6th 7th & 8th grade makeup tutorial♡

  • last year
00:00 Hey everyone so today I'm gonna be doing a makeup tutorial for 6th, 7th and 8th grade
00:05 Before you watch this please go read the description. There's something I just want to put out there
00:10 So start with 6th grade. I am moisturizing my face with this simple moisturizer
00:15 Just so that my face is all moisturized for the day
00:18 And then I'm using this I believe it's called a spooly just to comb out my eyebrows because they're a bit crazy
00:29 And then I'm just curling my eyelashes
00:32 I believe that in 6th grade you're a bit too young to wear mascara, which is my opinion, but anyway
00:42 So and then I'm just moisturizing my lips and that is all for 6th grade
00:48 I really don't think you should be wearing that much makeup. In 7th grade I am just putting on a concealer
00:54 This is kind of the grade where you start getting a lot of breakouts and pimples and horrible stuff like that
01:01 So I'm just covering that up and this is a really good concealer. I'll leave all the stuff I used in the down bar
01:08 well, yeah the description and then I'm just
01:11 Doing it under my eyes just to brighten up my eyes
01:21 Then I'm using the same spoolie thing, but instead I am
01:25 Using the gel thing to keep my eyebrows in place
01:46 And then I'm using this modelco volume eyes mascara, this is a really good mascara because in 7th grade
01:52 You really don't want to think too dramatic and this is quite natural and I'm just putting like a few coats on
01:58 Just to make my eyelashes a bit more bigger
02:01 And then I'm putting on the Rimmel London blush and whoa that was funny though
02:15 I don't know if you heard that or not but um and then I'm putting on some lip balm and this time it's
02:21 Tinted and it's baby lips which is really good. Um and then 8th grade I'm putting on some
02:28 Powder foundation so that there's a bit more coverage, but not too much and then you can put on some more brow thing
02:35 Like color it and stuff, but my eyebrows are really dark already so and then I'm just putting on a bit more
02:42 Mascara just to make them a bit more bigger and stuff because you know you're getting older and stuff
02:47 And then I'm using this eyebrow thing I'm looking pain here
02:54 But I'm not um and it's I'm just using it to separate my eyelashes because the mascara kind of puts them together
03:08 And then I'm putting on some eyeshadow, and this is from the model code I shadow thingy
03:14 Giro thing I don't know and it's just like this really simple white sort of shimmery
03:19 Eyeshadow, and I'm using my fingers you should put it on before the mascara. It's a lot easier
03:24 And then I'm putting on some lip gloss, and this is the model coat again
03:30 I just love the brand and I don't really like lip gloss
03:33 But I guess some people do and that is my video so please
03:38 um like subscribe and please read the
03:41 Description down below because I just want to tell you some stuff and thank you for watching bye
