• 2 years ago
(Adnkronos) - "È importante avere oggi un forum sull’Economia del Mare soprattutto qui. In questo summit si incontrano tutte le istituzioni e stakeholders interessati insieme a coloro che vivono di mare. Dagli stakeholders della politica, della Commissione Europea agli imprenditori e le associazioni: tutto ciò che ruota attorno al mare.Dal nostro rapporto emerge che l’Economia del Mare per tanti anni non è stata valorizzata e compresa. Notiamo negli ultimi anni un trend di crescita enorme con valori aggiunti creati per centinaia di miliardi di euro. L’economia cresce anche così: anche durante la pandemia il numero di imprese legate al mare è cresciuto a livello nazionale. Con una crescita così forte è imprescindibile parlare di sostenibilità e salvaguardare la risorsa mare che tutti utilizzano. Devo dire che gli imprenditore hanno dimostrato una forte sensibilità, dato che tra il 2016 il 2021 quasi il 30% delle imprese vicine al tema del mare hanno investito in termini di sostenibilità. Oggi lanciamo il secondo anno di summit dove riprendiamo con forza il Blue Forum, che si rifà al dettame del Green New Deal europeo, ovvero quello di creare un network dove tutti devono dare il loro contributo cercando di mettere insieme tutte quelle forze sane che escono fuori da eventi così importanti." Ha dichiarato il Coordinatore di Ossermare Antonello Testa, a margine del 2º summit Nazionale sull’Economia del Mare Blue Forum a Gaeta.



00:00 It is important to have it here today, because this is the place, our summit, Blueform Italia Network,
00:10 where all the institutions and stockholders are meeting,
00:14 better said, all those who live by the sea and are interested in the sea,
00:18 from politics, public stockholders, government, European Commission, European Parliament and so on,
00:24 to entrepreneurs, associations, everything that is around the sea.
00:28 From our point of view, we as a Chamber system have been trying for over 10 years to give value to the sea economy,
00:36 an economy that for many years has not been valued, has not been, in the past few years, even understood.
00:43 From this, what have we noticed in these years? We notice a huge growth trend,
00:48 with values that, the other year, the added value created was about 135 billion,
00:54 more than 9% of the weight of the entire national economy.
00:58 It is clear that an economy that grows like this, even during the pandemic,
01:02 in the biennium I only give a number, I refer logically to the data of the tenth report,
01:06 the eleventh report we will present on Saturday, not the early ones, logically.
01:10 So, from that, what do we see? That even during the pandemic, the number of businesses, for example,
01:15 that live by the sea has increased, on the contrary, compared to the entire national economy.
01:19 So it is clear that with such a strong growth, it is essential to talk about sustainability,
01:24 it is essential to look at the sea resource, which is the resource that all those who live by the sea use.
01:30 I must say, with enormous satisfaction, that entrepreneurs have shown a strong sensitivity,
01:35 so much so that, from our research, we note that in the five years, 2016-2021,
01:40 almost 30% of the companies that live by the sea have invested in sustainability terms,
01:46 and today, I was saying, we launch our second year, the second summit,
01:50 where we strongly take up the blue form, which is then referred to what is the European Green Deal,
01:56 that is, to create an inclusive network, a network that does not have, so to speak, a management,
02:00 but a network where everyone will donate and can give their contribution,
02:04 and try to put together, to take advantage of all those healthy forces, those programmability,
02:09 that come out of such important events.
02:11 Also because we believe that, thanks to our summit, I repeat, that it brings everyone together with gold.
02:16 There are many ministers, we know that the sea interests about 11 ministries,
02:21 and so we have many of them, there are the main associations of category,
02:25 Confindustria, CNA, Confcommercio and so on, so there is the world that is interested in the sea
02:30 and that must necessarily get together, because only by getting together can we talk about sustainability
02:36 and we can look at that resource that we all live from.
