• 2 years ago
This video presentation reviews the major historical events of the life of Imam Hossein (AS) and gives a preview of the complicated, political and unfortunate series of events that led to his martyrdom.

Table of Contents:
00:00 Intro
00:15 Birth
01:30 Prophet's Relationship
02:33 Mubahilah (The Cursing of the Untruthful)
03:24 Prophet's Demise
03:49 Lady Fatima's Martyrdom
04:21 Third Caliph
05:06 Battle of Jamal (Camel)
05:40 Battle of Siffin
07:22 Imam Ali's Martyrdom
08:26 Imam Hasan's Government
09:26 Imam Hasan's Martyrdom
10:48 During Muawiyah
13:24 Allegiance for Yazid
15:24 Imam in Medina
17:31 Migration to Mecca
20:53 Imam in Mecca
23:26 Muslim ibn Aqeel in Kufa
27:50 Imam Towards Kufa
33:49 Imam in Karbala
37:57 The Day of Ashura (The Tenth of Muharram)
47:33 Conclusion
