How to Create the Perfect Ponytail - Quick and Easy Hairstyles

  • last year
00:00 Hi everybody, how are you guys today?
00:05 Happy Monday.
00:06 I'm Kylie from Kylie's Corner and for today's live tutorial I'm going to show you how to
00:13 get the perfect ponytail that actually stays put all day long.
00:18 You're going to have the volume and it's not going to be having to keep fixing it.
00:24 So for me personally, whenever I wear my hair in just like a regular ponytail back here,
00:33 it will look cute for about 10 minutes and then the ponytail will start to slip a little
00:39 bit and this starts to pull.
00:41 And so anyway, this area right here just kind of goes flat instead of staying nice and poofy
00:48 and then this down here gets loose and then I start losing hair down here and then I'm
00:53 always doing this, having to fluff up my ponytail.
00:57 And so that is what we are going to talk about today, is how to keep everything in place
01:03 where you like it.
01:05 So hello Wendy and happy Monday to you and Stacey.
01:09 Hi Gemma, how are you guys?
01:12 When you come in, say hi, let me know how you guys are doing.
01:16 I hope you had a really good weekend.
01:19 And then also, I am so excited, we're getting ready.
01:24 I think that my gender reveal video should be done tomorrow, so I'm really excited to
01:28 show you guys.
01:30 And also, if you're not already, then make sure to follow Kylie's Corner's Facebook page
01:36 and then Kylie's Corner on Instagram.
01:39 It's just K-Y-L-E-E-S-K-O-R-N-E-R.
01:43 So thank you for the shares, I appreciate it.
01:45 Hi Christina and Laura.
01:48 Also from Vegas, have fun.
01:51 Okay, so I'm going to go in with my Marilyn teasing comb.
01:56 This comb is like my favorite comb of all time.
01:59 I love this thing.
02:01 I have everything, well this comb actually is pretty much the only thing that we're really
02:05 going to use because everybody already has everything else.
02:09 So anyway, this is the teasing comb that we're going to be using.
02:13 I'm just going to go in and just grab a little section up here at the top of the head.
02:22 Hi!
02:24 Oh thank you Heather, you're so sweet.
02:28 Okay so what I'm going to do is take my teasing comb and I'm just going to backcomb a little
02:33 bit.
02:34 Now this is kind of personal preference.
02:36 If you guys like to have that volume and to like tease your hair and stuff, then go for
02:43 it.
02:44 You can make it as big or as small as you want or you don't even have to tease if you
02:46 don't want to.
02:47 You can just kind of pull up at the roots if you like to have a more voluminous ponytail
02:53 that way.
02:54 So then what I'm going to do is actually push that forward and I'm just going to go in with
02:58 this hairspray right here.
02:59 It's just by Herbal Essences.
03:01 It's the body envy volumizing hairspray.
03:05 I can't talk.
03:07 Just give it a couple squirts and then I'm going to lay it forward.
03:12 Kind of dry forward like that.
03:14 I'm going to go ahead and grab one more little small section here at the back of the head.
03:25 And like I said, if you guys like to have a lot of volume, then go crazy here.
03:29 Ham it up.
03:30 I don't care.
03:33 So I'm just teasing right there at the root and like I said, this brush, if you guys have
03:38 fine or thin hair and you have a hard time teasing your hair, this brush is the best
03:42 thing ever.
03:43 It will seriously tease the heck out of your hair.
03:48 So again, spray it and then lay it forward.
03:52 I'm going to kind of let it dry that way.
03:57 I'm just going to keep playing with it a little bit so it's nice and volumized.
04:02 All right, how's everybody doing?
04:08 So yay.
04:09 Senla?
04:10 Is it Senla?
04:11 I'm sorry if I pronounced that wrong.
04:13 Oh, thank you for sharing.
04:16 Yes, Jennifer, this will help you.
04:20 This is actually one of those things that like I learned from a girl with super thick
04:24 hair and so I can promise you that this will definitely help, especially with the headaches
04:30 because for me too, I get headaches whenever I have my hair up for too, too long, especially
04:35 if it's tight.
04:36 But like if you don't tie it tight enough, then it falls out, you know, and so you're
04:42 just kind of like, you can't win, but this you can.
04:47 So I'm just taking my little teasing comb and I'm just kind of like brushing out the
04:52 little top section to hide any of those like tangles or anything.
04:59 And all you need for this tutorial, so easy, let's see.
05:04 Penny, I did and I filmed a gender reveal tutorial, or tutorial, yeah, I'm going to
05:10 do a tutorial on how to find out the gender of your baby.
05:13 No, a gender reveal video and it is going to be up hopefully tomorrow.
05:18 If not tomorrow, it will be up Wednesday.
05:19 So you're going to need two rubber bands and then just like a regular bigger band.
05:26 So, alright, so I'm going to hold this one just kind of in my mouth here.
05:31 And what you're going to do is take your hair from about, I'm going to go like right here
05:39 and I'm going to go up, right there.
05:48 So we grabbed that top section of hair.
05:52 Now this is dependent too on where you like to wear your ponytail.
05:55 I like my ponytail to be probably about the center of my head.
06:01 Maybe a little bit higher, just if you're feeling nice and spunky, go high.
06:06 If you like to have it super high, then do this high.
06:09 You can do it no matter what height or whatever you're going for.
06:19 You just have to grab one of the rubber bands.
06:23 And then you're going to put it around this area here.
06:28 Just going to wrap it around a couple times.
06:33 I'm going to go one more.
06:41 So put that there, just like that.
06:46 And then I'm going to start tugging, just up here at the top a little bit, just to kind
06:53 of loosen, make sure that I didn't lose any of that lift or volume there.
06:59 Then I'm going to take my alligator clip and I'm just going to pin this up here for right
07:08 now.
07:09 Because we're done with the bottom section now.
07:11 This is also going to help for your ponytail to look a lot longer too.
07:19 So what you're wanting to do, I'm going to turn around, let me talk first and then I'll
07:24 turn around.
07:25 So what you want to do is you're going to put this other rubber band directly underneath
07:29 it.
07:30 So you don't want to put this other one way down here where there's a huge space there.
07:34 You want to bring it up right underneath where that other ponytail is.
07:40 Because you're going to put them both together here in just a minute.
07:45 So again, moving this up here.
08:07 And it doesn't matter, like I said, what color these little rubber bands are because they're
08:11 going to be covered up.
08:13 So again, go there and then you go ahead and you let this top section down.
08:26 I'm going to start tugging again on it.
08:33 So it kind of looks like that for now.
08:38 I need a mirror over here so I can show you.
08:46 So then you kind of play with it a little bit, tug at it, and then you can see you've
08:52 got that other one underneath there, like directly underneath.
08:56 So now you're just going to take both of them and take your other rubber band and put them
09:04 together.
09:08 Now this is really cute for those of you that have super layered hair because your ponytail,
09:16 like your little layers are going to just lay super pretty.
09:20 I have really long layers, but it still, you can see, gives me so much more volume versus
09:25 like just a regular ponytail because that top section is so much thinner than that bottom
09:31 section.
09:32 So I'm going to pull on this a little bit.
09:38 And then what we will do is you're going to need a couple bobby pins and all I'm going
09:44 to do is just take like a section about that big.
09:51 I don't know, what is that, like half an inch?
09:55 So and then you're just going to cover this whole situation up right here.
10:01 So nobody will ever know that you have two ponies in your hair.
10:05 And I'm not even lying you guys, this helps so much too with like I said with headaches,
10:10 if you get headaches with ponytails, this is really going to help because it takes like
10:17 a lot of the weight off.
10:19 Instead of having one like solid like thing that's just pulling on your head, you have
10:23 two.
10:25 And so it helps a ton with getting headaches, it helps with just keeping like the cute shape
10:31 of a ponytail.
10:32 Sorry, let me put this in there really quick.
10:38 Jodi, if you can't get a bobby pin to stay, if you are blonde, I think you are because
10:45 I can kind of see your little profile picture, but if you have a problem getting your bobby
10:50 pin to stay, I'm just going to pull out a couple of hairs up here in the front.
10:56 Take like a clear elastic band and after you've wrapped your hair around, then just go in
11:02 with a clear elastic band.
11:03 Oh, mine actually just fell out, let me fix those.
11:06 I was just going to show you guys too, dang it.
11:10 So let me fix it real quick.
11:16 But yeah, take a clear elastic band and then take that and put it over the top of your
11:26 little section.
11:40 And then also you guys, just so you know with a bobby pin, this side over here, like the
11:45 curved side that goes out, that goes towards your head.
11:49 So that flat side is what points outwards.
11:53 So just so you know, that's where you're going to get the grip too.
11:58 So let me get this put together so that I can show you guys kind of the finished little
12:09 thing.
12:10 So I'm going to go in like that and then I'll kind of just run my fingers through it
12:18 like that.
12:19 And then you can see that you cover that elastic band so nobody ever knows that you have two,
12:28 but then this area right here also stays nice and tight and snug.
12:34 So it's really awesome.
12:35 I'm going to show you, I'm going to pull on these a little bit.
12:44 But yeah, that is it.
12:49 That's all you had to do and you can see that it looks super long, but it also looks like
12:56 nice and full.
12:57 You've got like your volume that you like and then you pull down your little pieces.
13:05 And I also like to do this, I like to do it in dirty hair.
13:10 If you watched my curling wand tutorial from like last week, I haven't washed my hair since
13:15 then so these curls are still from that tutorial.
13:19 They're just super loose now, a lot looser.
13:22 But yeah, that's how they look and I just feel like whenever your hair is dirty it has
13:27 a little bit more texture and grip to it and so like whenever you put it up it stays really
13:31 well.
13:33 So thank you Gemma and Christine.
13:37 Yay!
13:38 "Makes new lipstick and gloss you."
13:40 Oh good Sherry!
13:41 I'm so glad that you love that.
13:46 Holly Wright, I know it's so much easier whenever you do your, like when you have dirtier hair
13:50 to go through and do stuff.
13:53 Especially because you can just go in with like a dry shampoo.
13:56 I've been using this one right here by MONAT and it's just called the Champ Conditioning
14:02 Dry Shampoo.
14:03 But I just kind of like hit those little areas and it really absorbs everything.
14:10 You can also go in if you have like a white powder, like a gold bond loose powder or anything,
14:15 just use that in your roots and you'll be good to go.
14:17 Unless you have dark hair.
14:18 If you have dark hair it might not look super great with that.
14:22 Um, I did not know.
14:27 Oh good Melissa, I'm glad you know that now.
14:32 I'm in need of dirty hair.
14:34 Susan, I am right there with you.
14:36 I think that I'm probably at, I'm almost at 7.
14:40 Tomorrow will be 7.
14:41 So what do you do to keep your hair smooth?
14:44 Mine is really frizzy.
14:45 Jodi DM me and I'll let you know.
14:48 And Melissa I do too.
14:50 I love dry shampoo.
14:51 So there we go you guys.
14:53 That is it.
14:55 Again, I just kind of, and you can, this is all personal preference on how um, voluminous
15:03 you want it up here.
15:04 I like to have a lot of lift there and then I also like my ponytail to have lift and so
15:10 that's why I kind of go through and shake it like this.
15:13 Because then it looks super long but then it also has that spunky little like lift there.
15:18 So um, but yeah.
15:23 Let's see, are you seeing that good?
15:25 So that's how you get the perfect ponytail.
15:29 So if you're not already, make sure to follow Kylie's Corner and I will see you guys next
15:35 time.
15:36 So, alright, I'll talk to you later.
15:39 Okay, bye.
15:40 Mwah!
15:40 (kissing)
