00:00 Hey guys, it's Tiffy. I wanted to do a video of a makeup tutorial because Allie had given me some advice to start putting YouTube videos up and she kinda inspired me to do the whole makeup tutorial so that's what I'm going to be doing.
00:16 So I hope you guys like the video.
00:17 The first product I'm going to be using is a primer. It's the Base Perfector Primer by Shea Cover. I'll get you to kinda look at it. It's really good, it's really useful, so yeah.
00:29 Next one I'm going to use is my True Match L'Oreal foundation. It works really well. I like that it's a liquid instead of a solid because powder doesn't really work on my face. So I feel like it works really well.
00:47 The next one I'm going to use next is my eyeshadow. I'm going to use a Avon eyeshadow palette. It looks like this. I like to use a brown color because it's kinda natural and it just works really well.
01:02 Next I'm going to use my absolute most favorite mascara. It's called Too Faced Better Than Sex. I got it from Sephora and it works really well. I really like the effect it has on my eyes.
01:19 Last but not least I will be doing my MAC lip liner and MAC lipstick. I love these colors even though I just got them. I really love them. They work really well with my skin and I just really like them.
01:35 And there you have it. This is my makeup tutorial video. This is for natural face, natural makeup, just an everyday type of thing. Thank you guys so much for watching.
01:52 (upbeat music)