Voyageur français en Inde au 19ème siècle 1/2

  • l’année dernière
Louis-Théophile Marie Rousselet (1845-1929) was a French traveller, writer, photographer. He was in India from 1863 to 1868.
The publication in 1875 by Hachette of his journal, "The Rajahs of India", a compilation of his notes was a great success. All engravings are taken from this book.
Music by Ravi Shankar / Documentary directed by Lionel Baillemont.
Louis Rousselet a parcouru l'Inde de 1863 à 1868, rapportant de son voyage un récit documenté et de magnifiques photographies.
Gravures extraites de l'ouvrage "L'Inde des Rajahs" qu'il fit paraître en 1875 aux éditions Hachette.
Musique : Ravi Shankar. / Réalisation : Lionel Baillemont.
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