Cruise l Makeup Tuturoial

  • last year
00:03 Hi.
00:15 This makeup video is going to be about the type of makeup
00:19 that I'm going to be doing nightly on the cruise
00:21 whenever we have dinners and stuff.
00:23 And I hope you like it.
00:26 So I'm going to take this foundation
00:28 and shake up the bottle to make sure everything is even.
00:32 It's L'Oreal True Match, and it works very well.
00:35 And the coverage, I'd say, isn't too heavy,
00:37 but isn't too light either.
00:40 It covers all of your dark spots and your acne, mostly.
00:46 And you just want to pat it all over.
00:48 And also, you don't want to forget to get your neck
00:53 and make sure it blends in with the rest of your skin
00:55 so whenever you take pictures, it
00:57 doesn't look all crazy.
01:00 Oh, and get those eye bags too.
01:02 Next, I'm going to cover up my acne
01:19 with a little bit more than the rest of my face.
01:26 Then I'm going to take my brow pencil
01:28 that my aunt got from Korea.
01:29 Not exactly sure what brand it is.
01:32 I'll check later if you really care.
01:34 And I'm going to take this and fill in my brows.
01:37 They're a little thick, so I only have to use a little bit.
01:41 But whenever I do, I take my spoolie
01:44 and I'm going to brush it all out
01:46 so that it gets a little more coverage all over, especially
01:50 towards the ends because that's where my eyebrows start.
01:53 I am losing definition.
01:55 This is an art, people.
02:10 All right, now that I'm done with my bushy eyebrows,
02:20 on to the next.
02:22 I like to do my eyeliner after I do my eyebrows.
02:25 And I always do winged eyeliner.
02:29 Some people call it cat eyeliner.
02:31 Call it whatever you want.
02:33 And yeah.
02:36 If you can't see this, then-- if you can't see it that well,
02:42 I can re-film it if you want me to and do a different tutorial
02:46 on this specific thing.
02:47 Bless you.
02:48 My sister is sitting right next to me and she's laughing.
02:52 And Kylie.
02:53 So yeah, when you do this, make sure
03:01 that towards the inner corners of your eyes
03:05 that it's less thick.
03:06 And then when you get towards the outside,
03:08 you want to make it more defined.
03:19 Got to go over it a little because it's running out.
03:22 Well, I'm running out of liquid eyeliner,
03:24 so I'm going to have to get more of that.
03:26 And now it's time to apply the falsies.
03:38 So I like to use the ones that are a little bit more
03:41 on the natural side.
03:42 They're not too long, not too thick,
03:44 and they look just right.
03:46 And I like to use this better than mascara
03:49 because you can just pull it right off in the shower.
03:51 Well, not literally just pull it right off,
03:54 but it takes a little time.
03:55 Don't rip it right off because you'll probably
03:57 rip some of your eyelashes out.
04:00 So whenever I apply the glue, I put it on the entire thing,
04:03 but I don't want to put too much because it'll
04:05 be hard to take off the night of.
04:09 And I like to use Duo lash adhesive.
04:13 And it looks white right now, but whenever you put it on
04:15 and it dries, it's going to dry clear, so don't worry about it.
04:18 And you want to make sure you put it as close
04:24 to the inner corner of your eyes so that it aligns perfectly
04:30 because if you put it too much on the outside,
04:32 then it's going to not even line your eye.
04:35 It's going to be outside your eyelid,
04:37 and you're going to look like a crazy person.
04:42 So I've got to make it even, do the other eye,
04:52 and look at the difference.
04:54 Eyeliner really makes your eyes pop,
05:00 and adding these fake lashes will make it look even bigger.
05:07 There's a second one.
05:12 And bam, we're done.
05:20 Just kidding.
05:21 Next, we have to blend your normal lashes
05:27 in with the fake lashes.
05:29 I didn't want to use mascara because that makes it way
05:32 harder to take off, and if you want to reuse your lashes,
05:34 then you shouldn't use mascara.
05:37 Next, I'm going to take this Bare Minerals Concealer Powder.
05:46 I'm going to put it over the few blemishes that I have today
05:51 just to give it more coverage, and it
05:54 will look better in pictures.
06:01 And I have a blush stick from e.l.f.,
06:04 but I also have this Neutrogena blush that I found
06:07 was way more effective.
06:09 And this, I'm just going to take a brush, a blush brush,
06:14 and brush it across my cheeks.
06:16 And you make sure you blend it really well,
06:18 or else you're going to look like someone
06:20 just scratched your face.
06:22 I don't know.
06:23 I turn really red when people scratch me,
06:24 so there's a reasoning behind that.
06:32 And now I'm going to apply a lip liner
06:38 and then put on some lip gloss.
06:41 And I'm going to blend in the liner
06:43 into the inner side of my lips so that it doesn't look
06:46 too dramatic on the outside.
06:49 And that way, it looks more natural or regular,
06:54 so you don't look like a chola.
06:59 And to finish this look, I'm going to grab some earrings.
07:07 And these are harder to put on than they look, so.