang.
15:29 诶 说起来 他怎么还没来啊 By the way, why hasn't he come yet?
15:31 哦 刚才说是在找车位呢 马上就到了 Oh, he said he was looking for a car seat. He'll be here soon.
15:34 先坐吧 Sit down first.
15:35 哎呀 哇 Wow.
15:36 什么 围林要关停了呀 What? The park is going to be closed.
15:56 向远来这不会就是要关停我们围林的吧 Mr. Xiang is not coming here to close our park, is he?
15:59 不可能 不可能 It's impossible.
16:04 他爷爷是董事长 把咱们这关了 His grandfather is the chairman of the board of directors. He closed our park.
16:06 他也好回去继承家产啊 He can go back and inherit the family property.
16:08 你爸不是总部研发中心的吗 Isn't your dad the head of the R&D center?
16:15 来来来 过来 给他打个电话 快点 Come on, come on, call him. Hurry up.
16:18 但是我跟我爸的关系不是特别好 But my relationship with my dad is not particularly good.
16:21 求你问问吧 要是真的的话 咱们也好早做打算啊 Please ask him. If it's true, we'd have made plans a long time ago.
16:25 对啊 咱是不是兄弟了 Yeah, are we brothers?
16:27 你说这关乎我们的未来呢 快快快 快打来 快打来 You said it's about our future. Hurry up.
16:31 喂 儿子 Hello, son.
16:38 爸 那个问你个事儿 Dad, I want to ask you something.
16:41 就是听说那个围林静调关停 这事是真的吗 I heard that the park is going to be closed. Is it true?
16:45 你说这事儿啊 You mean this?
16:47 你就别管了啊 我都给你安排好了 I'll leave it to you. I've arranged it for you.
16:52 回头啊 你先去休息半天 考个证 Go and take a break for a while and get a license.
16:55 那到底有没有这回事儿啊 Is there such a thing?
16:56 公司的高层是有这个打算 The top management of the company is planning to do this.
16:59 不过这种事儿啊 留你操心 But you don't have to worry about this.
17:02 向 向 向远是提前知道这事儿吗 Does Xiang Yuan know about this in advance?
17:08 她肯定知道啊 She must know.
17:09 她可是董事长三女儿 She's the daughter of the chairman.
17:11 可她不是刚被提升为副总的吗 But she was just promoted to vice president.
17:14 有可能她就是来管这事儿的吧 Maybe she's here to take care of this.
17:18 不然她来咱们围林公司干嘛啊 Why else would she come to our company?
17:21 不好意思啊 来晚了 Sorry, I'm late.
17:23 还没上菜啊 You haven't served the food yet.
17:25 上菜 服务员 上菜 服务员 Serve the food, waitress.
17:27 好嘞 Okay.
17:28 请慢用 Please excuse me.
17:34 别光顾着吃啊 Don't just eat.
17:46 来 喝一个 Here, have a drink.
17:47 来 喝一个 Here, have a drink.
17:48 这都是怎么了 What's going on?
18:08 啊 What's going on?
18:09 啊 啊 啊 啊 啊 Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.
18:12 进去就知道了 You'll know when you get in.
18:37 现在门都关开了 The door is open now.
18:38 这怎么办啊 What should we do?
18:47 怎么样啊 How's it going?
18:49 你们有什么消息吗 Do you have any news?
18:50 没事吧 It's fine.
18:53 这两天没用啊 It's been a while.
18:54 不过是真了 But it's true.
18:55 她干嘛干嘛呢 What's she doing?
18:56 谢谢相公 Thank you, darling.
18:59 进 Come in.
19:00 进 Come in.
19:12 等了半天你这总算安静下来了 I've been waiting for you for a long time, and you're finally calm.
19:19 所以 So
19:27 围林观听的消息是假的 Is the news about the closed court fake?
19:29 真的 Really
19:30 但围林刚步入正轨 But the closed court has just entered the regular course.
19:34 我正想办法了 I'm trying to figure it out.
19:35 不能关停 I can't shut it down.
19:36 但这事一出 But when this happens
19:39 现在公司全部的人都人心惶惶的 Now all the people in the company are panicking.
19:41 你就算不是真的关停 Even if you're not really shutting it down,
19:43 那大家也都跑光了呀 Then everyone's gone.
19:45 好的好的 Okay, okay.
19:55 你已经来了十八次了 You've been here 18 times.
19:56 我知道了 I know.
19:57 我真的知道了 I really know.
19:58 你快点回去快点 Go home.
19:59 司徒长 重复就是力量 Mr. Si, repetition is power.
20:02 我跟你说实验室人品肯定没毛病 I'm telling you, the lab's human nature is definitely fine.
20:04 你一定记住我这句话 You must remember what I said.
20:06 王爷子 围林的事您考虑得怎么样了 Mr. Wang, how do you think about the case of the closed court?
20:14 我已经决定了 I've decided.
20:16 再给他一年时间 Give him another year.
20:19 只要围林可以自负盈亏 As long as the closed court can pay for its own losses,
20:22 就让他继续保留下去 let him continue to keep it.
20:24 看来圆圆这次报告写得不错呀 It seems that Yuanyuan's report is well written.
20:27 什么报告 我没看啊 What report? I didn't see it.
20:29 没看你怎么同意了 How did you agree without seeing it?
20:31 因为徐焰石在上海啊 Because Xu Yanshi is in Shanghai.
20:34 不 这么草率 No, it's so hasty.
20:36 那比报告还关键呢 That's more important than the report.
20:39 这不公平啊 It's not fair.
20:41 嗯 Um.
21:08 老爷子答应再给你一年的时间 老爷子答应再给你一年的时间 My father promised to give you another year.
21:11 继续努力吧 继续努力吧 Keep up the good work.
21:13 我现在越来越会写报告了 I'm getting better at writing reports now.
21:17 你看 你到底怎么回事啊 Look, what's going on?
21:34 这什么事啊这是 What's going on?
21:36 快看 Look.
21:37 什么事啊 What's going on?
21:38 这么正式啊 So formal.
21:41 完了 相主要肯定要宣布关停我们威霖了 Oh, no. The Prime Minister is going to announce the closure of our Weiling.
21:45 我觉得吧 I think so.
21:46 他就算是要关 He might have his own responsibility
21:48 可能还有自己的担负 even if he wants to close it.
21:50 他再也不是我们可爱的相部长了 He's not our cute Prime Minister anymore.
21:54 我都要失业了 I'm going to lose my job.
21:56 我在这儿干了十年了 I've been working here for ten years.
21:57 你给我撒掰啊 You're going to break it.
21:58 我女儿刚上小学 My daughter just went to primary school.
21:59 这让我怎么办 What am I supposed to do?
22:00 对啊 对啊 Yeah.
22:01 我房贷还没还呢 I haven't paid my mortgage yet.
22:02 来了来了来了 Here it comes.
22:07 知道大家最近都很关心这一份红头文件啊 I know you've been very concerned about this redhead file lately.
22:10 就是总部想要关停我们威霖公司的文件 It's the headquarters that wants to shut down our Weiling.
22:15 我现在可以正式地通知大家 I can officially inform you now
22:19 这份文件不是伪造的 that this file is not fake.
22:22 什么 What?
22:24 这要关停啊 What's going on?
22:26 这不是要关停啊 This is not a shutdown.
22:28 这真的要关停啊 This is really going to close.
22:31 这下我真看错了 This is really going to close.
22:33 大家稍安勿躁 Everyone, please calm down.
22:39 前几年公司的业绩持续下滑 In the past few years, the company's performance has been declining.
22:45 想必各位也知道 I'm sure you all know that.
22:47 我们在市场上没有话语权 We don't have the right to speak in the market.
22:49 没有持续竞争力 No continued competitiveness.
22:51 销售的路走不通 We can't make a sales path.
22:53 我们定位导航的发展前景也不乐观 We are not optimistic about the development of our navigation.
22:57 所以总公司曾经的确打算关停我们为零 So the head office has once planned to shut us down.
23:00 曾经 Once?
23:02 对曾经 Yes, once.
23:04 因为只有自主研发产品 Because only by developing our own products,
23:07 我们才能在行业立于不败之地 we can stand in the industry and find our core competitiveness.
23:11 所以我们开发了货连导航系统 So we developed the cargo navigation system.
23:14 就是这一切的开始 That's how it all started.
23:16 目前在我们平台上注册过的车辆已经超过二十万辆 The number of vehicles registered on our platform has exceeded 200,000.
23:23 我们收到的最新互反汇 We have received the latest feedback
23:26 好评率高达93% with a rating of 93%.
23:28 截止上周 As of last week,
23:30 跟我们合作的企业已经达到18家跟我们合作的企业已经达到18家 the companies we work with have reached 18 companies,
23:34 包括行业领头锐东 including the leading industry, Rui Dong.
23:37 而且我们18年已经提前完成了总公司给我们的KPI And we have completed the KPI of our head office in advance in 2018.
23:42 营业额将近4000万 The turnover is nearly 40 million.
23:44 所以依托于北斗的发展机遇 So we have relied on the development opportunities of Beidou
23:47 我们已经找到了我们为零自己的核心竞争力 and found our core competitiveness,
23:51 也就是北斗加互联网加物流 which is Beidou plus the Internet plus logistics.
23:54 因为目前有的平台只提供车 Because some platforms only provide cars,
23:56 有的平台只提供司机 and some platforms only provide drivers.
23:58 目前还没有一个一站式的货物运输平台 There is no one-stop shopping platform yet.
24:02 但是我们为零有人有车有玉 But we are the zeroes, we have people, we have cars, we have robots.
24:05 只要将这三者完美地结合起来 As long as we combine these three perfectly,
24:08 我们就可以打造一个独一无二的 We can create a unique
24:10 坐车物流生态 vehicle logistics ecosystem.
24:12 在座的各位 Everyone here,
24:20 你们是为零的核心团队 you are the core team of Weilin.
24:22 未来 Weilin
24:24 会上市 will be on the market in the future.
24:26 也将会给你们每一个人释放潜能 And we will release your potential.
24:29 所以我们即将是携手共进的一家人 So we are going to be a family of partners.
24:34 这是一片新的蓝海 This is a new blue sea.
24:37 不知道在座的各位 I don't know if you here
24:41 是否想跟我一起见证为零的未来 want to witness the future of Weilin with me.
24:45 谢谢 Thank you.
24:50 来吧 Come on.
24:52 来吧 Come on.
24:54 来吧 Come on.
24:55 来吧 Come on.
24:57 来吧 Come on.
24:59 来吧 Come on.
25:01 来吧 Come on.
25:03 来吧 Come on.
25:05 来吧 Come on.
25:07 来吧 Come on.
25:09 来吧 Come on.
25:11 来吧 Come on.
25:13 来吧 Come on.
25:15 来吧 Come on.
25:17 来吧 Come on.
25:19 来吧 Come on.
25:22 来吧 Come on.
25:23 演讲挺不错的 The speech was good.
25:25 谢谢 Thank you.
25:27 我马上就收拾好了 I'll be ready soon.
25:32 你可以搬进来了 You can move in.
25:35 想多了 You think too much.
25:37 你这屋风水不好 Your house has bad water supply.
25:39 只是来送送你 I just want to see you off.
25:40 你是不是以为你赢了 Do you think you won?
25:46 有人花五分钟泡碗面 Someone spends five minutes making noodles.
25:49 也有花五个小时泡杯茶 Someone spends five hours making tea.
25:52 那你说是这面好吃还是茶好喝呢 Do you think the noodles are better or the tea?
25:54 其实书莹这事我从来不在乎 Actually, I never care about Shu Ying.
25:58 我只是怕到最后呀 I'm just afraid that in the end,
26:01 您还不知道自己泡的是什么茶 you don't know what tea you're making.
26:05 洞庭湖的老麻雀 The old sparrow in Dongting Lake
26:12 最擅长左右风言 is the best at left and right.
26:16 最擅长左右风言 The best at left and right.
26:17 我 I
26:38 这不快过年了吗 Isn't it almost New Year's Eve?
26:42 我们大家伙想请你吃个饭 We'd like to invite you to dinner.
26:44 说吧 想去哪儿啊 Tell me, where do you want to go?
26:49 这下我们都定好了 We've made up our minds.
26:56 早有预谋啊 You've planned it all along.
26:57 早就计划好了要宰我的 You've planned it all along to kill me.
27:00 是的 司徒向远 Yes, Master Situ.
27:03 谢谢啊 Thank you.
27:04 惊喜啊 Surprise!
27:23 是不是你出的馊主意 Is it your bad idea?
27:27 冤枉啊 不是我啊 It's not me.
27:29 是 是我 It's me.
27:30 谢谢啊 Thank you.
27:31 原来是你啊 It's you.
27:37 你怎么来了 You're here.
27:39 不欢迎吗 Not welcome?
27:41 哪有 No.
27:43 到我了 到我了 It's my turn.
27:47 老大 我也不想抱 Boss, I don't want to hug either.
27:51 是警官 It's the officer.
27:52 被上部长开了个那么热情的头 The Minister of Justice gave me such a warm welcome.
27:54 我不抱也不是啊 I'm not going to hug.
27:55 老大 Boss.
27:59 老大 徐成礼呢 都放寒假了 Why didn't you bring him back to play
28:01 都放寒假了 怎么不带他回来玩一下 when it's winter break?
28:03 让他去了英国的东丽营 明天才回来 He went to the British Winter Camp and came back tomorrow.
28:06 想他了 走吧 I miss him. Let's go.
28:09 你跟他们串通好的 You're in a good relationship with them, right?
28:14 想给你个惊喜嘛 I want to give you a surprise.
28:17 搞得我差不多没告诉你 You almost didn't tell me.
28:19 告诉你的还叫惊喜吗 It's a surprise to tell you.
28:22 这好喝 喝酒 这个好吃 这个好吃 This is delicious. Drink. Drink. This is delicious.
28:34 那个 那个 那个 That one.
28:36 老大 你是不知道 你走了以后 They always bully me after you left.
28:43 谁欺负你了 Who bullied you?
28:45 你再说他们可不是这样的 You can't say they're like that.
28:48 从向部长升职的这个结果来看 从向部长升职的这个结果来看 From the result of the promotion of Minister Xiang,
28:51 我以前的做法是错误的 I used to do it wrong.
28:53 道人里飘了 难道你还觉得老大会听你说话吗 Do you think the boss will listen to you?
29:01 老大呀 我们向部长都升副总了 老大呀 我们向部长都升副总了 Boss, our Minister Xiang is promoted to deputy manager.
29:12 你不送点礼物给人家呀 Why don't you give him a gift?
29:14 给他拿着 Give him a gift.
29:15 没有 No.
29:21 怎么还是那么抠门 Why are you still so stingy?
29:27 就不可能为我们花点钱了 You can't spend money for us.
29:29 不好意思 刚给女朋友花完了 Sorry, I just spent it all on my girlfriend.
29:32 女朋友 女朋友 女朋友 Girlfriend. Girlfriend.
29:36 漂亮吗 Is she pretty?
29:43 一般 一般 That's average.
29:44 那就是喜欢 She likes me.
29:47 是新公司的同事吗 Is she a colleague of the new company?
29:55 不会吧 不会吧 老大也太迅速了 No way. Boss is too fast.
29:57 我觉得不会 I don't think so.
30:01 不会是 向部长 It can't be Minister Xiang.
30:05 怎么可能啊 How is that possible?
30:16 老大不是说一般吗 Boss said it's average.
30:18 我们向部长多好看啊 Our Minister Xiang is so handsome.
30:19 也是 聪明 聪明 聪明 Yes, he is smart.
30:23 对对对 Yes, you're right.
30:25 谢谢 谢谢 谢谢 Thank you.
30:26 我敬各位一杯吧 Let me propose a toast to you.
30:32 谢谢各位对我的支持 Thank you for your support.
30:36 是因为你们的支持 It's because of your support
30:38 才让我找到了我在团队中的责任感和归属感 that I found my sense of responsibility and belonging in the team.
30:42 敬你们 Cheers.
30:45 干杯 Cheers.
30:47 干杯 干杯 Cheers.
30:49 先干为敬吧 Let's drink to our friendship.
30:50 好 OK.
30:51 干杯 Cheers.
30:52 好厉害 好厉害 好厉害 Good job.
31:00 来来来 干杯 干杯 Cheers.
31:03 我们也干了 Let's drink.
31:04 干了 干了 干了 Cheers.
31:05 干杯 Cheers.
31:06 干杯 Cheers.
31:08 我是第一的 I'm the first.
31:16 我先 I'll go first.
31:17 干杯 Cheers.
31:18 干杯 Cheers.
31:19 干杯 Cheers.
31:21 好厉害 好厉害 Good job.
31:22 干杯 Cheers.
31:23 这东西 这东西 This is the thing.
31:30 干杯 Cheers.
31:45 干杯 Cheers.
31:47 干杯 Cheers.
31:49 干杯 Cheers.
31:51 好好吃 好好吃 好好吃 好好吃 Good. Good. Good. Good. Good.
31:54 好好喝 好好喝 Good. Good. Good. Good. Good.
32:22 We'll see you next week!
32:23 Bye.
32:25 Bye.
32:26 Bye.
32:27 Bye.
32:31 Bye bye.
32:34 We're leaving.
32:35 Happy New Year!
32:38 Happy New Year!
32:39 Happy New Year!
32:40 Bye.
32:47 Bye bye.
32:50 Bye bye.
32:51 Bye bye.
32:52 Bye bye.
32:53 Bye bye.
32:54 Bye bye.
32:55 Bye bye.
32:56 Bye bye.
32:57 [Lin Wo]
32:58 [Lin Wo]
32:59 [Lin Wo]
33:00 [Lin Wo]
33:01 [Lin Wo]
33:02 [Lin Wo]
33:03 [Lin Wo]
33:04 [Lin Wo]
33:05 [Lin Wo]
33:06 [Lin Wo]
33:07 [Lin Wo]
33:08 [Lin Wo]
33:09 [Lin Wo]
33:10 [Lin Wo]
33:11 [Lin Wo]
33:12 [Lin Wo]
33:13 [Lin Wo]
33:14 [Lin Wo]
33:15 [Lin Wo]
33:16 [Lin Wo]
33:17 [Lin Wo]
33:18 [Lin Wo]
33:19 In the future,
33:20 do you have to change your name to Mr. Xiang?
33:23 Of course.
33:26 Mr. Xu.
33:27 That's amazing.
33:30 Of course.
33:32 (soft piano music)
33:35 (soft piano music)
33:38 (soft piano music)
33:40 (soft piano music)
33:50 (speaking in foreign language)
34:06 (soft piano music)
34:09 (phone chimes)
34:14 (speaking in foreign language)
34:18 (speaking in foreign language)
34:31 (soft piano music)
34:34 (speaking in foreign language)
34:47 (soft piano music)
34:50 (speaking in foreign language)
35:11 (speaking in foreign language)
35:15 (soft piano music)
35:20 (speaking in foreign language)
35:25 (speaking in foreign language)
35:30 (speaking in foreign language)
35:34 (speaking in foreign language)
35:38 (soft piano music)
35:40 (speaking in foreign language)
35:45 (soft piano music)
35:48 (speaking in foreign language)
35:54 (laughing)
36:07 (speaking in foreign language)
36:11 (birds chirping)
36:14 (lips smacking)
36:21 (moaning)
36:24 (speaking in foreign language)
36:29 (speaking in foreign language)
36:33 (speaking in foreign language)
36:37 (speaking in foreign language)
36:42 (speaking in foreign language)
36:46 (speaking in foreign language)
36:51 (speaking in foreign language)
36:56 (speaking in foreign language)
37:00 (speaking in foreign language)
37:04 (speaking in foreign language)
37:17 (moaning)
37:27 (speaking in foreign language)
37:32 (speaking in foreign language)
37:36 (speaking in foreign language)
37:40 (plastic crinkling)
37:43 (speaking in foreign language)
37:53 (speaking in foreign language)
38:03 (speaking in foreign language)
38:07 (speaking in foreign language)
38:11 (moaning)
38:14 (speaking in foreign language)
38:17 (speaking in foreign language)
38:28 (plastic crinkling)
38:40 (speaking in foreign language)
38:44 (speaking in foreign language)
38:48 (speaking in foreign language)
38:52 (speaking in foreign language)
38:56 (speaking in foreign language)
39:01 (speaking in foreign language)
39:05 (speaking in foreign language)
39:14 (moaning)
39:29 (upbeat music)
39:31 (singing in foreign language)
39:46 (singing in foreign language)
39:51 (singing in foreign language)
40:18 ♪ 'Cause everything's okay ♪
40:21 ♪ And I'm here to pray ♪
40:23 ♪ And everything I pray ♪
40:25 (speaking in foreign language)
40:29 ♪ Making it a day ♪
40:32 ♪ That we'll make ♪
40:33 ♪ Everything's okay ♪
40:38 ♪ 'Cause everything's okay ♪
40:41 ♪ And I'm here to pray ♪
40:43 ♪ And everything I pray ♪
40:46 ♪ This is my dream ♪
40:48 ♪ Making it a day ♪
40:51 ♪ That we'll make ♪
40:53 ♪ Everything's okay ♪
40:56 (speaking in foreign language)
41:00 (speaking in foreign language)
41:04 (laughing)
41:06 (speaking in foreign language)
41:10 (speaking in foreign language)
41:14 (speaking in foreign language)
41:18 (speaking in foreign language)
41:22 (speaking in foreign language)
41:27 (speaking in foreign language)
41:46 (speaking in foreign language)
41:50 (knocking)
42:00 (speaking in foreign language)
42:08 (upbeat music)
42:11 (speaking in foreign language)
42:16 (speaking in foreign language)
42:20 (speaking in foreign language)
42:24 (speaking in foreign language)
42:28 (speaking in foreign language)
42:32 (speaking in foreign language)
42:36 (upbeat music)
42:38 (speaking in foreign language)
42:45 (speaking in foreign language)
43:03 (upbeat music)
43:06 (singing in foreign language)
43:29, (speaking in foreign language)
43:36 (singing in foreign language)
43:40 (upbeat music)
43:42 (singing in foreign language)
43:47 (singing in foreign language)
44:04 (singing in foreign language)
44:09 (singing in foreign language)
44:36 (singing in foreign language)
44:40 (singing in foreign language)
44:45 (singing in foreign language)
44:49 (singing in foreign language)
44:54 (singing in foreign language)
44:58 (singing in foreign language)
45:15 (singing in foreign language)
45:19 (singing in foreign language)
45:24 (singing in foreign language)
45:33 (singing in foreign language)
45:43 (singing in foreign language)
45:47 (upbeat music)
45:49 (upbeat music)
45:52 (upbeat music)
