Muhabbat Gumshuda Meri - Ep 04 - [Eng Sub] - Digitally Presented by Sunsilk, Powered by LUX - 19th May 2023

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Written By Rahat Jabeen | Directed By Shahid Shafaat
Starring:-Khushhal Khan, Dananeer Mobeen, Omair Rana, Farah Sadia, Ayesha Toor, Ali Tahir, Leyla Zuberi, Ali Raza,Naureen Gulwani,Agha Ali,Munawwar Afridi.
00:13Look at this screen shot.
00:16Whose is it?
00:17Uh, of Zoobi and Shaheer.
00:20What are you saying?
00:23You are not the girl I had fallen in love with….
00:27You are the girl who I have started to hate.
00:31Don’t come in my presence again.
00:35I’ll kill you!
00:45Roshna …He hates me now.
00:51Can you believe it?
00:52He hates me.
00:54Well then, Zoobi, to hell with it.
00:56The person who doesn’t respect you,
00:58doesn’t believe in you; you’re crying for him?
01:01Roshna, he did not listen to anything I said.
01:05Please, talk to him.
01:07Make him understand that it isn’t anything like he is assuming it to be.
01:10Man, Zoobi, end it.
01:12Consider it as a sign from God….
01:13and step back.
01:17Roshna, he assumes that I’m the sort of girl who would befriend any guy.
01:23I’m not like that!
01:25Yes, Zoobi,
01:26You are not like that …
01:28and you will not become that just because he assumes that you are.
01:31What should I do?
01:33Stop shedding tears for that mindless fellow.
01:46What do you mean?
01:48is not going to come to dinner?
01:50I had asked her to come, Uncle.
01:52She said that she wasn’t feeling well.
01:53She didn’t want to have any dinner.
01:55What’s wrong with her health?
01:57It’s just that…
01:58No, nothing has happened.
01:59She’s just feeling a little weak.
02:01Please, serve yourself some dinner.
02:02In the event of going to College, she doesn’t eat or drink anything.
02:05This condition is bound to happen.
02:06It’s amazing, by the way.
02:07The child is ill and you guys are busy with your own remedies. Take her to see the Doctor.
02:12Oh, God forbid, it is not any sort of serious illness.
02:15It could be though, isn’t it?
02:16I’ll go and see to her.
02:18Oh, forget it, man!
02:19You are reminded when I have mentioned it!
02:21I have not seen that child’s face since yesterday.
02:24She is lying sick in bed.
02:25She’s not feeling well and all of you are sitting here enjoying your dinner!
02:29What sort of behavior is this?
02:30Go ahead and enjoy your meal!
02:36What exactly has happened to her?
03:02Yes, Uncle?
03:04My doll,
03:06what’s the matter, my child? Are you feeling alright?
03:08Yes, Uncle. I was just feeling a little weak.
03:13It’s awesome by the way.
03:15The father runs a business in dry fruits and nuts and the daughter is feeling weak!
03:19I’ll go ask your mother right now.
03:20No, no!
03:21You already know that she gives me some every day.
03:23It’s just me who doesn’t like to eat them.
03:27What’s the matter?
03:28You seem a bit sad to me.
03:32My child, if there’s anything in your heart and if anyone has said something to you,
03:36then, please, you can share it with me.
03:40No, Uncle….I’m fine.
03:43If you’re fine, then why is my doll looking so sad?
03:48I’ll be alright.
03:50Okay, fine.
03:50Then come have dinner with us and let’s chat a bit.
03:55Uncle, I’m in no mood to have anything to eat at all.
03:59But I promise I will have breakfast with you in the morning.
04:03For sure?
04:07but …..
04:08before that, we go to see the Doctor first.
04:10My child, one doesn’t just get the feeling of weakness without any reason, right?
04:12There’s no need for that at all. I’m perfectly fine.
04:16But Roshna was saying that….
04:17Roshna just likes to talk for no reason.
04:20Alright then,
04:22you take some rest.
04:23We will meet at breakfast in the morning by the Grace of God, right?
04:26Okay, good night.
04:27Take care, my dear child.
04:45What are you doing here?
04:46Saim, I have to talk to you.
04:48I don’t want to hear anything.
04:48Saim, please! You have to listen.
04:52I had no clue that he was someone else.
04:54I swear to you!
04:55I swear to you that if I had known that he was some other guy,
04:58I would never have replied to him!
05:00Please! You have to trust me!
05:03Is that it?
05:05Are you done?
05:07What did you think? You’ll come here, give me your lame excuses and I will be fine with it?
05:12No girl is that negligent.
05:18Go away from here.
05:21Fine then I will leave.
05:22No girl is that negligent, but the one who falls in love.
05:30Which love?
05:32The one you had for me?
05:34Or the one which you had for Shaheer?
05:36Saim, please do stop it, man!
05:39How many accusations are you going to throw at me? I can’t bear it!
05:42Leave me alone.
05:45Saim, I will die.
05:47Go ahead and die.
06:02In my opinion he has said everything.
06:06Therefore, come to your senses.
06:09Just look at your age and your actions.
06:11Do not spoil my son along with yourself!
06:15You are young so I feel pity for you.
06:18Otherwise, I seriously feel like going to your house
06:20and telling your entire family about what you are doing.
06:25But then, I also think that you do not care at all for your own regard and respect!
06:32Do not come into my son’s life time and again!
06:35He’s at an age where he needs to study.
06:38Go to your house and do not come here ever again!
06:55Don’t know what’s happened to my dear daughter!
06:58The fever isn’t breaking.
07:01Zoobi, my dear child,
07:02open your eyes and look at me atleast!
07:06Have you called Sarmad over the phone?
07:08Tell him to come and quickly take her to the Doctor.
07:10Yes, I have.
07:12He’s on his way.
07:13Don’t know whose evil eye has fallen upon my child ….
07:16for her to be bed ridden when she’s such a joyful child.
07:22my dearest child…
07:29Mom, I’m not that kind of girl.
07:34Why is she saying that?
07:35Has someone said something to her or what?
07:39What is anyone going to say, Sister?
07:42Have I left anything lacking for anyone else?
07:44How I was suspicious of my own innocent child!
07:47I have gone so far as to slap her across the face.
07:49Don’t know what this innocent child has had to go through!
07:55Well, you guys are sitting here
07:57What’s wrong with my child?
07:59She’s very hot!
08:00Her fever isn’t breaking.
08:02Why didn’t you tell me?
08:03I assumed it was just a normal usual temperature.
08:05I thought…
08:06You should have called me then! You should have called me immediately at that time.
08:09Sarmad, take her to see the Doctor quickly.
08:11Yes, absolutely.
08:12Come on …Come on, Come on get up.
08:14Come along…. Good girl… Zoobi
08:15Come…Come… Good girl…
08:33How can you cheat me, man?
08:35How can you be drawn towards someone else?
08:42If someone else had said it…I wouldn’t have believed it, but I just saw it with my own eyes.
08:48I wish I had not seen it.
08:51It would have been better if it had remained hidden from me.
09:34She’s sleeping peacefully after she has cheated me!
09:56The temperature is quite low.
09:57There’s just some weakness left which will go away in a few days.
10:00Her BP is normal as well.
10:02Thank you, Doctor.
10:05Thank God you’re fine.
10:08You frightened everyone!
10:10Please don’t do anything like this, Zoobi.
10:13Roshna, he told me to go ahead and die.
10:17Just because he said go ahead and die, are you going to die then?
10:18And what about all the family members that are praying for you to live?
10:21Are you not going to live for them?
10:23You’re weirdly selfish!
10:25Where’s your self-respect, Zoobi?
10:26Don’t ever turn back to look at someone who degrades you like this!
10:32What should I do, Roshna? He had told me that he loved me and now…I don’t know.
10:38No, he does not.
10:39If he loved you,
10:40then he would not have accused you.
10:41He wouldn’t have been suspicious of you like this.
10:43There are no accusations and suspicion in love, Zoobi.
10:45Then why were you suspicious of Brother Daniyal?
10:50Come along now.
10:53Man, I have personally talked to Shaheer.
10:55He admitted himself that he wasn’t friends with Zobia in any way.
11:00Zobia had responded to a few of his messages,
11:03but when she understood she had retreated.
11:12What have I done, man?
11:16I gave her so much grief…
11:20This is what should happen to an impulsive man like you.
11:23Now suffer the consequences.
12:43Uncle, where are you going?
12:45Dear…I’m going to the market to get some groceries.
12:48: Uh, Zoo….
12:50What happened to Zobia?
12:52Don’t what rascal’s evil eye fell upon her.
12:54She was nice being mischievous and laughing all day.
12:56The dear child has withered.
12:58She has been in the Hospital for the past two days.
13:01Two days?
13:02Her fever just wouldn’t come down.
13:05How is she now?
13:06It’s just that…
13:08she has become very weak.
13:10She just lies around being quiet;
13:12doesn’t eat or drink anything; don’t know what has happened to her.
13:15She has inflicted sorrow upon herself.
13:17May God keep her in His safekeeping!
13:21Don’t know which envious people’s evil eye has befallen upon her.
13:24Okay, child,
13:25I have to go to the market.
13:30It wasn’t the envious people,
13:32they were my words that ate her up inside.
13:39How many more have you fooled apart from me?
13:42But you turned out exactly like the way Shaheer said you were!
13:45You are not the girl whom I had loved!
13:48You are the girl who I have started to hate!
13:51Don’t come in my presence again.
13:53I’ll kill you!
13:56No girl is that negligent.
13:58No girl is that negligent, but the one who falls in love.
14:02Leave me alone.
14:03Saim, I will die.
14:05Go ahead and die.
14:38Hold on.
14:39It is going to hurt a little.
14:42Murad, I said whatever came to my mind.
14:46I said so much to her. She couldn’t bear it. She landed at the Hospital.
14:53I was right there …
14:56yet I didn’t know anything either.
15:00Is this the kind of love I have?
15:04Look, Saim,
15:07admitted you made a mistake,
15:08but what will you gain by sitting around out here?
15:12It didn’t take you a second to accuse her…
15:15Then why are you taking so much time to apologize?
15:17Go and ask her for forgiveness.
15:19I don’t have the courage to do so, man.
15:21How will I face her?
15:24How will I…?
15:26Saim…Now that is your problem.
15:34Show me that.
15:43Your Mom’s calling.
15:50Greetings, Aunty.
15:51Greetings to you too.
15:52Where’s Saim?
15:54Aunty, he is with me.
15:56He had quite a loss.
15:58That is why we were doing combined studies.
16:00Okay, good…good
16:01Uh, let me talk to him.
16:02Uh, sure.
16:03He has gone to the washroom
16:04I’ll have him talk to you as soon as he comes back.
16:07Alright, okay, bye.
16:19What are you thinking about now?
16:24will she pardon me?
16:26will she forgive me?
16:29What can I say?
16:30It’s your luck.
16:37Oh, leave that, man!
17:16I’m going to sit on that?
17:18How will I….sit on this?
17:20You will sit on this.
17:22I’m not getting on that.
17:24Alright, then you can walk on foot.
17:37I’ll get on it, but under one condition.
17:39You’ll drive slowly!
17:40I cannot drive this thing slowly.
17:41This isn’t a time to joke
17:43Don’t worry.
17:44I won’t let you fall.
17:45If it comes to that, we’ll both fall together.
17:46Meaning that it is necessary to fall!
17:48Get on it.
17:50I am getting on it, man!
17:56Fine, I’m getting on it. Look forward!
18:09It’s very high! What if someone sees us?
18:11No one will see! Hold on tight.
18:14I didn’t ask you to strangle me!
18:15If you don’t drive slow then I will really strangle you!
18:18We’ll both fall if you strangle me. Loosen it a bit.
18:26Saim, drive slow, please!
18:27Yes, sure I’ll drive slow….
19:13Are you alright?
19:13My hand…
19:16Do I look alright to you?
19:19Show it here.
19:20Oh, it’s nothing.
19:21It’s just a slight scrape.
19:22Leave it!
19:23You neither wear a helmet nor do you let me wear one!
19:28Is it okay now?
19:29Let it be.
19:31All of this happened because of you!
19:32I’ve been driving a bike for a long time. I’ve never fallen once, but look, we fell today!
19:34What did I do?!
19:35I’m not used to driving the bike at a slow speed. I cannot drive it like that!
19:38And you were shouting at the back to drive slowly or we’ll fall, right?
19:41Here, we have fallen!
19:42Yeah, I’m so good that whatever I say turns out true, right?
19:44That is true too.
19:45How rude!
19:49And you had me fall off your heart and mind, Saim.
19:58What are you doing here?
20:00What is….
20:01Saim, please leave.
20:04I have to talk to you.
20:07I’m sorry…
20:10Why’re you sorry?
20:13I’m the kind of girl….
20:14who is characterless,
20:15who befriended your friends,
20:18who cheats on you and whom you hate, right?
20:20No, I was talking nonsense…..It was all nonsense.
20:23No matter what you do
20:24Curse me, hit me, throw me out of your house, but, please, forgive me.
20:29Saim, forgiving you is a far cry….I don’t even want to look at your face.
20:34Go away from here.
20:37I will not leave.
20:39Alright then. I’ll leave.
20:41I will not leave until you forgive me.
20:44What are you doing here?
20:46What more is left to do now?
20:48Are you going to take her life?
20:49Roshna, listen to me…
20:51please get out of here.
20:53I love her.
20:54I curse such love, man,
20:56which you have turned into a spectacle.
20:58It is love at some of the time, hatred at other times.
21:01That I cannot do, Saim.
21:04Now, I neither want your hatred nor your love.
21:08So, please, kindly leave.
21:41you did the right thing.
21:43The person who does not respect you….
21:45There’s no need to respect him either
21:49Do not have any association with him now.
22:31Yes, Dad?
22:32Lie down…Keep lying down..
22:39Yes, Dad.
22:40How are you feeling now?
22:41I’m fine.
22:43If it’s fine,
22:45then why don’t you come outside?
22:47Dad, I just didn’t feel like it.
22:50You didn’t feel like it…
22:54If there’s something in your heart then, my dear, you can tell me.
22:58Do you want anything?
23:01Any requests?
23:04Are you having difficulties with your studies?
23:08My dear, please say something….That way…
23:14It’s nothing, Dad.
23:15I was just feeling a little weak so I came to lay down for a bit.
23:20You are the light of my eye.
23:23You look nice laughing, smiling ….
23:25and shining bright.
23:28By the way, Dad,
23:29Zoobi is everything to you.
23:31You have never loved me so much.
23:33No, It’s nothing like that at all. You are my child as well.
23:37But less than Zoobi.
23:39That’s because she’s the little one.
23:41That’s what she takes advantage of!
23:43Just look at her now.
23:44She neither has a fever nor anything else.
23:45Just lying down resting and having everyone serve her.
23:47Yes, that is wrong.
23:49Your sister is absolutely right. There are ongoing preparations for her wedding.
23:52You should get up,
23:53have courage and help out with everyone.
23:57Have her drink some milk.
23:58Now get up. Have a little courage, right?
24:07Just see,
24:09how worried everyone is!
24:10And you’re lying here…
24:12Let go of it all now.
24:14Guys are like that.
24:16Roshna, I have lost a very valuable friend whom I will never get back.
24:22but you’re not going to hurt the rest of the people because of that, right?
24:25Go to College, make new friends, everything will gradually get better.
24:29I promise.
24:34Roshna, you are a very good sister.
24:37Well, atleast you realized it!
24:41Get up now.
24:41Come on.
24:46I shouldn’t have done it like that…
24:49Even if I did have some misapprehension, a misunderstanding,
24:51then I should have talked to her.
24:54Now, no matter what Zoo does is acceptable.
24:57I deserve this.
25:01What is your problem?!
25:03Do you not have any realization in the slightest bit?
25:05People live all around you!
25:06This instrument you have is driving me crazy!
25:10It seems as if someone is hammering a nail into my skull!
25:13If I hear the sound of this thing again, then I will get into your house and break it!
25:26Anything else?
25:30I swear if you ask me, ‘Saim, jump off the balcony’, then I will jump.
25:40Listen to me…. Zoo….
26:06Why did you have to drop that?
26:09You are crazy, man….
26:24You keep making one mistake after another, Saim.
26:26Mistake after mistake…. Mistake over mistake…
26:27Mistake over mistake…The mistakes will keep increasing in this manner.
26:29How will you make everything right? How is she going to accept you like this?
26:32You keep pushing her away…..You just keep pushing her away every time… every time!
26:39What was the need for you….
26:40to throw that bracelet?
26:45You’ve known her since your childhood….So why would you listen to a third person?
26:49Why would you listen to a third person?
26:51Anyone can come and say anything and you will accept what he said…
26:56What do I think of now?
27:02Just think it out….
27:16Okay… now think…
27:23How do I make this right?
27:25Something has to be done.
27:32You will have to put in more efforts…it will be done.
27:33Everything will be done….
27:41Look guys,
27:42I can’t see him like this, man.
27:44Well then, don’t look at him, Ali.
27:45In fact, do one thing. Close your eyes.
27:49We’ll have to do something.
27:50Then go and do it.
27:51What are you doing sitting here?
27:57What should I do?
27:58Well then, why are you saying it?
28:04Let him go.
28:05Think of him as a kid and let him go.
28:13Uh, Saim,
28:15where are you going?
28:17I’m just going for rehearsals.
28:19It’s sports day,
28:19so I have to record its title song.
28:21Oh, wow! That’s great!
28:23So, you guys have fun.
28:25See you around.
28:27Guys, let’s move.
29:08What’s this?
29:09Bro, this is, ‘A hundred ways to make up with a girl’.
29:13You mischievous guy…
29:14Have you guys been watching movies all night?
29:16Look, Saim.
29:18Girls nowadays do not agree to get back if you just say, ‘I’m sorry.’
29:20So, what else? Do they make you draw lines with your nose then?
29:22Yeah, he usually draws them too!
29:24Man, it’s not like that either.
29:26the solution to your problem lies in that.
29:28And what if you guys do not patch up after that either?
29:30What then?
29:32Then don’t come to us making that foolish face.
29:35You guys find this funny? You’re making fun of me, huh?
29:37Man, seriously!
29:38Look here… here…
29:40We care about you. That’s why we’re doing all this.
29:43Sure, I can see how much you guys care…
29:44Hey. I’m serious.
29:45Hey…Shut up…
29:46Oh, hello?
29:47Don’t be rude, man!
29:48What’s wrong with him?
29:50Bro, chill out for a bit….
29:52Get lost
29:52Hey Hey
29:54What’s up with him?
29:55We are so serious about him and he is….
33:35What should I do?
33:37When someone realizes their mistake …
33:40and he is feeling guilty as well,
33:42then I think he should be forgiven.
33:46After all,
33:47Roshna had also forgiven Brother Daniyal.
33:51I think I should give him one chance,
33:54but if he makes such a mistake again, then I will never forgive him!
34:07I have to talk to you about something.
34:08I don’t want to discuss anything….Please leave.
34:39I will keep asking you for forgiveness till my last breath.
34:42Whenever I feel hurt by your attitude towards me,
34:44all I do is recall my own abhorrent & poisonous words that I said to you.
35:18Zoobi… Zoobi!
35:20What’s the matter?
35:21Open this door!
35:22What is this sound?
35:24What is this shouting and noise about?!
35:27Zoobi, open this door.
35:27What has happened?
35:29Lord have Mercy!
35:29What’s wrong?
35:32what’s the matter, my child?
35:33What’s wrong?
35:34Answer me!
35:38Where’s the key to this room?
35:39What happened?
35:40The keys…
35:41Go get the keys to this room.
35:42Roshna, get the keys.
35:43Get the keys!
35:43What are you all just mumbling about?
35:44What happened?
