• il y a 2 ans


00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 (upbeat music)
00:05 (upbeat music)
00:07 (upbeat music)
00:34 - In 1 Samuel chapter 18,
00:38 David is returning from, along with the armies of Israel,
00:45 from a victory over the Philistines
00:52 and particularly over the great giant.
01:00 And as he is returning now with the army in 18,
01:05 Goliath is now dead.
01:12 And verse six says,
01:19 "And it came to pass as they came,"
01:22 when David was returned from the slaughter of the Philistine
01:28 that the women came out of all cities of Israel
01:33 singing and dancing to meet King Saul.
01:35 Now they didn't come to meet David,
01:38 they came to meet King Saul with tablets, with joy,
01:43 with instruments of music.
01:45 And the women answered one another as they played
01:48 and said, "Saul hath slain his thousands
01:52 "and David his 10,000s."
01:56 And Saul was very wroth
01:59 and the saying displeased him and he said,
02:03 "They have ascribed unto David 10,000s
02:05 "and to me they have ascribed but thousands."
02:09 And what can he have more but the kingdom?
02:12 And Saul eyed David from that day and forward.
02:23 I would like to supplement to corroborate that text
02:26 with a note that is a little bit more positive at the end.
02:30 And it's in Romans chapter 12,
02:34 in about verse 14, it says,
02:37 "Bless them which persecute you, bless and curse not."
02:42 I notice now I'm asked to bless those
02:46 who don't even like me.
02:49 (congregation chattering)
02:52 Don't even curse 'em but bless 'em.
02:55 So if I can achieve 14,
02:59 then very definitely 15 falls within my parameters
03:05 to conquer 'cause it says,
03:08 "Rejoice with them that do rejoice
03:11 "and weep with them that weep.
03:14 "Be of the same mind one toward another mind,
03:17 "not high things but condescend to men of low estate.
03:21 "Be not wise in your own deceit."
03:24 We have been talking about the little foxes
03:28 that spoil the vine.
03:30 And today, I would like to talk about envy.
03:36 (congregation chattering)
03:41 Envy.
03:47 Look at your neighbor and say,
03:48 "You should be glad for me."
03:50 Yeah, you should look at somebody and say,
03:58 "You should be happy for me."
04:00 I mean, man, much hell as I've had,
04:03 I'd have got me a little joy.
04:04 Somebody ought to be happy.
04:08 It is interesting that as anger is associated
04:16 with the nostrils,
04:18 and red hot,
04:21 fervor and feeling to destroy,
04:27 envy is associated with the eyes.
04:33 The grass is always greener
04:42 on the other side of the fence.
04:46 Now, that's quite a dilemma, if I may say so,
04:50 because what it indicates is
04:54 it's always greener no matter what you have.
05:01 It's always greener no matter what you do.
05:07 So immediately, you give a sense
05:15 of inferiority to what you have
05:18 and what you do as it relates to looking over the fence.
05:24 Your car, your house, your money, your woman, your man
05:31 would be fine if you weren't looking over the fence.
05:38 (congregation chattering)
05:45 Your capacity, your ability, your intellectuality,
05:50 your sagacity, your wisdom, all the things that you have
05:55 would be fine if you weren't looking over the fence.
06:00 The grass is always greener.
06:03 It's quite a dilemma because now it doesn't matter
06:09 what they have or what they do.
06:14 You have ascribed a sense of significance
06:19 to someone else's simply because
06:22 you have the green eye of envy.
06:27 In Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, the parson calls envy,
06:33 he calls it a foul sin.
06:35 And in fact, psychologically, when you evaluate sins,
06:42 it is regarded as the meanest and ugliest sin of all
06:47 because it just makes you sick immediately.
06:54 Pride may make all sins worse,
06:59 but surely a dose of humility can dull pride's cutting edge
07:04 and pride is primarily against humility.
07:11 One particular attribute that it stands against
07:14 is humility, anger stands against one particular attribute
07:19 and that is peace.
07:21 But envy is violently against all virtue and all goodness.
07:28 It is the one sin that can't stand to see anything good
07:40 and it is the one sin that hates
07:43 to see somebody else blessed.
07:47 I don't mean to upset you today, I got to preach it.
07:51 All sins, all sins have an appearance of success,
07:57 all sins do, because one sin gives you
08:01 a type of gratification, a sense of satiation,
08:07 a static sense of having thrilled the flesh.
08:11 Other sins give you an early payoff,
08:16 the stimulation or stimulation of pleasure
08:20 of one type or another, but envy comes out the gate
08:25 and is endless in its anguish and self-torment.
08:30 When you're envious, you're mad all the time
08:37 because God is not going to cut off blessing people
08:42 because you can't handle it.
08:45 Oh, I wish somebody'd help me.
08:47 And the truth of the matter is,
08:49 I'm not gonna ask him to stop blessing me
08:52 because you can't handle it.
08:55 And 2004 is my year, so you might as well
09:00 learn how to handle it.
09:04 Envy then is uglier than pride's stiff neck.
09:08 Envy is uglier than laziness's sad and pitiful eyes
09:13 or even anger's flushed red face and flared nostrils
09:18 because envy's eyes are narrow and they are slit.
09:23 Soon as somebody sees you with something they don't have,
09:28 immediately their eyes begin to slit and they get narrow
09:33 and they look at you up and down
09:37 like you are some kind of sick
09:40 because you walked in feeling good today
09:44 and you walked in with a beautiful disposition
09:47 and you had your thing together.
09:49 And then somebody looks at you like,
09:52 oh, now you make me sick.
09:55 Somebody looks at you like you should just fall down
10:01 in ugliness and just, oh, I would just appreciate
10:04 if you would just trip and just muddy up your stuff.
10:08 In Jamaica, we would say cut-eye.
10:12 In Jamaica, you know, Jamaicans,
10:13 cut-eye, cut-eye, can't cut me in two.
10:15 The Jamaicans would look at the other
10:18 who is looking at them in disdain
10:20 because they're successful
10:22 or because they're particularly handsome today
10:25 or particularly beautiful.
10:26 And somebody who just hates the fact
10:30 that God smiled on you today looks at you
10:33 like they wanna kill you with their eyes.
10:37 If envy's eyes could wipe you out,
10:40 you would have been dead a long time ago.
10:43 As folk wanna make you uncomfortable with your success
10:49 or uncomfortable with God blessing you
10:52 or taking you to the next level.
10:55 Why should you be angry with me?
10:57 I did not do this.
10:59 It was God who blessed me.
11:02 And if you have any problems with my blessing,
11:05 don't take it up with me.
11:06 Take it up with God because he has been good to me.
11:12 Touch your neighbor and say, "To God be the glory
11:17 for everything he's done in my life."
11:21 The Greeks define envy literally from the etymological root
11:25 as an evil eye expressing a sort of displeasure
11:30 that's produced by witnessing or hearing
11:34 of the advantage or prosperity of another.
11:38 It's an evil eye because I have seen
11:41 what God has done for you.
11:44 The Latin word is invidia
11:46 and it means to look maliciously upon.
11:50 When I had nothing, you looked at me graciously.
11:53 When I was broke, you looked at me so wonderfully kindly.
11:58 When I was down and out,
12:01 oh, wouldn't you have much conversation with me
12:03 and couldn't we talk all day long?
12:07 When you didn't have anything, I didn't have anything.
12:09 Oh, we could lean on each other and comfort each other.
12:13 And now that I've come to a little bit of blessing,
12:17 you look at me now with this evil eye
12:20 as if I have done something to you.
12:23 All I've done is I've walked in the gift
12:27 that God has given me.
12:28 And all I've done is I've walked through the door
12:31 of opportunity that he opened for me.
12:34 And I'm trying to praise him for his goodness.
12:38 And you're trying to hate me because of my praise.
12:42 You better quit drinking haterade, honey,
12:44 because God is getting ready to do even more than that.
12:50 Oh, I feel like having church.
12:52 The Hebrews, their word is a little bit more exciting
12:56 for envy.
12:56 It's having a fire for something that you do not own.
13:02 The etymological root here is fire.
13:06 And it's used also for jealousy.
13:10 The individual who has a fire
13:13 for what they possess is jealousy.
13:15 And sometimes we confuse the two.
13:18 We say that people are jealous of us,
13:20 but no, they're not jealous
13:22 because they don't own what you have.
13:25 If you have something, a beautiful wife,
13:27 a beautiful husband, if you have a beautiful car,
13:29 beautiful house, great intellect, articulation, eloquence,
13:34 they're not jealous of it because they don't have it.
13:39 If you have a wonderful dress and a beautiful wardrobe,
13:42 they're not jealous of you because they don't own it.
13:47 That's what you call envious.
13:49 It's a fire or a zeal for something
13:53 that does not belong to them.
13:55 And that's why they're angry
13:57 because it doesn't belong to them.
13:59 Now, if they had it and they were jealous,
14:01 they wouldn't share it.
14:03 They would keep it from you or hide it away.
14:06 But because they don't own it and they can't get it,
14:09 they are now mad with you over what God has done
14:13 in your life.
14:15 But you ought to be glad for me.
14:18 As long as I have suffered, as long as I have been through,
14:21 as many people as tried to destroy me,
14:23 now that God has blessed me to take me to the next level,
14:27 I have to fight with you not liking me
14:30 because God has been good to me.
14:33 The devil is a liar.
14:34 You ought to rejoice with me.
14:37 Oh God, I feel it until your time comes.
14:42 So envy then is the sin of the evil eye,
14:46 that gate that allows another's blessing to sicken
14:50 and completely devastate your whole body.
14:55 It makes you sick to see somebody wearing something
14:58 you touched in the store, but you couldn't buy.
15:01 It made you sick to hear that somebody picked up
15:05 a seven figure contract because of the gift and talent
15:09 that you can't do anything with.
15:11 It makes you sick to see somebody drive up
15:14 in the kind of car that you have always wanted.
15:18 It makes you sick, oh my God,
15:20 the sick to see somebody walk in and get happy
15:24 because they were alone these many years
15:26 and found a wonderful bride or a beautiful man.
15:29 And all of a sudden now you're sick.
15:33 But they don't want you, baby.
15:35 All of a sudden you're sick, but you can't afford to buy it.
15:38 Just enjoy what you have until the Lord opens the door.
15:42 Because if I'm blessed, it means he's still in
15:47 the blessing business and you might be next in line.
15:52 Oh, if you can praise him for what somebody else
15:56 has acquired, then surely you're ready to praise him
15:59 for what he's about to do to you.
16:03 Oh, I feel like having church.
16:05 Oh, I'm going to preach this thing.
16:07 Shake somebody's hand, tell them, get ready,
16:09 I'm about to be blessed.
16:11 Uh-huh, get ready, get ready, I'm about to be blessed.
16:15 Oh, you happy with me 'cause I'm by myself?
16:17 Get ready, I'm getting ready to have somebody.
16:20 You happy with me because I can't drive?
16:23 Oh, get ready, I'm getting ready to get something nice.
16:27 So you might as well get your joy on
16:30 because God is going to move in my favor.
16:35 Oh, I feel God here.
16:37 Shoemaker says, and I quote, he says,
16:42 Dante's pictures of those in purgatory of envy
16:47 as having their eyes sewn shut with iron thread, unquote.
16:52 In other words, the only way that some people can have joy
16:57 is for them not to see what God is doing for you,
17:02 but sight is bringing the reality of faith into existence.
17:07 It is sight that now beholds
17:11 what somebody else believed God for.
17:13 And when I see what God has done in your life,
17:17 it reminds me then that faith has to precede sight.
17:22 And if I can see your blessing in your life,
17:26 then I can say my faith will soon be materialized
17:30 in my life.
17:32 So my seeing your blessing should intensify my faith
17:37 that the same God who brought you out
17:40 and made your life over is going to do the same for me.
17:45 So I shouldn't be angry at your progress.
17:49 Your progress should stimulate my faith
17:52 to believe God to raise me higher.
17:56 Oh, but envy's eyes must be sewn shut with an iron thread
18:01 because an envious person is going to be sick
18:06 because of the great thing that God has done.
18:10 My eye goes evil because you've been promoted
18:13 and my eye goes evil because a beautiful woman walks in
18:17 or a beautiful man.
18:19 My eye goes evil.
18:21 Oh my God, because you have the gift
18:25 that God has given you to exhibit and give him glory
18:30 because every time an individual is blessed
18:32 and you get envious,
18:34 what you do is you point a finger in God's face
18:38 as if to say, Lord, you shouldn't have done that for him
18:40 and you shouldn't have done that for her
18:42 when God is in the blessing business.
18:46 Oh, I feel it here.
18:47 I feel it.
18:48 And I'm not going to sit here and not enjoy
18:51 what God has done for me because you don't like it.
18:55 Honey, if you look good, walk like you do.
18:59 If you got yourself together, move like you do.
19:03 If you're intellectual, move.
19:05 Don't back up because somebody won't like it.
19:09 The devil is a liar.
19:11 Why should you be less than what God has called you to be?
19:16 Oh, I feel this thing.
19:17 I feel it.
19:18 Shake somebody's hand like you're going to shake it off
19:20 and say, neighbor, I will walk in it.
19:23 I will talk in it.
19:24 I will express it because it gives glory to my God.
19:29 And if you don't like it, put a mask on
19:32 because God is getting ready to bless somebody in the house.
19:36 Oh, I feel like preaching today.
19:40 If you can't bless me, don't curse me.
19:45 If you can't raise me up, don't try to pull me down.
19:49 And so the scripture and envy
19:51 because pride now was the first sin and expulsion followed.
19:56 If you remember, they were put out of the garden
19:59 because of pride and pride represented rebellion
20:02 against the God.
20:04 Now envy then had to be the second sin
20:08 because Abel and Cain were in trouble with each other,
20:12 primarily Cain because God accepted Abel.
20:17 If you notice now, God responded to Cain and he said, note,
20:21 he said, you can have the same blessing of your brother.
20:25 He said, all you've got to do is follow that example.
20:30 But no, Cain was wrong.
20:32 He was sick and he wanted to kill his brother.
20:36 Do you know that when God begins to bless you,
20:39 that folks set up to destroy or to kill you?
20:44 Oh yes, they go searching for stuff.
20:46 Can I preach to you like I feel it?
20:49 As long as you were down doing nothing,
20:52 nobody was using binoculars to check you out.
20:55 But as soon as God began to raise you up,
20:59 folks begin to search in your past.
21:01 Folks begin to check out your past
21:06 and dig up all the dirt they can
21:09 because God is moving you to another level.
21:11 But the devil is a liar.
21:13 Search my past out all you want to
21:16 and all you will see is under the,
21:19 feel the Holy Ghost.
21:21 Yes, it was envy then that followed, that murder followed
21:28 because Cain couldn't stand his brother alive.
21:33 Joseph's brother by envy plotted his murder.
21:37 Oh yeah, folk whisper when God blesses you.
21:41 Folk try to get behind and plot
21:43 and tear up your relationship
21:46 'cause you didn't have a good one ever
21:47 and now you don't want anybody else to have one.
21:51 Oh, I'm gonna preach it, I'm gonna preach it
21:52 till the devil get out of here.
21:55 Oh yes, now you don't want me to be happy
21:57 because you ain't happy
21:59 and you don't want your best friend to be happy.
22:02 So you go tiptoeing to her new friend
22:05 and now you got to tell all the stuff
22:08 she ain't told him yet.
22:10 Oh, she getting ready to talk to him, honey.
22:11 She don't need you to tell.
22:13 She gonna tell him.
22:14 He loves her enough to deal with it
22:16 and here you come with your envious self
22:18 tipping behind, whispering a lot of junk
22:21 in order to break 'em up 'cause you ain't got nobody.
22:24 The devil is a liar.
22:26 I feel like preaching this thing.
22:29 Give somebody high five and say,
22:31 God bless me with that man.
22:33 God bless me with that woman
22:36 and God already prepared them
22:38 for all the junk that I have done
22:40 so you ain't got to whisper with your envious.
22:43 Oh, I feel the church coming on.
22:48 George Truitt says of envy and I quote,
22:53 he said, "Envy is incipient murder."
22:57 And that's why the text said, "Saul eyed David."
23:01 Because envy, as Bushner said,
23:03 is the consuming desire to have everybody
23:08 as unsuccessful as you, unquote.
23:12 You just don't want anybody to go any higher
23:15 because you are content to stay where you are.
23:19 But don't put that sickness on your neighbor.
23:22 If you don't wanna go any higher
23:24 and you don't want anything out of your life,
23:27 then please get out of my way.
23:29 Don't put a stumbling block in my way
23:33 because I'm intelligent, because I'm articulate.
23:37 Oh, I feel the church coming on.
23:39 Shake somebody's hand.
23:40 Don't get in my way 'cause I'm blessed,
23:42 because God has given me favor.
23:45 Don't get in my way because God is moving me
23:48 to the next level, because we'll roll over you.
23:52 Because we're going there.
23:55 Touch two people, say, "I'm going there."
23:58 God opened the door, I'm going there.
24:01 God made a way out of no way, I'm going there.
24:04 Every gift he gave me, I'm gonna use it to his glory.
24:09 And if you don't like it,
24:12 you can sit there and get mad if you wanna.
24:15 But God has taken me to the next level.
24:19 There is something about envy
24:22 that it seems to stay in the field of endeavor, yes,
24:27 because there's professional envy.
24:30 Teachers aren't envious of doctors
24:32 as they are of other teachers.
24:35 Oh yes, preachers aren't envious of lawyers
24:38 as they are of other preachers.
24:41 People within the same, yes, occupation and vocation
24:46 have a proclivity or a predilection to be envious,
24:51 because Aristotle says that envy is worst among equals.
24:56 It's when you and I are doing the same job,
25:00 and yet still you seem to have an abundance.
25:03 And I'm doing the same job,
25:05 and I'm trying to figure this thing out.
25:07 How can I do the same job, and you have more than I have?
25:12 We did the same course, we went to the same college,
25:16 but look at you and look at me.
25:18 Yes, we went to the same high school,
25:20 and we lived in the same neighborhood,
25:22 but look where you are and look where I am.
25:25 And right away you're angry, and right away you're sick.
25:29 But what you don't know is that God smiled on me.
25:32 It was my season.
25:35 So now you're getting mad with me in my season
25:39 when your season is about to come
25:41 if you maintain the right disposition.
25:44 Because you won't give God glory for me.
25:48 You won't get an opportunity to give him glory for yourself,
25:52 because if you will praise him for what he's doing for me,
25:57 oh, I feel it in here.
25:59 Saul had no problem with David as long as he was a musician.
26:04 He had no problem with David as long as he stayed a shepherd.
26:09 But when David became a warrior
26:12 and stood up against Goliath,
26:14 then Saul became angry with David.
26:17 But somebody had to kill him.
26:20 I wish I could talk to you.
26:22 Touch your neighbor and say somebody
26:24 had to exorcise your demons.
26:27 Somebody had to get rid of your fears.
26:30 Somebody had to get rid of your Goliath.
26:33 So it happened to be me.
26:35 But don't feel bad about me delivering you from your demon.
26:40 You ought to be glad I delivered you.
26:43 And you ought to rejoice with me instead of hating me.
26:47 Oh, I feel this thing in here.
26:49 Folk would try to kill you,
26:51 but God will move you away from the javelin every time.
26:56 And every time you try to hurt me,
26:58 God moves me to another level.
27:01 I feel it here, Patrick.
27:03 We might as well have some church.
27:06 Touch your neighbor and say you ought to be glad for me
27:09 with all the hell that I've been through.
27:12 You don't know the amount of tears I cried.
27:15 You don't know how many sleepless nights I spent.
27:18 And now that God is smiling on me,
27:21 you ought to be glad.
27:23 I feel the Holy Ghost in here.
27:25 If you would have prayed for me when I was down,
27:28 you would have been glad for me when I got up.
27:31 If you would have prayed for me when I was hurting,
27:34 you would feel a part of me when God blessed me
27:37 and healed my wounds.
27:39 But now I know you were always against me,
27:44 even when we were hanging together.
27:46 Because now that God blessed me,
27:48 you ought to be happy, funny, and ride with me.
27:54 I might as well have a breakthrough,
27:55 shake somebody's hand and say I'm getting ready
27:58 to be blessed.
28:00 Are you ready to handle it?
28:02 I'm getting ready to go to the next level.
28:05 Are you ready to handle it?
28:08 A nursery becomes a pit of envy.
28:11 Children even of children.
28:14 There's a competition going on,
28:16 always fussing about yours,
28:19 dissatisfied about mine.
28:22 You take yours or you destroy it.
28:24 As long as Goliath is in the valley undefeated,
28:28 we can all be equal followers.
28:31 All of us scared, all of us broke.
28:35 Oh God, I feel it here.
28:38 I need somebody with courage
28:40 and I need somebody among us with some money.
28:43 It don't make sense for all of us to be broke.
28:46 Then how are we gonna get something to borrow?
28:49 I wish I could talk to you.
28:51 Why are you angry?
28:52 Because God put excess in somebody else's pocket.
28:55 That's your blessing sitting up in that pocket
28:58 that maybe God will touch somebody to bless you.
29:01 But you mad over what God gave them.
29:05 But you didn't know that God gave them enough
29:08 so that when you got in a tight,
29:10 they would help to bring you out.
29:13 It don't make sense all of us being ignorant,
29:16 all of us being broke.
29:17 Somebody get some money, hurry up
29:20 so that you might bless somebody else.
29:24 I feel like having church.
29:26 Touch somebody, say I'm glad you're happy.
29:28 I'm glad you got a good man.
29:31 I'm glad you got a good woman.
29:34 'Cause I need to see some happiness.
29:36 I need to see somebody walking with somebody smiling.
29:39 I need to see somebody having a good time about marriage.
29:44 'Cause I'm so scared, I need to see somebody happy.
29:49 I can rejoice with you.
29:51 I feel it in here.
29:54 I told the early church, in the early service I told them
29:58 that I love to see beautiful people.
30:00 And I was flying one some years ago.
30:03 And as I was approaching Delta,
30:05 I think I was in Philadelphia.
30:08 And I was approaching with a friend of mine
30:10 and a beautiful white lady came up in the line
30:13 and she was so gracious to us.
30:15 Oh, she was fine and beautiful and wonderful.
30:19 Not just her physical pulchritude,
30:21 but she was beautiful all the way through.
30:24 Some folk got it on the outside,
30:26 others got it all the way through.
30:29 Well, being the mischievous guy that I am
30:32 and trying to get to know her better
30:34 because she was so wonderful,
30:36 I told the flight attendant,
30:37 I'm upgrading her to first class wherever she's sitting.
30:42 And of course she came up to first class
30:44 and they fixed it so she sat with me.
30:46 She talked about her wonderful man.
30:49 And oh, we had a good time.
30:50 I said, girl, you happy, aren't you?
30:52 She said, oh yeah, he's a bad boy.
30:55 When I got out of the plane,
30:57 surely, surely she steps up to a bad brother.
31:01 And I looked at him, I said, boy, you're a bad man.
31:05 With this fine child up in here.
31:08 We were friends for years and years after.
31:11 I'm looking for God to bless me.
31:13 I'm looking for God to send mine my way.
31:16 I ain't got time to hate.
31:18 I got time to congratulate.
31:21 I feel a little shout coming on.
31:26 Give somebody high five.
31:28 Say I can praise him with you
31:30 'cause mine is on the way.
31:33 Oh yes, I can praise him with you
31:37 'cause I got one coming.
31:39 I feel like shouting here.
31:41 Can you imagine an uglier expression
31:44 than a face or a personality going bitter
31:48 and sorrowful at another person's blessing?
31:51 That green face turning to aesthetic joy
31:54 when somebody is hurt.
31:56 If you don't get happy when I'm blessed,
31:59 that means you're gonna be happy when I'm hurt.
32:03 And that's a sad way to be.
32:05 To walk around looking for folk to be in trouble
32:09 so you can get your shout on.
32:11 I feel like preaching here.
32:13 I don't need any envious people with me.
32:16 I need folk around me who are glad
32:19 when other folk are blessed.
32:22 Can I preach like I feel it?
32:24 We might as well have church here, Patrick.
32:26 Envy fails to see the blessing
32:29 that God puts in other people as a benefit
32:32 because when you are blessed, it benefits me.
32:36 It builds me up.
32:37 It increases my courage.
32:40 I don't care who kills Goliath long as he's dead.
32:43 I don't care who overcomes the situation
32:47 as long as I'm in the boat with you.
32:49 I don't care who wakes Jesus up
32:52 as long as he calms the strong.
32:55 And it increases praise
32:58 when I can praise him not only for myself,
33:01 but when I can praise him for what he's doing for you.
33:04 It increases praise.
33:07 What are you shouting about, Bishop?
33:10 I'm shouting about what God has done for you.
33:14 It hath come, it's not my turn yet to receive mine,
33:19 but it's my turn to shout because I see you happy.
33:24 What kind of fool would I be to be preaching my guts out
33:29 and get mad when you're blessed?
33:32 I don't care if your car is bigger than mine
33:35 because I'm shouting
33:36 because God brought you out of poverty
33:40 and put you into great wealth.
33:43 I feel this thing in here today.
33:45 Touch somebody, say to God be the glory.
33:48 God be the glory
33:51 because envy turns Romans upside down.
33:55 It said rejoice with those who rejoice
33:58 and weep with those who weep.
34:01 Don't rejoice with those who weep
34:04 and don't weep with those who rejoice.
34:07 Don't turn yourself upside down.
34:10 Stay in the place where God can bless you.
34:13 When something good happens to your brother,
34:16 give God the glory for him.
34:19 Don't get mad and give the devil praise.
34:22 I feel this thing in here today
34:24 because God told me this year
34:27 he's gonna bless some folk with happy marriages,
34:31 with great success financially
34:34 and I just got to prepare everybody
34:37 to handle everybody's blessing from God.
34:42 I feel the Holy Ghost here
34:44 and that's why folk look at you funny.
34:47 Touch somebody, say let them look funny.
34:50 I'm gonna enjoy what God did.
34:52 They wanna look you down.
34:55 They wanna slight you down.
34:57 They wanna talk you down.
35:00 Then they try to put you down.
35:02 They wanna strike you down, beat you down
35:05 but I want you to get up with me.
35:08 Don't pull me down, come up here
35:11 because if you're up on my level,
35:13 you ain't trying to pull me down.
35:16 It's folk that's under you
35:18 who's trying to pull you down
35:22 but the devil is alive
35:24 because God told me to tell you
35:26 no weapon formed against you shall prosper.
35:31 Can I preach like I want to?
35:34 Envy is a ugly thing
35:36 because folk don't want your man.
35:39 They just don't want you to have him.
35:42 They don't wanna suffer to work like you
35:45 but they don't want you to have the reward.
35:48 They don't want your house.
35:50 They just don't want you to have it.
35:52 Can I preach like I feel it?
35:54 They don't want your success
35:57 because they won't work hard enough to get it
35:59 and when God finally blesses you,
36:02 they got a whole lot to say about you
36:05 but God told me to tell you,
36:07 shout in their faces,
36:09 shout while they looking.
36:12 I'll prepare a table before you
36:15 in the presence of your enemies
36:17 and I'm glad you got the nerve
36:20 to eat while they talk.
36:23 Can I preach like I feel it?
36:25 I think I got the devil on the run.
36:27 Shake somebody's hand like you gonna shake it off
36:30 and said I'm glad for you.
36:32 I'm glad God turned your life around.
36:37 I'm glad God made you who you are.
36:41 Every time I look at you,
36:43 it brings joy to my spirit
36:46 because I'm so glad God brought you out.
36:50 Now you can pray for me.
36:52 Touch your neighbor.
36:54 Say when I get there,
36:56 I'll be praying for you.
36:58 It's my turn now
37:00 but I won't forget to call your name.
37:04 God has put me in position
37:07 to help you through yours
37:09 so now that I'm in place,
37:12 I'm gonna call your name.
37:14 God made a way to set me in place
37:18 so I can bless you
37:20 so you ought to praise him
37:22 because where he put me,
37:24 because where he put me,
37:26 it's gonna open a door for you.
37:29 Give somebody high five.
37:31 Say I'm on the way there
37:34 and when I get there,
37:35 I won't forget you
37:37 so be glad with me.
37:39 Get happy with me.
37:41 Have joy with me.
37:43 Lift me up and I'll lift you up.
37:47 Laugh with me and I'll laugh with you.
37:51 God will bless me
37:52 and God will bless you
37:54 'cause I'm so blessed.
37:56 He said I'll bless them
37:58 that bless you
38:00 and I'll curse them
38:01 that curse you.
38:03 God is on my side.
38:07 Give him the glory
38:10 for what he has done.
38:13 Lift him up.
38:14 Celebrate your brother.
38:16 Celebrate your sister.
38:18 I feel it in here.
38:20 I feel it.
38:21 Shake somebody's hand.
38:23 Say celebrate your brother.
38:25 Celebrate your sister.
38:27 Don't tear him down.
38:29 Hold him up.
38:30 Tell the devil,
38:32 get out of my brother's face.
38:34 Get out of my sister's house.
38:36 Get out of my sister's way.
38:38 Tell the devil
38:40 we've been made in door
38:44 for a night
38:45 but joy, joy, joy.
38:51 Touch these people.
38:53 Say I'm glad for you.
38:55 I'm glad for you.
38:56 I'm glad.
38:58 I'm glad.
38:59 I'm glad.
39:01 I'm glad.
39:02 Be happy.
39:04 Have joy.
39:05 Enjoy your life.
39:07 Live to the fullest.
39:08 Love who you love.
39:10 Walk with who you love.
39:11 Have a good life.
39:13 I'm happy.
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44:06 And I saw, I saw a strange phenomenon.
44:09 It was quite a lesson for me because I saw a person do their best to minimize who they
44:29 were so that other people could accept it.
44:38 It wasn't humility.
44:41 It was the dread of being disliked by others.
44:49 And the others were church people.
45:03 Whatever God has made you, whatever gifts He's given you, work it.
45:14 Work it.
45:22 I want you to take somebody's hand because this is serious business.
45:30 How much of your life are you going to give up so that envious people will be comfortable
45:39 with you?
45:43 I want you to understand this.
45:47 That sin that they have is not your problem.
46:00 Let them look at you any way they want to.
46:08 And if they don't want to talk to you, it's on them.
46:16 You just maintain your charitable spirit.
46:25 You pray for them.
46:27 If they need you and you can be there, be there.
46:32 But keep on walking in what God has done for you.
46:39 Because you cried, you fasted, you worked hard and you believed God for it.
46:49 And now that God is delivering it.
46:56 Get with those who can glorify Him with you.
47:03 Watch who you got on your list.
47:08 And it will sharpen and enhance who you are.
47:14 As you're touching somebody, we're going to pray.
47:17 And I'm praying that the Spirit finds its way out the door.
47:26 I want to celebrate with you.
47:30 I want you blessed.
47:32 I'm praying that your career spirals.
47:39 I'm praying that doors open for you everywhere you turn.
47:46 And I'll be happy when God brings you to the next level.
47:52 I've been praying for the Lord to send husbands in here.
47:56 I ain't talking about men, I'm saying husbands.
48:00 And I'm praying for the Lord to send some wives up in here.
48:02 I ain't talking about women.
48:05 Wives.
48:06 I'm praying God brings people together for happiness.
48:11 So that when we see your happiness, we can rejoice.
48:16 Long as you've been by yourself, your girlfriend shouldn't be mad if somebody starts calling
48:22 you.
48:23 I wish the devil is alive.
48:26 I want you happy.
48:27 Look at your neighbor and say, I want you happy.
48:29 I want you blessed.
48:32 And I want you rich.
48:34 Amen.
48:35 And I'll rejoice with you.
48:38 I won't be envious of you.
48:41 I'll perform the ceremony.
48:45 I'll dedicate the house.
48:47 Oh, bless the name of God.
48:49 Dear Father, we pray today for your children.
48:59 And we pray, Lord, that none of us will be infected.
49:04 And if there be any elements of it in this place, I pray right now that your blood eradicate
49:12 and eliminate that ugly sin of envy.
49:18 I will not talk my brother down.
49:21 I will not talk my sister down.
49:23 I will not give a compliment and then follow it with a big butt.
49:27 I won't do that, Lord.
49:29 I'll say the nice thing and I'll let the other thing completely go.
49:33 I pray now, Lord, I pray now that that man, that woman who's moving to the next level,
49:42 that they will not look around at how other people accept it, but that they will go forward
49:47 in the power of what you're doing.
49:50 I claim right now the victory for my brother and sister.
49:54 Take him off the bus, put him in a car, take her out of that apartment, put her in a house,
50:00 walk them out of that loneliness and put them in a good, happy relationship.
50:05 Take that poverty and turn it into riches.
50:07 And I claim it right now that when they walk in here, we all will rejoice until our turn
50:15 comes and we claim it done right now.
50:18 Somebody lose your hands and give God some glory.
50:21 Glory to his name.
50:24 Touch somebody.
50:26 Say God's getting ready to open it for me.
50:29 God's getting ready to bless it for me.
50:31 I'm getting ready to send it my way.
