• 2 years ago
Discover the top 10 countries that have shown unwavering support for Pakistan throughout history. In this video, we delve into the diplomatic relationships and alliances that have strengthened Pakistan's position on the global stage. From economic cooperation to military assistance, these countries have played pivotal roles in shaping Pakistan's development and security. Join us as we explore the close ties between Pakistan and China, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iran, Malaysia, UAE, Qatar, Indonesia, Egypt, and Afghanistan. Gain valuable insights into the cultural, economic, and strategic partnerships that have cemented these alliances. Whether you're interested in international relations, geopolitical dynamics, or simply curious about Pakistan's friends, this video provides an in-depth analysis of the countries that support Pakistan. Don't miss out on this captivating exploration of diplomatic bonds and cooperation. Like, share, and subscribe for more fascinating content on global affairs and world politics

Top 10 countries, Support Pakistan,
Pakistan's allies, Pakistan's friends,
Diplomatic relationships, Global alliances,
Geopolitical support, International cooperation,
Pakistan's international partners, Strongest supporters of Pakistan,
Top countries supporting Pakistan,
Pakistan's strongest allies,
Friendliest nations to Pakistan,
Countries with strong ties to Pakistan,
Pakistan's key supporters worldwide,
Most supportive countries towards Pakistan,
Ranking of countries supporting Pakistan,
Pakistan's closest diplomatic partners,
International allies of Pakistan,
Countries backing Pakistan's interests,

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#afghanistan #malaysia #china #uae #uk #usa #saudiarabia #uae #turkey #indonesia #iran #qatar #egypt


