How to Braid hair for beginners - COLOR HOW-TO

  • last year
00:00 Hey everybody, it's Maggie Mulhern. We are here in Jacksonville Beach, Florida at Studio
00:09 Sage Salon. And this, everyone knows, is Erica Keelan of Erica Keelan_hair_love. Sorry, I'm
00:19 complicated. And Sarah Jane Maples. Hey guys! Slushin' the name on Instagram. And we are
00:26 here at your salon. This is the coolest thing. They have decided to do a collaboration to
00:30 teach you the latest in transitional color, which is something that you were saying is
00:34 very difficult and challenging in the salon. Yes, yes. I find that a lot of people don't
00:39 think about what colors they put next to each other. And sometimes you get like a muddy,
00:43 muted color in between. So we're going to go over kind of how you do that, how I get
00:48 like a prisma. I've been calling it my prisma effects, where you get lots of different colors,
00:54 but they're soft in the hair. I think we're going to much softer color trends right now.
00:59 Maybe not quite such bold colors, but they're still very beautiful and you have lots of
01:03 colors in the hair. And with these beautiful colors, we're doing something so great, which
01:08 is you're doing updo's, festival. What are you going to be doing here? So today we're
01:11 going to show you how to transition a very pretty, wearable, half up, half down braided
01:16 style into a very fun, festival braided style. Since festival season is upon us and wedding
01:23 season is here as well. So we're going to show you how to do that today. And then Erica's
01:26 going to talk about this hair color as well. So I'm going to come over here so that we
01:30 can ask some questions. And are we starting with you, Erica? Are we starting with the
01:35 color? Yeah. Okay. We can talk about the color before Sarah Jane gets started with our beautiful
01:40 model Liz. Liz's hair color is kind of what I'm talking about. You can see the transitional
01:46 color. You don't really see where that color comes from, but it's just, you see the purples
01:50 and the yellows and the greens. And there's like a muted reds in there, like a red wine
01:58 kind of color. And then with Sarah Jane's, we did kind of the same thing. So I'm just
02:02 going to go over like the techniques I choose to do this, where I'm still mixing, like there's
02:08 pink in here, there's purple in here. They don't all pop and say, Oh my God, that looks
02:13 like a rainbow, but it looks, it's just really soft. So I've got a couple of extension swatches
02:19 over here. And what I tend to do with this technique is I always, even if I'm using a
02:27 board or anything, I always will get the hair to stick with some clear. So you need to go
02:36 with your actual hair color. You need to go a little bit darker because you are diluting
02:39 it with clear. This for me helps the color blend too. And you put Saran wrap or plastic
02:47 wrap to protect. Just to protect. And then, and then honestly, when I'm using extensions
02:53 like this, and you'll see, I'll show you this technique in a little bit, you can see up
02:57 underneath. So if you don't get it saturated, you see it. So let me, let me show you that.
03:03 So with this one, I wanted to put purple and yellow, yellow in the same strand of hair.
03:09 You can't put purple and yellow next to each other, basic color wheels. You can, but you
03:13 get kind of that weird color. You know, we're close to Easter. You have to tell us formulas.
03:17 Everybody's going to want to know the formulas. Okay. Formulas. This is all Joico. I chose
03:21 Joico today. Um, it's a mixture. This is the yellow and clear together. This is the metallic
03:28 blue and some clear. This is the straight, I think it's lilac. It's their, um, like their
03:33 pastel purple. Uh, this is their turquoise straight out of the tube. This is also the
03:40 yellow. And then this is, um, the ruby metallic red, I think is what it is, and clear. Um,
03:47 so on this strand, I wanted to put yellow and purple together and I have to have like
03:50 a color that transitions the two of those together. So blue will transition in between
03:55 yellow and purple. So I always go in, love these CBC brushes. He does not pay me to say
04:04 that, that I do love them. A lot of people love those. I love these for this, for this
04:09 particular technique. Those are by Christopher Benson and it's CBC. And so I don't go with
04:14 a straight line. I kind of leave it like that. Then I'll go in with a little bit of blue,
04:21 always holding the brush when you're diffusing. That's like a really, really soft blue. And
04:39 then we're going to go in with our lavender just on the ends. So I basically try to pick
04:48 two different colors that are opposite of each other on the color wheel and try to get
04:52 them on the same strand of hair. That little guy's getting all in my way. And so with this
04:59 piece of plastic wrap, you can lift it up and I can see that I missed a few, a few spots
05:06 there at the bottom. So I can go back over that. And I do color a lot. This is how I
05:10 color all of my extensions. I normally do it on our color bar. So I just have it laid
05:15 out a little bit more, but this is a little bit more convenient for the situation. So
05:19 I'm going back in over that section and I'm making sure we color that. And we have some
05:28 of your colleagues here. If you guys can see any repetitive questions, let me know. Because
05:33 for some reason my questions are frozen. Yeah. So if you guys will be on questions for her.
05:43 But we have Carol Chavez from Fayetteville, Arkansas. Thank you for joining us. So my
05:49 next one, I want to put red and turquoise next to each other. So just, and again, what
05:55 is this base that you put on? This is just clear and I get it to hold the hair to the
06:02 Saran Wrap. And then it also helps me with diffusing the hair. So I'll start with red.
06:12 Do you have to process this longer? No, I let this process normally about 25, 30 minutes.
06:19 You know, if it's between clients, sometimes it may process an hour. But no, 20, 30 minutes
06:24 and you're normally pretty good with direct eyes. So then I'll go in with my yellow. And
06:31 I'm not even really doing it to show. We did similar techniques to this. And I'd say it
06:37 was about an hour and a half, two hour application process for both their hair. And they have
06:42 really thick, long hair. So I think for their hair type, that's not too bad for a fashion
06:49 color. Yeah, that's amazing. Wow, that's beautiful. Beautiful. Yeah. Thanks guys. All right. So
06:57 Sarah, Jane, Naples. Hey guys. So I am doing a basic half up, half down with a fishtail
07:06 Dutch braid. And we have started at the top of the head. I took a triangle section right
07:12 here and just a two strand Dutch braid down the side of the head. What I'm going to do
07:18 now is I'm going to take a little bit of the Matrix height riser powder. I'm going to just
07:24 press it into the braids. And again, this is something you use in the salon. Yes, we
07:28 do. Yes. I love this powders because you put, you can see is it really helps to kind of
07:34 pancake and big, make that braid really big. And this is what really sets off the braids.
07:41 And you really want to pull all of this out. And I just continue around the back of the
07:49 head. I love that the color, the styling and the braiding really sets off that color really
07:55 beautifully. And I, one of my favorite things to do right now is to mix braids. So on the
08:04 other side, I'm going to do a French three strand braid. And that really makes any half
08:11 up, half down just a little bit different, you know? And you said this is great for a
08:15 bride, great for festival. This is great for any kind of bride or bridesmaid style. We're
08:20 going to punch it up a little bit at the end to really make it into a festival style. We're
08:24 going to add some fun, like mini braids in the back, just to show you how you can take
08:28 a simple style and make it really, really fun. But the fishtail is one of my favorite
08:38 braids to do. Any tips in doing a fishtail? Maybe turn around this way so we can get her
08:43 better in the light. Anything that you see a lot of frequent mistakes that people do?
08:50 You know, I really, fishtails are really, they're probably one of my favorite because
08:54 they're really easy to do and they're hard to mess up. So they're kind of foolproof.
08:58 You know, once you learn it, you have it and it's just really fun and easy. And what I
09:04 like to do when I finish the braid here, I like to wrap it around the back of the head,
09:08 hold it. We're going to get her in this better light. You guys have the best setup here that
09:12 we are actually in a studio and the front of the salon is a classic salon and in the
09:17 back you have this studio. So I'm going to back up a little bit so you guys can see this
09:21 very cool lighting that they have here. See this? Very nice. And the whole crew. This
09:27 is why we did it. Yeah. It's over. Photoshoots. Oh, Jackie's joining us in Houston. All right.
09:33 So this is gorgeous. So what I like to do at the end to make it really unique is pin
09:38 it into place and then just build and make that braid really big because you can turn
09:45 something super simple into something very beautiful. So this spray you're using doesn't
09:51 make it. I'm hearing style fixer. This is the styling from Matrix. And again, we're
09:56 not being sponsored by anyone. So you guys are just using all your favorite things. Now
10:01 I love this spray. It's a workable spray. I can work through a style with it. It's very
10:04 easy. It's not gonna make the hair crunchy or shiny or anything like that. And now I'm
10:11 going to start on the other side. Again, taking a triangle portion. That way you don't get
10:19 or triangle section, excuse me, any lines in the hair that you don't want. And this
10:26 is going to be a traditional three strand French braid on this side. I like to leave
10:39 a lot of hair on the face. I think that's really soft and pretty. Braids are super in
10:44 for this season. You know, braids have been having a lot more than a moment. Yes. I feel
10:51 like braids are never going to go away, which I love. I love braiding hair. And especially
10:56 with these cool colors. They just look even more exciting. And again, I'm just trying
10:59 to keep her in better light here. Yeah. If you can turn her around that way, that's better.
11:03 Yeah. Well, and the braid makes the color look, yeah, really breaks it up like that.
11:15 You kind of lift up the hair with the braid and you see all that beautiful color work
11:19 underneath. So you make it tight as you prepare and then you go in and really go through once
11:37 you're done and pancake that braid out. Pull it out. You can do it as you go as well. That
11:45 way you don't have so much work to do once you're done with the braid. And we are going
11:57 to want to talk about this hair color. I mean, is a lot of this her natural color or is she
12:01 a hundred percent colored? No, she's a hundred percent colored. So basically what I do is
12:05 I go in in panels and do my color technique. I call it my prism technique. And, um, so
12:11 I do it in panels and then in between those panels, I go in with a more natural tone and
12:15 diffuse that. So it's not hers is a lot softer than like Sarah Jane. Sarah Jane's pops a
12:21 little bit more where Liz's is a little bit more natural. She works in an office where
12:26 she can't walk around with rainbow bright hair, but this is still, even though it's
12:30 got all those colors in it, she can still wear this to work and it's, it's still very
12:34 professional. Yeah. It's not too crazy. And this is actually, um, this is all the new
12:41 matrix so color or colorful. This is all their new color. We played around with that this
12:46 weekend and, um, we did her hair and we thought it was so pretty. We're like, well, we have
12:50 to use that. Jackie wants to know what the powder does. The powder helps you separate
13:00 the braid without getting it. See if you just pull it without the braid. You see you get
13:04 that gap there. The powder helps you not get that gap. So you get that pancaking without
13:11 the separation. Nice. And that is called this, this technique. Yeah. Well the powder again
13:21 is the matrix, the height riser from their styling collection. There we go. And then
13:28 just to end it, I like to just twist it up and I always take the Bobby pin straight against
13:38 the head and to the side. And if she doesn't scream, you've done a good job. You've done
13:45 a good job. You don't see blood then we're okay. Again, go back. Oh, isn't that pretty?
13:54 Oh my goodness. And then I love to take a little bit of hair. Once you have that braid
14:03 really messy and PC the way you want it, twist this piece, pull out a little bit of hair
14:11 at a time and just kind of give it something really fun and interesting here in the back.
14:20 And with these colors, I think that really looks festival season. And then the colors
14:36 and style. And this bracelet that I'm wearing is a Nicholas French bracelet. I swear by
14:44 it if I'm traveling, if I'm doing any weddings, I can't live without it. We're going to look
14:49 at that in a minute. I like the way you have the hair color goes with your tattoos. Oh,
14:57 that's so pretty. And there you go. You have a really pretty soft half up, half down with
15:10 a little bit of interest in the back. And then when it gets hotter, the festival, you
15:24 can just pin that bottom up. You can or weddings. This is great. This is great for weddings.
15:29 A lot of brides and bridesmaids are really requesting this right now. Super popular style.
15:36 And I mean, it's super, super easy. It's quick to your timing at a wedding. I mean, this
15:42 can take 30 minutes. Okay, you're going to do a little 360 slowly go around. And you
15:49 did all of this without a mirror. Oh my goodness. Look at that. You guys, that is so great.
15:53 That's the difference between a wedding stylist and a stylist in salon. We're used to using
15:58 mirrors. She's not, she doesn't use a mirror. That's so great. Look at that. So lovely.
16:08 That is so nice. Quick and easy, easy peasy. Very nice. Okay, so let's talk about your
16:18 Nicholas French. Oh yes. So this is my Nicholas French bracelet. It has magnets on it and
16:24 I stick my comb, my clip, everything in there. I think it's wow. You know, just the best
16:32 thing ever. I never leave the house without it. Okay. I'm styling. Okay. And then, um,
16:39 Erica, what else are we doing? We don't wait for them to process. You just, um, um, so
16:45 after this process, after you apply the color, you let it process for about 20 minutes. And
16:50 then I, with any fashion color like this or anything that I do, I tend to like to shampoo
16:55 my guests first. And you know, if we have oxidating color and we have to shampoo it
17:00 out, we do. But I try to just rinse my clients out when I'm doing these kind of colors. Um,
17:05 the more vibrant, just to keep it from fading. Any other tips? Cold water? Cold, absolutely.
17:11 That's all I use. My clients, or not my clients, because I don't tend to do these colors on
17:15 my clients. It's more my models. They hate me because it's always cold water. It's all,
17:20 they're always freezing. But it, it, it's great for the hair. It gives it a lot of shine
17:23 and then it preserves your color. That's so great. So, um, I want you to get back in here
17:28 and again, talk the formulas again that you used over here. Okay. The formulas with, with,
17:34 with, oh, with Sarah Jane's hair. Okay. So I'm going to talk about every color line today
17:38 because I use Joico right here. Sarah Jane, Sarah Jane was, um, all of the new, uh, Pravana.
17:46 They're jewel tones that just came out. Uh, and then I added, they don't have a yellow
17:51 in that collection. So I did make a yellow to go with that collection. So with Sarah
17:55 Jane's, I went through and I balayaged her a little bit and pre-lightened some pieces
18:00 and then I went in and I did V sections with her. Like the first section, I just used the
18:07 new, I can't even remember the name of the Sunstone, I think it's Sunstone. And I, I
18:14 color melted that or down into like the, um, the yellow and clear. And then the next
18:20 section is where I went in with my prism sections and I picked up pieces and I went from, from
18:25 orange to yellow to green on that side. This side, I went from orange to pink to purple
18:33 and it's like a really, really soft purple. You can see there on the ends. And I was doing
18:37 that cause I don't want you to go like, Oh, that's a bright color. It's like, Oh, there's
18:42 a little bit of purple in there where you wouldn't expect it. And then I just, I just
18:46 followed that pattern up the head. I would do one panel with the orange into the yellow
18:50 and then I would mix it up with my purple and green transitional colors.
18:56 Oh, this is so great. This is really nice. Well, you guys, thank you so much. We have
19:02 Erica Keeley. This was our first, first Facebook live. Oh, that's so exciting. And a collab.
19:07 I love it. Do you say collab or collaboration? I mean, I'm Southern. You can't, a lot of
19:14 times you don't understand what I'm saying. And again, we're here at Studio Sage in Jacksonville
19:18 Beach, Florida. It is so beautiful out here. And there's Sarah Jane Maples. Again, give
19:23 us your handles for Instagram. I'm Erica Keelan underscore hair underscore love. And you can
19:29 find me over at Blush and Mane. Thank you guys so much. And your last look at your model.
19:35 so gorgeous. Bye guys, thank you.
