is a captivating video that sets the stage for an intriguing mystery. The video begins with breathtaking shots of a rugged cliffside overlooking a vast expanse of shimmering blue ocean. The atmosphere is filled with an air of suspense as haunting music plays in the background.
Court métrageTranscription
00:00 *musique*
00:02 *musique*
00:04 *musique*
00:06 Which makes you unknowable
00:08 I don't wanna play, the game is over
00:14 Memories fade away
00:18 There's nothing else to say
00:23 It's just another day
00:25 Dreaming of a place we'd go together
00:30 Breathing in the air like as a feather
00:35 Just another day
00:37 [Générique de fin]