What's in my makeup bag

  • last year
00:00 Hey guys! Today I'll be showing you what's in my makeup bag.
00:07 So as you can see this is a Zoella makeup bag because she's one of my favourite YouTubers but not my favourite.
00:16 Sorry about my hair, I just woke up. So let's get started.
00:23 First I have, I think it's mascara, I'm not sure. Here.
00:31 And it's one of my favourites because it's skinny and I like the skinny ones but the fat ones are my favourite.
00:38 It's really nice. So I love it.
00:42 Now you look over here and I have another mascara. It's not pink but just the cover.
00:50 And this is from MAC's Volume Flash Full Proof Mascara.
00:57 And this is my favourite because as you can see it has a really flat brush and I really like the flat brushes.
01:05 They're easiest to get into your eyelashes don't you think?
01:09 Next I have a true match. You can't really see but it's a bit darker than this. It's bronzer and foundation.
01:25 So as you look over here I have these two things. They're really cool.
01:34 Sorry about the light, you can't really see the designs. This one here is smoothing and illuminating cream for your face when you're going out and stuff.
01:44 And this one is Nourishing Blem everyday mutual skin.
01:55 And you look over here I have another mascara. Sorry most of these are empty but this one, this colour is kind of red.
02:08 You can't really see because of the camera lighting but yeah.
02:17 You look here. We have another mascara. It's pure black so yeah. Sorry about all the mascaras. They're empty most of them.
02:29 So here are lip balms. It's really nice, it's pink and it really smells like cherries. It's so good.
02:38 So yeah and that's from Maybelline or something, New York. Baby lips.
02:46 And here you look and this is really difficult to open which I hate about this one.
02:52 But I can't open it, sorry. Let me try. Gosh it was the wrong way. So there we go.
03:01 And this is eye shadow but it's just making yourself a bit darker and stuff.
03:08 And oh my gosh this also smells a bit cherry for some reason. I'm not sure.
03:15 And you look here. It's a little mirror. It's really cute.
03:22 And yeah it's really cute. And it's just a little dog mirror and when you're doing your makeup so you can see around.
03:30 So here I have a lipstick. Not my favourite, not my least favourite but it's okay.
03:37 It's a brush and as you can see it also smells like cherries and it's really good.
03:42 Just, I'm not putting much on so it's all odd. So sorry.
03:48 And here is another lipstick. The same colour. Just smells like lipstick. How amazing is that?
03:57 It's pink. It's also like lip balm from Pink Lips again but it's not lip balm.
04:04 But you know. Awkward silence.
04:08 Anyways back to where we were. We are here.
04:11 We're here and it's just a bit messy but yeah it's meant for just rolling on yourself and stuff.
04:23 So these little rolly bits you know. Just yeah.
04:27 Very messy that one is. And here it's really nice but the skin colour it's a bit darker but as you can see the lighting.
04:35 I'm sorry about that. And it's True Match. Super blendable. Matches the colour. I'm Texas.
04:42 SPF 17 and this is for from Laurier or something.
04:49 And yeah so.
04:53 This is the squirtable one as you can see that. Nice.
05:01 Here we look on the other thing we still had.
05:05 Nourishing Blam. Blah blah blah. Very dry. Neutral skin.
05:12 And yeah. Now this one. It was really really expensive.
05:18 It's from MAC as you can see there. MAC.
05:22 And yeah. It's very messy so I have to be really careful.
05:27 It's like dust and it's eyeshadow. Yeah. Eyeshadow.
05:32 And now you look here and it's just lip balm. You see this lip balm.
05:38 Smells like Coca Cola and yeah. It's kind of like Beaches.
05:43 So. Now we look here. I have another.
05:48 New Jean Pure BB. 8 in 1 BB Cream.
05:54 And it's from Maybelle New York 2.
05:58 And it's really nice colour. This is my favourite.
06:02 Let me just get some here. You see here. It's my favourite. And it really blends into my skin. It does.
06:09 It's really nice. So this is my favourite one that I have.
06:14 So yeah. And I'll just blend it in here so you can properly see.
06:19 See here. It's a nice colour.
06:25 Okay. So next one I have is lipstick but it's the squirty one.
06:31 And sorry but the stuff ripped off from where it came from so I can't tell you that.
06:36 And here it is. It's a nice little lipstick that you can just put on.
06:40 It's really cool. Yeah.
06:44 So you look over here and I found this.
06:48 It is a city style lipstick.
06:52 It's basically just a nice pink lip balm for the days you're just going out but you're not in the mood for wearing too much lipstick.
07:05 So here this was I got this like a year ago. I haven't really used it at all.
07:11 It's like an ice cream. It's pretty cute. So I got it.
07:15 My friend gave it to me and it's lipstick.
07:19 It smells like bubble gum which I really like about that.
07:22 So yeah.
07:25 Now here is my brush for when I'm using my stuff.
07:33 Like for an example when I'm putting some powder foundation on I need this to use it.
07:39 And it's a really nice brush. And I really like it because it's fat so it's easier.
07:43 All them skinny brushes don't really help you now.
07:46 So you look over here and I still have the 11.99 tag on it. So I'm sorry about that.
07:53 This is from Maybella New York again which is that's where I get all my foundations.
07:58 Because they know my colour really easily so it's the best place to get it.
08:03 So here it's really nice Dream Mattie Mouse.
08:07 And yeah.
08:09 It's kind of powdery. It depends the way you use it.
08:15 It looks it's powdery and not powdery if you know what I mean.
08:19 It's mousse. Yeah it's the mousse one.
08:22 So yeah.
08:25 And now you look here I have another one of these.
08:29 My fourth one.
08:31 Smoothing and limiting skin again because all these tubs are getting emptied.
08:37 And here I just have another brush.
08:40 This brush is actually mostly for doing your eyelids.
08:46 Yeah.
08:47 And it's also you don't dip it in.
08:50 It's just black. It's black already.
08:53 There's already stuff on it. You see.
08:55 It doesn't come off. You kind of squeeze it.
08:57 And here is another beautiful brush for your eyelids.
09:03 Here is when you want to kind of use the brush side.
09:06 I actually use this side for lipstick to be honest.
09:09 And this side I use for my eyelashes too.
09:12 When I'm not in the mood for using black and stuff.
09:15 Yeah and I have another one here for my eyelashes.
09:19 And next I have another MAC one which is also very expensive.
09:25 You can see it's MAC. If you can see it there.
09:29 MAC yes.
09:30 And I'll open it carefully just in case it's all powdered up.
09:34 No it's not.
09:36 And this one is really nice.
09:39 It's actually kind of creamy stuff.
09:41 It's like it's really hard to get off.
09:44 So very very hard.
09:45 All these MAC stuff are so hard to get off.
09:47 But they're really beautiful too.
09:49 So that was my MAC.
09:52 So that was the last one.
09:55 I hope you all enjoyed what was in my makeup box.
09:59 Thanks for watching.
10:01 Please subscribe, like and comment what your favorite lipstick was out of my stuff.
10:07 So yeah. Bye.
10:13 And so if you look here we have lipstick.
10:17 It's a light shine lipgloss.
10:21 And I'll just put a bit on to show you.
10:25 And so if you look here I have volume million.
10:36 Yeah so I have this here.
10:40 I use this for like when I'm trying to spread my makeup and stuff.
10:43 So you can just go like.
10:45 And so if you look here I have a lipstick.
10:53 Baby Lips and Maybelle New York.
10:59 So here it's like a pink lipstick.
11:02 And it actually smells really great.
11:05 Like smells so great.
11:07 Let me just turn it on.
11:10 Okay so now you look here.
11:14 And what can I see.
11:16 True Match which is my favorite because really it is a true match.
11:21 I've only tried it on once but I haven't really properly looked at it.
11:25 So I'm sure it will match me perfectly.
11:27 Because I trust my shop.
11:29 My shop everything.
11:31 It hasn't got one thing wrong ever.
11:33 So this is like a perfect match for me as the name already says.
11:37 Sounds so weird.
11:39 Yeah so let me get some of it here.
11:45 As you can see it there.
11:52 Can you see it?
11:53 Yeah you can see it.
11:54 It's a nice color.
11:56 Let me just give it a rub in.
11:59 Okay.
12:04 Oh shit.
12:07 And so this is.
12:11 This video is not going to work is it?
12:16 No.
12:18 Not at all.
12:19 Oh my god.
12:21 And so here when you look you can see that it's.
12:29 What is it?
12:31 Yeah it's this.
12:32 It's a.
12:35 It smells like Coca-Cola and yeah it's really good.
12:38 So it's like one of my favorites.
12:40 It's just lip balm for whenever you go out.
12:42 And as you can see here it's like easy to do stuff and stuff like that.
12:46 Oh shit.
