• 2 years ago
00:00 Hey guys, so welcome back to my channel
00:02 Today's video is going to be
00:05 just
00:07 super
00:08 Raw, like when I mean raw it's gonna be
00:10 I obviously have no makeup on right now
00:13 I'm, just I just woke up like I just literally finished washing my face off and stuff like that
00:19 um
00:22 And I just wanted to sit here and actually just talk about my hair
00:25 I've been wanting to do this video for like the longest time and I don't know why I just never get around it
00:30 My hair is short now, but it's been
00:33 through a lot. Um
00:36 See, let's just get started with the video. So i'm not sitting here like talking forever. Okay, so we're gonna start with
00:42 I had obviously if you had if you guys have been following me or subscribed to me for a while
00:48 You guys know that i've had
00:50 Long hair for a while and it was just long black hair. So
00:55 Um, like six seven months ago
00:59 Yeah, like six seven months ago. Maybe yeah, maybe eight seven. Okay seven. Um, I decided to just
01:07 Dye it a different color and you guys know black is really hard to just
01:13 Get rid of um
01:18 I wanted to go get it professionally done, but i'm stubborn as hell
01:21 and
01:23 I didn't want to spend the money on it
01:25 And I just didn't want to wait to save money for my hair if you guys know what I mean. So
01:30 I was like
01:33 I'm gonna just do it myself. I did a lot of research. I was researching about bleaching my hair and coloring
01:39 for a
01:41 Couple months before I actually did it. Um, then I was like, you know what like I feel like i'ma just
01:48 Go get it done like myself i'm just doing myself whatever so
01:52 Yeah
01:55 The process of doing that was just it was just horrible
01:58 um
02:02 I didn't think I thought I had really strong hair that it was just like my hair was
02:06 Gonna take it right, you know, um, so yeah
02:11 I used a bleach. I can't remember the name because I don't have the products anymore
02:16 But I used just uh, I think it was a l'oreal bleach. Um, I got everything from sally's also I got um
02:23 I think I got a dirty developer
02:27 which
02:30 Like it's
02:32 Pretty strong like dirty 40s like it would
02:36 There's possibility that it's gonna fuck up your hair
02:39 But since I was trying to get rid of black hair, I was just like, you know, why like
02:44 I'm gonna just get a dirty developer. So I got dirty developer the bleach
02:48 and I got um
02:51 A toner which was the wella
02:54 Toner it was like a silver toner because I was trying to go silver or white, you know, um
03:02 So yeah first time I bleached my hair
03:06 it was
03:09 Very
03:11 Uneven my hair didn't get damaged. So it was very uneven like
03:15 The top was like really orange
03:18 and then the bottom was like brownish and then blonde it was like a weird mix, so
03:25 Obviously I was just gonna have to bleach again now
03:30 I did when I was doing some research research. It did say that I should
03:36 wait
03:38 in between
03:39 Bleaches like the most three weeks a month
03:43 To bleach your hair again because and just you know between those three weeks or month or whatever
03:50 um
03:52 Just use stuff to get your hair like really healthy before
03:56 You bleach it again
03:58 so
03:59 My hair was looking horrible. It had like three different colors
04:02 so
04:04 my stubborn
04:06 I'm paid like i'm just not a patient person
04:08 So my stubborn self
04:11 bleached
04:13 my hair
04:14 two days later
04:16 And I bleached it again two days later
04:18 It was now when I bleached it the second time it got
04:24 It was more blonde, but it was also
04:28 Orange, so it did get lighter. It wasn't like there was no like bronze or anything
04:35 but it was like between
04:37 Blonde and orange
04:39 Still look pretty bad. Like it looked bad. Um
04:42 Now
04:47 It didn't look like horrible, but it did look like, you know, pretty bad
04:51 so
04:54 I'm just gonna sound so stupid like this whole video
04:56 but the only reason I want to tell you guys is because just so you guys don't make the same mistake because I know there's
05:02 people out there that are just like me who just can now wait and who just
05:07 Can't go out like looking crazy with their hair like that, you know
05:11 anyways
05:14 Um
05:16 So
05:18 I think it was three days later
05:20 I believe
05:23 I bleached it again. Um this time it actually did get um, it had like
05:31 Um, by the way
05:33 Second first and second bleach my hair wasn't like feeling like damaged
05:38 It was just feeling a little bit dry, but I was deep conditioning it. So
05:41 Um now the third time which was I think three days three days later now
05:47 Um, I bleached it again
05:49 It actually did get
05:51 Blonde but it was like a weird blonde like it had still some orange in it, but it wasn't
05:57 it wasn't looking as crazy as
06:01 um
06:02 As it was before
06:04 so by the third bleach
06:06 My hair started kind of
06:10 Falling off, um, and it was also feeling more damaged obviously third time in like probably a week
06:19 um
06:22 So yeah, I actually let my hair breathe for probably
06:24 A letter breathe for probably like a week
06:28 and um
06:32 Yeah, I was using the same product same bleach same toner same whatever
06:36 um
06:38 Yeah, but the third but the third time
06:40 No, I said the fourth time I let it breathe for probably
06:44 I think it was like a week or two
06:47 Then I went at it again
06:50 The fourth time that I bleached it now the fourth was
06:59 Like the last one it was really the last one I bleached it the fourth time and
07:05 My hair it got like just got fried
07:10 It didn't get like fried like crazy fried, but it got really damaged like
07:17 Really dry and it felt really shitty like it wasn't fried yet though. Um
07:23 So
07:26 Yeah, it was very just damaged it did get very light though. It got
07:31 It was like it was uneven but there were certain parts of my hair were like
07:37 They were like almost white
07:40 Some were just like just really really blonde almost white
07:44 so i'm like damn like
07:47 I hear I just kind of
07:49 made my hair worse so
07:53 I started treating it with some deep conditioners and whatever
07:56 um
07:58 And I found out about this product. It's called shimmer lights. It's a purple shampoo
08:03 and
08:05 Um, I heard the words on silver
08:07 Blonde hair whatever
08:09 so apparently it takes off takes out the brassiness or something like that and
08:15 I don't know all I was like all I was hearing was
08:22 Your hair is light enough so if you leave it on for like five minutes, it will turn silver
08:27 that's all I heard when they told me about when the lady told me about this product, so
08:31 um
08:33 I was like, you know what I did some I saw some youtube videos that they were just using that to turn the hair white or
08:39 Silver, so I bought it and
08:41 It was probably the best thing that i've ever bought
08:44 it was um
08:47 By the way, I just want to say that through the whole process my hair was long, right?
08:52 My hair my hair did as like ended up being like till here because my hair was falling off so much
08:59 that
09:00 My hair just got short by itself because of all the hair that was falling. But anyways, um
09:05 I started using shimmer lights
09:08 and
09:09 um
09:11 I used shimmer lights for like
09:13 I left it on the first time for like 10 20 minutes
09:17 And my hair seriously turned silver and purple
09:20 Which is some pictures that you guys have seen on my instagram if you are my instagram, you will see
09:26 Some pictures of it being like purple silverish or whatever
09:30 um
09:33 but now my hair was
09:35 Really damaged
09:36 So that's when I actually decided to go get a haircut
09:39 Which was up to here and if you guys go to my instagram
09:43 you guys will see my short like a little haircut that was like really short to like here and
09:49 Um
09:52 Yeah, so I started doing that I
09:55 Cut all the dead ends and stuff like that in my hair. I just got a shorter haircut. Um
10:03 Now my hair was fine. My I had my hair like that purple silverish
10:09 for about
10:11 Six months, I think yeah, six seven months. Um
10:15 And well, it doesn't feel like that long probably like five months six months, I don't know um
10:22 So yeah after that I was basically just like I wasn't putting anything else on my on my head
10:29 I was just using the shimmer lights the purple shampoo and that was basically like
10:34 It was just the best product i've ever come across like
10:38 It was just amazing because it wasn't really damaging my hair. But you know, I would have to touch it up like
10:43 More
10:46 um
10:47 But it wasn't damaging my hair. Like it's just a purple shampoo that actually colors your hair. So
10:52 Well, it doesn't color but you know, if you leave it long enough, it turns really purple though
10:57 And like it stains it which I actually used to do a lot too. I like that. Um
11:03 So sometimes I would have like silver and like the more like when you wash the purple off like after like four washes
11:09 It actually turns silver like it had like a little cute mix
11:14 So sometimes I would want like purple hair and then sometimes I want like silver and I can do that, you know
11:19 um
11:21 Yeah, that's probably the only product that I like through all of this. But anyways, my hair was really damaged. So
11:26 I had my short hair for about
11:32 Six weeks now
11:34 I was my roots were like obviously coming in so it was like my roots were black which I actually really liked, you know, um
11:41 but then
11:44 my dumb self
11:46 um
11:48 Tried bleaching it
11:52 I bleached my roots
11:57 And you would think right like it's new hair. It's gonna take it, you know
12:02 um, I bleached my roots and it was just
12:05 It didn't get damaged the first time I bleached my roots
12:08 But it got like it was like a like a weird orange color like it was just really weird
12:13 So my hair was like orange and like silver. It was just uh, um
12:18 And you know not like I didn't learn the first time, you know
12:23 I bleached my hair again
12:27 Two days later, duh
12:29 Um
12:32 So I bleached my roots again because it was looking just horrible like my roots
12:38 were looking
12:40 you know
12:41 like a weird color for some reason so
12:44 I did my hair again
12:47 and um, I bleached it for the second time
12:49 and
12:51 My hair got fried like it got like legit
12:56 fried the whole top and
13:00 my hair was just
13:02 damaged, um
13:04 I honestly thought I was gonna I was gonna have to shave
13:09 my whole head off like just shave it because
13:14 I didn't think it was gonna be fixable. Like
13:17 It was really bad. Um
13:20 So anyways
13:22 I was like damn what am I gonna do? I was that's when I started wearing wigs which
13:28 I started wearing wigs and I started falling in love for wigs and I was like going through a phase where I just wanted wigs
13:34 And I was buying wigs. So I started using the wig
13:37 And I was just like what do I do?
13:39 So in between me using wigs and everything I was I went to Sally's I bought more
13:44 deep conditioners hair mask
13:47 um
13:49 um
13:50 some treatments that they had, um
13:52 Stuff like that and I was just treating my hair like a lot
13:56 a lot for
14:00 properly
14:01 like a couple months, um
14:03 Non-stop, like I was consistent with it. I was treating it treating it treating it
14:07 and
14:09 and it did
14:11 Um, I did get to fix it
14:16 Um, but the top of my hair was like really short like all of these short hairs right here
14:21 that's
14:23 How much the bleach fried my hair because all the top got really short because I was losing all the hair
14:28 It broke my hair off
14:30 It was just
14:32 Oh my god, so
14:34 Um shimmer lights wasn't working anymore
14:39 um
14:42 Yeah, shimmer lights just wasn't working anymore and I was just like, uh, what do I do? My hair was just looking
14:48 blonde and silver and just
14:50 Oh, it was horrible
14:53 So after treating my hair or whatever
14:55 I um
14:58 It got better it wasn't fried anymore, but it was still very damaged so
15:06 After some thinking I obviously went back to blonde to black and I was like, i'm just going to cut it
15:13 I'm just going to cut it. Um
15:15 And i'ma just get a short haircut and which I love
15:20 She gave me like a boy cut. Um
15:22 Which I actually wanted I didn't want like a regular
15:25 pixie cut, you know, I wanted more like a boy cut and
15:29 She did a good job. And that's basically what my hair feels amazing now
15:34 Like it really does I still deep condition it. Um, obviously
15:37 But I felt like all of the bad hair is gone and i'm basically starting all over
15:44 Um, that's basically my hair
15:46 Journey, it was just so bad guys. Like seriously
15:50 if you want to do this yourself, I
15:53 Would tell you to either like do a lot of research
15:59 And
16:02 Just know that you have to be patient
16:05 That's all you're gonna go through weird stages when you bleach your hair depending what color you're like
16:13 What color you have?
16:15 so seriously
16:17 I think you can do it, but you just have to be patient
16:22 don't do what I did who was not patient and I did it like
16:26 Days later and I kept bleaching it and bleaching it because
16:32 You're really gonna mess up your hair and you're gonna end up like this
16:35 Or just get it professionally done. That's what I should have said in the first place get it professionally done. All i'm saying is
16:43 Don't be me
16:45 And do some research be patient if you can get it professionally done get it professionally done
16:50 they know better and
16:53 Honestly, I think that I I personally think you would save more money
16:58 Getting it professionally done
17:01 than
17:01 Doing it yourself because I if if I saved all the money that I used for my hair with bleach toners
17:08 developers and
17:11 hair dyes and
17:13 Treatments and everything I could have done this like I could have went and get it professionally done
17:18 I spent a lot of money on my hair and looking back. I could have just saved all the money and go get it done
17:25 By a professional and actually have long
17:29 Silver white hair right now, you know, but i'm kind of over like the whole silver white
17:33 um
17:36 Face or whatever. Everybody's doing it. It's getting old like move on anyways. Yeah, that's pretty much it. Um
17:42 Yeah
17:45 i'm, sorry if
17:47 um
17:49 I kind of sounded down to the whole video. I felt like I wasn't being as
17:56 Like hyper and like energized like I usually am
18:00 um
18:02 You know, like I said in the beginning of the video like this is a raw video. I'm probably not gonna do much editing. Um
18:09 And
18:12 You know i'm not having the greatest day and I don't even want to think about it but
18:18 um
18:20 Yeah, i'm not having the greatest day right now
18:23 But I still wanted to do this video. I feel like you know doing a video was gonna distract me from all this stuff
18:29 And I feel like crying now
18:31 but I just felt like it was gonna distract me from other stuff and
18:35 You know, I like doing videos I like editing so I was like, you know what I really want to get this video out
18:43 And it's just going to be a video of me no makeup on just talking to you guys explaining to you guys about my hair
18:49 um
18:51 You know, we can't all have good days and I feel like, you know, i've been having really good days for months now and i've been
18:58 Keeping such like a happy
19:01 um
19:04 I've been keeping like such a happy positive
19:07 vibe to my life and
19:10 I just feel like all really happy
19:13 and
19:16 I guess it's just one of those days where
19:19 You know, you just can't be happy all the time like you just have to let it out and i'm sorry
19:24 Sometimes you just have to let it out, you know, and
19:28 Not everybody's gonna have the greatest day and
19:33 You just have to do stuff to distract you from whatever is bothering you
19:40 only reason i'm sitting here like talking to you guys is because like
19:46 I'm talking to myself right now. I'm talking to the camera, but I know i'm gonna be like i'm talking to you guys
19:52 I know that like you guys are gonna see this i'm not afraid to show anything. I'm not saying
19:57 My life is horrible or anything. Like I think
20:01 I'm doing a pretty good job with my life and my life is going good. It's just like, you know, it's just one of those days that
20:08 I'm just not feeling myself right now. Um
20:14 And making a video seriously makes me feel so much better like
20:20 Also, I don't want nobody to see this part of the video I don't even know if i'm gonna leave it in but
20:29 I don't want nobody to see this part of the video and think like
20:34 And feel bad for me because like honestly
20:39 Like seriously, we all have those kind of days and you know, you can't judge just because i'm showing you guys, you know
20:45 that
20:47 I'm, not always like happy maria. I'm not always hyper maria. Like this is me like i'm a real person
20:53 I don't have good days every day, you know, and
20:57 I've been having really
21:01 A really good
21:05 few months
21:06 I haven't been getting
21:08 Angry, I haven't been getting upset
21:10 All I want to say is that it's okay to
21:14 Be upset it's okay to be angry sometimes it's okay not to have a good day and
21:23 You know
21:27 It doesn't mean you have a horrible life. It's just like, you know
21:29 we all just don't have good days and i'm just having a good day and
21:36 It feels good to sit here right now and talk to you guys
21:38 um
21:41 And kind of let it out. Like i'm not afraid
21:43 To say anything. I just feel like i'm talking to somebody, you know
21:48 I should just like stop
21:51 I'm done. Um
21:55 Yeah
21:57 Surprise, I actually got through the whole video without even crying because I was thinking about all this stuff the whole time
22:05 um
22:07 Okay, i'm good
22:09 All right guys, so I really hope I helped you guys in some type of way I hope that um
22:15 This video was helpful, um
22:19 So, yeah, I hope this video was helpful and
22:24 You guys don't make the same mistakes I do or whatever. I know some of you wanted to know
22:29 I mean like the whole
22:32 my whole hair journey because
22:34 My hair has been through a lot. Um
22:37 So, yeah, I really
22:42 Hope you guys like it. Please give it a thumbs up. Um subscribe if you want to
22:48 So i'm just gonna go edit this video now and i'll talk to you guys on my next one. Bye guys. I love you
22:53 (gulping)