Strengthening Accountability at the Federal Reserve: Lessons and Opportunities for Reform | 5/17/23

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United States Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
Economic Policy Subcommittee
Full Congressional Hearing

Date: Wednesday, May 17th, 2023
Time: 02:30 PM
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building 538

Member Statements:
Elizabeth Warren (D - MA)


Mr. Mark Bialek
Inspector General
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Dr. Peter Conti-Brown
Class of 1965 Associate Professor of Financial Regulation, Associate Professor of Legal Studies & Business Ethics
The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania

Dr. Paul H. Kupiec
Senior Fellow
American Enterprise Institute

Ms. Mayra Rodríguez Valladares
Managing Principal
MRV Associates

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