Makeup tutorial (4)

  • last year
00:00 Hey guys, it's Morgan, I am here with Shaina.
00:03 We are doing a makeup tutorial today.
00:06 So let's roll into it.
00:08 Okay, so first we're gonna show you all the products
00:11 that you need and why you need them and in order.
00:15 So first you're gonna need the makeup remover
00:18 cleansing toilets.
00:20 And you will need these because you have to get
00:23 all the makeup you had on the day before.
00:27 Okay, and then you're gonna need the Noxzema Ultimate
00:30 Clear Anti-Blemish Pad to clean up your face
00:33 and get all the oil off and just maintain your face.
00:38 Then you're going to need the Maybelline Super Stay
00:43 Better Skin Foundation and you're gonna need this
00:45 to just cover blackheads and pimples and things like that.
00:49 Then you're gonna need the NYC Minerals
00:51 Set It Don't Fret It Finishing Powder.
00:55 And this just like blends in your face
01:00 and blends in everything together.
01:02 Then you will need the eyelash curler
01:07 and you will need this because obviously
01:11 you're gonna curl your eyelashes.
01:13 And that is from Sally Hansen.
01:15 This is the CoverGirl Professional Mascara
01:22 and it just makes your eyes more visible and yeah.
01:26 Then you will need two brushes.
01:30 You will need a bigger brush for blending the powder in
01:35 and just blending everything in.
01:37 Then you will need the little brush
01:41 just to get around the edges so you won't look
01:44 it's like all darker or lighter over here
01:47 and it would just be like weird over there.
01:50 And then the last thing you will need like a lip balm
01:54 and this one is Lip Smackers and it has a little color to it
01:58 to just make your lips moist and if you're like smaller
02:03 like 6th or 8th grade you don't need like lipstick
02:08 so I'll just use this stuff.
02:09 So let's get into it.
02:11 All right so first things first you're gonna start
02:14 by putting your hair up so it gets out of your face
02:16 and makes it easier.
02:18 And you're either gonna do a light ponytail,
02:20 light bun, however you want.
02:21 So now that we have our hair up in a loose bun
02:27 we are going to use the makeup remover pads or twillettes.
02:32 So just wipe all around your face
02:44 and just see if you have any makeup on
02:46 like I have makeup on, I don't think you can see it
02:50 but there I had powder on yesterday
02:54 and I did not clean up very well.
02:56 Did you have any on?
02:58 - I did not.
02:59 - You probably clean your face better than I do.
03:03 - All right, once you're done with that
03:09 you're going to get your Noxzema Ultimate Clear
03:12 anti-blemish pads again to get the oil off
03:15 and just clean, make your face clean.
03:19 Is this too?
03:29 No, I'm sorry.
03:31 - So I would get around like the forehead
03:33 where you have most of the pimples
03:36 and it does make your face like minty
03:39 and don't get too close to the eye.
03:41 - Yeah it burns if you get too close.
03:45 (coughs)
03:46 - And it does get most of your dirt off.
03:50 Let's show you the dirt that I got off.
03:52 Did I get your dirt off?
03:53 - No, it's probably more makeup than dirt.
03:58 - I just have a little dirt, which you can't really see.
04:00 - First with the makeup, you are going to take
04:04 the Maybelline foundation and you're going to dot it
04:09 on your face like one, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
04:14 And then on your nose and your mustache.
04:19 And then just start rubbing them.
04:24 Make sure you close your mouth like this
04:35 so you don't get any foundation in.
04:37 (tapping)
04:39 - Went in pretty good.
04:52 So after that, you're going to take it again
04:56 and you're going to draw a triangle.
04:59 You see how it kind of goes like that under your eye?
05:03 You're going to follow that line.
05:05 (tapping)
05:08 - That did not work.
05:10 - Or just make a triangle under your eye.
05:15 - This is hard.
05:16 - Yeah.
05:16 And then you're just going to rub it in under your eye.
05:21 - And you can use your finger to make the triangle too.
05:23 - And you're going to have a lot under your eye.
05:26 But that's fine, you just have a little cheek.
05:28 - Okay.
05:33 - And this is like, I would not consider this
05:36 if you're going at it at night
05:38 because it doesn't really matter, honestly.
05:41 And it's going to be like really,
05:44 it's going to be really hard to blend this in,
05:47 but you will be perfectly fine.
05:49 - And then under your eyes, this is the lightest finger,
05:52 so use your ring finger and just dab it.
05:54 So you don't hurt your eyes.
05:59 - Like retard over here doing it.
06:03 (laughs)
06:06 - And make sure you also get up here
06:07 because you don't want it to be like wide up here
06:10 and then like right up there, kind of up here.
06:12 And it doesn't have to blend it in too well,
06:17 it just blend it in.
06:19 - And then right after you're done with that,
06:22 you're going to get the NYX mineral,
06:26 said it, don't fret it, just pat it.
06:28 So get all the powder down.
06:32 And then you're going to get your big brush
06:34 and just dab it.
06:37 And then you're gonna, see all the dust.
06:40 Just spread that
06:45 all over
06:48 your face.
06:52 I do that.
06:56 This powder gets everywhere, so watch out.
07:01 - It does.
07:02 Be careful opening it 'cause it might spill.
07:05 And then next, you're gonna take the other brush
07:12 and I want this side of the brush to be like,
07:15 in like a line instead of a circle.
07:18 So you're just gonna take it, see the powder,
07:22 you're just gonna dot it like that on there.
07:25 And you're gonna take it where your line is,
07:28 see how it's wide up there?
07:29 You're gonna take it and blend it in up there
07:33 so you don't look all retarded.
07:35 And it might take a while to blend it in,
07:41 but I would suggest you to do this
07:45 because I went out one time
07:46 and my hair was pulled back like really tight
07:48 and it looked really, really weird.
07:51 And I was embarrassed for the rest of the day.
07:57 So just like pull your hair back and go.
07:59 And then also after that, if you want,
08:06 I do this.
08:07 Yeah, if you want to, you can just take your brush
08:10 and dab it a little, knock it off,
08:12 and just put it under your chin.
08:14 So if your foundation or powder is another color,
08:18 it won't look as bad because it will be like
08:21 darker or lighter up here and just like clean.
08:25 - And then if you have brunette hair like me,
08:26 try when you're using this brush,
08:28 try not to get it on your hair or yourself.
08:33 - Try not to get it on your shirt too though
08:38 'cause it usually does not come out.
08:40 - All right.
08:43 Ooh, powder everywhere.
08:45 Then you are going to get your eyelash curler
08:51 and go ahead and curl your eyelashes.
08:54 (clicking)
08:57 I have to get really close to the mirror.
08:59 (gasps)
09:01 From Sally Hansen.
09:03 Just keep it there about 15 seconds.
09:12 Or so.
09:23 Especially if you have really long eyelashes.
09:25 Okay, so next you're going to take your curling mascara,
09:44 the one that curls, you have it,
09:50 and you're just gonna, the curl part is gonna go up here.
09:54 So it's gonna be like that.
09:58 No, it's the right way.
10:00 Ooh.
10:04 If you don't want to, that sucks.
10:07 You can just wipe it off after.
10:08 And I would suggest not doing the bottoms.
10:16 I don't know.
10:18 (clicking)
10:20 And also I will show you another thing
10:32 you can do for your eyebrows.
10:34 Okay, so you're gonna take this part right here
10:40 and just dab it on your finger,
10:41 like one, two, three, whatever,
10:43 or what gets on there.
10:46 See, it's not on there a lot,
10:49 but that's actually pretty good.
10:51 And then you're gonna take it
10:53 and you're just gonna put it on your eyebrow.
10:55 I know it's very weird,
10:57 but it actually makes your eyebrow look better
11:00 and darker, in my opinion.
11:02 If you have blonde hair like me,
11:08 I would suggest doing this,
11:10 but if you have brown hair or brunette hair,
11:12 whatever color hair she has,
11:14 I would do it very, very light.
11:16 I would put like this much on your finger.
11:18 But if you have blonde hair,
11:20 I would put more on your finger.
11:24 And then,
11:27 it's on there.
11:31 Okay, hold on.
11:33 And you're gonna use your lip smackers
11:36 and you can just dab it on your finger.
11:38 Circle it around.
11:44 Dab it on your other finger for the top.
11:47 And it has a little bit of color and smell to it.
11:52 And if you wanna have like an extra,
12:07 I mean, color, I would just push down a little
12:13 when you do it.
12:14 And then make sure you don't have it on your teeth
12:16 'cause it will look very, very light.
12:17 And another product that we did not show you.
12:22 It's in here.
12:24 Okay, so this is a different foundation.
12:32 This is for like the main face.
12:38 And this is for more like blending.
12:41 You know how you put it up here?
12:43 It's darker, so you're gonna also put it up there
12:45 and try to put it on your hair
12:47 'cause it will look really bad.
12:50 You pull your hair back and dot it kind of there.
12:53 And then it'll look better.
12:55 And I just got it in my hair.
12:59 It kinda, it's okay if you get it in your hair.
13:03 I mean, it won't look that bad.
13:05 Just rub it in very well
13:09 so you don't look like a retard.
13:13 And then that's it.
13:14 - And then you also get your,
13:19 (grunts)
13:22 Okay, you also get your perfume
13:25 and you just spray it on your shirt,
13:27 twice in your back, twice in your pants,
13:32 and then your head and your armpits.
13:39 - Oh, and it's called Body Fragrances.
13:42 I get the small bottle.
13:43 - And this is the finished look.
13:52 (door opening)
