• 2 years ago
Hello Bookstore Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Synopsis:
In the shadow of adversity, a small town rallies to protect a beloved local bookstore in its hour of need. A landmark in Lenox, Massachusetts, The bookstore is a magical, beatnik gem thanks to its owner Matt Tannenbaum, whose passion for stories runs deep. Presiding at The Bookstore for over forty years, Matt is a true bard of the Berkshires and his shop is the kind of place to get lost in. This intimate portrait of The Bookstore and the family at its heart offers a journey through good times, hard times and the stories hidden on the shelves.

Directed by A.B. Zax

Starring Matt Tannenbaum

"A fascinating, insightful and absorbing documentary" Sorted
“A cosy bundle of joy that surprisingly encourages you to stay positive through and through.” into:screens
"Charming, life-affirming and sweet" Entertainment News
“A storyteller's tale; a beguiling portrait of a man who lives to do what he loves.” Eye for Film