How to get beautiful loose curls for shoulder length locks

  • last year
00:00 Hello, hello everyone. I am Ashley Edmiston and I am going to be doing some loose beachy
00:10 type of waves on my hair today using L'Ange products and I'm super excited to share with
00:16 you a phenomenal summer sale that is happening today and all you have to do, it's super super
00:25 easy, is click the link above to check out any of the products that I'm using today.
00:29 So if you, as always, if you're joining live, make sure to throw a heart in the comments.
00:36 Let us know that you're here. Say hello. Let us know where you're tuning in from and if
00:41 you are on the replay, just throw a hashtag replay in the comments because we would love
00:46 to connect with you afterwards and give you a big virtual hug and a thank you for joining
00:53 us. I'm so excited to be here again. I'm Ashley Edmiston. I am a blogger. You can check out
01:00 the Beauty Surge, but I am here today to show you some awesome beachy waves. Okay, so you
01:07 guys can see that my hair is kind of crazy, right? This hair is crazy. I have frizzy,
01:14 kind of wavy, really hard to manage, color treated, damaged hair. And so we are going
01:20 to show you, I'm going to show you how to get beachy waves, like the super super looks
01:28 like they're low maintenance, but really it's the amazing one that we're about to use today.
01:32 So here's the 411. Okay. The 411 you need to, if you're interested in any of the products,
01:38 we have an awesome summer sale today. You need to click the link above. You need to
01:42 share this video. You need to like, you need to comment. Okay. Share, like, comment because
01:47 of course we're going to be giving away, check this out, the 25 millimeter right here, titanium
01:56 wand. And so I've been using this for a little bit of time now and I can tell you that it
02:01 is by far one of the most amazing tools that I have ever, ever, ever used. Okay. And if
02:08 you want one of these, y'all share this video, like, comment, throw some hearts up, get excited
02:14 because for every 100 shares, get this, every 100 shares, we're going to give away a wand.
02:23 And I'm so thankful that I was asked to come on here and hang out with you guys this afternoon.
02:28 How excited are you? Throw me up some hearts if you're excited to see what this wand can
02:34 do to this wild hair. So hi everyone. Thank you so much for joining. I'm doing great.
02:40 Thank you for asking. How are you Stephanie? Okay. So here's the one that I'm using today.
02:46 It's the 25 millimeter titanium launch wand. It's called the on delay. And so let's see.
02:54 So you'll be able to pick any of the ones, any of the on delay ones that you want if
02:58 you win a giveaway, but you have to share, like, and comment. Okay. So this is the box
03:02 that it comes in right here. Look at how gorgeous this box is. You guys, and this blush pink,
03:08 I can't even handle this blush pink. So with this wand, it's titanium and it has an on
03:13 and off switch right here. Okay. And this is the one, it has a swivel bottom. So it
03:19 makes it a lot easier for you to manage while you're doing your hair. So we're going to
03:25 get right into it. And the first things first, I'm going to be using our, um, the product
03:30 that launch sent me, it's called rival and it is the heat shield. And the reason you
03:35 need this, okay. The reason that you need this is that it is formulated to protect your
03:41 hair. If you use tools on your hair, you need to protect them. Hi, Sabrina. How are you?
03:49 So this is magic. It's keratin infused. It locks out humidity. Y'all, if you are in a
03:54 humid area, you know that you need some love on your hair. Okay. I'm going to go ahead
03:59 and I'm going to spray some throughout my hair. You guys can see this is, um, hair that
04:02 is air dry. I didn't blow dry it. I didn't do anything. I literally showered. I put a
04:07 couple of, um, the launch products that I'm going to talk to you about real shortly while
04:12 this bad boy heats up, um, that I put in my hair after I showered. But right now I'm going
04:18 to show you how to use this heat shield. If I can say, I could definitely say that this
04:23 is one of my favorite products so far. It smells kind of like, it's hard to explain,
04:29 but it almost smells like fruit loops. It has a really sweet, very light smell. And
04:35 I absolutely, absolutely love it. Absolutely love it. So I'm just going to spray it all
04:39 over all over just like that. And you want this to kind of like set in and dry. So while
04:46 I'm waiting for this to kind of set in, the wand is heating up and I'm going to show you
04:50 exactly what I used in my hair after I showered to get it looking like this. So for those
04:56 of you that are joining, make sure to say hello. Let us know where you're tuning in
05:00 from. Throw up some hearts, share this video, share, like, comment for your chance to win
05:06 a wand. Okay, we're giving away wands today. If you want to win one of these, you absolutely
05:12 need to share, like, and comment and see if I can get this kind of dry. I'm going to spray
05:20 a little bit more, especially on the ends. Do you guys see this color treated hair? Mama
05:25 was born with black hair, but I want blonde hair. You guys see this? Yes. Heat protectant
05:31 is so important. Girl, Melissa, you're in South Carolina. The humidity has to be brutal
05:37 there. Okay. Brutal. I'm in Montana. I don't have to struggle too much with humidity, but
05:44 I can tell you by using this for the past couple of weeks on my hair, by using this
05:50 product, I have seen a noticeable change in the way that this color treated hair is, has
05:59 it going on. Okay. Yes. It, it smells so, so, so good. Taylor, thank you so much. Thank
06:06 you so much. I love the length too. It kind of have like a, a cut going towards the front.
06:10 I don't know. You're going to love the way that these beachy curls turn out. So what
06:14 I did while I'm waiting for this to kind of just set a lot of times, what I'll do is I'll
06:19 do this to my hair and then I do my makeup. That's a little tip and a trick, kind of like
06:24 multitask it and utilize your time wisely. You know what I mean? Um, I'm going to let
06:29 this dry while the one heats up and I'm going to show you what I used in my hair. So got
06:34 out of the shower, try like did the dry towel on the hair to get all of the water out. Okay.
06:41 And then I used some of this amazing right here, hair lotion. It's called glaze. Okay.
06:49 It, I don't know. I love the way that it feels in my hair. It almost feels like you're putting
06:54 silk in your hair. I use this right out of the shower. Okay. And like I said, I let my
06:59 hair air dry. I did not blow dry my hair at all. Um, is it Desiree? I like to let the
07:09 heat shield set in my hair just for a few minutes. You just want it to kind of dry.
07:13 It's a very light mist. It's not a lot of products, so it's not like you're getting
07:16 your hair all wet. It's just a mist. So you want it to dry before you put heat on your
07:22 hair. That's with any product. Doesn't matter. You just want it to dry. You don't want to
07:25 use your wand on heat prop like on, on hair that's wet. It just doesn't work. Okay. Um,
07:32 how long does he, yeah, so let it, let it basically dry just for a little bit. The one
07:37 that literally takes just a few minutes, not even a few minutes. This puppy is blazing
07:41 hot right now, blazing hot and it is ready to roll. But I want to show you guys what
07:46 I used in my hair real quick. So hair lotion, it's glazed. Um, it locks and shine smooth
07:51 hair while adding volume texture to hair. Um, it retains curls and reduces frizz for
07:57 radiant touchable feel. So this is amazing. It smells good. My hair felt like silk and
08:04 I'm really, really happy with it. Um, not only did I use that, I put a little bit of
08:08 the salt and see, okay, uh, this is texturizing spray because my hair is very, very treated.
08:16 Okay. It's very treated. I need that little bit of, I need everything that I can get without
08:21 my hair feeling crunchy because I'm a mama. You guys throw me a heart in the comments
08:25 right now if you're a mama and you know that you need your hair to last a couple of days.
08:30 My hair, I would say to be honest with you guys last for about, I like to keep it like
08:36 for in four days. I don't wash my hair every day. I don't got to lie to kick it. I need
08:42 my hair to last and this has been phenomenal. This is called salt and see it's texturizing
08:48 spray and what it does is it creates a beachy wind swept style and it adds body to fine
08:56 hair because my hair is so treated. It doesn't really hold curl that long and that's why
09:01 I fell in love with launch so much because the products work. The wand is amazing and
09:06 you were guys are going to be blown away, blown away when you see what happens with
09:11 my hair. Okay, so I use those two things before we get started. Now that we're going to get
09:15 into actually doing the hair for those of you that are just joining, make sure to say
09:19 hello. Let us know where you're tuning in from and if you want to win a wand, you guys
09:23 were giving away ones today. Do you see this? You want an undulay wand for free. You get
09:29 to choose whichever one you want. You need to share this video. Comment, share, let us
09:34 know you're sharing. We want to know y'all want this one like in comment and we're giving
09:40 away ones for every 100 shares. Is there anyone that's on here that can tell me what number
09:45 we're at for shares? Let's see if we're going to have a winner pretty soon. How many shares
09:50 do we have so far? Because we want to get you guys free ones. Okay, what if you have
09:58 thick or coarse hair? We have two different types of wands and there's titanium and there's
10:04 ceramic. There's two different types for different types of hair. Okay, so we have ceramic. If
10:11 it's easy to curl and damaged hair, that's a ceramic one. If you have hard to curl hair,
10:17 it's going to be the titanium. Those are the two. And we also have two different types
10:21 of wands, not just the undulay. We also have one that's called a luster. I don't have it,
10:27 but it has a cooling tip on top. If you're afraid of the ones and you're afraid to burn
10:32 your fingers, you're afraid of all of the heat. It has a cool tip wand and it also has
10:37 a manual shut off. It shuts off on its own and it has a temperature gauge where you can
10:42 choose between, I believe it's like 120 and 450 degrees. This one is set at 410. This
10:48 amazing wand right here is set at 410. It's the temperature. You click the button on and
10:54 off. This is the undulay. If you want more bells and whistles, you want the cooling tip,
10:58 you don't want to burn the fingers, you need to get the luster. I'm just telling you. Seriously,
11:06 for anyone that is interested in any of these products right now that I'm going to show
11:10 you, make sure to click the link. There's a sale today. It's the best sale I've ever
11:14 seen. No code is necessary. Okay. Click the code, click the link and you will see. So
11:22 I am not a hair guru. I'm just going to tell you guys right now. I'm not a hair guru guru
11:26 at all. I'm not super professional at all. The shirt is from target girl. The shirt is
11:30 from target. So I just have these little rubber bands, but once from Walmart, everybody has
11:35 these little rubber bands. I don't have any fancy clips or anything. Um, I am just a mama
11:40 that loves to look good and hopefully it lasts, you know, a couple of days because I got kids
11:45 and I don't got time, but that's the most amazing thing about these products is that
11:51 your hair is going to last. Okay. So we have put in the heat shield. You guys seriously
11:57 have seen the heat shield. Okay. It's in, it's dry. Jessica girl. Yes. I would love
12:02 the other shut up too. So what am I going to do is I put half of my hair up. You guys
12:06 can see about right here, just like that. I put it up and just to a messy bun. No big
12:11 deal, right? No big deal. It's super easy. We're going to start with the bottom half
12:16 and if you have a lot of hair like me, if you have a lot of hair like me, you want to
12:21 do this, you want to do it in sections because you don't want this bottom part looking all
12:25 funky you guys with the top looking all fly. It's just not how you don't want to roll that
12:31 way. It's super easy to use this one and I'm going to show you exactly how. So what I like
12:35 to do is I just like to part my hair from the back just like that and bring the half
12:41 and half forward just like that. And I kind of like just to comb it forward. So I make
12:45 sure to get every piece of hair that I want just like this. I'm going to pull it forward
12:51 just like that. And so I'm going to start in the back and I'm going to work my way forward
12:55 for the curls in the bottom. I like to do them a little bit tighter only because I want
13:01 it to give me some volume. Okay, volume, volume, volume. Here's the trick that I have to give
13:07 you guys and thank you for the love you guys share this video if you want to win a wand.
13:12 It looks like people are already winning some wands. Make sure to share. Yes, I cannot believe
13:19 we're giving away wands. Share the video for real. I want to win a wand. So what I'm going
13:24 to do is I'm going to take a little bit of a thicker piece of hair. And so for the trick
13:29 that I'm going to show you, someone asked, what if you have thin, fine hair? If you have
13:33 thin, fine hair, grab a little bit more, grab a little bit thicker of a chunk. If you have
13:38 hair that is super thick, coarse, never, ever, ever, um, holds a curl, maybe break that in
13:45 half and get a little bit of right here, a smaller chunk. And for me, that's what I'm
13:51 going to do. I have boogoo's hair ladies. I have hair all day. I have tons of hair.
13:56 So we're going to start with the smaller piece and I'm going to start from the back. And
13:58 what I'm going to do is I'm going to flip it to every other curl. Okay, here's another
14:04 trick I'm going to show you. You see how it has this like fabulous little spinny doodle
14:08 here. This thing is magic. It'll change your life for real. Look at this. It'll change
14:13 your life. What I'm going to do is the trick is you want the handle to be up the wand to
14:19 be down. This is the 25 millimeter on dulay from launch the 25 millimeter titanium wand.
14:27 What I'm going to do is I'm going to start by putting the one in the back, just like
14:30 this handle up one down just like that. And I'm going to wrap my hair around the wand
14:37 just like this. Do you see how the hair is evenly dispersed across the wand? Do you see
14:43 that you're not really layering and I'm like wrapping your hair on top of each other. Okay.
14:50 Just like that. Do you see that? How freaking amazing. I like to hold it for maybe like
14:55 five to 10 seconds depending on how tight. Okay. I want the curl. And here's another
15:00 trick. I'm going to let her go and I'm going to hold that hair up and I'm going to count
15:04 to five, one, two, three, four, five. I'm going to count to five because I want that
15:09 curl to last. Look at that. Do you see how I left this tip out right here? Do you guys
15:15 see that? Let's see if I can fix my lighting real quick. Do you see how I left this out?
15:20 I left it out because we're doing beachy curls, beachy curls, you guys, beachy curls. So there's
15:26 one curl. And again, I'm just going to pick up a little bit more of the hair. Okay. Handle
15:34 up just like that. And you're not going to be turning the wand. You want the wand down.
15:39 You're going to keep the wand in your hands. And here's another thing that I love. Okay.
15:43 Look at where my hand is at. Do you see how the switch is not under my hand? Lounge, you're
15:50 brilliant because I hate, I hate, I hate tools that you use. You put your hand on the tool
15:56 and it's turning off and it's turning on and you're changing the temperature. And I saw
15:59 over the place. It's beautiful. It's phenomenal. It's genius. You guys, it's genius. So one
16:05 down handle up swivel is doing its own thing. It's making my life easier. It's preventing
16:10 me from burning myself just like this. Okay. And so we could see that the hair is not overlapping
16:16 itself. You wrap the hair right around. And we also, the one comes with a glove. If you're
16:22 worried about burning your hand, don't worry about it. It comes with a glove. Me, I'm just
16:28 being crazy and just going for it. You know what I mean? So let it in here. Let us stay
16:33 on there for a good five to 10 seconds. Here's the trick. Hold it up. One, two, three, four,
16:39 five. Boom. Check that out. Okay. There's a curl. And you can see already by just doing
16:46 those two, we're already coming into that beachy look. Here's another nice chunk. Hey
16:52 everyone. Thanks for joining us. Jessica, thank you so, so much. Okay. So again, if
17:00 you're all are hopping on, we're giving away once today for every 100 shares, we are giving
17:06 away a want. If you want the chance to win, make sure to share, let us know that you shared
17:11 like comment, let the world know about these awesome products because you are going to
17:16 be blown away. And if you are interested in anything, make sure to click the link above,
17:20 like tap my nose, click the link. Anything that you purchase through that link has a
17:26 summer sale right now. Like legit is the best, literally the best sale I have ever seen.
17:35 And but the trick is you have to click the link and let's do this ladies. Like if you're
17:39 on here right now, let's get to a thousand viewers. If you guys can do me a favor, we
17:44 have 700 people on here. If you share this video, hook your girlfriends up. They need
17:49 to see this. Let's get to a thousand viewers. Let's see if we could do it. Yes, absolutely.
17:55 Okay. So Melanie, no, you do not have to switch hands. I'm going to show you exactly how I
18:00 do it. So again, handle up one down and we're just going to wrap it just like that. And
18:07 you can see how I'm leaving the tip out because again, we're doing the beachy waves, beachy,
18:12 beachy waves. This is the 25 millimeter titanium on dulay. Yes. Aren't they so generous giving
18:20 away wands? I cannot even handle it. I cannot even handle it at all. Um, I am wearing, um,
18:26 the lipstick called not telling from limelight file cone. Look at that. Absolutely phenomenal.
18:33 Okay. Trick, hold it up. If you want the heat just to kind of set itself. And if you want
18:39 your curls to fall, you want to just let it go right away. But if you want your curls
18:44 to stay, keep that curl up there because you want that heat to set in and lock in that
18:50 curl. Okay. Oh my God. Okay. So they smell so good. I honestly could tell you this smells
18:57 like a fruit loops. I don't know. Almost like a cotton candy. I'm obsessed with the smell.
19:01 And if you all are like me, I don't know. Stuff has to smell good. I'm not about products
19:05 that smell funky. That is for sure. So with this one being right towards my face, okay,
19:14 I'm literally just going to take the wand and I'm going to hold it a lot less of time,
19:18 like a lot less because I don't want them to be super tight around my face. So I'm just
19:24 going to kind of leave it in for five seconds. You guys can see just like that. Look at that.
19:30 Oh my goodness. We're always up to, we're already up to the seventh winner. That is
19:34 amazing. You guys are amazing. Thank you. Okay. So look at this curl. Have you ever
19:39 seen curls like this? You guys for real, the shampoo I've heard, I've not used it, but
19:46 the shampoo I have heard is absolutely amazing and they have shampoo for, um, people that
19:52 are blonde, you know, like the purple shampoo. Okay. Same thing. I'm going to take this and
20:00 I'm just going to wrap her around, but I'm going to do this one a little bit looser.
20:05 Just like that. No, I don't use the shampoo and conditioner yet. It is on my list and
20:11 Oh, they just posted right there. Exactly what shampoo you need for a certain type of
20:16 hair. I can't wait either. Oh my gosh, girl. Yes. The curls look so, so, so good. And if
20:24 any of you want to be one of those winners for every share, you guys for every 100 shares,
20:31 we're going to be giving away a wand. Okay. Just like that. So you can see, look at these
20:35 curls so far. Do you see that? And so I want these straight the edge. I want the end of
20:42 the hair straight because these are going to be beachy curls. So I'm going to do this
20:47 side as well real quick. And I'm going to speed it up just so you guys can see, um,
20:55 kind of like how easy it is. I saw someone asked how long does it normally take for me
20:59 to do my hair? Um, I would say not doing a video and talking and showing you guys exactly
21:04 what to do. Um, I probably probably takes me 15 to 20 minutes. Okay. Sasha girl, you
21:11 need to try this in your, you need to try this. You need this in your life. You are
21:15 going to be shocked because I was a person that curls were just not an option. I had
21:21 to do my hair every day cause it just didn't look good. My curls stay in the hair feels
21:26 good for a couple of days. Obviously I touch it up because who wants, you know, sleepyhead,
21:32 you touch it up, but they do last quite a bit. Yes, they are amazing. They absolutely
21:36 are. So, Oh, you got the 25 millimeter on delay with a free heat shield. Yes, absolutely
21:43 girl. It's exciting. I'm excited for you. So I'm going to take this nice chunk back
21:48 over here and I'm going to show you, I know someone had asked if, um, you need to switch
21:54 hands, which you don't look how easy this is. So you literally just like that handle
22:01 up one down and you're just going to wrap it around just like that. And you guys can
22:09 see, can you see how one of the hairs kind of fell out of that? Um, like of that curl,
22:16 I guess you would say, and you see how it kind of fell out. All I'm going to do is I'm
22:20 just going to let it go. Let this sit because I want the curl to the heat to kind of stay
22:26 in the curl. Yeah, it girl, it, it just depends if you have good tools and you have good,
22:33 um, you know, good products that work, it's not going to take you as long. It's the same
22:37 as like with makeup. You know what I mean? If you have good products, they're going to
22:40 last longer and you guys will not be disappointed with these. Okay. So check that out. So the
22:46 one that fell out, we're just putting it back in there and we're going to do it super, super
22:51 quick just like that. Okay. You've been flat ironing your hair for years. The curling wand
22:58 is amazing. You are going to be so happy with it. Yeah. Purple shampoo. Who is excited about
23:03 purple shampoo? Because I know with my fake blonde hair, purple shampoo is needed. That
23:09 is for sure. Yes. Isn't it cute? You guys? Yes. And if you want a chance to win one,
23:16 you can choose any of the on delay ones. Um, if you share this video, like, and comment,
23:21 you will have a chance to win every 100 shares. Okay. So handle up one down just like this,
23:32 wrap it around. You can see the hair is not overlapping. The wand is down just like this.
23:39 Super easy. Awesome. Thank you, Marissa. You're awesome. You have extremely dry hair, but
23:47 you wash it one to two times a week, which is possible. Absolutely. Yes. And you know,
23:53 I found that with using, um, the dry shampoo, which girls, ladies, the dry shampoo, wait
24:02 till I show you this. You are going to die. You are going to literally be like shocked.
24:08 It's clear. I have never seen a co-leader dry shampoo, which for my black roots is magic.
24:17 Okay. Magic, magic, magic. Okay. So I'm taking another chunk. Do you guys can see how thick
24:23 that is? It's not very thick at all. Um, I'm wrapping it in flat, but obviously as you,
24:31 I'll show you again right now, handle up one down. I'm just wrapping it around as much
24:36 as I can. Some of the hair will be twisted, but it's not intended to be just like that.
24:43 So you guys can see a little bit closer. Let me get a little bit closer so you can see.
24:46 Do you see how it's on there and how the hair is not overly like done? Yeah. The dry shampoo
24:55 is so good. I'm going to show you guys a dry shampoo right now. I can't wait to use the
24:59 nectar. Okay. Look at that curl. And again, if you want your curls to be tighter and to
25:04 last longer, just hold it up. Um, Samantha, they hold overnight for sure. For sure. So
25:12 last night I did a video and I curled my hair and I woke up this morning and it looked as
25:17 if I had just curled my hair. It was amazing. It was amazing. And I use a shower cap. So
25:25 if you guys ever wonder how your hair, like if you need your hair to last a little bit
25:29 longer, I use a shower cap and that prevents the humidity from getting into your hair.
25:36 Like while you're showering, it prevents it, um, the humidity. So I'm going to take the
25:40 one just like this and I'm sorry if I'm missing some of your comments. It goes so fast. It
25:44 goes so fast. Yeah. I'm going to show you the dry shampoo right now. So again, it's
25:49 the front of my face. I want the curl to go away from my face. You don't want to curl
25:54 into your face, but I'm going to let this stay on here a shorter amount of time because
25:58 I don't want the curl as defined in the front. You want them looser because this is going
26:03 to be like a beachy type of look. But do you see these curls ladies? Do you see these curls
26:08 just like this? Do you see this? Yes, there's winners. You guys, if you're on here and you
26:13 share the video, you have a chance to win this one that I'm using and you can pick whichever
26:18 one that you want of the on delay. We have two different types of ones. There's a ceramic
26:25 and there is a titanium. I'm using the titanium and I absolutely love it. Um, so your hair
26:33 is greasy the next day if you don't wash it, girl, you need dry shampoo. Dry shampoo is
26:37 my BFF. Seriously. It is my best friend forever. Okay. How do you sleep with hair at night
26:46 to keep your curls? Honestly, like I just part it in the back and I separate the hair
26:51 from one side to one side and I put my head down and I just go to sleep and I'm sure,
26:58 you know what I mean? I'm sure that I move around in my sleep, but just touch up the
27:02 curls. It's not going to look perfect, you know, when you wake up, but just touch up
27:05 the curls and it's super, super easy. Okay. So handle up one down and again in the front,
27:12 I am going to, um, not leave it on as long because I want these to be beachy. Look at
27:19 this. Okay. So I'm just going to do this little chunk right there that I missed right under
27:23 here. Just like that. Yeah. I'm using the 25 millimeter right now, which the 25 millimeter,
27:30 like for your length of hair, if you're about shoulder, so let me show you my hair. If you're
27:35 about shoulder length, maybe right above your armpit, just like this, the 25 millimeter
27:39 is going to be great for that short hair. If you want really, really, really loose curls
27:45 on your hair, if you're going to do the 32, um, but if your hair is longer than your shoulders
27:50 or like your armpits going down, you need the 32 for real, unless you want super tight
27:56 curls. Okay. So let's do this other one real quick. The ones down here, always the hardest,
28:01 but I just do like a wrap and a half just like that. Do you see that? How easy it is
28:06 to use and don't be afraid of the ones. Don't be afraid. I know I hear all the time. People
28:12 are so afraid of using curling wands. They're so afraid. Don't be afraid of it, especially
28:19 because we have the Lester, which has the cooling tip. I don't have it personally yet,
28:26 but I know that when it gets in the mail, it's going to change my life. I know that
28:29 it will. Don't you worry. Okay. So check this out so far. You can see these curls are not
28:36 going anywhere. You can see, look at this. You guys, these curls are not going anywhere
28:41 and I want to show you a little trick real quick because sometimes you might do your
28:46 curl too tight and you're like, Whoa, girlfriend, calm it down. Right? Calm it down. Let me show
28:51 you with this curl right here. Actually, I'll show you a new curl. I'll do a curl right
28:56 here just like this. I'm going to show you one that's done too tight and so I'm just
29:02 going to wrap it around. Okay. Say it's a little bit too tight for what you were thinking.
29:09 Okay. I'm going to show you how to loosen it up. Okay. If your hair is waist length
29:15 and you want tight curls, the 25 should be the one I have to get. Right? So if your hair
29:20 is waist length, I honestly would still get the 32. That's in my opinion. The 25 is going
29:26 to give you ringlet. Like it'll give you tight, tight curls. Okay. So look at how tight this
29:31 curl is. Okay. So you're like, Whoa, girl, we're not trying to go there. We want like
29:37 beachy waves. We don't want super curly waves. Right? So you're going to take this curl.
29:42 See how tight it is up here. It's like perfect. You guys. Perfect. Pam, aren't they gorgeous?
29:48 Ah, gorgeous. You're going to take the one, hold your hair out and you're just going to
29:53 kind of glide it like this, just like that. Boom. And it's going to loosen up that curl
29:58 for you. Do you see that? It's magic. Magic. No, this one does not automatically shut off.
30:05 This is the on delay and this is a 25 millimeter. It has a power on and off here. Swivel down
30:12 here. Okay. And this is a titanium, um, wand. This is the on delay and they come in, I think
30:19 like three colors, three or four colors. Yeah. Some winners. Okay. So let me show you real
30:26 quick. I'm going to use the deja vu dry shampoo right now. Okay. Yeah. You're joining us live.
30:33 Awesome. If you want to win or get in the chances of winning a one that I'm using here,
30:41 make sure to share, like, and comment on the video. We're giving away a one for what? For
30:45 every 100 shares. Okay. Congratulations. Awesome. Okay. So dry shampoo. It is a volumizing,
30:55 is a thermal protected and it's paraben and sulfate free y'all get with the times. How
31:01 amazing is that? So I'm going to show you real quick. I'm just going to put a little
31:04 dry shampoo right under here because this is where I need the most volumizing. Okay.
31:10 Do you guys see this too? Look, let me get closer. No white residue on my black, black
31:18 hair. Look at how amazing this is. And if you want anything, the summer sale is happening
31:24 right now. Like we're live right now. If you want any of these products and you want the
31:27 best prices possible, tap my nose, click the link and hook yourself up because these are
31:34 the best prices ever. How many days with the dry shampoo you've been feeding the chair?
31:39 Okay. So I would say that the dry shampoo, if you use it each day to kind of give your
31:44 hair some life, you can probably go. I go like three days, girl. Don't judge. I'm a
31:51 woman. It's either sleep or washing my hair. So dry shampoo is winning right now in my
31:57 life. It is. Yeah. No white residue. It is clear. She can see I'm just using my fingers.
32:05 Okay. I'm just using my fingers just to give it a little bit of volume just like this and
32:11 it smells phenomenal. It doesn't have a chemical. He smell it's paraben free. It's sulfate free.
32:16 You guys amazing. Look how big this bottle is. Okay. Compared to my mug. Look how big
32:21 this bottle is. So I'm just putting a little bit girl. Guess this. It's on sale right now.
32:27 The biggest sale ever. Click the link. You have to click the link though. You can't just
32:32 search the site and save it for later. You have to go through that link by clicking your
32:37 nose. Okay. So look at that volume already. Do you guys see just by me using my fingers?
32:43 If you wanted to use one of these, I don't know what they're called, like when these
32:47 old school type of combs to back home, you totally could do that too. And do you see
32:52 how I'm just holding my hair and then just kind of back, combing it up just like that.
32:57 I'm just going to brush it down and it's giving it volume. So let's do the top and you guys
33:01 are going to see how amazing these are. Okay. So do you see all this hair? It's color treated
33:10 black hair wants to be blonde. We need good products to protect. Right? Um, and if you
33:15 guys missed at the beginning of the video, I put the heat shield on my hair. This is
33:20 one of the most important products because it, you need to protect your hair, especially
33:24 if you're using tools, hot, hot, hot tools. And I'm using the 25 millimeter, um, one.
33:31 And so I'm going to take the dry shampoo and now I'm going to spray right over here. Just
33:37 like that. Okay. And then I'm going to take my fancy little comb here and I'm just going
33:44 to do a little bit of backcombing. Nothing too crazy. I just want to give it volume.
33:49 Okay. Just like that. And so what I'm going to do is I'm going to let a good portion of
33:54 my hair down, but the crown of my head right here, like the front, I'm going to keep this
33:58 part up. Okay. Thank you so much ladies. Yes. The sales, I was shocked. I was shocked to
34:07 see how amazing the sale was. It does not build up. And even with black hair, usually
34:16 you will see like, you're like, Oh my gosh, this dry shampoo is like crazy. It's absolutely
34:22 amazing. So I'm just going to take this around here and get these. These are the curls in
34:28 the front right here. These, this is the hair that's going to have the loosest curl because
34:33 it's again, it's beachy, loose waves. It's like it's low maintenance. You want your hair
34:37 to look like low maintenance. Look at the difference. You guys look at those curls and
34:40 look at this seriously, seriously. Okay. And I'm just going to take my fingers, part it
34:50 in the back. Y'all look, this looks like a lion's mane. Share. Thank you. Yes. If you
34:56 share the video, like, and comment, we're giving away on delay and on delay wand. Okay.
35:03 One for every 100 chairs. We're giving away a one. How many shares do we have so far?
35:09 Let me ask. No. How many ones have we given away? Because launch honestly is the most
35:15 generous company ever. And I'm so, so, so grateful that they asked me to jump on and
35:22 do a tutorial with you guys. Um, does launch have a root booster volume powder or spray?
35:30 Yes, we actually have the grand du Bray debut. Help me. I can read. Whoa. A thousand shares.
35:41 You guys, that's amazing. Okay. Grand debut. Hello. Um, it is a root booster. It's for
35:47 volume texture and lift as a UB protective in it. Okay. Paraben and alcohol free. Um,
35:54 it's a foam to lotion spray that is easy to control. You spray it at a designated area
36:01 in your hair. You need to shampoo and condition and, um, uh, towel, dry your hair and then
36:07 spray it on your roots. Talk about amazing. Okay. I need one of everything too. Thank
36:14 you for sharing. So I'm going to show you guys now, this is where we're going to start
36:17 to get those looser waves because I want the summary type of look. The low maintenance
36:24 doesn't look like I did a lot with it just like this. And you can see I'm holding it
36:29 quite a bit of waste from my head. I don't want the curl super close to my head. Okay.
36:35 Just like that. And I want them to be looser ladies looser because we want the beachy type
36:42 of look. And so I'm going to take another chunk and here's another trick too. If you
36:47 need, if your hair is a little bit thicker, obviously you're going to need to do smaller
36:53 chunks, but if your hair is super thin and easy to curl, do a little bit more. Okay.
36:58 And so I'm going to part it and now I'm going to start to do the every other way. Okay.
37:03 So now I'm going to do my hair, wrapping it towards me just like this. Hair is evenly
37:10 dispersed handle up one down just like that. Okay. Do you twist your hair or flat wrap
37:18 it around the wand? I flat wrap it. It might look like it's twisted just the way that I'm
37:24 holding it and with the highlights, but I flat wrap it. You want the hair evenly dispersed.
37:29 Do you see that? I'm going to get a little bit closer, pull the hair out just like that.
37:34 And so we're doing every other way. Okay. The beachy curls are in ladies, especially
37:40 because when you sleep on it the next day, they look so good. Lisa, thank you. Oh Lisa
37:51 girl. I'm not nervous. I'm excited to share these products with you guys. Seriously. I
37:56 have never, I've been so afraid of using a wand. Okay. I'm not going to lie. Don't get
38:04 a lot of kick it. I've been so afraid cause I'm afraid to burn my hands and I'm just afraid.
38:10 I don't know. It just, I'm afraid it wouldn't look good. And then I started using this one
38:13 and I've been so, so happy and that's why I'm just so excited because not only are they
38:18 on sale, like you're going to save Buku's amount of money. Not only are they on sale,
38:24 they're freaking amazing. Excuse my French. They're amazing. Okay. So now I'm going to
38:30 do this one towards me. Do you guys see I did away? I did towards, I did away. Now we're
38:35 going to do towards, towards my face. Okay. Um, Brianna, yes, absolutely. I can do that.
38:42 And you can also check out any of the tutorials that I do on my regular page. Just search
38:47 my name, Ashley Nicole Edmiston, and you can see any of, um, any of the goodies. You can
38:56 see anything that I do when I post pictures of before and afters and all that stuff. Or
39:01 if you want to follow me on Instagram, you could do that too. You will see, you'll see
39:05 tons of stuff. Okay. Just like that. And so since I want these to be looser, do you guys
39:11 see that? I want them to be looser. So I'm letting the curl go right away. This is a
39:18 25 millimeter titanium pain is beauty girl, right? So now I'm going to do the curl away
39:27 from my head. And so since this is like, these are the chunks of my hair that are closest
39:34 to my face. I'm going to do them away. How well would the one work for long hair? It
39:39 would be absolutely amazing. It'd be absolutely amazing. There you go. Especially if you get
39:46 the 32 millimeter, I'm using, um, the 25 millimeter because my hair is short. Okay. Do you see
39:55 that? Look at that beautiful curl. And again, we're going to make these beaches. So don't
39:59 worry this chunk also right here. Just kind of wrap it around just like that. And I'm
40:08 going to hold these further away from my head and I'm going to hold them for a less amount
40:12 of time. Okay. Yeah. Rotating the curls will make it look more natural. Absolutely. Yes.
40:19 These are Robin. Wait until I shake it out and wait until we make them look beachy. Okay.
40:25 See that? And if you want to kind of pull it, you can too. That'll create more of a
40:28 looser curl. Look at this right now. We're going to leave it though. We're going to leave
40:32 it. Look at what we got. Lines, lions, Maine, right here. Um, Sarah, my hair is virtually
40:41 the most impossible hair to curl. And that's why I'm so excited to show this to you guys
40:49 because look at how good they're working. And if you're on here now, if you're hopping
40:51 on now, make sure to say hello. Let us know where you're tuning in from. We're having
40:56 a massive sale today. So if you click my nose, just tap my nose, click the link. You will
41:02 see that we have, we're having a sale upwards almost to 70% off. And if you want to try
41:06 and win a wand, if you want to try and win one of these bad boys for every 100 shares,
41:12 okay, for every 100 shares, Lounge is giving away an Andouille wand. Hi Maricela. How are
41:20 you? Okay. So I'm going to do this side and so I'm just going to take my finger, take
41:26 a little chunk. Oh, Rebecca, thank you so much. I absolutely appreciate that. I'm using
41:33 Lime Life by Alcone on my makeup. Okay. So we're just going to do this and you can see
41:40 you don't have to do anything special by switching sides. Same thing. Make sure the handle is
41:46 up. Make sure the wand is down and you're going to get the same results. You haven't
41:52 curled your hair in three years, girl. Click the link, click the link and get yourself
41:58 a wand because they're on sale. They're on sale and try it and you are going to be so
42:03 thankful that you did. Jessica, girl, I'm Italian, German and Irish. Okay. I'm basically
42:11 like a mutt. I'm a mixture of different ethnicities and my hair is so hard. Girl, so hard. So
42:21 hard to manage. Some days it wants to be curly. Some days it wants to be frizzy. Some days
42:26 it doesn't want to do anything, but these, this is amazing. Okay. So is it Delilah? You
42:33 can't decide which one to get. You have hair that is in the middle of your back. Do you
42:38 want loose, loose beachy curls or do you want tight curls? Because if you want loose curls,
42:44 you're going to want to get the 32 millimeter wand. Okay. If you want tight curls, just
42:51 like I'm using right here, this is the 25 millimeter. You're trying to cook dinner,
42:57 girl. Multitasking at its finest. Thank you for joining us. Oh, Kylie. Thank you so much.
43:04 You know, my hair stylist, my, like the girl that dyes my hair. She's a magician. I'm telling
43:11 you she is a magician. Yes. So many great. Okay. So if you have thick hair, you'd need
43:17 the 32 millimeter. Well, it just depends. So if you have super thick hair, you might
43:22 need to do like smaller chunks when you curl it. But typically it just depends on the size
43:27 of the curls. I can't wait to get the 32 millimeter in the mail because I want to be able to show
43:33 you guys how amazing it is. Yes. So if anyone won anything, they will tag you at the end
43:41 of the video. So, you know, but for those of you that are just hopping on, if you share
43:48 this video, okay, share it, comment, like hook your girlfriends up. They need to see
43:54 the sale. You guys up to 70%, 70% off on some of the products. You need to go check it out.
43:59 Click the link and hook your girlfriends up, share, tag, do whatever you get to do to get
44:05 yourself an amazing one. Okay. Look at that. Phenomenal. Um, Tiffany. So my favorite product
44:13 so far, I honestly can say, obviously it's going to be the one because this is a tool
44:18 like that literally I think is changing the game for my hair. It's changing the game for
44:24 my hair. Okay. But I will say I've noticed a drastic change by using the heat shield
44:32 on my hair and protecting it from the heat because I have very processed hair. You guys
44:37 can see I'm blonde, but not really. Um, and then this has also been one of my favorites,
44:42 the, um, satin nectar nourishing gloss for these crunchy little tips. Y'all amazing,
44:47 amazing, amazing. And I'm going to show you how to use this at the very end. I love hair
44:52 tutorials too. I don't know. There's something about it. It's just so much fun. Okay. So
44:56 I have a couple more chunks right here. We're going to, we're going to do a little bit more
45:02 right here. Just like make it a little bit smaller. I want to try the mint shampoo too.
45:07 Mint's my favorite. Okay. So we're going to do the curl away from the face cause you don't
45:14 want it to kind of like crowd you. You want it to wisp away, handle up, wand down just
45:20 like that. And I'll thank you. I'm so glad that you are getting tips. I really like to
45:28 explain it because I'm a hair tutorial watcher and I love like hearing what people like,
45:36 how do you really do it? You know what I mean? Like I can't just watch you. You have to tell
45:39 me do you use heat shield before you blow dry or after you, um, you could do it before
45:47 and then you could do it after as well. I, I spray it on right before, like before I
45:54 blow dry, but I let my hair, um, what do you call it? I let my hair air dry today. So I
46:02 sprayed it on right before I did the wand. Okay. There's that. So there's those two.
46:09 We'll leave it just like this. And this is the last little piece. You guys, this is the
46:14 last piece right here. These, it looks like it's a lot of hair, but it's really, really
46:19 not. So I'm going to use the dry shampoo just like that. And I'm going to part my hair where
46:26 I normally part, which is right on the side right here. And these two pieces of hair,
46:32 I'm going to do nice and loose. Get the little comb here, backcomb it just like that. And
46:40 then I'm going to just like this, like that. And I'm going to leave it on not very long
46:53 at all. Not long at all. Oh, well, good luck. I hope you guys win something. It's pretty
47:00 awesome that they give away wands. Isn't that crazy? The curls look amazing. Yes. Okay.
47:05 So I'm going to let it go and I'm going to pull it because I want these to be a little
47:08 bit looser. Okay. Cause we want that beachy, beachy look. And I'm going to split these.
47:15 I'm actually going to do this one as a whole, just like this, wrap it around. And I'm going
47:23 to let these, like the front pieces stay on for a smaller amount of time for less amount
47:29 of time because I want them looser. And you can see that it's far away from my head, just
47:34 like that. Okay. Look at that. Okay. So I'm just going to do these few chunks right here
47:38 because again, this is just the top of my hair, just like this. And again, just wrap
47:46 it around just like that. And for a less amount of time. Oh, Kelly girl. Thank you. Yes. So
47:58 this is a 25 millimeter. It's on delay and it's a titanium. So for my type of hair, I
48:05 need the titanium. We have two, they have two different types of wands. They have titanium
48:09 and they have a ceramic. Okay. So, and again, all of these are going away. They're not going
48:16 towards my face. They're going away. These curls. Um, yeah, I don't have the hairspray
48:23 yet, but I am going to show you how to put on the dry shampoo to give you a little bit
48:29 more volume. And I'm going to show you how to shake the curls out. Uh, yes. Mel Bella,
48:36 the Texas humidity is no joke. I've been to Texas multiple times. I know what you mean.
48:42 I know you mean Amanda, if you follow me on Facebook, just search my name, Ashley, Nicole
48:47 Edmiston, and you can follow my tutorials. I do them on my normal Facebook and these
48:55 last two, you guys just like this. Okay. Um, Shannon, know that you can only win when we
49:03 are live right now. And for every 100 shares launch is giving away a wand. How amazing
49:10 is that? Just like that. Look at the curls and you see how fast I'm doing it. I'm kind
49:18 of speeding it up a little bit so you guys can see how easy it is. This is the last chunk
49:24 right here. And so I want to handle up one down away from my face just like that. And
49:32 I'm going to do it for less amount of time because I want it to be looser. Yeah. The
49:37 Valley heat girl. I know what you're talking about. Florida too. Okay. So here we go. Do
49:45 you see that? So here's the curls before I shake them out. I'm going to step, step back
49:49 a little bit. Okay. Do you see this? Okay. So real quick, I'm going to take the nourishing
49:54 gloss really, really, really quick. I'm going to use the smallest amount, just one little
49:59 squirt just like that. And I'm going to rub it in my palms, tips of the hair, just like
50:07 that. I'm going to pull it through on the tips. And again, you guys, if you want to
50:11 try any of these products, you need to tap my nose and click the link and you will get
50:17 the summer sale. So here we are. I put the, um, satin nectar on the tips just like that.
50:24 I'm going to put a little bit more dry shampoo. I'm just going to take my finger, separate
50:28 some of those curls, give myself a little bit of love on those roots. Dry shampoo is
50:35 magic. It gives it texture. Okay. So why are you using dry shampoo for volume while curling
50:42 da da da da da da root booster? I didn't put the root booster in my hair. That's why. All
50:48 I used was the glaze hair lotion. So now I'm going to shake it out and this is where you're
50:52 going to see kind of like how the loose beachy waves happen. So I'm just going to take my
50:56 fingers. Okay. Do you see that? And I'm going to shake it out. I'm gonna make it a little
51:03 bit messy in the back. Shake it out just like that. See my hand like this. They'll announce
51:11 all the winners at the end. And again, if you click the link, that's where you're going
51:14 to see the sale. Okay. Now you can pull them down a little bit just like that. Loosen them
51:22 up. Do you guys see these curls? And now this is my last chunk right here. This is what
51:26 frames my face. And now I'm going to take my hand and I'm just going to kind of shake
51:31 these out. So tomorrow when I wake up, my hair is still going to have curl. Do you guys
51:37 see this? You can do this. You could do with your fingers. You could do it with a comb.
51:42 Okay. You can do it just like this. Watch this. Give it a little bit more. And this
51:48 my friends is loose summer beachy waves. Look at that. Seriously. Cannot go wrong. You guys
51:58 are amazing. Thank you so much for joining us today. Lounge is amazing. Thank you for
52:03 giving away these products. Click the link if you want to try anything out. Hello. Hello.
52:08 We appreciate you and you all have a great day. We'll see you later. Bye.
