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00:00:00 [congregation applauding]
00:00:05 - Father, thank you for this and other opportunity
00:00:07 to minister to these, your precious sheep.
00:00:11 Thank you, Lord, that revelation and knowledge
00:00:13 will flow freely, uninterrupted, and unhindered
00:00:16 by any satanic or demonic force.
00:00:20 Father, I pray that you will speak through my vocal cords
00:00:23 and think through my mind.
00:00:26 None of me and all of you, it's in Jesus' name we pray.
00:00:30 And everybody said, amen.
00:00:32 You may be seated.
00:00:34 If you have your Bibles, open your Bibles up with me
00:00:38 to the book of Saint John chapter eight,
00:00:42 verses three through 11.
00:00:44 We've been talking about God's way versus man's way.
00:00:48 And there are some things that I believe
00:00:53 you'll get ahold of today
00:00:55 that will be life-changing.
00:00:58 Verse three, Saint John chapter eight, verse three, he says,
00:01:03 "And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him
00:01:06 a woman taken in adultery.
00:01:08 And when they had set her in the mist, they say unto him,
00:01:12 'Master, this woman was taken in adultery in the very act.
00:01:17 Now Moses in the law commanded us that such should be stoned.
00:01:22 But what sayeth thou?'
00:01:24 And this they say, tempting him that they might have to accuse
00:01:28 him.
00:01:29 But Jesus stooped down and with his finger wrote on the ground
00:01:34 as though he heard them not.
00:01:37 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself
00:01:40 and said unto them, 'He that is without sin among you,
00:01:46 let him first cast a stone at her.'
00:01:50 And again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.
00:01:52 And they which heard it being convicted by their own
00:01:59 conscience went out one by one, beginning at the elders,
00:02:03 even unto the last.
00:02:05 And Jesus was left alone and the woman standing in the mist.
00:02:10 And when Jesus had lifted up himself and saw none but the
00:02:13 woman, he said unto her, 'Woman, where are those thine
00:02:16 accusers?
00:02:19 Hath no man condemned thee?'
00:02:22 She said, 'No man, Lord.'
00:02:25 And Jesus said unto her, 'Neither do I condemn thee.
00:02:31 Go and sin no more.'"
00:02:33 Now, under the law, which Jesus was a priest operating on,
00:02:38 it would have been absolutely according to the law to take
00:02:42 this woman and to have her to be stoned to death.
00:02:47 But Jesus said, "I don't condemn you.
00:02:53 Go, knowing that I don't condemn you.
00:02:59 Go, knowing that I don't condemn you.
00:03:03 And with this gift of no condemnation, sin no more."
00:03:09 Now, that's God's way of dealing with this under the new
00:03:15 covenant.
00:03:17 It's certainly not man's way.
00:03:20 The law was something that God brought down on man's level.
00:03:25 Man's way is equivalent to the law.
00:03:30 But Jesus said, "That's not my way.
00:03:32 I know what the law said, and I know what you were caught doing.
00:03:39 But where everybody else that was caught doing something?
00:03:42 Why they didn't throw the stone?"
00:03:46 Jesus said, "Now, it is going to be possible for you to carry
00:03:51 out this appeal.
00:03:53 Go and sin no more, because where there is no condemnation,
00:03:59 there is now the power to be able to overcome what
00:04:04 overcame you."
00:04:06 Now, look at what Jesus said in the book of John 3:17,
00:04:13 because while God is very concerned about keeping the
00:04:16 lives of his people free from worldly things--yeah,
00:04:20 there's nothing about what I just said that gave you an
00:04:24 unlicensed to go and just do something crazy.
00:04:29 There's nothing about what I just said that said adultery is
00:04:32 right, nothing.
00:04:36 God is very concerned about keeping the lives of his people
00:04:38 free from worldly things.
00:04:41 But his approach is way different from condemnation.
00:04:48 Look at what Jesus said in John 3, verse 17.
00:04:52 He said this, "For God sent not his Son into the world to
00:04:57 condemn the world, but that the world through him might
00:05:03 be saved."
00:05:06 So there are unsaved people doing all kinds of crazy stuff,
00:05:10 and the Bible says Jesus was not sent to condemn all these
00:05:13 unsaved people, and yet church people love sitting back
00:05:17 condemning people who are not born again and people who are
00:05:20 born again.
00:05:21 You think that that's the thing God has called you to do,
00:05:25 and he has not called you to condemn the world.
00:05:27 Jesus says, "I didn't come to this world to condemn it.
00:05:30 I didn't come to this world to judge all of the stupid,
00:05:33 crazy stuff that's going on."
00:05:35 They've already tried that before time.
00:05:37 There's a new way of doing this, and he says, "I didn't come to
00:05:40 condemn the world, but that the world through me might be saved
00:05:47 without condemnation."
00:05:49 If you ain't no good, you know you ain't no good.
00:05:56 You don't need me to tell you how no good you're not.
00:05:58 Your conscience takes care of that.
00:06:03 Your conscience takes care of that.
00:06:05 But he said, "For God sent not his Son to the world to condemn
00:06:12 the world, but that the world through him might be saved."
00:06:17 Now, this is going to be very interesting now because we're
00:06:20 going to talk about the new and living way.
00:06:23 All right, if we don't beat people up,
00:06:25 then how are they going to change?
00:06:27 If we don't convict people of their sins,
00:06:29 how are they going to change?
00:06:30 God never called us to convict people of our sins.
00:06:33 He gave us the Holy Spirit.
00:06:35 The Holy Spirit is the one that will not only convict--I like
00:06:39 this word--he convinces you that that's probably what you don't
00:06:42 need to be doing.
00:06:44 I mean, by the time you call your wife stupid and then she
00:06:46 done got her gun, you're convinced,
00:06:48 "I probably don't need to call her stupid no more."
00:06:50 So, listen to me carefully now.
00:06:58 This is interesting.
00:07:01 There are two methods that the Lord uses to draw the hearts of
00:07:07 man away from this present world,
00:07:12 two methods that he uses to draw the hearts of man
00:07:17 from worldly things.
00:07:19 Here's the first method.
00:07:24 By setting before man the attractiveness and the stability
00:07:34 of things that are above, he says,
00:07:39 "I can change a man by making my ways so attractive,"
00:07:44 not by beating him up, but showing him the beauty that
00:07:51 comes by seeking the things that are above.
00:07:57 We have not done a very good job of teaching the attractiveness
00:08:04 of the things that are above.
00:08:08 We spend a lot of time with the condemning people,
00:08:12 but folk don't talk about heaven like they used to.
00:08:17 The attractiveness of what is to come once you leave this world,
00:08:21 the attractiveness of the grace of God,
00:08:25 the attractiveness of seeking those things that are above,
00:08:29 seeking eternal things, the attractiveness of--you just
00:08:33 don't see that.
00:08:34 And I sat and thought about this.
00:08:36 I'm like, "Just start thinking about the attractiveness of the
00:08:40 things that exist that you don't experience right now."
00:08:44 A heaven where there's no more crying there.
00:08:50 Glory to God.
00:08:53 A heaven where you have a body, but it's been renovated.
00:08:58 Kereboshetah.
00:09:03 A place where you have stepped out of time into eternity.
00:09:10 A place where there are no more tears,
00:09:14 and the greatest thing, the greatest thing about what we
00:09:17 look forward to is that we're going where Jesus is.
00:09:22 We're going where God is.
00:09:27 The greatest thing for you to recognize is one day you're
00:09:31 gonna be done down here, and you're gonna be absent from the
00:09:35 body and present with the Lord and all of the stuff.
00:09:39 No more stress.
00:09:41 No more stressing out over the comment sections of the
00:09:44 Facebook.
00:09:44 No more stressing out over this.
00:09:46 No more worrying.
00:09:48 No more gossiping.
00:09:49 No more backbiting.
00:09:50 No more hurt.
00:09:52 No more pain.
00:09:53 Nobody else dying with you no more.
00:09:55 None of that is over with.
00:09:57 We have lost the attractiveness of what is to come.
00:10:01 Seek those things that are above and not the things that are on
00:10:06 the earth, and I tell you, we have been inundated with the
00:10:14 things that are above and not the things that are on the earth.
00:10:19 There's a system greater than what you're in right now.
00:10:29 Glory to God.
00:10:33 Oh, my goodness.
00:10:36 One day you're gonna slip out of this body, and you're gonna walk
00:10:42 in a new glorified body that Jesus demonstrated when he was
00:10:47 resurrected from the dead, and the Bible says he walked through
00:10:51 the door, the door being shut, and then he sat down and ate.
00:10:56 Somebody asked me, "Will we eat anything in heaven?"
00:11:03 Yeah, Jesus ate in his glorified body.
00:11:06 He ate some fish and honeycomb.
00:11:08 Somebody asked, "Will we know one another when we get to
00:11:10 heaven?"
00:11:11 Well, will you know one another when you get to Texas?
00:11:13 You'll still have your soul with you.
00:11:17 Hallelujah.
00:11:21 You gotta understand, you're gonna be in an atmosphere.
00:11:24 You're gonna find out the power and the impact of real, pure,
00:11:31 genuine love.
00:11:33 Oh, glory to God.
00:11:35 Well, will we have clothes?
00:11:39 You won't have artificial clothes.
00:11:42 You're gonna slip out of your last outfit the day you die.
00:11:46 Whatever you had on that day, you're gonna slip out that
00:11:50 'cause you will never again need artificial clothing.
00:11:54 Where'd you get that from?
00:11:55 Adam and Eve, before they sinned, they were covered, but
00:11:59 not with artificial clothing.
00:12:02 They were covered with the glory of God.
00:12:07 Now, this is something I can tell you about 'cause I saw it.
00:12:09 I don't care if you believe what I just said.
00:12:11 That truck turned over 20-something years ago, and
00:12:19 those angels went by me, and they were not exposed.
00:12:24 They were clothed, but the only way I can describe it, their
00:12:28 clothes and their skin was like it was one.
00:12:32 They were clothed in light.
00:12:35 That's the best way I can--I looked, they had facial eyes and
00:12:41 characteristics, but it was--when you look, there was
00:12:46 no exposure of body.
00:12:49 It was clothed in glory.
00:12:50 That's exactly what Adam and Eve were clothed in.
00:12:54 They were covered in glory, but the day that they sinned, they
00:12:59 lost their glory coat and had to go and try to cover themselves
00:13:04 with fig leaves.
00:13:06 When you leave and go to heaven, you will be covered with the
00:13:10 glory.
00:13:11 Ain't no more Hugo Boss, ain't no more none of this stuff, but
00:13:16 brands you got.
00:13:17 You got the greatest brand that nobody on this planet can
00:13:21 manufacture.
00:13:23 It's the glory of God.
00:13:25 Now, I tell you, I gotta be careful talking about this
00:13:31 'cause some of you walk out here, it's like, "I'm ready to
00:13:33 go."
00:13:34 Seek the things that are above.
00:13:40 You keep looking and allowing the stuff that you're going
00:13:44 through now to govern your life, and you forget about the better
00:13:48 that is to come, the greatest that is to come.
00:13:52 Oh, my goodness, praise the Lord.
00:13:55 And there will be times where you will meet family members
00:13:58 that you hadn't even heard about yet.
00:14:01 There will be a great gathering in heaven, praise the Lord.
00:14:05 As we come together and to worship the only one that is
00:14:11 worthy to be worshiped, it is the Lamb of God.
00:14:14 The Lamb of God will step in that room, and everybody will
00:14:18 fall down and begin to declare, "Glory, glory, glory to the
00:14:23 highest, glory to the Lamb of God."
00:14:26 Somebody say, "Well, that sounds kind of boring."
00:14:31 Why?
00:14:32 Because somebody told you there's not gonna be any work
00:14:34 in heaven.
00:14:35 There are several Scriptures that talk about the work we have
00:14:37 to do in heaven.
00:14:38 Yeah, you're gonna be working.
00:14:39 If you don't like working here, listen, you don't wanna go to
00:14:41 heaven, you got--you still gonna have a job to do.
00:14:43 Well, I just don't believe.
00:14:48 You will when you die.
00:14:55 But I'm trying to tell you now, my God.
00:15:00 My life is all about screaming loud, trying to get you to see.
00:15:07 Do not buy the deceptions of this world.
00:15:11 Seek the things that are above.
00:15:13 The stuff here is so minute once you get to the real.
00:15:18 I preached a sermon years ago called, "Is the Physical World
00:15:25 Really Real?"
00:15:27 Because you got to understand that everything that's physical
00:15:30 came out of stuff you can't see.
00:15:32 The spiritual gave birth to the physical.
00:15:38 Glory to God.
00:15:39 You couldn't have no physical realm if there were not first a
00:15:43 spiritual realm.
00:15:45 Everything that exists here came out of stuff you can't see.
00:15:51 Everything that you can see and comprehend and touch here was
00:15:55 born out of stuff you can't see and comprehend and touch.
00:15:59 Everything in this physical world has an expiration.
00:16:03 Things you can't see are eternal.
00:16:09 Excuse me, things you can't see, yeah, are eternal.
00:16:12 Things you can see are temporary.
00:16:16 There are things that used to exist 10,000 years ago.
00:16:21 Ain't no--you can't see--they're not there no more.
00:16:25 You're still trying to gain something that's temporal.
00:16:29 The thing you ought to be gaining is Christ 'cause
00:16:36 everything else you do will disappear.
00:16:41 Only what you will do for Christ will last.
00:16:47 Now, let's look at some Scriptures here.
00:16:50 Colossians chapter 3, verse 1 through 2, presenting the
00:16:56 attractiveness and the stability of the things that are above.
00:17:02 Colossians 3, 1 and 2, "If you then be risen with Christ," if
00:17:08 you're born again and you got up from your dead state of sin,
00:17:14 "seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on
00:17:20 the right hand of God."
00:17:23 That's what I'm seeking.
00:17:26 Every day there are certain things about this world that are
00:17:32 diminishing in my eyes, just not--I just don't see it the
00:17:39 way I used to.
00:17:41 I just don't see it the way I used to.
00:17:44 It's little to me what you think about me.
00:17:47 I'm not trying to, like, get back with you or nothing like
00:17:49 that, I'm trying to talk like you in your own shoes 'cause too
00:17:54 many of you continue to allow it to matter what people think
00:17:58 about you, and that takes up an amazing amount of time in your
00:18:02 life.
00:18:04 I'm not seeking only what I can have here.
00:18:09 I'm seeking the thing that's above where Christ sits on the
00:18:12 right hand.
00:18:13 Verse 2, "Set your affection on things above."
00:18:18 Where are your affections?
00:18:23 Where are your affections?
00:18:24 'Cause most of us as church people, our affections are not
00:18:27 on--we forget about the thing that's above.
00:18:29 Our affection's not there.
00:18:31 He says, "Don't set your affections on the things on the
00:18:33 earth."
00:18:34 Look at verse 2 in the NLT.
00:18:36 "Don't set your affections on the things of the earth.
00:18:38 Set your affections on the things that are above."
00:18:40 So, think about the things of heaven.
00:18:43 Don't think about the things of earth.
00:18:46 Think about the thing--every time you see something in your
00:18:48 life that happens, let it move you to think about the things of
00:18:53 heaven.
00:18:55 What's gonna be different in heaven versus what's going on
00:18:59 right now?
00:19:01 There's one thing I have no doubt about, that everybody in
00:19:06 the world, including me, will pass one day.
00:19:11 You're gonna die.
00:19:14 Not yet.
00:19:16 But how do you plan on handling the reality of heaven if you
00:19:23 have doubted it so much while you were on the planet?
00:19:28 I can't deal with that.
00:19:33 That's a part of life, and I wanna do as much as I can,
00:19:38 although not with--not gonna be perfect, not gonna be flawless,
00:19:42 but as much as I can so I can stand before God and say, "Lord,
00:19:45 I did all I knew to do.
00:19:47 Thank you for the help, but you promised me you would finish me,
00:19:50 and I'm looking forward for him finishing me."
00:19:54 And be careful before you pronounce somebody to hell
00:19:58 'cause of the thing they did.
00:20:01 There were many people that that woman who was called an adulterer,
00:20:04 I'm sure many of 'em said, "She going to hell.
00:20:07 We gotta stop doing that.
00:20:09 That person going to hell, that person going to hell,
00:20:10 that person going to hell."
00:20:11 Or hit Dover, holler the loudest, you better be quiet.
00:20:15 That's not what we're supposed to be doing,
00:20:17 condemning people to hell.
00:20:18 That's not what we're supposed to be doing.
00:20:21 We seek and think about the things that are above.
00:20:27 It may seem small.
00:20:28 It'll change your daily life as you start thinking about the
00:20:34 things that are above.
00:20:38 Look at this Scripture.
00:20:43 Well, you know Matthew 6:33, "Seek ye first the kingdom of
00:20:46 God," primary, "the kingdom of God,
00:20:48 and all these other things shall be added unto you."
00:20:51 We're seeking the things to be added unto us.
00:20:53 He says, "Seek the kingdom first."
00:20:55 Seek the kingdom first.
00:20:56 Look at Hebrews chapter 12 and 2 in the NLT.
00:21:00 Hebrews chapter 12 and 2 in the NLT.
00:21:03 He says, "We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus,
00:21:06 keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and
00:21:10 perfects our faith.
00:21:11 Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross,
00:21:15 disregarding its shame.
00:21:18 Now he is seated in the place of honor besides God's throne."
00:21:25 Can you imagine being on the cross after being beat up and
00:21:29 whipped with a cat of nine tails?
00:21:31 Can you imagine--you imagine how difficult and weird it is to
00:21:37 read him saying, "For the joy that was set before him,
00:21:44 he endured the cross."
00:21:45 His motivation for enduring something hard and painful and
00:21:51 shameful was what he could see ahead,
00:21:56 the joy that was ahead of him.
00:21:58 Sometimes it's knowing the joy that's ahead of you that can
00:22:00 help you go through certain things in life.
00:22:03 Sometimes it's the pain that you experience here,
00:22:07 and you think about the things that are above,
00:22:09 you think about the things that are before you,
00:22:12 the things that you're coming to.
00:22:13 Jesus says, "For the joy that was set before him,
00:22:17 he endured the cross."
00:22:21 There's a joy that's set before you.
00:22:24 There's a joy that's set before me to help us to have endurance
00:22:28 and patience.
00:22:29 It's just what Tapia's talking about.
00:22:31 Don't allow the lack of manifestations in your life to
00:22:35 cause you to give up, cave in, quit, get worried,
00:22:39 get depressed, you know, turn nuts in what you're doing.
00:22:43 Don't do that.
00:22:44 Make your mind up for the joy that's set before me.
00:22:46 Just think about heaven.
00:22:48 There are times that this wonderful woman and I have gone
00:22:51 through that you will never know about,
00:22:54 but it was the joy that was set before us that kept us moving.
00:23:00 Stuff that hurt.
00:23:01 I remember we went through a pain that hurt so bad,
00:23:05 we stayed in the house for three or four days.
00:23:07 It was so painful, but for the joy that was set before us.
00:23:14 It is not our job to get up here and complain about what we've
00:23:17 gone through 'cause everybody going through something.
00:23:21 You ain't the only one going through nothing.
00:23:25 You ain't never gonna be the only one going through,
00:23:27 but how you go through it for the joy that's set before you.
00:23:32 Boy, that really encouraged me.
00:23:38 And then Titus chapter 2 and verse--let me read verse 11
00:23:42 through 13 because in Titus chapter 2,
00:23:45 he's talking about how the grace of God teaches us,
00:23:48 but then he tells us what to do while we're being taught.
00:23:53 He says, "For the grace of God has been revealed,
00:23:56 bringing salvation to all people," making salvation
00:23:58 available to everybody on the planet,
00:24:00 everybody on the planet, not just folks who go to church,
00:24:03 but every unsaved, no-good-for-nothing person.
00:24:06 Jesus died for that person so that salvation can be made
00:24:10 available to them.
00:24:11 And all they got to do is say, "Yes, Lord, I receive it."
00:24:15 Verse 12 says, "And we are instructed to turn from godly--
00:24:18 godless living and sinful pleasures."
00:24:22 We should live in this--we should live in this evil world
00:24:26 with wisdom, live in it with righteousness,
00:24:29 live in this world with devotion to God while we look forward
00:24:35 with hope to the wonderful day when the glory of our great God
00:24:39 and Savior, Jesus Christ, will be revealed.
00:24:41 Look at there.
00:24:42 So, while grace is teaching you how to live and while you're
00:24:45 going through this thing trying to live right,
00:24:47 depending on God, trusting God, keep looking for
00:24:51 the glorious return.
00:24:53 You had a bad day, look up for your redemption draweth near.
00:24:57 Glory be to God.
00:24:58 He says, "Live a life where you're always in expectation
00:25:05 of his return, a life where you're expecting his return."
00:25:10 I can hardly glance by the news and look at something and say,
00:25:14 "Jesus is coming.
00:25:16 Lord, I expect your return.
00:25:18 Lord, I expect your--" It is no longer walking around with a
00:25:22 fear of whether or not I'm gonna go to heaven or hell.
00:25:25 I already know where I am.
00:25:26 I am there now.
00:25:28 I am born again.
00:25:29 You are born again.
00:25:30 You are there right now, praise God.
00:25:32 And contrary to popular opinion, it is not your behavior that
00:25:36 determines you going to heaven or hell.
00:25:39 It is your decision that you've made Jesus the Lord of your
00:25:42 life, and if you've made Jesus the Lord of your life,
00:25:46 you are already heaven-bound, praise God.
00:25:49 Your name's already written.
00:25:50 That's your reservation.
00:25:52 They have your name.
00:25:53 You know when you show up at a hotel and you've already
00:25:55 registered, they say, "Name," and they check it out.
00:25:58 All right, welcome.
00:25:59 That's the same way it's gonna be when you go to heaven.
00:26:01 You're gonna walk up in there.
00:26:03 You might be a little cautious a little bit 'cause you know you
00:26:05 haven't been perfect, and you're gonna find out ain't nobody
00:26:08 been perfect, but you're getting ready to check into a place
00:26:11 where the perfection that you were lacking is gonna be there
00:26:15 available for you.
00:26:16 You are heaven-bound because you have Jesus.
00:26:21 I'll go so far as to say this, if anybody in here goes to hell
00:26:26 for your behavior, everybody going to hell because you're
00:26:34 on a journey.
00:26:35 You're on a journey, and on that journey, you may not behave
00:26:38 properly and then realize it and get it fixed, and on this--you
00:26:42 continue the journey, and other stuff happens.
00:26:44 You continue the journey, and you have a flat tire.
00:26:46 You continue the journey, and the radiator runs hot.
00:26:49 You continue the journey, and you took a wrong turn.
00:26:52 You continue the journey.
00:26:55 It's a journey.
00:26:57 It's a journey.
00:26:59 My God, it's a journey, and you continue walking this journey.
00:27:05 You continue walking this journey, and you don't let the
00:27:09 flat tire mess up your whole journey, and you don't talk
00:27:14 about the flat tire all the way from Atlanta to California, and
00:27:18 you still talking about the flat tire, and the reason why you
00:27:21 don't do that, because the tire's not flat no more.
00:27:24 You got another tire that's taking place, hallelujah.
00:27:28 You're on a journey.
00:27:30 You're on a journey, and you're seeking what's above.
00:27:35 I get it, God, I get it.
00:27:44 He says, "Okay, if you wanna compare emotional stuff, all
00:27:47 right, let's do that."
00:27:48 He says, "Really?
00:27:49 If you wanna get emotional and concerned, that ought to take
00:27:53 place when somebody's born into this evil world.
00:27:55 You wanna rejoice and be happy?
00:28:00 That takes place when somebody who made Jesus the Lord of their
00:28:03 life, when they pass, it ought to be a celebration."
00:28:08 But families that don't see that, they don't see that.
00:28:13 It ought to be a celebration.
00:28:18 They're with heaven.
00:28:19 They know more about things than you and I know until we get
00:28:24 to heaven.
00:28:26 I tell you, there's a greater place, there's a greater
00:28:29 expectation in my heart than what you can expect here.
00:28:33 I don't--I don't--I can't give you Scripture.
00:28:36 I can't--but here's what I--here's what I believe.
00:28:39 I believe that there's something about this journey that is to
00:28:44 prepare us for the one we're headed to.
00:28:48 This is the dressing-up room.
00:28:53 This is the fixing-up room.
00:28:56 This is the training room.
00:28:58 There's something about this journey.
00:29:01 You've never been there.
00:29:02 See, I will not--I will not permit myself to think that I
00:29:08 know so much about a place I've never been.
00:29:12 I've never been to this place.
00:29:15 I'm on my way.
00:29:15 I've never been to this place.
00:29:17 That's why I can't come up arrogantly and tell you, "Well,
00:29:21 no, this ain't gonna happen.
00:29:22 That ain't gonna happen."
00:29:23 All I know is what he let me know.
00:29:27 And what he let me know is if you make Jesus my God, the Lord
00:29:31 of your life, that's what he let me know.
00:29:34 He let me know some things about what I can expect when I get to
00:29:39 heaven, and the attractiveness of it is so amazing.
00:29:43 When I did have the opportunity to cross over, I mean, I was
00:29:49 ready.
00:29:50 I mean, I had the weirdest day of my life.
00:29:53 Saw stuff that I just was saying, "What is this?
00:29:56 What is that?"
00:29:57 It was like I was in a daze all that day.
00:30:01 I was so tired.
00:30:06 Maybe it's time for somebody else to come on in.
00:30:15 I'm tired, Lord.
00:30:18 I've been looking forward to this anyway.
00:30:22 But what I was looking forward to was hearing my good, faithless
00:30:28 servant, Creflo Dollar, job incomplete.
00:30:35 I don't wanna hear about my job being incomplete.
00:30:36 What?
00:30:37 Incomplete.
00:30:39 Here's what I wanna hear about.
00:30:41 My good and faithful servant, job well done.
00:30:46 Enter into the glory that has been prepared for you from the
00:30:53 foundations of this world.
00:30:56 Where are we today?
00:30:57 We're living in a society, people don't believe hardly
00:31:03 nothing about the things of God.
00:31:06 They just don't, but they will.
00:31:11 Somebody says, "How do you know?"
00:31:12 'Cause God's working now.
00:31:15 He's working on that unsaved anchor that you thought you
00:31:18 never would see saved.
00:31:19 God is doing some stuff on the inside of people that you don't
00:31:23 know about, and there is about to be an amazing move of God to
00:31:28 hit this planet.
00:31:30 Folks you didn't even witness to gonna come to you and say,
00:31:34 "Show me how to get saved."
00:31:36 That's right.
00:31:43 Amen.
00:31:45 Somebody today is waiting on something deep.
00:31:51 This is deep as I'm gonna get today right here.
00:31:53 Today's about Jesus and where you going,
00:32:00 and it is much more attractive than where you are.
00:32:03 Here's the second.
00:32:08 Here's the second method that the Lord uses to draw the hearts
00:32:13 of man away from this present world.
00:32:20 Go look back at Jesus when he's on earth.
00:32:22 Look at what he was talking about, to draw people.
00:32:25 Here's the second thing.
00:32:29 "By faithfully declaring the soon passing out of sight of
00:32:36 things, the quickly fading or disappearing and the shakable
00:32:42 nature of things that are on the earth,
00:32:44 the evanescence of the things that we know and are familiar
00:32:49 with on this planet."
00:32:52 Second Corinthians chapter 4, verse 18,
00:32:54 in the King James and then the NLT.
00:32:56 "Are you prepared for what is about to happen?
00:33:04 Are you ready to go through this thing,
00:33:08 looking up at everything that's getting ready to take place?"
00:33:13 He says, "While we look not at the things which are seen,
00:33:19 but we look at the things which are not seen,
00:33:22 for the things which are seen are temporal," temporary,
00:33:29 subject to change.
00:33:32 "The things which are not seen are eternal," everlasting, set.
00:33:40 Now, look at this in the NLT.
00:33:43 He says, "So we don't look at the troubles we can see now."
00:33:48 How many of you can see some troubles?
00:33:52 Don't raise your hands.
00:33:53 I don't need to know.
00:33:53 Ain't none of my business.
00:33:55 How many of you are looking at and experiencing some trouble of
00:33:59 some things you can see now, some things that are not quite
00:34:01 where you want to work?
00:34:03 He says, "Rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be
00:34:06 seen."
00:34:07 If you sit there and continue to stare at the trouble,
00:34:12 it's going to affect your emotions,
00:34:14 and then those negative emotions are going to try to dive deep
00:34:17 into your spirit and cause you to be hopeless,
00:34:21 hopeless about certain things happening,
00:34:24 hopeless about the promises you found in God's Word.
00:34:27 And I'm telling you, it's not over.
00:34:28 We got the Word for the day.
00:34:30 Everything getting ready to come together, baby.
00:34:34 But you can't keep looking at the trouble.
00:34:36 You can't keep listening at the Word that says,
00:34:39 "It ain't going to never happen to you."
00:34:41 Now, that's what the devil will whisper in your ear.
00:34:43 "This will never happen to you.
00:34:44 Everything getting ready to come together.
00:34:47 I don't care what you've been through.
00:34:48 I don't care how much money you got.
00:34:50 I don't care what people say.
00:34:51 It wasn't going to happen."
00:34:52 It's getting ready to come together because we're going to
00:34:55 stop looking at the trouble we can see,
00:34:58 we're going to fix our gaze on the things that cannot be seen,
00:35:02 for the things we see now will soon be gone.
00:35:07 Let me say it like this.
00:35:11 There's an expiration on the trouble that you're looking at.
00:35:14 It will soon be gone.
00:35:16 It will soon be gone.
00:35:19 It will soon be gone.
00:35:21 It will soon be gone.
00:35:26 The things we cannot see will last forever.
00:35:31 I'm trying to get a few people in here to make your mind up
00:35:40 that I'm putting my sight on where I'm going.
00:35:43 It's going to happen, guys.
00:35:45 The rapture's a reality.
00:35:47 It's going to happen.
00:35:49 If everything he said that is happening now,
00:35:53 he said it before it happened.
00:35:57 Not that he said there would be earthquakes.
00:35:59 Not that he said that great winds on water.
00:36:02 Not that he said there would be, you know,
00:36:06 wars and rumors.
00:36:07 Not that he said that.
00:36:08 The thing that he said that is so awesome is that he said all
00:36:12 of those things are going to happen,
00:36:13 and they're going to happen with intensity and frequency.
00:36:19 He said it's going to get more intense and more frequent,
00:36:22 more intense and more frequent.
00:36:23 In other words, what used to happen once a year is happening
00:36:27 once a month, once a week, every day, every day.
00:36:31 Chaos upon chaos upon chaos.
00:36:36 You know, New Year's Eve, the Lord gave us a warning,
00:36:38 New Year's Eve.
00:36:41 He said there's going to be chaos upon chaos,
00:36:43 and he said, "Start making your living by your giving."
00:36:47 Don't trust in governmental systems.
00:36:49 Don't trust in government assistance.
00:36:52 Trust in the Lord.
00:36:53 Make your living by your giving.
00:36:55 Keep seed in the ground, and you'll always have something on
00:36:58 every wave, and you will be taken care of.
00:37:00 You got to look and see what's going on in the world.
00:37:05 You got to look and see the things that they're saying.
00:37:10 You got to check all that stuff out.
00:37:12 That stuff is a direct attack against the people
00:37:14 in the body of Christ.
00:37:16 They don't know that it's a direct attack.
00:37:18 The devil did everything he could,
00:37:20 and during the time of pandemic, to shut the church down,
00:37:23 but you cannot.
00:37:25 You can't--you can cancel everything else,
00:37:26 but you can't cancel God.
00:37:28 He'll keep coming back better and better.
00:37:30 He'll keep coming back stronger and stronger,
00:37:34 and you got to see yourself like that.
00:37:36 "When I fall, I shall arise," praise God.
00:37:39 "You can't stop me because of whose I am.
00:37:42 You can't stop me because of who I'm looking at.
00:37:44 You can't stop me because of the God that lives
00:37:46 on the inside of me.
00:37:47 When I fall, I shall arise.
00:37:49 When I mess up, I shall get it right.
00:37:51 When I go left, I'll get the right direction.
00:37:54 I shall not be defeated because greater is he that is in me
00:37:58 than he that is in the world.
00:38:00 I will not quit."
00:38:02 Sometimes it's the simple stuff.
00:38:11 I got to look to him.
00:38:18 I might be weeping.
00:38:19 I got to look to him.
00:38:21 I might be crying.
00:38:24 I got to look to him.
00:38:26 Oh, God, when is this gonna stop?
00:38:31 I got to look to him.
00:38:33 I know what I'm preaching.
00:38:38 When you have pain in your body for three years
00:38:41 and it's still not gone, I got to look to him.
00:38:47 You don't know what people going through.
00:38:50 Some of 'em come here smiling and raising their hands up
00:38:54 because of who they looking at, but it don't mean that
00:38:57 everything perfect in their life.
00:38:59 It don't mean they don't have no pain.
00:39:01 It don't mean that they--Jesus says that he was touched with
00:39:08 the feelings of our infirmities.
00:39:10 I didn't know what that meant, and now I can say I've been
00:39:14 touched with some of y'all's feelings of infirmity.
00:39:17 And I still don't know all of it, but I know what it means
00:39:20 like to be in pain.
00:39:21 I know what it means like to stare death in the face.
00:39:23 I know what it means like to wonder, you know, do you put
00:39:26 your trust in this man or do you put your trust in God Almighty?
00:39:30 I know what that means.
00:39:31 I know what that means.
00:39:32 Every now and then you're gonna have to--there will be
00:39:34 something in your life one day that you ain't got no choice
00:39:36 but to trust God.
00:39:37 There'll be something in your life one day where you'll say,
00:39:40 "Some man trust in horses.
00:39:42 Some man trust in chariots, but I trust in the Almighty God."
00:39:46 There'll be something in your life that day.
00:39:48 I'm trying to cry loud like a trumpet this morning.
00:39:53 I'm trying to walk in the shoes of John the Baptist this morning.
00:40:00 It's time to give a shout.
00:40:02 It's time to give a warning out to the people of God that this
00:40:06 is not play church time.
00:40:07 This is not this time where--I mean, that we intellectually
00:40:11 have these acrobatic intellectual things in our mind.
00:40:14 Well, we really think we got this thing figured out and we
00:40:16 walk around in an arrogance of, "I've been saved a long time.
00:40:19 I know how to do it."
00:40:20 It's time to humble ourselves.
00:40:22 It's time to humble and submit ourselves unto the mighty hand
00:40:25 of God and say, "God, help me.
00:40:27 Let your will be done in my life.
00:40:29 Take away what I've been trying to get you to do for me and show
00:40:32 me what I need to do for somebody else.
00:40:34 Help me, God.
00:40:35 Show me how to yield to you.
00:40:37 Show me how to walk with you."
00:40:38 That's what time it is.
00:40:40 And yet, no matter how loud I scream today, no matter how many
00:40:45 Scriptures I show today, at the end of this day, this will still
00:40:58 ring true.
00:41:01 People do what they wanna do.
00:41:06 I pray that as I'm screaming, that the Holy Spirit is
00:41:12 whispering something in your heart that I might not be
00:41:19 saying.
00:41:21 It's time.
00:41:24 It's coming.
00:41:26 And for some, it's already here.
00:41:28 What are you gonna do?
00:41:33 Systems will fall, and they will fall to technology
00:41:38 that is present today.
00:41:42 There's technology that is present today that completely
00:41:47 eliminates a human being.
00:41:49 There's technology that is at hand today that makes you wonder
00:41:54 about four years of college because there's technology
00:42:03 that's gonna take all of that training.
00:42:06 It makes you wonder, "Maybe I need to go to a technical school
00:42:09 to do something with my hands that AI can't do."
00:42:12 It's not gonna go away.
00:42:15 It's not gonna be squashed.
00:42:17 It's happening right now.
00:42:19 And I'm trying to get you out of this dark--this dark church
00:42:24 system.
00:42:27 It's happening right now.
00:42:28 So, what happens if your job falls to technology?
00:42:31 What do you trust to take care of you?
00:42:34 I trust in the Lord.
00:42:36 I remember when they were talking about the internet and
00:42:46 what was gonna happen.
00:42:49 And I remember the Lord speaking.
00:42:50 He said, "Satan will use this and draw me away from God and
00:42:57 bring a desire to every evil woman and no one,
00:43:01 but my spirit will still rise strong in them."
00:43:06 You can't stop the anointing.
00:43:07 You can't stop the Holy Ghost.
00:43:10 AI ain't filled with the Spirit.
00:43:12 Glory to God.
00:43:13 You can't stop the--
00:43:15 [speaking in tongues]
00:43:16 You can't stop the anointing.
00:43:18 [speaking in tongues]
00:43:24 It's happening right now.
00:43:29 What used to take a year to develop a medicine can now take
00:43:39 place in two to three weeks.
00:43:41 You better listen to me.
00:43:44 It's happening right now.
00:43:46 What you gonna do?
00:43:50 What you trust in?
00:43:54 Satan is attempting a worldwide spirit of poverty.
00:43:59 You hear me.
00:44:04 The years that I tried to prepare the body of Christ in
00:44:07 the area of prosperity was always met with a demonic force.
00:44:12 Huh?
00:44:17 It's here now.
00:44:19 What are you prepared to do?
00:44:23 Who will you believe?
00:44:25 'Cause people that are possessed with mammon,
00:44:27 they're not gonna let you in.
00:44:29 What you gonna do?
00:44:30 Where you gonna live?
00:44:31 Where you gonna get food from?
00:44:32 You cool right now.
00:44:33 It's good right now.
00:44:34 You trust in the system now and all systems go.
00:44:36 You trust in the system now and all systems go.
00:44:38 You trust in the system now and all systems go.
00:44:40 You trust in the system now and all systems go.
00:44:42 You trust in the system now and all systems go.
00:44:44 You trust in the system now and all systems go.
00:44:46 I stand before you as a prophet of God telling you right now,
00:44:52 "Please hear me.
00:44:57 Prepare now.
00:44:59 Prepare like Joseph prepared.
00:45:02 Do what you have to do.
00:45:03 Get before God.
00:45:04 God, show me what to do.
00:45:06 Show me how to walk.
00:45:08 Show me how to trust in you."
00:45:09 Hallelujah.
00:45:11 And that same God that took care of Abraham,
00:45:14 Isaac, and Jacob, that same God that took a 100-year-old man and
00:45:18 a 90-year-old woman and contradicted every natural law
00:45:23 and caused an Isaac to be born is ready for whosoever believe.
00:45:31 I believe.
00:45:38 I believe.
00:45:40 When the heart finds all its satisfaction in the things of
00:45:47 God and in his Son, there is no need to condemn the pleasures of
00:45:51 the world when my heart finds complete satisfaction in him.
00:45:58 God offers far better things in place of those which are to pass
00:46:03 away, Psalms 37, verse 16 and 17 in NLT.
00:46:08 Man, I hope you hear me.
00:46:13 This might be the most--you know,
00:46:17 God'll tell me which was the most important message I've
00:46:19 preached before in my life, but this might be one of them.
00:46:22 Verse 16 and 17 says, "It is better to be godly and have
00:46:29 little than to be evil and rich.
00:46:31 For the strength of the wicked will be shattered,
00:46:36 but the Lord takes care of the godly."
00:46:43 There's still a transference that's coming.
00:46:48 The question is, are you going to be in position?
00:46:53 Look at this Scripture, Philippians chapter 1,
00:47:01 23, 24 in the NLT.
00:47:04 Philippians chapter 1, 23 and 24 in the NLT.
00:47:08 He says, "I'm torn between two desires.
00:47:11 I long to go and be with Christ, which would be far better for me."
00:47:18 Did you see that?
00:47:19 Did you see what Paul said?
00:47:20 "It would be far better for me to depart and to be with Christ."
00:47:25 You kidding me?
00:47:30 Far better, far better.
00:47:34 God said to me, he said, "Son, it's not a hard thing to pass
00:47:39 over."
00:47:40 Passing over ain't no hard thing.
00:47:42 All you got to do is make a decision.
00:47:43 What you going to do?
00:47:46 It's not a hard thing.
00:47:48 Paul said, "It would be far better, but for your sakes,
00:47:59 it is better that I continue to live."
00:48:01 For your sakes, it is better that I continue to live.
00:48:06 Paul saw a whole lot better for him, but for your sake.
00:48:20 There are people we're going to find out later in heaven,
00:48:23 people that came through this earth, their earth wasn't even
00:48:26 better, but they have them here, 'cause you're going to find out
00:48:31 the most important things.
00:48:32 The world's got it upside down.
00:48:34 What you consider the most important thing here on the
00:48:36 earth is not what God sees as the most important thing
00:48:39 in heaven.
00:48:42 You're going to find out that this Word is the most important
00:48:45 thing that God sees in heaven, and it's the least important
00:48:49 thing on the earth, because after all, all those preachers
00:48:53 want is your money.
00:48:56 A demonic slogan.
00:48:58 They could have easily said, "All Kroger's wants
00:49:03 is your money."
00:49:05 They could have easily said, "All Home Depot wants
00:49:09 is your money."
00:49:11 But it was, "All preachers want is your money," so nothing else
00:49:17 mattered except the concern of, "Do preachers have my money?"
00:49:23 Well, you can't--you don't have to worry about that here,
00:49:28 because we can't afford it.
00:49:30 Our money's working.
00:49:34 Ain't none left over for no preacher to be having.
00:49:37 You want to go to the light company and get on the phone and
00:49:42 say, "We're finna turn the lights on in the dome.
00:49:47 Click."
00:49:48 See how much money you done spent right quick.
00:49:51 But the demonic slogan has come upon the minds of so many
00:49:56 people, mammon and greed and fear.
00:50:05 Why?
00:50:08 Because there's a plan to drive you into poverty.
00:50:12 A lot of worldliness in the church today is due to a
00:50:18 failure to draw the hearts of people to Christ by teaching and
00:50:33 emphasizing his attractiveness that we find in grace.
00:50:38 It's attractive that I've been made the righteousness of God,
00:50:42 not by what I did, but by what Jesus did.
00:50:44 That's attractive.
00:50:46 That all my sins have been forgiven, past, present,
00:50:50 and future.
00:50:50 That's attractive.
00:50:53 That Jesus will do the work in me if I believe it.
00:50:57 That's attractive.
00:50:59 That Jesus will change my desires and give me the power to
00:51:02 do what pleases him.
00:51:04 That's attractive.
00:51:07 And because that's not been heard and taught,
00:51:11 there was never the attractiveness found in grace
00:51:19 because of the condemnation that came from our preaching in the
00:51:23 pulpit to try to get you to change by shaming you and making
00:51:29 you feel guilty and making you feel shameful and condemned.
00:51:36 You can't look at me like, "Oh, that's not the truth."
00:51:40 I know it's the truth.
00:51:40 I used to do it.
00:51:42 When offerings were low, Malachi 3 was my baby.
00:51:48 I had to go to Malachi 3.
00:51:50 You curse with a curse.
00:51:52 You done robbed God and the whole United States of America.
00:51:57 And you have not only robbed God the entire--you were crooked
00:52:05 offerings too.
00:52:09 Now let's receive the offering, praise the Lord.
00:52:13 I don't even see how we did it.
00:52:19 But the attractiveness of grace is God says, "I want you to be
00:52:24 generous in your giving, but I want to make sure it come out of
00:52:28 your heart, not out of a threat and a fear and shame in you.
00:52:34 Shame on you, you got a divorce.
00:52:41 Shame on you that you missed it last night.
00:52:46 Shame on you, you still smoking cigarettes.
00:52:50 Shame on you that you didn't show up for the Bible study on
00:52:56 Wednesday to help us feed the poor.
00:52:58 Shame, shame, shame.
00:53:00 And you can take so much of shame before you just don't want
00:53:04 to come near it no more.
00:53:06 "Hey, man, you going to church?"
00:53:10 I'm tired, I just--you don't know what to call it, but what
00:53:13 it was, I just don't feel like being shamed no more.
00:53:15 So, I'm just going to stay home with my shameful self, and I'm
00:53:21 going to sit in my shame.
00:53:25 Wake up, man.
00:53:30 How many things that God has done right in your face?
00:53:33 How many people he saved, and you know what they used to be
00:53:36 like, you know where they came from, and he saved them, and you
00:53:40 saw it.
00:53:43 And they may not be perfect and flawless, even though they got
00:53:48 saved, but who is?
00:53:50 I don't think it's right for you to take a young man or a young
00:53:56 woman who's struggling in their sexuality and condemn them to
00:53:59 hell.
00:54:01 I don't think it's right.
00:54:02 I don't care how much Bible you know.
00:54:04 I don't care how long you've been in the middle of church.
00:54:06 I don't care, 'cause you'll never know about it until the
00:54:09 visit's your front door.
00:54:11 I don't think it's right.
00:54:17 That's not my God.
00:54:19 That's that religious God over there somewhere.
00:54:23 All I know is God can help anybody wherever they are, no
00:54:26 matter what they're dealing with.
00:54:28 I trust in God.
00:54:30 I trust in God, and now we gotta learn how to trust God.
00:54:35 Why do you think that the journey means the journey can't
00:54:41 continue because you had a flat tire and you got two spares in
00:54:45 the trunk?
00:54:47 Why are we so quick to do that to people?
00:54:54 As we stand up for our self-righteousness, well, I'm not
00:54:57 that, at least I'm not as worse as they were.
00:54:59 You know, they done had three divorces.
00:55:00 I've been with the same wife for 50 years.
00:55:04 You know what that means?
00:55:05 She happy?
00:55:07 What that mean?
00:55:12 I am preaching this sermon today like it is the last sermon I
00:55:27 will ever have to preach to you.
00:55:30 I am preaching it today because I asked, as I was studying this,
00:55:36 if this was the last sermon I preach, what would it sound
00:55:43 like, this?
00:55:45 Cut the bull.
00:55:59 I don't know about this church.
00:56:00 I don't know if I can--the way he articulates and the stuff
00:56:05 that he says, it's too worldly.
00:56:08 Now you calling my sermon worldly.
00:56:10 Good, maybe you can understand it with your worldly self.
00:56:13 Maybe I did like God did, bought the law on the level of man.
00:56:20 I'm trying to bring a sermon on the level of people who've been
00:56:23 impacted by this world, who have experienced--oh, my goodness.
00:56:28 The trauma of living on this planet, the trauma of being
00:56:34 homeless, the trauma of being a different color by church folks.
00:56:46 It's just time for this--it's time for us to wake up.
00:57:13 It's time for you to look at yourself and say, "Who do I
00:57:19 think I am?"
00:57:22 For without you, I can't do nothing.
00:57:28 And when you see people going through stuff, ask God to give
00:57:36 you empathy.
00:57:42 Ask yourself, "Why are they there doing that?"
00:57:46 Get in their shoes just for a moment and wonder, wonder what
00:57:53 happened that brought them from being this innocent child to
00:57:58 killing somebody.
00:58:00 What trauma had to take place for them to be there?
00:58:07 And empathy should show up.
00:58:10 It should definitely show up from us.
00:58:14 The Bible says, "Allow room for the faults of others."
00:58:20 No empathy.
00:58:25 God, help us to have empathy.
00:58:27 Help us to know that people didn't just--they just weren't
00:58:31 born like that.
00:58:32 Something happened.
00:58:37 Show me what happened.
00:58:39 Show me how to address this thing.
00:58:40 Don't let me show up with this holier-than-thou arrogant
00:58:43 attitude.
00:58:43 Show me how to be empathetic and show me what to do.
00:58:49 I don't know how many years we got.
00:59:01 Nobody knows the day or the hour, but I'm going to tell you
00:59:06 something, I don't even ever ask me, "When you going to retire?"
00:59:12 It ain't going to happen.
00:59:17 I ain't going--I ain't retiring.
00:59:20 Okay, well, I can answer that.
00:59:21 When will I retire?
00:59:23 When I leave.
00:59:25 "Well, Ram, we want to hear somebody else."
00:59:29 Well, go to another church and hear somebody else, but as long
00:59:31 as you come here, you--this is what--I'm going to be right here
00:59:33 in this pulpit.
00:59:35 It ain't going nowhere.
00:59:41 'Cause the ministry in me hadn't even started yet.
00:59:49 Grobo Bo's shut up.
00:59:52 It's all coming together.
00:59:53 It's just now coming together.
00:59:55 I'm not looking back at what happened 40 years ago.
00:59:58 It's just now coming together.
01:00:00 My brain had just closed that 30, and then it was getting
01:00:03 cemented through my 30s.
01:00:05 And in my 40s, I was realizing that I don't know as much as I
01:00:08 thought I knew.
01:00:09 And in my 50s, I was just tired of everything and was ready to
01:00:13 quit every time you look around.
01:00:15 But, oh, the wine is getting better and better and better
01:00:19 and better.
01:00:21 You hadn't even got started yet.
01:00:24 You hadn't even got started yet, honey.
01:00:26 The best is yet to come.
01:00:32 And it's--you got to stop this thing of, "That ain't what I
01:00:38 want to hear."
01:00:44 Like, it's some type of--it's like McDonald's,
01:00:50 "Have it your way."
01:00:56 It ain't--some stuff, it ain't about what you want to hear.
01:01:00 Some of the stuff, you just got to sit there and take your
01:01:02 time.
01:01:02 Some of the stuff, it's got to be something you need to hear.
01:01:06 And then you go shop churches like you shop everything else
01:01:10 until you can find something that you like for a minute.
01:01:16 I'm free, man.
01:01:29 I love y'all, but ain't no way in the world we're going to
01:01:35 heaven, and you accuse me of not teaching what God told me to
01:01:39 teach.
01:01:40 You better be careful saying, "Well, we never did learn that."
01:01:43 I'm going to be right behind that throne.
01:01:44 Use a lie.
01:01:47 Now, I want to do something today.
01:01:54 I want you to prepare your offering.
01:01:59 This is really weird, but not that weird.
01:02:03 I want you to look at Psalms--put it up on the screen.
01:02:06 Psalms 96, verse 7 and 8 in the New Living Translation.
01:02:11 If you need an offering envelope, raise your hands.
01:02:15 Where's my offering?
01:02:19 Oh, here it is.
01:02:23 Jesus and I were talking about this.
01:02:25 Prepare while you're home.
01:02:28 Worship while you're home.
01:02:31 Don't have to wait till you get to church.
01:02:35 When you start taking this seriously, this is like, man,
01:02:38 this is vital part of my life, giving.
01:02:43 Those of you who are watching through the stream, I'm glad you
01:02:51 are not in bed, but get up and get your telephone so you can
01:02:54 participate in our giving.
01:02:56 Somebody said, "Waffle and coffee with Creflo."
01:03:03 Then I said, "It's offering time."
01:03:07 They said, "Well, I guess that's the end of the service."
01:03:09 Why has the enemy attacked this so much?
01:03:15 Because I believe it's going to be a major key in what's getting
01:03:17 ready to happen.
01:03:19 Psalm 96, let's look at it in the King James verse.
01:03:24 Ninety-six, verse 7 through 8, "Give unto the Lord, oh, you
01:03:37 kindreds of the people.
01:03:42 Give unto the Lord glory and strength."
01:03:45 I'm like, "Okay, so what do we do?
01:03:47 We lift our hands up.
01:03:48 What do we do?
01:03:49 We give unto the Lord glory and strength.
01:03:51 What does that mean?"
01:03:53 He says, "Give unto the Lord glory due unto his name."
01:03:56 How do we give unto the Lord glory due unto his name?
01:03:59 Bring an offering.
01:04:01 What?
01:04:05 For me to give glory to his name, he says, one way to do it
01:04:10 is to bring an offering and then come into his courts.
01:04:15 Verse 9, "Come into his courts and worship the Lord in the
01:04:20 beauty of holiness, reverencing before him all the earth.
01:04:32 Oh, worship the Lord."
01:04:35 Now I get what he was saying.
01:04:40 Giving is worship.
01:04:42 Somehow I--in my head I was like, "Well, let's do the
01:04:47 altar call so we can get people saved."
01:04:51 He said, "No, no, no.
01:04:52 Worship me.
01:04:54 Worship me.
01:04:57 Give me glory.
01:05:00 Give me glory for what you heard.
01:05:02 Give me glory for what the Spirit of God spoke through you.
01:05:05 Bring me an offering and worship me.
01:05:08 Continue to worship me.
01:05:10 I want what's in your heart.
01:05:12 I want to speak to you.
01:05:13 I want to be involved in your giving.
01:05:16 Worship me."
01:05:18 Giving is not a quick get-rich scheme.
01:05:25 It's--giving is a worship.
01:05:27 Taffi and I know, we've been doing it for over 40 years.
01:05:32 I remember when we got started, when we got that income
01:05:38 check from the government, IRS, you know, tax return.
01:05:43 It's the biggest check we've seen since we've been married.
01:05:48 I turned to her and I said, "Well, the Lord told you what to
01:05:50 do with this?"
01:05:51 And she asked me the same thing.
01:05:52 I said, "Yeah, he said we need to give it."
01:05:54 I said, "Well, that's what we're going to do."
01:05:59 And we didn't know it was worshiping God.
01:06:04 I'd heard throughout time the church people used to say that
01:06:12 giving is an act of worship.
01:06:13 I didn't know what that meant.
01:06:16 It means you allow God to get involved in your giving.
01:06:20 It means that you allow God to move you to give generously.
01:06:24 And I wrote my check this morning in my closet and I said,
01:06:32 "Lord, I praise you.
01:06:37 I thank you for healing me and I thank you for delivering me.
01:06:40 Oh, God, I thank you I can see with my eyes and hear with my
01:06:45 ears, and I give you glory."
01:06:50 See, it's not enough for me to have empty hands and give him
01:06:54 glory.
01:06:55 He said, "Bring an offering.
01:06:57 Give him glory."
01:07:00 And some of you who've been with me for a lot of these years,
01:07:02 you know this.
01:07:03 I'm concerned about the young generation that's coming in that
01:07:06 don't know this.
01:07:07 All they know is it's got to be something wrong when a preacher
01:07:12 talks about money.
01:07:13 Well, you know it's got to be something doubly wrong when a
01:07:15 preacher with the last name of Dollar Den talks about money.
01:07:17 That's why you got to see what the Scripture has to say.
01:07:20 If your offerings are ready, I'd like for the--or if you're giving
01:07:29 advice or if you're at home, I'd like to walk through this with
01:07:33 you.
01:07:35 Listen, and somebody said, "Pastor, I ain't got a dime."
01:07:39 Tear a piece of paper off real quick, and if you did have, how
01:07:43 much would you give if you did have?
01:07:45 Write it on that paper.
01:07:47 It's worship.
01:07:55 Lift your hands up with your offering in it and say this out
01:07:59 loud with me, "Father, I give you glory.
01:08:04 I give you glory that's due to you.
01:08:09 I worship you.
01:08:15 I worship you for your goodness, for your grace, and for all that
01:08:24 is to come.
01:08:26 You are my provider.
01:08:29 You are my leader.
01:08:33 You are my way out.
01:08:36 You are my God.
01:08:40 I give out of my heart, Lord.
01:08:46 Oh, glory to God.
01:08:50 I praise you.
01:08:52 I depend on you.
01:08:53 You're the one that I trust.
01:08:56 Everything will always be all right with me.
01:09:00 I've got seed in the ground.
01:09:02 I got you in my life, and I worship you.
01:09:04 I worship you."
01:09:12 De Anabasha.
01:09:18 Do you sense an anointing right now?
01:09:23 That's what this is.
01:09:25 It's worship.
01:09:29 De Anabasha.
01:09:43 Oh, what a presence.
01:09:45 Oh, that's what this is.
01:09:49 Oh, God forgive me.
01:09:51 That's what this is.
01:09:53 That's what this is, worship.
01:09:55 Oh, glory to God.
01:09:58 Be healed.
01:10:01 Somebody's getting healed right now.
01:10:03 Oh, God, somebody's being delivered right now.
01:10:23 Consuming fire, sweet perfume.
01:10:28 His awesome presence fills this room.
01:10:35 Consuming fire, sweet perfume.
01:10:48 His awesome presence fills this room.
01:10:53 This is holy ground.
01:11:03 This is holy ground.
01:11:13 This is holy ground.
01:11:18 So come and bow down.
01:11:40 Bow down and worship him.
01:11:45 Worship him.
01:11:53 Oh, worship him.
01:11:59 Bow down and worship him.
01:12:07 Enter in.
01:12:12 Oh, enter in.
01:12:18 Consuming fire, sweet perfume.
01:12:23 His awesome presence fills this room.
01:12:33 Consuming fire, sweet perfume.
01:12:38 His awesome presence fills this room.
01:12:52 This is holy ground.
01:13:02 This is holy ground.
01:13:07 This is holy ground.
01:13:17 This is holy ground.
01:13:31 This is holy ground.
01:13:36 This is holy ground.
01:13:46 This is holy ground.
01:13:56 If you're here and you've never received the baptism in the Holy
01:13:59 Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues,
01:14:02 you say, "Today is the day."
01:14:06 Or if you're here and you believe that God's calling you
01:14:09 to this church, this is your place called there,
01:14:12 and you believe that this is where you're supposed to join
01:14:15 today, today is the day.
01:14:19 Meet me at this altar.
01:14:21 Meet me at this place of change.
01:14:27 I've given you those four things.
01:14:29 I wish I could make the decision for you,
01:14:31 but you're a free moral agent.
01:14:32 I cannot, but you can.
01:14:38 Come on home today.
01:14:39 There are certain things that can't be fixed until you come
01:14:42 home, amen?
01:14:45 Come to Jesus today.
01:14:49 Come to Jesus today.
01:14:53 Come to Jesus today.
01:14:56 If any man hear my voice, come to Jesus today.
01:15:01 [speaking in tongues]
01:15:12 [applause]
01:15:17 [applause]
01:15:22 [applause]
01:15:25 Come on, come on.
01:15:26 Weary, wounded, sad, bring it on here.
01:15:29 God'll give you the faith while you're on your way.
01:15:31 Come on.
01:15:34 Come on, you're gonna be all right.
01:15:35 It's gonna be all right.
01:15:37 We trust him.
01:15:39 We trust him.
01:15:40 We trust him.
01:15:42 You're gonna be all right.
01:15:44 Amen.
01:15:46 [applause]
01:15:51 [applause]
01:15:56 [applause]
01:16:01 [applause]
01:16:06 [applause]
01:16:13 Man, I pray the Holy Ghost, the presence of God,
01:16:16 that you don't just sense it while you're in this building,
01:16:18 but I pray you have a sensing of the Holy Spirit all week long,
01:16:23 that he leads and talks to you and directs and guides your
01:16:26 life, everything's gonna be all right.
01:16:29 It will.
01:16:32 We don't give up.
01:16:32 We don't cave in.
01:16:33 We don't quit.
01:16:34 We're all coming together.
01:16:38 In Jesus' name, Father, I pray your anointing be upon these
01:16:41 precious people.
01:16:43 Lead them, guide them, show them what to do.
01:16:46 You've wired them for a purpose for a time such as this,
01:16:50 and I thank you that that time in their lives will be revealed
01:16:53 to them all is well.
01:16:55 In Jesus' name, everybody say it, amen.
01:16:59 Ladies and gentlemen, if you would turn this way and follow
01:17:02 these gentlemen to the prayer room,
01:17:03 we'll take your ministry till you give your biblical
01:17:05 understanding of how to obtain and maintain what you came to
01:17:08 receive, and we thank God that you will never be the same
01:17:13 again, amen.
01:17:15 Come on, church, give 'em a big hand clap.
01:17:17 We're just proud of 'em.
01:17:19 We're proud of 'em.
01:17:22 Amen.
01:17:24 Just a quick reminder before we dismiss the fathers and son,
01:17:28 brunch will be Saturday, June the 17th at 11 a.m.
01:17:32 The registration has been extended.
01:17:34 We've got new seating, capacity of 320,
01:17:37 some additional seats available.
01:17:38 Go ahead and register today to do it.
01:17:40 And also, there is a runoff election.
01:17:43 Early voting begins this weekend.
01:17:45 Candidate Mark Baker, Mark, are you here this morning?
01:17:50 He finished first in District 668 at the state house election,
01:17:54 and the runoff election is scheduled for June the 13th,
01:17:59 2023.
01:18:01 We're glad to have you with us today.
01:18:03 God bless you, sir, amen.
01:18:04 Congregation, would you please stand for the final blessing?
01:18:07 Thank y'all so much for coming out to church today and being
01:18:10 bold and strong, amen, and I just believe the best is yet to
01:18:15 come in your life.
01:18:18 Now unto him, the Spirit of grace that is upon you,
01:18:22 who will cause great mercy and great grace to be upon your
01:18:25 life, I pray divine protection over you,
01:18:28 your household, your family will be protected.
01:18:31 I pray the angels of God watch over you until we meet again.
01:18:35 May the God of all provision be upon you,
01:18:38 that there will be no lack in your life this week,
01:18:41 spiritually, physically, financially,
01:18:44 that all of your needs are met because of the power of your
01:18:48 belief in the Father.
01:18:50 And now unto him who is able to keep you from falling and to
01:18:53 present you faultless before the Almighty God,
01:18:56 be glory, majesty, dominion, and power both now and forever.
01:19:02 And everybody said amen.
01:19:05 God bless you.
01:19:06 Have a great day today.
01:19:11 Amen, amen.
01:19:14 This Word?
01:19:16 Today, the Word, the worship, I'm so full, Sylvester.
01:19:21 Listen, I'm gonna be honest, I had to compose myself
01:19:24 plenty of times.
01:19:25 Me too.
01:19:25 And this Word?
01:19:27 Yes.
01:19:28 Listen, I just wanna, of course,
01:19:30 thank everyone out there for joining us for service today.
01:19:33 If you do this favor, share this message with somebody.
01:19:38 Somebody, because this Word is life-changing.
01:19:41 Absolutely.
01:19:42 It's life-changing.
01:19:43 Amen.
01:19:44 What's something that you got out of today's service?
01:19:46 Something that I got out of today's service,
01:19:48 you know what?
01:19:49 And I was thinking about this when he was talking about
01:19:52 giving and he's talking about heaven and there's scriptures
01:19:55 about experiencing heaven on earth.
01:19:57 Heaven is an abundant place.
01:19:59 So whatever we have that we can give or that we do give,
01:20:03 it came from somewhere.
01:20:05 And I think that what a lot of people think is that when I
01:20:07 give, somebody is just gonna hand me money back.
01:20:09 Sometimes giving, that's the part I got where Dr. Dollar
01:20:12 was saying, it's causing blessings to break forth in
01:20:15 your business, in your family, at school,
01:20:18 people getting scholarships they didn't even apply for.
01:20:20 So I really took away knowing where my help comes from and
01:20:25 it's all coming together.
01:20:26 Amen.
01:20:27 That's good.
01:20:28 That's really good.
01:20:29 What did you get, Sylvester?
01:20:29 I mean, I got plenty of things, but let me--
01:20:32 I know it was hard for me to choose.
01:20:33 Listen, one part that especially stuck out to me was as far as
01:20:37 not letting that flat tire mess up your journey.
01:20:40 Because we're ultimately on a journey and it meant so much,
01:20:43 especially to me, because through life,
01:20:45 there's so many things that we do go through.
01:20:47 And sometimes it's easy to harp on them and even just take
01:20:50 your eyes off of what you know God is doing through you.
01:20:53 So don't let that flat tire mess up your journey.
01:20:56 And what he said, don't keep talking about it
01:20:58 after it's fixed.
01:20:59 Exactly.
01:21:00 You got a spare tire for a reason.
01:21:02 Keep on going.
01:21:03 Absolutely.
01:21:04 Man, I'm so ready to go back and play this.
01:21:06 I'm like, for real, like I'm ready to get back to the car,
01:21:09 hit play and ride home, listening to this word,
01:21:12 'cause man, it's so necessary to get filled up and poured on
01:21:15 the inside of you.
01:21:16 So when those times come up, you know what's gonna come out.
01:21:19 Absolutely.
01:21:20 And I feel so blessed to be able to sit within a ministry
01:21:23 that's not just word filled, but spirit filled.
01:21:27 When he said, I'm a big techie, I like technology
01:21:30 and I like AI.
01:21:31 When he said technology not filled with the Holy Spirit,
01:21:33 I'm like, yeah.
01:21:36 It may replace a person's job,
01:21:38 but it will never replace the Holy Spirit.
01:21:41 And how blessed are we, how blessed are you,
01:21:44 that even in the comfort of your home or your car or at work,
01:21:47 wherever you're tuning in, you're tuning into something
01:21:50 that's not just word filled, but spirit filled.
01:21:53 You can't get the spirit of God from nowhere but God.
01:21:56 So we are truly blessed today to have both of those things,
01:22:00 the word and the spirit.
01:22:01 Definitely.
01:22:02 So man, I'm blown away.
01:22:04 We don't wanna take too much more of your time,
01:22:06 but we do wanna, of course, remind you,
01:22:07 if you did not get an opportunity to give,
01:22:09 we do have a few different ways that you can give.
01:22:12 And just as Felicia was just mentioning,
01:22:14 God loves a cheerful giver.
01:22:15 And we know that also in 2 Corinthians 9, verses six and
01:22:18 seven, just that God loves a cheerful giver.
01:22:22 Like, and it says in the ESV that the point is this,
01:22:26 whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly,
01:22:29 and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.
01:22:32 Each one must give as he has decided in his heart,
01:22:34 not reluctantly or under compulsion,
01:22:37 for God loves a cheerful giver.
01:22:40 Listen.
01:22:41 Yes, and you know what, Sylvester,
01:22:42 the interesting thing about that scripture,
01:22:43 I used to read it and it talks about you sow bountifully,
01:22:47 you reap bountifully, you sow sparingly,
01:22:49 you reap sparingly, and it's kind of looking ahead
01:22:52 to what's to come, but the revelation God has given me
01:22:55 through this ministry and what Dr. Dollar has been teaching.
01:22:57 The reason why I'm happy to give anyway is because
01:23:00 God put something in my hand to share.
01:23:02 - Amen.
01:23:03 So listen, if you did not get an opportunity to give,
01:23:06 again, we have just a few ways.
01:23:08 One, you can simply text the word worldchangers,
01:23:11 leave a space, and then your amount to 74483.
01:23:14 You can also call in your gifts to 866-477-7683.
01:23:19 You can mail them in to 2500 Burdett Road,
01:23:22 College Park, Georgia, 30349.
01:23:24 Or of course, being online, you can do so at
01:23:26 worldchangers.org or carefuloftheallaministries.org.
01:23:29 - Yes, and while you are giving,
01:23:31 and even after you're giving,
01:23:32 there's some important things that we also want you
01:23:35 to take away that's coming up,
01:23:36 and if you're in a city near where these things
01:23:39 are taking place, we invite you,
01:23:41 come offline and come in person and worship with us.
01:23:44 - That's right, so first up,
01:23:45 and we just have two simple quick announcements.
01:23:47 First up, we do have the last stop
01:23:49 of our Change Experience Tour.
01:23:52 If you're in the Charlotte area,
01:23:53 we will be there this Friday, June 9th.
01:23:56 We'll be in Charlotte, North Carolina for the final stop
01:23:59 of the 2023 Change Experience Tour.
01:24:02 So if you would like to register,
01:24:04 simply text the word change2023 to 51555,
01:24:09 or you can log on to carefuloftheallaministries.org today,
01:24:12 and we're gonna see you in Charlotte this Friday.
01:24:14 - Yes, come on out to Charlotte if you can,
01:24:17 and let's say you can't make it to Charlotte,
01:24:18 but you can make it in person to the ATL.
01:24:22 - Say what now? - Okay, the ATL.
01:24:24 So are you coming home?
01:24:26 We are inviting you to Grace Life Conference 2023,
01:24:31 homecoming, so make sure that you're registered.
01:24:34 Registration is completely free,
01:24:36 but we need to make sure that we prepare
01:24:37 for all of the amazing people
01:24:39 that's gonna be in the building.
01:24:40 So reserve your seat online by going to www.worldchangers.org
01:24:45 or call 1-866-477-7683.
01:24:51 And this is happening July 13th through July 15th,
01:24:57 and there is some amazing people.
01:24:58 There's special performances from Ty Trivett,
01:25:01 JJ Harrison, William Murphy, and other special guests.
01:25:05 And I'll let Sylvester tell you about the speakers
01:25:08 so I don't get too excited.
01:25:10 - I mean, I'm already beyond excited,
01:25:11 but the speakers that we have, of course,
01:25:13 we have our very own Dr. Dollar and Pastor Taffy.
01:25:15 We have Mimi Haddad.
01:25:16 We have, excuse me, Greg Dekal, Clarence McClendon.
01:25:21 We have Michael Smith,
01:25:23 and we also just got added Enki Johnson.
01:25:25 - Enki Johnson, yes. - A special service
01:25:27 just for the men.
01:25:28 Like, listen, Grace Life Homecoming.
01:25:32 It's time to come on home, World Changers.
01:25:34 Come on home.
01:25:35 - July 13th through the 15th. - July 13th through the 15th.
01:25:37 - You gonna be there, Sylvester?
01:25:38 - Oh, I'm gonna be there.
01:25:39 - I know you and your family are gonna be there.
01:25:41 I'm definitely planning to be in the building,
01:25:42 and we hope that we get to meet some of you in person.
01:25:45 So come on out to ATL Georgia, July 13th through the 15th.
01:25:49 - That's right, that's right.
01:25:50 So we're about to let y'all go ahead and get y'all Sunday.
01:25:54 Get your Sunday on, get your feeding on,
01:25:56 get a nap in, whatever you gotta do.
01:25:58 But make this day be great,
01:26:00 and let this be an amazing week for you, amen?
01:26:02 - Yes, God has something good in store for you,
01:26:05 and we're so happy that we get a chance
01:26:07 to announce that and remind you of it.
01:26:08 So as you log off, make sure that you stay logged
01:26:11 into the spirit all week until we come back here again
01:26:14 next Sunday. - That's right.
01:26:15 - Thank you. - Thank you.
01:26:17 Y'all have a great Sunday.
01:26:18 - Bye.
01:26:18 - Grace Life Homecoming is a few days away,
01:26:23 and it is live and in person only
01:26:26 at the World Dome in College Park, Georgia,
01:26:28 July 13th to 15th.
01:26:30 Time is running out, so register for your free seat today.
01:26:34 Joining Creflo and Taffi Dollar are Clarence McClendon,
01:26:37 Gregory Dickow, Michael Smith, and Mimi Haddad,
01:26:41 plus musical guests Ty Tribbett, William Murphy,
01:26:44 JJ Hairston, and more.
01:26:46 The whole family is invited.
01:26:48 Bring your kids, teens, and friends with you.
01:26:51 - Outside of Grace, there's no life.
01:26:53 That's why you come to Grace Life.
01:26:54 It's transformative, it renews the way you think.
01:26:57 - In two hours, I've got more answers
01:27:01 than I have of years of crying and begging
01:27:04 and praying out to God.
01:27:05 - Text Grace Life to 51555, scan the QR code,
01:27:10 visit worldchangers.org, or call 1-866-477-7683.
01:27:15 Don't miss this Summer of Grace.
01:27:19 - What if we could take every groundbreaking message
01:27:24 on Grace, all the life-changing sessions from conferences,
01:27:28 and every radical interview with the stars
01:27:31 and those with inspirational stories that moved us,
01:27:34 and share them with you 24 hours a day?
01:27:38 Now we can.
01:27:40 This is our network.
01:27:41 It can all be found here.
01:27:43 Changing your world network.
01:27:45 Streaming hope, grace, and the wisdom of God
01:27:48 with simplicity and understanding, 24 hours a day,
01:27:52 seven days a week, for free.
01:27:55 Download the Creflo Dollar Ministries app
01:27:57 on your smart TV and streaming devices.
01:28:00 Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, and Begin Streaming,
01:28:05 changing your world 24-hour network through the app today.
01:28:10 Visit cyn.tv for more information now.
01:28:15 (upbeat music)
01:28:20 ♪ Whoa, change the world ♪
01:28:25 ♪ I'm a world changer ♪
01:28:31 ♪ Changing the world everywhere I go ♪
01:28:34 ♪ I'm a world changer ♪
01:28:39 ♪ Anointed with the power of the Holy Ghost ♪
01:28:42 ♪ I'm a world changer ♪
01:28:46 ♪ Telling the world of God's saving grace ♪
01:28:50 ♪ I'm a world changer ♪
01:28:54 ♪ Making a mark that can't be erased ♪
01:28:59 ♪ For God has equipped us to go higher ♪
01:29:03 ♪ To make a mark that cannot be erased ♪
01:29:08 (upbeat music)
01:29:10 [BLANK_AUDIO]
