Everyday MAC Makeup Tutorial, Pt 1

  • last year
00:00 Hi, we're doing desperate makeup.
00:02 So we're going to start with a little bit of eye cream.
00:04 This is a 217 brush, but you can do this with your fingers.
00:09 We go just adding all of this in here.
00:11 Really nice and smooth.
00:16 Buff it in.
00:17 Now we're going to use the next brush, which
00:21 is the 252 large shader brush.
00:24 We're going to use the Bare Canvas Eye Paint.
00:28 I'm going to take just a touch of it.
00:30 I'm going to glide it on her lid, just like this.
00:35 Just smudge right up.
00:38 Put a little bit on there.
00:40 So go from one side, and then the other side.
00:51 Grab a touch more.
00:53 Dry it out.
00:54 Sorry.
00:56 I'm just doing it for protection.
01:00 I'm actually going both ways.
01:03 And then blend it up a little.
01:05 Flip the brush.
01:06 So I had it this way, and then I went this way.
01:09 And then I'm going to bring it up a little into the crease.
01:13 I'm going to go to the other side, the clean side,
01:16 and just pick up any excess.
01:19 Just make sure it glides on really smooth.
01:21 Perfect.
01:21 Thank you for explaining it.
01:23 Of course.
01:23 That's the most important thing.
01:25 So now we're going to go into the crease color.
01:28 So we're going to go in first with the brush.
01:32 224, blending brush.
01:35 It's a little tapered brush.
01:36 And this is the soft brown.
01:37 So I'm going to go around in a circle and tap it off.
01:40 You just want to keep it at the very top of the head
01:43 of the brush.
01:44 What you're going to do is you can see her crease is right in.
01:48 That's her brow bone.
01:49 Her crease is all in here.
01:51 It's this yummy peachy color.
01:53 I'm going to go in there.
01:55 So I'm going to blend it in.
01:57 Now, these are the tight little circles.
01:59 So you're going to keep the brush in place,
02:01 not lifting it from the skin, and then blending it upward.
02:05 Blend it up onto the brow bone.
02:07 Blend it down into the corner of the eye.
02:10 I'm going to add a little bit.
02:13 So it's a really soft wash peachy color.
02:16 We're going to use this color called
02:18 Shroom with the 239 flat brush.
02:20 So you're going to take the color and just place it
02:23 all over the lid, one direction.
02:26 Take a little bit more, and then go the other direction.
02:30 Just-- you're going to use it to what you're comfortable with.
02:34 Just so you get a little bit of color on the lid
02:36 so it pops forward.
02:38 Nice.
02:39 Just give you a little bit more right in the back.
02:43 Beautiful.
02:46 Now we're going to do the brows.
02:47 Hi.
02:50 So with the brows, we're going to take
02:52 Coquette with the 266 angle brush.
02:57 Tap it in there.
02:58 Practice, practice.
03:00 Starting at the base, lifting up.
03:04 So you're going to take it, flick it upward.
03:07 And you want to just make sure you get this crazy angle.
03:10 Move your hand to the side.
03:14 And you're going to move it upward,
03:16 and then you're going to take it downward,
03:18 using the whole side of the brush.
03:21 Again, we're going to start here at the base,
03:24 bring it up, and then down.
03:28 Just turn for me a touch.
03:30 All right, perfect.
03:32 So again, up, and then down.
03:35 You can build it up as you start to fill in the brow.
03:39 You can get it right to the top.
03:46 Just take your time doing this, and make
03:48 sure you get the angle coming down.
03:50 There we go.
03:53 Now if you want to do the brow with the pencil,
04:01 just fill it in a little bit at the base,
04:04 and then follow it down.
04:07 This is only if you really want this crazy sharp brow
04:10 that your sister has.
04:12 Beautiful.
04:13 Great.
04:14 So now we're going to go to the next step, which
04:16 is the highlight.
04:18 So we're going to take the matte colored vanilla,
04:20 the same 239 brush.
04:22 We're going to take a little bit up there.
04:25 We're going to just take the very, very top of the brush
04:27 and pop it right at the apex, the top point of the brow,
04:30 and kind of pull it straight down,
04:33 and pull it the other way.
04:36 We'll do it again.
04:37 Take it right at the top there, pull it this way,
04:40 pull it that way, and then fill it downward over the brow bone,
04:45 just to give it that little bit of highlight.
04:48 Perfect.
04:51 Next up, we're going to go with is liner.
04:55 Where's my brush?
04:56 There it is.
04:57 We're going to go to an espresso, and again,
05:00 the 266 brush.
05:02 We're going to take a little bit of powder right at the edge
05:05 here.
05:06 I'm going to take the lash, and I'm
05:08 going to press it right into the lash line.
05:11 Again, tip, tap in there.
05:14 Angle the brush just into the lash line,
05:17 and you're going to press it in.
05:20 Once you get halfway through the eye,
05:22 you're going to turn the brush.
05:24 And from here, you're going to turn the brush,
05:26 and you're going to go the other direction.
05:29 The darker you want the liner, the more powder
05:32 you're going to end up using.
05:34 So I'm going to have you add a little bit more.
05:41 Now, with the other color, same brush, different color,
05:45 brown down.
05:46 This is a little bit of a warmer color.
05:47 We're going to take the same angle brush,
05:50 and instead of using this liner, we're
05:52 going to use it to create contour.
05:53 So I'm going to take it right at the edge
05:55 and pull it straight up.
05:59 So it's kind of messy at first.
06:00 We're going to take it, and we're
06:03 going to pull it straight up.
06:06 So then you're going to take the same blending brush
06:08 that we used for the soft brown, and you're
06:11 just going to soften it and blend it in.
06:16 Should you want it a little darker,
06:18 take a little bit more color, pop it right at the corner,
06:23 and start blending it into the crease.
06:26 Make sure you don't lift the brush from the skin
06:29 when you're doing the little tight circles.
06:32 And you're just going to wrap it in to the brow bone.
06:36 This is a layering technique with the soft brown
06:40 to allow it to look very soft.
06:43 So if you go straight into the dark brown,
06:46 and then if I can get just a dark brown on there.
06:48 So there you have that really soft finish.
06:51 Beautiful.
06:53 So if you want a little darker, pop it again.
06:55 A little touch at the corner.
06:58 Brush, windshield wiper it, and you can also
07:01 bring it up onto the brow bone, just at the outer corner
07:06 to create that really soft appearance that's going on.
07:10 The last step in terms of eye makeup,
07:12 we're going to do a little bottom liner.
07:14 So we're going to go back to the Espresso, the 1266 brush,
07:19 and we're going to go underneath the lash line.
07:21 So just going to have you look up.
07:23 I'm going to take the angle brush,
07:25 and I'm going to press it in.
07:28 Got to tap it off.
07:29 Go in there and press it in.
07:31 And then press it in.
07:33 And I'm going to take the very edge of the brush
07:37 and attach it to the top liner.
07:41 And making sure that the angle I'm using is going upward,
07:45 the bottom liner angle to apex point right out here.
07:48 So you can see the match point as you go out,
07:52 and then meets right over there.
07:54 Perfect.
07:55 So we get into the base, wiggle it around, and straight up.
08:07 Get those beautiful little lashes.
08:12 Go to the other eye.
08:13 And then--
08:17 Just getting you built it up.
08:27 Or you want it.
08:29 The main thing is just cleaning off that lash line
08:33 before you start the line master.
08:36 You can always curl the lashes if you want,
08:38 but you don't necessarily need to use that comb afterwards.
08:43 If you don't want to, you just only
08:45 need to do it on a little beachy dish.
08:47 And sure.
08:49 So this is a foundation brush.
08:52 I love this brush because you can do everything
08:54 with this brush.
08:56 So you can take it.
08:57 I'm just going to pick up a little bit of it.
08:59 I apologize if it sheds.
09:01 And literally, I'm going to take it and buff it into the skin.
09:06 So I do.
09:08 So this is really nice because it will get rid of all that redness
09:14 and just even out the skin tone.
09:17 It's not going to hide the skin.
09:19 You'll still see your skin coming through it,
09:21 but it's just going to even out the skin tone.
09:25 You can do this with your nose, too.
09:26 I just like to do it with a brush because it buffs it all in.
10:55 - Amen. - Amen.
