Sheroes Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Isabelle Fuhrman, Sasha Luss, Wallis Day, and Skai Jackson star in Sheroes -- the ultimate adrenaline-fueled thrill ride from a producer of Spring Breakers. When four thick-as-thieves friends arrive in Thailand for a hedonistic adventure, they quickly find themselves in over their heads when one of them is kidnapped by a notorious drug lord. As they fight to stay alive and protect each other, they'll employ their unique set of skills and unleash their fierce loyalty in a heart-pumping battle for survival.
directed by Jordan Gertner
starring Sasha Luss, Wallis Day, Isabelle Fuhrman, Skai Jackson, Jack Kesy
release date June 23, 2023 (in select theaters and on Digital)
directed by Jordan Gertner
starring Sasha Luss, Wallis Day, Isabelle Fuhrman, Skai Jackson, Jack Kesy
release date June 23, 2023 (in select theaters and on Digital)
Short film