• last year
00:00 Welcome to the second episode of Animal Battle.
00:02 This episode's candidates for the title of the best mammal in the world are another two
00:06 big cats which look pretty similar but have different amazing abilities.
00:11 Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to present you with two ferocious felons, the Jaguar
00:17 versus the Leopard.
00:19 Also stick until the end of the video to find out who is the winner of the last battle between
00:23 the lion and the tiger.
00:25 Let's do it.
00:26 I'm Mario and this is Animal Battle.
00:28 The winner of Animal Battle isn't necessarily the strongest, because we are going to evaluate
00:39 all of them based on six different characteristics, agility, attack, defense, intelligence, bonus
00:46 skill and survival.
00:47 So let's start.
00:48 Before we find out which of our two competitors is better, we need to be able to differentiate
00:53 them.
00:54 There are two main differences between Jaguars and Leopards.
00:57 First of all, looking at their coats, we can observe that both of them have spots and rosettes,
01:00 but the Jaguar can have one or several dots inside the rosettes.
01:04 Unfortunately, during your trip to Uganda, you might not be able to see if the large
01:07 felid in front of you has dots inside its rosettes.
01:10 So how do you tell if it's a Leopard or a Jaguar?
01:13 Well, it's a Leopard, because Leopards live in the savannas and jungles from Africa and
01:17 Eastern and Southern Asia, while Jaguars can only be found in Central and South American
01:21 jungles.
01:22 Also, while both of them are classified in the genus Panthera, Leopards are more closely
01:26 related to Lions than to Jaguars.
01:29 Now that we can differentiate them, let's take a look at their stats.
01:32 Let's talk about agility.
01:34 The Leopard can reach speeds of up to 58 km/h, which is not bad, while the Jaguar can run
01:39 with a speed of
 well, I don't really know that.
01:42 I couldn't find anything about the Jaguar's speed on the internet, so I decided to search
01:46 in
 books, but it seems like those were written before the apparition of the first
01:50 mammals.
01:52 We can approximate the Jaguar's speed to that of a Leopard or maybe less, but this
01:56 doesn't really matter because both the Jaguar and the Leopard are stalkers rather than chasers
02:00 like Lions and Cheetahs.
02:02 Also, Leopards are the strongest climbers of all the big cats.
02:05 They are designed for that having long and strong back legs for big jumps while the shorter
02:09 forelimbs have shoulder blades positioned to the side to provide space for better climbing.
02:15 Jaguars can also climb trees, although not as good.
02:18 But what gives them a lot of points is the fact that they are exceptional swimmers, feeling
02:22 as good in water as on the ground, while Leopards prefer to avoid swimming.
02:27 So Leopards have pretty high agility stats, but Jaguars are the winners at this category
02:31 because they dominate arboreal, terrestrial and aquatic zones.
02:35 Looking at their intelligence stats, we can observe that they are pretty high.
02:38 This is due to the fact that Leopards and Jaguars are predators and hunting needs a
02:42 higher level of intelligence.
02:44 Some might argue that one is more intelligent because it has a bigger brain, but it is not
02:48 necessarily true.
02:49 Whales have bigger brains than humans, but are not so intelligent, so we can say that
02:53 the intelligence level of Jaguars and Leopards are pretty much the same.
02:57 So let's move on to attack and defense stats.
03:00 Here is where things become more interesting.
03:02 Leopards have a head and body length of 90 to 190 cm and a long 60 to 100 cm tail.
03:10 Male Leopards can weigh between 37 and 90 kg.
03:14 Jaguars have a head and body length of 112 to 185 cm and a short 45 to 75 cm tail.
03:22 Although they are not as long as Leopards, they are heavier, weighing 56 to 96 kg.
03:27 This means that Jaguars are technically larger and sturdier than Leopards and can be a little
03:31 bit more powerful.
03:32 Both of them have very interesting hunting techniques.
03:35 As I mentioned earlier, they are both stalk and ambush predators.
03:39 Leopards can attack the prey jumping from a tree from above.
03:42 That must have hurt.
03:43 They can also get very close to the prey through tall grass, being camouflaged, and being able
03:47 to move without making a sound.
03:49 For this they use their feet pads under their paws, which act like silencers.
03:53 They can hunt during the night because they have very good night vision and can take advantage
03:57 of the fact that monkeys can't see in the dark.
04:00 They bite the prey's throat to suffocate it.
04:03 Leopards can hunt over 100 different species from ungulates to monkeys.
04:07 And if you think that the Leopards' attacks are cool, wait until you see the Jaguar in
04:11 action.
04:12 Jaguars kill any vertebrate in Central and South America, having a preference for large
04:16 prey.
04:17 They can hunt deers, tapirs, peccaries, dogs, capybaras, adult caimans, and sometimes even
04:23 anaconda using their remarkable vision.
04:26 Jaguars can even see a target obscured by camouflage or hiding in water.
04:30 And after a jaguar spots the prey, it jumps.
04:32 They can also swim and sneak behind a caiman and then attacks it.
04:36 The caiman has no chance of survival because the jaguar has a different killing technique.
04:40 Instead of biting the neck, it bites directly through the skull to deliver a fatal bite
04:44 to the prey.
04:45 The jaguar can do this because it has the strongest bite from all the large cats.
04:51 Well I think it can't, but the jaguar is definitely a great hunter.
04:54 But we should not forget about competition.
04:56 While leopards can defeat a cheetah, they are no match for tigers, lions, bears, crocodiles
05:01 and groups of hyenas.
05:02 Fortunately, they can avoid their foot being stolen, dragging it into a tree.
05:06 Jaguars?
05:07 They don't have any competition being the largest cats in the new world.
05:11 Overall they have great attack stats.
05:13 The jaguar being slightly better due to its powerful bite and is winning a defense due
05:17 to their lack of competition.
05:19 Let's move on to bonus skills.
05:20 As I said earlier, the leopard has a cute sense of hearing and night vision.
05:24 But the same applies to jaguars, plus the fact that they can spot the target which is
05:27 camouflaged or in water.
05:29 Also both of them have their spotted coats which are used for camouflage.
05:32 Even though yellow and black colored coats don't seem to be good in green jungles, they
05:36 can actually reflect the sunlight making jaguars and leopards hard to spot.
05:40 Now comes the cool part.
05:41 Some jaguars and leopards can be born melanistic, which makes them entirely black, becoming
05:45 black panthers.
05:46 This means that black panthers don't exist as a different species and neither do pink
05:51 ones.
05:52 Melanism in jaguars is actually quite frequent, 6% of them being black panthers.
05:56 Due to natural selection, melanistic leopards don't survive in savannas, but in some jungles
06:00 where it is dark, they can be very abundant.
06:04 When I first heard of this, I realized that my whole life was a lie.
06:07 At least I don't struggle with survival, which is what we are going to talk about next.
06:11 Leopards are listed as a vulnerable species, losing 75% of their historical range due to
06:16 severe hunting.
06:17 The same happened to jaguars, which have lost about 37% of their historical range and are
06:22 listed as near threatened species.
06:24 Seeing that jaguars and leopards are such amazing animals, I can't imagine why would
06:28 people want to kill them just for their coats.
06:30 So share this video with your friends, family, babushka, to see how magnificent these felids
06:35 are.
06:36 And don't forget to write in the comments down below or vote on twitter who do you think
06:40 is the winner and I will announce it in the next episode of Animal Battle.
06:43 The link is in the description.
06:45 Now I will announce the winner of the battle between the lion and the tiger.
06:49 It was a very tough decision.
06:50 Both lion and tiger fans had very strong arguments, but just one of them can't compete further
06:55 for the title "the best mammal in the world".
06:58 So after counting all the votes, the winner is

07:03 The tiger!
07:04 An incredible animal with very high agility, attack and defense stats.
07:09 It was very close and I know that there are many lion fans which are going to be upset,
07:13 but even though the tiger is the one going further, lions are still impressive animals
07:18 and we should understand that all animals are amazing.
07:20 So once again, don't forget to vote for this episode's winner.
07:23 Respect animals!
