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00:00 So Jordy came up to me and he said
00:02 Martijn, you can always ask me anything
00:06 and I will answer
00:08 So I did, I wrote down all the most asked questions that I see in the comments
00:12 and I asked them to Jordy
00:13 If you have any other questions, please do leave them below because we will do more of these Q&A's
00:17 Enjoy the video
00:18 Alright Jordy
00:19 Hello
00:20 You ready for it?
00:21 Yeah, hit me
00:22 What's your biggest goal in life?
00:24 My biggest goal in life? Wow, what a question
00:28 My biggest goal in life is to die happy
00:35 and to live a joyful and fulfilling life for the rest of my life
00:42 Does that make any sense?
00:43 Are you working on that right now?
00:45 I'm always working on it, I'm always living it, I'm always doing it
00:48 I think I used to have goals like I want to have a big house, I want to have 10 million subscribers
00:54 and very quickly, well very quickly, after a few years I realized that I had those things
00:59 and they were always bigger goals
01:01 So you can always have a bigger house, you can always have more subscribers, you can always have more money
01:05 you can always have a bigger boat
01:06 So I did some crazy intense soul searching
01:10 I found the joy and love in the journey towards those goals
01:14 Who's your favorite YouTuber?
01:16 Oh, my favorite YouTuber right now
01:19 Yes
01:21 I have a few
01:23 I respect a lot of YouTubers, right?
01:26 I have a lot of respect for PewDiePie, I have a lot of respect for MrBeast
01:30 A bunch of YouTubers I've got a lot of respect
01:33 but I wouldn't say they're my favorite that I watch
01:36 because I'm pretty sure that's what you're asking, right?
01:38 What's the guy that you literally like binge watch?
01:40 Who's the guy that when he posts a video, and it's a guy, it's not really a girl
01:45 it's called ColdFusion
01:48 If you had to move, what country would you pick and why?
01:51 What country would I pick?
01:53 A question I've asked myself many times
01:55 I 100% if I had to move, if I would have to leave my life behind here in Amsterdam
02:02 I would 100% in a heartbeat move to Spain
02:05 just chill, just relax and forget about everything
02:08 and then as a second choice, if Spain wouldn't be allowed
02:13 I would move to Japan
02:15 Yeah
02:17 Yeah, just as a new start, a fresh start, an adventure
02:21 just to see wherever I end up
02:23 What's the situation between you and Hasan, Tiger?
02:28 Oh man, we really have to talk about this?
02:30 Yes
02:31 We're friends!
02:32 Nice!
02:33 Yeah, so behind the scenes what happened is
02:38 we had a falling out and unfortunately this was taken public
02:43 which is always a risk and it happened at the time
02:48 I wish we were able to solve it privately
02:51 but Hasan took things publicly and we were kinda...
02:56 we kinda had beef and not too long after that
03:00 we slowly picked up communication again
03:04 and Hasan once called me up and he needed advice
03:07 let's just say that, it was too personal but he needed advice
03:10 he very much appreciated that and since then
03:14 yeah, we're still very good friends
03:17 we hang out every now and then
03:19 we work together on a few things together
03:21 not too long ago
03:23 he can come over and chill any time and he knows this
03:28 and Gizmo knows this too
03:31 Okay Jordy, this is the most asked question
03:35 you probably already know what I'm gonna ask
03:39 Alright, hit me
03:40 Are you ever going to record with Jelly and Slogo again?
03:44 Listen, we just did! What do you mean?
03:46 I mean like a game video, like a race
03:49 Probably, I guess, I don't know, I don't mind
03:52 Would you be down?
03:54 If they'd ask me, sure
03:56 but no, I love Jelly and Slogo, they're great guys
04:00 but yeah, it's tricky if I have to go and fly over to wherever they are
04:08 but yeah, I'm definitely not against it
04:10 but I'm also not actively pursuing it
04:13 like I said, love the guys, keep doing what you're doing guys
04:18 and who knows, maybe GTA 6 for sure
04:22 I think that would be a hilarious one
04:25 that would be huge
04:27 This is Alex, my bonsai
04:31 I recently acquired him and I'm gonna see how well I can take care of Alex
04:36 Yeah, he still looks alive
04:38 He still looks alive, which is fantastic
04:40 That's his bigger brother
04:42 Brother?
04:43 It doesn't really have a name
04:45 Hit me with the next question
04:47 Yeah, so this question is a little different
04:49 I know that at this point, I believe you were in the Maldives
04:54 taking a break from a very, very busy period in your life
04:59 and then this certain YouTuber made a video on you
05:03 SunnyV2
05:05 Oh, I went to France
05:07 Oh, you were in France
05:08 Yes
05:09 So, what was your first reaction when you figured out that he made a video on you?
05:13 So, there were two things
05:15 Honest reaction
05:16 Honest reaction
05:17 I was in the queue, boarding my plane to go on holiday
05:23 and I was exhausted, because I like to work very hard and then go on holiday
05:28 and this was like an assassination attempt
05:32 Then, I was in the plane and I was watching the video
05:35 and I was watching it and I was like
05:38 Oh, okay, it's not bad at all, first of all
05:42 and I was slightly annoyed by the fact that there were so many inaccurate statements
05:49 There were so many assumptions, which you know, you certainly are allowed to do
05:55 but definitely be aware of an assumption isn't necessarily the reality
06:01 A lot of, like I said, facts that weren't correct
06:05 and I'm sitting in the plane and the second big thing that I was thinking of was
06:10 I think, you know, yes, the SunnyV2 video was an entertaining piece
06:16 It directed at me, yet what he probably and his team weren't aware of
06:23 or that, you know, like I have people whose lives depend on the brand that I've built throughout the year
06:31 So, not only are you attacking me, you're actually attacking Martijn, for example
06:36 and Sam and a bunch of other guys at the office
06:39 and some guys who have kids, Jordi, my personal assistant
06:44 He has kids, he was taken care of
06:47 So, yeah, once again, thank you everyone
06:50 and I hope that it shares a good insight in what's up
06:56 Alright, final question
06:58 If there was one question that you could ask to everyone who's watching you
07:03 What would the question be?
07:06 The question I would love to know
07:09 because obviously it would help me creatively, it would help Martijn creatively
07:14 but also it would spread joy and love
07:20 is what is your absolute number one memory of me?
07:26 Maybe you said, hey, listen, I once ran into you on the streets
07:31 We took a picture and, you know, that was so much fun
07:34 or I used to watch you all these years and I ran into you
07:36 But yeah, I would love to know that
07:39 So, let me know in the comment section below
07:41 and while you're there, don't forget to ask me a question for the next Q&A
07:45 because I think we're gonna do some more Q&A's
07:47 Yes, yes, yes, and ask anything
07:49 Ask anything, literally anything
07:51 and the ones, the top comments we're gonna pick and we're gonna answer
07:55 No filter
07:56 You have to answer them
07:57 I have to answer them
07:58 Like, I don't vet these questions, Martijn just throws them at me
08:02 and I have to answer them on the spot
08:04 So, yeah, I think that's the video
08:06 Thank you so much for watching
08:07 If you enjoyed it, drop a like, leave a comment, subscribe
08:12 and we'll see you in the next one